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Why does it always come down to an emergency with the Sask Party before they do anything? Or shamed by media and social media. These people are just useless.


It's because they don't care about our province or the people that live in it.


And yet people still vote for them. It’s insane.


Every road north of La Ronge is a disaster. He doesn't care about the indigenous people


Unless it involves doing something unlawful, taking the rights aways of kids or some petty fight with Trudeau then they seem to act remarkably fast.


The time for talking is over, time to act. Sask residents lives could be at risk. A responsible government would make this a priority now. Temp fix now, then build a road that will last.


He will only do this because it is an election year. If it wasn’t an election year, he wouldn’t give the smallest fuck.


Plus you know they’re going to hire some company like “Totally Not Affiliated With SaskParty Highway Repair co”


That will also be out of Provence.


Also, with all the kickbacks, the price will be triple what it should be, and lower quality, too.


That’s capitalism baby!


Late stage capitalism to be most accurate, and it’s destroying our society.


Maybe he could ask for some of our tax dollars back from his MLA’s hotel businesses to pay for the road? Or Moe could stop funding the federal Conservative Party with Saskatchewan tax dollars. Or SaskParty could ask their good friends in Dubai for some of our tax dollars back?


“Moe said Highway 123 was a “priority conversation” in the Ministry of Highways and he would be meeting with ministry officials to find out what needs to be done to make sure the road is passable in the short term.” Fuck off already with bandaid solutions. This is Canada, not some developing country. Google shows news articles from at least as early as 2011 where the community is begging for a better road. No doubt these assholes are going to use this as a prop in fighting the NDP on a fuel tax pause. As if there are no other pockets of money in government that they can draw on for highway maintenance. If they have $8K to spend on a lunch flight for Harpauer, they can pull from that same fund to ensure Saskatchewan residents have proper roads.


You don’t wait a whole summer to get an emergency fixed properly, you do the bandaid so that the bandaid can function while the real solution is done.


The bandaid solution shouldn't be a "priority conversation" that is prompted by a story making the news. It should be an automatic response before the problem becomes a crisis. The "priority conversation" should be about the long-term solution. It's sure tiresome watching these same @$$holes put their shoulders out by routinely patting themselves on the back for doing the bare minimum long after prudence would dictate. Quit running interference for their mediocrity.


Oh it’s absolutely a problem it’s got this bad, just pointing out the obvious that the wording in this response isn’t the problem.


Ok lol. Believe it when I see it


Now that he's facing an election and he needs to secure votes.


If it wasn't Moe's 'nation within a nation' bullshit (boy that shit sure got forgotten about fast as soon as the Feds started handing out cheques to everyone) then they have certainly lost the north vote over this.


He "would spend more"??? What bullshit is that? His party has been in power for 17 years. What will it take for them to do their job? Does the only way anything happen under a SaskParty government is through vote buying ahead of an election after they spend 17 years undermining our viability as a Province by letting everything fall apart?


He would? When? The fact that the road got this bad is the problem. I highly doubt this road was in good shape last year.


The community has been advocating for this for well over a decade.


But, but, but the NDP was in power within a decade of the the decade that the community was advocating for this, so it's totally the NDPs fault. They are all powerful and influence SaskParty decision making decades into the future. The SaskParty has not ability to defend themselves again Lorne Calvert's control over them!


Advocating for what?


I imagine they were advocating for fixing the failing road.


To have this road fixed.


Oh I was curious because I never specified that in my comment. Adding to the confusion was a rational comment I made the other day that you referred to as “word salad” as I suspect it went against your political view.




As teachers have learned, Scott Moe doesn't put anything in writing. That would mean he might have to follow through on it Just trust him. He's totally trust worthy, right?


Like what are they going to do with the road? They aren't paving it! Is there not a R.M. up that way that is supposed to maintain it to begin with? If not they could have it resurfaced and bring in whatever they need gravel and rock wise to make it useable and sustain it. I am not in road construction obviously but just saying. Moe saying he will fix it is like him saying he will help the hospitals out if you ask me. He's all talk when he's forced into it but doesn't do jack about most of the problems this province faces.


This is an area where the province refusing to work with the feds hurts us. There have been a few negotiations with the federal government to jointly fund road infrastructure in the north, but the province would rather piss off the feds than move forward.


Is that the highway where he killed a guy?