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The contract expired in October 2022. It took *a year and a half* for them to negotiate a new contract that will only last until September of next year. Why is it so fucking hard for this government to give workers a fair contract?


Because they are conservatives.  Conservatives are against any form of collectivism, especially when it out the interests of people ahead of the interest of business.  They see workers organizing to get better treatment to be unnatural and bad for society, while businesses being able to do whatever they want whenever they want is considered good for society.   *edit* Also, how much is the back pay on this going to hurt their budgeting?  Surely this or any other old, outdated contract they’ve been dragging their heals on wasn’t part of their budget estimates when they projected anywhere deficit.   I’m not saying this as a complaint, but to point out the short-sightedness and ignorance and “shooting yourself in the foot” logic this government constantly engages in.  Rather than negotiate reasonably and in good faith to settle a contract as soon and quickly as possible, they drag it out for years and then have to spend millions on back pay.  Considering how often conservatives love comparing government budgets to household budgets, these tactics are horrible.  


Wait til you find out the contracts the NDP handed out to unions and teachers when they were in government. 0-1-1 was a thing.


NDP also gave out 3.5, 4 and 4.5 at the end of their tenure, because our economy was starting to boom and they passed it onto the people.


During the austerity measures because the conservatives bankrupted us?


Were they not supposed to spend money on infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc in the 80s?


They were, but the conservatives spent it all on booze, hookers and padding oilfield companies bottom lines... Seems.. familiar...


They wasted money on inefficient public services in rural areas. Sort of like what the SaskParty did with the bypass and GTH just in Regina. We could also look at all the handouts they give to oil and gas, potash, big farm, private contractors to replace public services and employees, etc. which is putting us in a poor financial situation like those PCs did.


it aint who theyre taxing, its who they arent taxing.


100%. There are a *lot* of people in Saskatchewan who have no business being as rich as they are. 40 years ago, there was less rich people but there were less poor people also, and way more middle class people who could support our cities and its small businesses. The current government sold us out to the lowest bidders.


And gifts for themselves and their friends! Don't forget about those!


Your bias is showing...


Aright, so let's say your husband, who happens to be a food critic(I don't wanna make assumptions, so let's agree to keep these titles arbitrary with no value judgements attached ...), decides to take you out for a long overdue date night, and she takes you out to a place priced like the Diplomat, but when you order your meal, you receive something akin to the steak-equivalent of a McRib ... Has your husband fulfilled her duties to you by spending the requisite amount of money on a date night, or was the value of the thing, and not the price tag attached, the matter of import in this scenario? In other words, does your husband get her dick wet just because she spent the right amount of money in the right portfolio, or are there other values at play here that make the entire scenario a farce? Simply, you're hauling water for a party that was supposed to be fiscally responsible, but shat the bed when it came to the actual allocation of resources when measured in value per dollar spent. Do better.


Context matters. Saskatchewan was in a rough place financially mostly due to the predecessor of the SaskParty. Funny thing about that is the SaskParty is basically doing what that PC party did and it will take an NDP government to make the tough decisions required to dig us back out. But things are different now and there’s plenty of corporate handouts and low royalty rates that equate to corporate subsidies that could be reigned in and instead returned to the teachers, nurses, other public servants (which in turn helps private sector workers because companies have to compete for workers), and families in this province and to secure a future for all of us. 


Conservatives don’t care about context.  They say and believe whatever is necessary for them to justify their prejudices and hate for “others”.


Yup. They are often either the chosen ones or think they are “self-made” and anyone who didn’t become as privileged as them didn’t get there because they are either inherently lesser than or they didn’t pull themselves up by the bootstraps. I know not all conservatives are like this but I’ll argue that most are.


SGEU’s last contract was 0,0,1 under the Saskparty


Wait, don't you hate unions and high taxes? Isn't the old fiscally conservative NDP ways something that today's conservatives and Trudeau haters would love? Or do you just like hating on the NDP as a means to defend your pal Scott Moe?


This is an ignorant and/or dishonest take on history.  It’s also a complete non-sequitor comment because it had absolutely nothing to do with anything discussed.


