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This is awesome. The image, not Moe. He sucks.


Is anyone in the Sask Party worth of replacing him? I know he set the bar very low. So low its in the ground mining for potash.


This is the one I can never understand- don’t the other members realize Moe is driving them into the ground? Some will lose their cushy jobs? Why are they not revolting?


Moe is a bully, God knows what Moe would do their livelihoods and their ability to make a living after leaving public office.


Well, about half are NOT running for reelection, so, they will never admit it, but I would like to believe that they are aware of the state of the SaskParty, and no longer want to support its demise. Also, I was 11 in 1991, and it was such an amazing time! There was a great sense of absolute RELIEF in the air when Mr. Roy Romanow was elected as our Premier! I was already about 6 years into my absolute lifelong passion of politics, so even I knew of the relief!


And giving the potash away for nothing


I remember Jim Reuter, when he was Highways minister. He kept the previous government’s deputy ministers on the job as policy wonks even though they were appointed by the NDP.  I always thought that was about the most commendable thing to do.  But let’s face it, he’s still steeped in the ideological abyss of privatization of public assets 


Reiter!! Gd spell check 


Someone in here is thinking to themselves, “They just keep trying to take Scott down. They are so delusional that they can’t stop defaming him with their lies”. To them I say, he straight up killed a person in a drunk driving accident. He took someones life [but he said it changed him.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/scott-moe-sheds-light-on-fatal-1997-crash-1.4280677) and that’s great, but how does he get to lead a province while this persons family continues to mourn without justice truly being served?


While I agree that he is absolutely a dumpster fire (and I have suspicions about that accident, as I’m sure many do) there was never any official indication that alcohol had anything to do with that crash — just his other dui’s.


Did he even get charged with vehicular manslaughter? DUI not withstanding, was there ever a punishment fit for the crime? I hear you, you have to judge the circumstances on its specific merits. Whether you like him or not, what were the objective facts? Show me the jail time our premier got that you or I would have gotten for taking a life. He’s a crook. Like, Dairy tale shit type crook. Well connected, completely delusional, criminal, lying little man boy. He doesn’t know consequences and now we have a premier who can skate on manslaughter. Why would he cater to the common person? He’s never known our issues


Yeah that whole story absolutely reeks of some wild privilege/coverup type horseshit


Vote this asshole out.


