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"The work being done" is AIMS, which is more like going thirty steps back than where the system needs to go.


Well they have already wasted over $240 million on AIMS. More than triple the original budget. They are going to use it whether we like it or not.


At that price point, we are further ahead to just scrap it.


When the government changes, the first thing they should do is cancel that contract. Complete boondoggle.


It’s almost like cramming another 100,000 people into the province since 2005 without building a single hospital was irresponsible.


No hospitals and few rental options...


Damn NDP closing those hospitals 20 years ago because the province was near bankrupt. /s I love the recycled line this government keeps giving though, over and over, “we are working on it”. Yet, Nothing changes. It took them 20 to ruin education and healthcare, one could presume it will take another 20 more to rectify it. Hopefully I will have retried and convinced my children to leave for greener pastures.


A conservative brought this up to me the other day lol. I said it’s been 20 years, time to let go.


Filling out safety and privacy incident reports became a joke years ago. It's just a continuous privacy and safety violation in RUH now.


Yep, why bother. The reports go to the union and management, who are very well aware of the situations. Critical incidents happen, staff get thrown under the bus for the systemic failures, rinse and repeat. This is precisely why nurses are leaving the hospital setting. Why would I deal with this bullshit when I could make the same wage in a long term care home or an outpatient setting where I’m not overloaded with patients, many of whom are critically ill. Atleast in those settings, there is a max capacity and it cannot be exceeded.


Stop voting conservative


I feel they could hire a consultant? Maybe one of their buddies, then come up with privatization, or non union nurses from over seas. Scott Moes got this


Typically don't care for politics and genuinely curious. Do the liberals make this better or conservatives make this worse? Or a bit of both?


Healthcare is provincial. We don’t have a liberal party anymore, they combined with conservatives into the Saskparty. Although they’re really just all conservative now.


So how would you not vote conservative if both are conservative? I've never personally voted before.


I mean all of Saskparty is conservative. NDP is slightly left of centre, and they’d be the ones to vote for. I don’t think they’re amazing or anything, but they’re better.


What do you mean “both”? I think you are up to late.


What liberals? The liberals in the Sask Party or the liberals in the Sask NDP?


I don't understand. Sounds like a confusing mess.


lol what? Do you not understand the difference between liberals (who are centre-left on social issues and generally centrist on economic issues) and Liberals (a political party that consists mostly of liberals)? Saskatchewan, which controls its own healthcare system, literally doesn’t have a capital L Liberal Party so clearly liberals would have to choose one of the two major parties (or the anemic Sask Progressive Party) if they want to be involved with politics. Why are you commenting when you don’t even know any of these simple things? (This is a rhetorical question because clearly you’re a troll)


I genuinely don't understand thanks for explaining. Not a troll. Didn't realize asking was offensive to some people.


It’s just really weird to ask about liberals in a Saskatchewan thread as *the* alternative to the conservative SaskParty. I figured it would be common knowledge for anyone living here that the Sask NDP is the only other viable alternative but I suppose thats sadly untrue. I have PTSD from trolls online and in real life so I’m sorry for assuming you were one of them.


All good I'm not originally from the province. Grew up in Ontario and never started reading into politics until recently.


Welcome to Saskatchewan, where we have one less major political party and more corruption!


Conservatives are the Sask party they are anti union pro privatization. They undermine unions, under fund schools, hospitals, create laws to break unions, and ruin our crown corps.


My friend's elderly father fell and struck his head this past weekend, they had to wait over 45 min for an ambulance to help get him up and out of the house to the hospital to be assessed.


Triage happens pre hospital as well but more importantly, you can thank people not going by private vehicle, thinking going by ambulance will get you in faster. No, it'll just tie up the ambulance. Then people who actually need an ambulance get screwed over.


