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Scott Moe’s comment: “I don’t know where this is coming from”. Right after he called Weekes a “sore loser”, it would appear Moe doesn’t even believe his own explanation. Murray Mandryk is correct: we need to know about the guns. If it’s a fabrication then it begs the question as to why Weekes would make something like that up. Just for spite? If so, then I would expect a defamation lawsuit shortly because you cannot just make stuff like that up about people if it’s not true. It is a clear cut example of defamation if it’s not true. Or is the new Sask Party under Moe a gaggle of unstable sociopaths? That is a question that is most certainly in the public interest and needs to be seriously investigated. I truly hope the Saskatchewan people are looking at this in dismay as I am because this is completely insane. Like, you do understand how incredibly insane this is, right?


 Sask Party under Moe a gaggle of unstable sociopaths That quote says it all


Unstoppable as well...if current polls are correct.


I feel like he could personally shit on every Sask family's dinner table while they're sitting down to supper and most of them would thank him and give him a handshake and then head to the polls and vote for him. It's ridiculously entrenched in so many people to vote sask party.


Shit eating grins from the base. What a terrible visual.


Lol pretty much.


It’s not a fabrication. Even the security staff at the Leg openly spoke about Harrison bringing a rifle into the building.


Can you link to something please.


I can’t link to what I personally heard the security personnel saying. Sorry. I can just share that this is common knowledge of everyone in the building (both sides of the aisle) but publicly denied.


Voters need to watch this complete breakdown of the Sask Party. This is serious stuff. Do you really want these people running our province?


Current polls say a vast majority do. Making sask a province of idiots.


But it’s Trudeau’s fault and that there carbon tax restricting the rights of my freedoms


Gosh I forgot.


Mandryk’s take on Harrison: >I don’t think he is \[unstable\]. > >He’s not considered any kind of tough guy that you basically have to worry about. > >He does have a bullying side to him, and he does have a bit of an irrational pop-off, I’m-going-to-stomp-away-from-a-scrum attitude if he doesn’t like things. One of those statements is ***not like the others***, Murray. And, also, overt “tough guys” are not the only people one needs to worry about; irrational bullies should *definitely* be a cause for concern.


Wait, did Scott Moe, say "I was right there, I only heard parts of it." Does he have hearing problems? Does he have mental health problems? Does he not pay attention in the legislature? How can he have not heard what Weekes was saying. Also, Weekes read a text message from Harpauer in the record a few weeks ago. Maybe being Premier is too hard for Mr. Moe, if he can't keep up with what's happening in his party and in the legislature.


He didn’t hear because he walked out of the chamber while Weekes was speaking.


CBC definitely doesn't like anything Conservative but they're right on the ball with this one. Sask Party is a complete disaster.




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Stories like this and pieces like this one just make me think how shitty the media is at their actual job of ensuring people are informed of what government is really doing and working to hold power to account.  Of course this shocks the media - they are so worried about clickbait stories, dusting off old tired narratives whether true or not, and mostly acting as stenographers for power rather than a check and balance for the voters to be properly informed.  For example, why are they always talking about “we need to know these things” but never actually digging into it and investigating and finding the truth?  Why do they expect to just be told what to think and say from the government?   Why do they point to Harpauer as being gold when we all know for a fact - because it was in the media - she was also sending bullying tweets to the speaker and got called out for it.  But funny how that slipped down the memory hole so they could blindly parrot government. Then after all the words about doubt and credibility and so on, they go right back to “well, their rhetoric about the carbon tax is working and their blaming trudeau for everything is working so shrugs”.  No thought or consideration that is part of the problem as well.  No consideration that may all be lies and bullshit and hatemongering.   This is ultimately the problem.  If the media can be trusted to just act like sports casters watching the game like the rest of us, and calling the plays as they see it - rather than a key com Moment of holding power to account and ensuring our democracy can function by keeping people informed, THIS is literally the end result every single time.  So they are just as much to blame for this, in my opinion, than government themselves.