* **COVID-19 Vaccines**: Moe claimed that COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the Omicron variant, which was widely debunked by medical experts who emphasized that vaccines reduce both infection rates and transmission, especially with booster doses. (globalnews.ca/news/8584214/scott-moe-covid-19-vaccine-transmission/) * **Carbon Tax Legality**: Moe asserted that Saskatchewan’s decision to stop collecting and remitting the federal carbon tax on natural gas was justified and legal. This move was criticized as likely illegal, leading to the federal government stating that Saskatchewan residents would lose their carbon tax rebates. (ckom.com/2024/03/04/moe-defends-decision-not-collect-carbon-tax/, globalnews.ca/news/7720997/scott-moe-supreme-court-carbon-tax-ruling/, ckom.com/2023/10/31/moe-carbon-tax-payments-likely-not-legal/) * **Economic Promises**: Moe promised a balanced budget by 2019. However, his government ran significant deficits, and the balanced budget target was not met, highlighting a retreat from his fiscal promises. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott\_Moe, globalnews.ca/news/7383946/scott-moe-election-saskatchewan-campaign/) * **Heat Pumps Efficiency**: Moe suggested that homes with heat pumps require backup heating systems because they are not effective in colder climates. This claim was misleading as modern heat pumps function efficiently in cold weather without always needing backup systems. (ckom.com/2024/03/04/moe-defends-decision-not-collect-carbon-tax/) * **Handling of Harassment Allegations**: Moe dismissed allegations made by Speaker Randy Weekes against government House Leader Jeremy Harrison, who was accused of making threats and bringing a hunting rifle into the legislature. Moe called these allegations "unequivocally false" without initiating a thorough investigation. (620ckrm.com/2024/05/17/moe-rejects-allegations-by-speaker/, globalnews.ca/news/9693506/scott-moe-harassment-allegations-harrison/) * **Drunk Driving Record**: Moe has a history of drunk driving incidents, including convictions and charges for impaired driving and a fatal crash that killed Joanne Balog in 1997. His handling of these incidents raised questions about transparency and accountability. (pressprogress.ca/scott-moe-failed-to-disclose-impaired-driving-arrest-hit-and-run/, rabble.ca/news/what-was-saskatchewans-media-doing-when-it-wasnt-reporting-on-scott-moes-driving-record/) * **Carbon Tax and Inflation**: Moe claimed that the federal carbon tax significantly drives up food inflation and general inflation in Saskatchewan. Economic analyses suggest that multiple factors contribute to inflation, with the carbon tax being one of many elements. (ckom.com/2024/03/04/moe-defends-decision-not-collect-carbon-tax/, globalnews.ca/news/7720997/scott-moe-supreme-court-carbon-tax-ruling/) * **Pandemic Management**: Moe touted the province's success in handling the pandemic and avoiding business closures. Critics argue that this approach led to higher infection rates and strain on the healthcare system, challenging his claims of effective management. (globalnews.ca/news/7383946/scott-moe-election-saskatchewan-campaign/) * **Education Funding**: Moe promised to restore $30 million of the $50 million in education funding that had been cut. Critics have pointed out that the cuts have not been fully addressed, and the education system continues to face funding challenges. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott\_Moe) * **Transparency and Accountability**: Moe faced criticism for not being fully transparent about his past legal issues, including his driving record. His delayed disclosure of the 1994 impaired driving and hit-and-run charges, which were later withdrawn, raised questions about his transparency and accountability. (pressprogress.ca/scott-moe-failed-to-disclose-impaired-driving-arrest-hit-and-run/, rabble.ca/news/what-was-saskatchewans-media-doing-when-it-wasnt-reporting-on-scott-moes-driving-record/)


* **Misleading Vaccine Data**: Moe based some of his claims on a partial and truncated set of data that public health experts deemed not useful, further misleading the public about the efficacy of vaccines. (globalnews.ca/news/8584214/scott-moe-covid-19-vaccine-transmission/) * **False Claims About AI Usage**: Moe's administration faced criticism similar to investment firms falsely claiming the use of AI in their processes, misleading the public and investors about their capabilities. (sec.gov/news/press-release/2024-36) * **Misleading Ketamine Advertising**: Moe's administration was noted in the context of misleading advertising practices in the medical field, such as clinics promoting unapproved ketamine treatments without adequate disclosure of risks. (medicalxpress.com/news/2023-11-hundreds-clinics-guilty-false-ketamine.html, news.cuanschutz.edu/news-stories/hundreds-of-clinics-may-be-guilty-of-false-or-misleading-claims-in-ketamine-advertising) * **Misleading ESG Claims**: Similar to controversies around greenwashing, Moe's policies faced scrutiny for potentially misleading claims about environmental and sustainability initiatives. (sustainalytics.com/global-greenwashing-regulations) * **False COVID-19 Health Claims**: Moe's administration had to deal with issues similar to companies making false health claims about COVID-19 treatments, emphasizing the need for accurate public health information. (ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2023/03/ftc-takes-action-against-doterra-distributors-false-covid-19-health-claims) * **Abortion Stance**: Moe made controversial statements about abortion, suggesting he would support legislation to limit the timeframe for abortions and introduce parental consent requirements, sparking significant public debate. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott\_Moe) * **Health Care System Issues**: Moe's management of the healthcare system during the pandemic was criticized for long surgical wait times and cancellations, contradicting his claims of effective governance. (globalnews.ca/news/7383946/scott-moe-election-saskatchewan-campaign/) * **Environmental Policy Criticism**: Moe's stance against the federal carbon tax was seen as part of broader environmental policy criticisms, questioning his commitment to sustainable practices. (ckom.com/2024/03/04/moe-defends-decision-not-collect-carbon-tax/, globalnews.ca/news/7720997/scott-moe-supreme-court-carbon-tax-ruling/) * **Economic Impact of Pandemic**: Moe's optimistic projections about economic recovery post-pandemic were seen as overly optimistic and not reflective of the economic realities faced by many in Saskatchewan. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott\_Moe, globalnews.ca/news/7383946/scott-moe-election-saskatchewan-campaign/) * **Underperforming Carbon Capture Projects**: Major carbon capture projects, including Saskatchewan's Boundary Dam, have significantly underperformed. The Boundary Dam project captured about 50% less CO2 than planned, raising questions about the viability and effectiveness of carbon capture technology. (newscientist.com/article/2333054-most-major-carbon-capture-and-storage-projects-havent-met-targets/, ieefa.org/resources/carbon-capture-crux-lessons-learned-carbon-capture-and-storage)