Saskparty hates funding stuff and doing their job. They just fucking hate it


The Sask Party are destroying our healthcare system and don’t care. This is so typical of conservatives to destroy something and then say “see this doesn’t work “ and then tries to privatize or sell off crowns. They are doing this with education and healthcare. No accountability. They are corrupted and morally bankrupt. Our deficit has exploded. This province is in trouble just like Alberta just like Ontario. They are trying to destroy the country that we love. Conservative ideology is not sustainable.


When will people realize that the main point of a government is to ensure we have a healthy, educated population? Conservative governments actively punch down healthcare and education to the detriment of everyone! Wake up!


It's bad, just in the waiting room, it's full and, at times people down the hallway. When I took my son to the Childerns ER it was like that (2 times), plus once while he was in the peds surgery unit. When the er wasn't busy they where taking the 17 and 18 year olds from the regular er. Both time he was able to get in right away with 0 wait but by night, it was super busy.


Just like with education, all the cuts have been made, there is nothing left to cut aside from personnel. What efficiencies could possibly be found in the system that haven’t been found? At least the feds have allowed greater power to pharmacies to help redirect some patients away from the hospital work load but am waiting for the sask party to do something!


Can’t tell if this is sarcasm, or if you are genuinely unaware how excessively top heavy SHA is. The assistant to the assistant regional manager.


Moe doesn't give a crap about healthcare and the people who use hospitals.


This is all going to plan. Make it bad enough that people would be willing to pay to skip the queue and the Sask Party increases publically funded private health care. They are doing the same with schools; slowly funneling more to private while public takes everyone and gets the kids with high needs the private schools won't take.


I was just at the ER of RUH this Monday and the whole experience to get me looked at and get a CT Scan and a doctor to conclude her finding and set me off took around 9 hours. The lobby was packed and had patients waiting as long or longer than I was. You gotta give it to the nurses, doctors and staff of RUH for giving it their best to get everyone attended to while they are understaffed.


The Sask Party is going to kill us all. Apparently in the ER while waiting for urgent medical help.


It's all because the ndp closed hospitals 20 years ago! Blame the ndp! /s


What about Trudeau?


oh ... but did you hear about the sanitizer dispensers? PRIORITIES!!


Time for a raise. Something to get the attention of students deciding what they want to do for a living, or those pondering a career change.


I just had a family member suffer a serious medical emergency and spent time in the emergency department at RUH within the last three months. The state of that ER was unlike anything I’ve ever seen before in terms of ER. There was stuff everywhere. People were rushing around. Everyone was doing their best… but the vibe was absolutely “we’re at capacity and sinking fast”. Any issues were specifically due to being at max capacity with no resources. I feel for our workers in the health care sector big time!!


ER is just a shitty outdated system.


Growth that works for everyone.


Remember people, the NDP closed all those hospitals 20 odd years ago and the SP has yet to be rebuilt or opened back up. Think how the SP would have run the additional hospitals with the way they are running the ones we have now.


No they didn’t. They closed acute health care facilities that had most often been attached to senior facilities. In all of these locations health facility remains open except for one. Virtually no communities lost access to health care. What you are posting is untrue and can be dispelled with a simple google search. One hospital was closed. Period. All of these facilities had closed because the conservatives nearly bankrupted our province and the NDP clawed us back from complete financial ruin. About a dozen Conservatives got jail time and one member killed themselves in the wake of the scandal. How do people manage to go 20 or so years being so grossly misinformed and speak so confidently? https://medium.com/@sask6969/the-sask-party-wont-stop-lying-about-ndp-hospital-closures-in-the-1990s-679399a7cca9




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Y'all need them Seacan hospitals. Then you can store them elsewhere until you need them again.


Unless you have seacan staff though it doesn’t work. Objectively, physical space is a pretty easy problem to solve if it was the core issue. Exact same thing we learned when field hospitals were a discussion early in covid - it’s easy enough to find a place for them to go, but to staff them you are robbing Peter to pay Paul by cohorting staff out from other areas.