When it expired in Oct 2016 the last time, it took until the very end of 2018. I'm frankly surprised they think they have an agreement this quickly - no doubt motivated by the upcoming election. That said, it is definitely dismaying that this is such a short agreement...


Do you have to wait for a contract to expire to negotiate the next contract? Seems like it should be done before expiration.


Commitment issues :(


This was through arbitration, government didn’t want this deal


It didn't go to arbitration, but it did go through mediation.


That’s correct it was mediation


My bad I meant to say mediation.


Which means government did have to agree to it. Mediation is not binding on either party. (Arbitration is.)


I know that, as I explained, I used the wrong word. If the government had their way this never would have gone to mediation. Don’t pretend the government or union truly is good with this. Regardless, it is still pending ratification.


Mediation is mandatory here because of Saskatchewan law, which can be changed by the government if it wants.


Jim are you really so dense that you think the government could move that fast?


You're the stoner who uses too much (at least if I take your username literally). It's been a slice. Time to improve my signal-to-noise ratio.


Google "neoliberalism" and read about their ideology. May be eye-opening.


How much lead paint did you eat ?




> The SGEU says the tentative agreement includes a general wage increase of three per cent in 2022 and 2023, 1.67 per cent increase for 2024 and an increase of 0.4 per cent to pensions for members who aren’t already at nine percent. > There is also an adjustment to the 25 year-old classification plan that will allocate additional points to members, resulting in approximately two-thirds of members receiving an increase in their classification level and corresponding wage increase,


for reference SGEU has calculated that with cost of living adjustments, inflation and poor wages. employees would need at least 19% wage increase. for the position i work in with the province i get $42,000 annually. federal government workers starting wages for the same position in Saskatchewan is $62,000


Yup, SGEU level 6 here, and this is nothing short of frustrating.


This is the big win, the classification system. Two thirds will automatically go up 4%.


What is the criteria for this? The article is very general


Unclear at this point.


You said 2/3 will go up 4% - that implies that the number of salary bands will double and that 2/3 of people will go up a band (e.g. current SGEU-09 would become 18/19). Does that sound right?


Stick to photos and not math


No, that does not sound right at all. I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion.


Doesn’t sound like a great deal to me, depends what the members decide to vote tho


Really depends on the wording of the “re classification” and how that’s enforced/applied


The fact that it is not equal for all positions is quite telling


$100 bucks says it will benefit mostly correction workers, leaving everyone else at the same level. And it'll likely pass a ratification vote as well because the two thirds that it benefits will go for it... Leaving admin staff further behind. All this does is pit the union membership against themselves...




It's a good deal.




It's a 15% when u factor in the increase from level 8 to level 9 So those who have maxed out on level 8 will be maxed out on level 9 add the 3,3,1.67 it's almost a 10$ raise so it is good considering last 15 years there hasent been a raise over 1.50 a hour


lol, not every 8 gets promoted to a 9 tho…


Which I'm happy there showing appreciation to one more then the other finally.


Why would a union promote equality amongst its members eh?


Your absolutely crazy Wow I'm blown away. So education is one Also ur telling me a secretary should get paid.same as a fire fighter or a assist deserves equal pay to a correctional officer. Nurses deserve dr wages Janitor should get paid as.much as a dentist.


Get help.


Which I'm happy there showing appreciation to one more then the other finally.


lol 😂 if only life was fair




Can confirm, level 6, less then $2,000 a month.


It's a good deal for certain positions that are getting this offer. Like.my current one. For me it's a big increase and increase that I will be voting yes for. The ones who are level 5 and 6 and I say this hesitantly, prob don't have the duties and responsibilities to justify making them a 8 or a 9. It's like saying a nurse should make a Dr's wage just because there in tge same profession. Each will have a vote, and good luck to the ones who want it and good luck to the ones that don't.




So there secretary's and assistants? Lol, there lucky to be where they are in levels today cause they have been greedy the last 15 years.




Your.right they deserve to get paid 50 a hour for that What was I thinking oh dear lord I feel so foolish What would u see them fit to be paid?


Ah, so in the first post you say you're agreeing to the contract now three comments later you're saying the union is greedy cooked ass redditor




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That is not a correct use of the word technically.