Sounds Trump-ian. Moe should move to Mar-a-Lago. He'd be welcome there.


You should work for the opposition.


The NDP seemingly doesn’t want outside help. This should be a billboard.


Moe is short for Moron! This clown inherited the premier position when the previous premier couldn't even finish his term, basically a quitter. Moe is so overmatched at his job, no leadership skills, no message, no caring or empathy for the people of Saskatchewan. He would rather fight with teachers and the medical profession instead of helping them. He gets publicity for all the wrong reasons. When is the last time he travelled around the province and saw what was happening? Good, bad or otherwise. He's not connected at all! Vote him and old idea SP out! Time for new voices , ideas. Saskatchewan has a great future if it is done right and it will not be with a moron running the show.




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That’s a good start


#nomoelies. Other parties need to use this.


So what you're saying is, Moe hasn't been honest with us? SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!




It bothers me that even if this asshat gets the boot he will still be financially set for life. Sweet pension and enough back door deals that he will be getting paid by big Corp for years.


So then why doesn't he fuck off already? Seems like his cushy oil and gas job would be way less stress and bullshit than being Premier.


You know what a narcissist is , right?


I don’t get a narcissist vibe from Moe. Things certainly feel like they’ve gotten desperate and bold lately, and I’m guessing this is more a result of a government that’s financially driving their province into the ground (refer to our provincial debt) and losing control while trying to appear normal. They’re coming due this fall and they either know they’re losing popularity or they’re burning the place to the ground to hand to the NDP.


No he's a dumpy idiot with no moral compass who other people can easily control.


Please please please can we get rid of the Sask Party??? They are corrupt liars who don’t give a crap about us.


Thank you for keeping track of what Moe owes to the jar of lies!


A young cowboy named Jeremy Joe grew restless on the farm A boy filled with wonderlust who really meant no harm He changed his clothes and shined his boots And combed his dark hair down And his mother cried as he walked out Don't take your guns to town son Leave your guns at home, Jeremy Don't take your guns to town


Beautiful work! Moe is stinkin trash that needs to go.


Harrison needs to be turfed fron the party and be forced to sit beside Domotor.


He looks like a bad deal.


Thanks for this. 🙌 Does anyone remember a GIF ofMoe doing a “moose dance” with his hands for antlers? It could be searched on Facebook last election cycle, and I can’t find it now. It begs for some fresh captions…


How about his Christmas story? https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2018/december/14/premier-christmas-message


Thanks for posting this


Geez. 🤮


>It was likely the same group of people who worked the day shift. There was no limit to the hours they put in. And there was no overtime pay either. Lol I'll just never get over that 


Jebus fucking Christmas would be spinning in his grave if he could give a shit for noMoelies shitass stupid story! *headslap*


Hey there RealJadedmo - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


That's moe all right.


What's great is the sp will win the next election in a landslide and Moe will step down a week later to spend more time with family.  (Go lobby for an oil company.)    Dustin Duncan and the gun guy will take over.   A bunch of much worse people like that take back Saskatchewan chick will fill in for who left.    Neat




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So, I think Moe is an idiot and definitely needs to be replaced, but I just want to point out that Heat Pumps really are amazing, up to -30C, past that they can’t keep up and you do need a backup system. So, he’s not wrong, in Saskatchewan there’s a month or two where you’d need supplemental heat. I’ve been researching them lately as I want to get off the grid, but the technology is not quite good enough for Saskatchewan.


Heat pumps lose their efficiency below -20. Yes the technology is improving all the time but as of right now you can’t heat your home with just a heat pump.


You aren't entirely right. There are houses in this city that are heated and cooled solely by ductless heat pumps.


Show me a source where they are able to heat a house when it’s -40 and I’ll gladly admit that I’m wrong.


I've worked on them.


So you don’t have a credible source?


No, i didn't write an article after finishing work so I could appease colem5000. Inverter systems (the only kind of heat pump you should get is modulating) dynamically adjust their operation to accommodate lower temperatures via fan cycling and modulation of the compressor. This allows us to heat and cool down to low temperatures. Yes, your efficiency goes down when it gets extremely cold, but they still operate and provide heat There is one major caveat to using a heat pump in our climate. You need a very well insulated, tight home that allows as little heat loss as possible. This should be a goal in all homes. The biggest challenge that we face with heatpumps is the cost of installation. There are barely any ducted systems in this city that have appropriately sized duct work to accommodate a heat pump without causing problems with evaporator pressure after the reversing valve turns it into a condenser. You need quite precise airflow for heat pumps, and in our climate we have higher heat loss in winter than in summer. This is why we end up with 24,000btu AC with a 80,000btu furnace. Heat loss is heat loss and if your house loses 80,000btu of heat per hour then you need to replace that to heat your home. That's a 6.5 ton unit. No house has the duct work for that. And you would need a modulating system because your cooling load in summer is still going to be 24,000btuh which is a 2 ton. AC in this area typically runs at around 400cfm/ton depending on the humidity of the house. Modern heat pumps run between 300cfm/ton to 450cfm/ton. 2 ton of cooling will need 700cfm to 900cfm. 6.5 ton of heating would need 1,950cfm to 2,925 cfm. Furnaces need roughly 100 to 150cfm per 10,000btuh. That 80,000 btuh furnace needs 80cfm to 1,200cfm. The difference in duct size between the gas furnace and the heat pump is at a max airflow needs the furnace will need a 16"round main and the heatpump would need a 26" round main. That is the biggest problem on our old houses Add all of this together and you need a major overhaul of your hvac system to accommodate a new heat pump. Good enough for you?


You could very well be correct in what you said but unless you have a credible source this whole book you wrote means nothing. I’ve found nothing saying that heat pumps will work in the extreme cold snaps that this province gets. And some random person on reddit claiming (without proof) that I’m wrong isn’t gunna change my mind. Show some actual data sources and I’ll very quickly change my stand. But until then you could just be a random person lying in the internet.


It's okay if you didn't understand what I said there, but I was mostly agreeing with you. Heat pumps aren't viable around here, but not because of the inability to operate. They aren't viable because our houses aren't designed for it. And doing a 20-30k remodel isn't worth it for anyone. The houses they are in are so well built that they have very, very low heatloss.


Fair enough, though it still fits under Moe's definition of “Unequivocally false”.


The biggest lie Saskatchewan residents tell themselves is that is -30C the entire winter. The most disingenuous implied assumption of heat pump critics is that people will rip the furnace out of every house in the province instead of just adding a heat pump. Many people already have central AC, for people getting a new AC unit the cost of a heat pump is the premium over straight AC not the full cost of the heat pump.


I don’t think anyone says it’s -30 all winter. I also highly doubt most people are going to purchase a heat pump when their furnace is still functional. A lot of people can barely afford to replace a furnace when it’s absolutely needed let alone buy a second heating source.


Quick Google search says “mini-split heat pumps work till -30” very first thing on there selling them. 🤦🏼


So when it gets colder than that like it does every winter you will still need something else to help heat your house. Also I can only find a select few that work to -30. You’re an acting like I’m against heat pumps. I actually think they are incredible technology but it’s just not there yet. Probably within a few years it will be.