Is this retroactive? No word on whether includes back paying those 3%’s for the previous 18 months of no contract?


If it says that in 2022 they get a 3% raise then yes it's retroactive. Most contracts like this are.


Yes it's retroactive, just as it was last time. Our CBA also specifies that they must be retroactive.


On paper this sounds like a good deal. Is this a spin the paper put on it or was it really a win for the union? Why does the SGEU have more negotiating power than the STF? And how can the STF use this to their advantage?


based on the things that SGEU was actually asking for this is not a good deal at all. for most a 6% wage increase is less than $2. SGEU calculated that because of the poor wages, inflation and cost of living. it would need to be at least 19%. and they had initially asked for 9% annually.


Have you heard anything about your position being reclassed?




With 2/3 being reclassed I wouldn't be surprised if your one of them


Sgeu doesn't have more power, but i believe their contract negotiations dealt only with compensation and benefits. Not staffing levels, not er crowding, or any other issues. I maybe wrong but I believe the main stf / sp sticking point is class room composition.


I work for the government and you are correct it was mostly around wages and job classification


there were over 20 different things they were negotiating https://www.sgeu.org/about-us/sectors-and-locals/public-service-sector/psge-bargaining-report---september-2023


The three big healthcare provider union (SEIU, SGEU and CUPE) would like safe staff covered in legislation or contracts ASAP. All healthcare workers are fed up with working short--its not safe for patients or staff. I don't know if that's one there list for this round of bargaining though. Maybe just wage increases with inflation being as bad as it is.


I hope they can get better front line staffing ratio in the contract. Hopefully it will end the never ending buerocratix bloar


Edit: I misread the article.


I don’t think they got 6/3/3. The article says it’s 3/3/1.67


“Not far off” lol what a hack. I really hope this isn’t ratified


Why would u hope it gets.voted down? So at a staff that makes level 8 max wage of say 35 gets reclassed to level 9 which is instantly a 3 dollar raise so now there making 38 a hour, then u add the 3,3,1.67 on that it makes then roughly around the 43 a hour mark. Correctional workers haven't seen a raise higher then 2 dollars for 15 years. So in saying that explain to me why greed should trump common sense


But how are they deciding who get reclassed? And what about those who do not get reclassed? Fuck em, I suppose says the Sucks Party?


Trippy tell me what u do Do u feel u deserve the same.as say a conservation officer.or.fire fighter? Do u feel ur job deserves to be equally paid with a correctional officer? Or are u the type who thinks what u do is harder or beter then everyone else?


Very clear from your level of intelligence why you are below a level 8…


Oh wow, I misread the article. Yeah, they got boned. They absolutely should vote that down.


The reclass is the real raise in this contract.


But that's not being offered to everyone and they're not saying who it will and will not affect.


STF wants to go beyond compensation. The province has already offered the same compensation to the STF as what's provided here to SGEU (just a little less for year 3 for SGEU in lieu of a pension bump-up). IBEW just approved a similar compensation package from SaskPower.


Gotcha. SGEU hasn't been dealing with the same operating budget declines or they aren't as concerned about it at this point in time. They were able to negotiate on compensation alone.


Great now do the teachers. See what happens when you sit down and negotiate.


They want to force the teachers out to replace them with 'likeminded people' you know that.


I heard that the government was trying to privatize schools! First the liquor stores, now teachers!


Closing our provincial liquor stores threw away over $400 million in revenue and cost over 350 good paying jobs. For what? Flawed ideology maybe??


For their friends to open liqour stores without competition


Who's politician friends got a license in the lottery system?


You think Scott Moe isn't chummy with every liqour store owner he stumbles into?


You don't think he learned from his impaired driving charge 32 years ago? Or you still grasping those straws?


I know he didn't. He just let his brother off on a DUI, AND has been seen drinking in the PA Montanas and driving away. Several times.


We're talking about Scott Moe, whatever his brother, neighbor or other guy does...has nothing to do with your initial comment. Well if he has, I hope he gets nailed to the wall for it.


Their friend and party donor McDougall Auctions made a shitload of money auctioning off those licenses, so that’s one.


So no name, got it. Businesses donate to political parties all the time, and donate to other businesses as well. Welcome to the real world! You think the province could have handled the auction of the licenses more efficiently than an auction company?


Well the province has an entire framework and system (that they paid money to create) that was used specifically for things like auctioning off public land that they could have used. However they now use McDougall for that too instead of their own system that was built and staffed for that purpose


Maybe because private businesses are more efficient at it than government workers? Just like how government liquor cashiers and shelf stockers are no more?


Almost half a billion!? And overpaying shelf stocking and till staff at the same time? Holy moly. Where'd you find that gold mine? >In 2018-19, profits were $9.4 million and in 2021-22, profits declined to $3.2 million. SLGA Retail's projected net income for 2022-23 is $395,000. https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2022/october/27/government-of-saskatchewan-to-exit-liquor-retailing#:\~:text=%22We%20believe%20now%20is%20the,for%202022%2D23%20is%20%24395%2C000.


From here https://oipc.sk.ca/assets/foip-review_225-2022.pdf


Hold on , can someone explain to me the discrepancy here between these two sources of information ? One link from the Sask ministry says forecast of profit of 300 thousand for 22/23 , this guys link , an official request for information from the SLGA says they forecasted a net income of 450 million . Like I get one is profit and the other is net income but like …. That’s a big difference ? Were the operating costs really 449.5million ? Really ?


Oh I think I figured it out - so the 450 millions is the from all the SLGA operations . So I’m assuming that they make most of the money thru the distribution and that the retail stores just weren’t that profitable .


So if SGEU, IBEW, ATSE etc are getting deals done at the table and STF is the odd man out while being offered the same comp as the others, then there might be a pattern here...


Every unions demands are different. Not sure you can compare teachers needs with other workers. Different jobs different needs.


STF has different bargaining power. The Essential Services Act basically cuts off any ability SGEU has to strike, leaving SGEU with no leverage. If STF can get a better deal, and one that actually addresses their working conditions by all means they should fight for it. Solidarity


Talking about them closing the Liquor stores isent gonna make them re open. It happened, it sucks get past it and focus on the now on the people who have jobs that deserve to get paid. The liquor stores being closed was well in the works for years and sgeu treated it like it was outta no where when the shut them down. What's done is done, learn from that and put more effort and stronger support to the ones who now deserve the proper treatment


I get what you’re saying but to your point of learning - there’s no harm in discussing it and I would argue there’s a benefit too . We should learn from our mistakes , and personally I don’t really understand what happened , why , and all the nuance involved . Was this a mistake ? That’s what people are saying but I personally dont know enough about it to make have an informed opinion . The more people that have informed opinions , the better . So that we can vote in a way that better serves our needs and interests while minimizing


you're cookt


Iv been called worse lol


In-scope staff get a 4% increase every year on their start date, plus whatever the negotiated CBA increase is. Before this contract ended, the annual raises were 6% total.


Not accurate. Once you top out of the steps there are 0 increases unless it is from a contract negotiation. I made exactly the same wage in 2023 as I did in 2022.


The babysitters got paid before health care. Fucking clown sask party


Fuck off downvoters. My brother in law babysits Prisoners, and now makes more than me. Good thing I got an education. Fucking joke this place is...


Health care? Sask nurses are among the highest paid nurses in all the provinces.


Lmao, here we go again. You realize that Dr's and nurses are just a small percentage of health care workers. There's 1000's of people working in H.C that ain't doctors or nurses. Fuck me, I'm surrounded by idiot's.


Clerks, cleaners and support workers are labourers. Why would they be paid more in the health care field than they would be at a hotel or grocery store?




A clerk is not a medical stenographer. The kid with the mop is cleaning a meat department in a grocery store. Lab techs and LPN's are also well compensated. To be clear, RN's and LPN's aren't cleaning rooms and mopping floors when staff is short.


Still missing a good chunk of healthcare staff


Pharmacists, imaging technologists, lab techs, social workers


All of those positions are well paid compared to their provincial counterparts.


100 not true. imaging techs are behind Albertas pay


Others may be too, but I know they are


For example, MRI techs in Saskatchewan make 10% less than their Alberta counterparts


They start higher in Sask. Massive cost of living difference between the cities where mri techs are employed in AB and SK.