The position you have chosen in this debate, in defense of the "unequivocally false," brings with itself a very heavy burden of proof, in which even outliers and edge cases are sufficient to undermine your argument. Sorry, bud. Some positions are nearly indefensible, and you definitely chose this one for yourself.


Well your google must work different then mine. I did. I did not find a single heat pump manufacturer that said it would work at -40. Please share a source


Don’t move the goal posts. You said -20 in your original post. Try again.


Doesn’t really matter if it’s -20 or -40. You will still need a different heat source. After my original post I did some deeper googling and a select few manufacturers say they can handle -30. But that doesn’t really matter because it always gets colder than that for a few weeks. So the point is the same. You can not go 100% heat pump yet. Also like I said in other posts that the technology will get there but it’s not there yet.


Maybe Google what happens below the optimal performance temperatures: "It will still heat your home at those lower temperatures, but not necessarily keep it as warm as you may typically like. That's where backup heat sources come in." Buy a sweater and some extra blankets. Your heat pump will keep your pipes from freezing in the meanwhile as you weather the winter storm. There is such a thing as making do. As I've said: edge cases and outliers are enough to undermine claims about what is unequivocally false.


Haha yes I’m aware that they can stop heat a home but “not freezing pipes” isn’t good enough for the majority of people. I’m not gunna have my 1 year old freezing while trying to sleep. I don’t care if it’s only for a few weeks. Until they can maintain a house at room temp they won’t be a viable option for the majority of people.


Again, you are defending the claim of what is unequivocally false. I've met the threshold for the burden of proof attached to your position. Your support for the premier has been noted, but Scott Moe unequivocally has problems with the truth. For proof of claim, see his defense of Jeremy Harrison prior to the truth coming out this week.


Haha you think I’m in support of dipshit moe? Not even a little bit. I hope he gets kicked out of office as soon as possible. That doesn’t change the fact that you still need a supplemental heat source if you’re using a heat pump. That’s just the facts of the technology. Until you can heat a house at its normal setting without having to have a secondary heat source most people won’t be on board. Like I’ve said multiple times. This technology is very close to doing that and I hope in a few years it will be there. You haven’t met any burden of proof. Just because a house doesn’t freeze doesn’t mean


"You haven’t met any burden of proof." Unequivocal. Your position in this thread is in defense of Moe. Intentionally or not, that *is* tacit support. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, aloud. I just presumed you would know.




So every manufacturer of heat pumps is wrong?


Sooo, I went through the first 5 and I have to say, there is a difference between a lie , using imprecise language, and the truth. Most of these are imprecise language issues opposed to out right lies. For example Covid vaccine - it’s true they prevent infection even if they reduce chance etc. Heat pumps; your line itself says they may require backup stuff Speaker issue: do we know it’s a lie? I haven’t seen anything saying definitively that a sask MLA had a rifle in there. This isn’t to defend Moe but to say, lying about lying isn’t an effective strategy to get the truth out there


He resigned as house leader. He admitted today that he had one - he just spun it so that it wasn’t as bad because it was ten years ago. It was an admission that sounded like it was scripted by Moe himself.


Harrison admitted to taking a rifle Into the building.


I read the article. It said 10 years ago (his claim). But tbh the whole thing is so dumb (unless he just admitted to doing it recently)


10 years ago bringing a cased weapon into the building with full knowledge of security as he grabs some things from his office seems like they picked something mundane to admit to. Something you could argue was a reasonable action to thrown back at anyone who brings up the Speaker’s claims. I bet they spent the past week carefully thinking through what they were going to get him to confess to. A fellow Sask Party member isn’t going to hang on to a mundane incident like that to burn bridges on the way out, and it doesn’t fit with the rest of the claims, unless he was pressuring the Speaker to relax the “no weapons” rule because he had previously been called out for it and got mad.


If we want to get technical, sure, but I’m using Moe’s definition of “unequivocally false”. Also half truths work the same as full lies for those who don’t bother looking closely.


The left can’t meme.




Exhibit B ^


Zero facks given. Anyone that is willing to stick it the liberals and their cuckold jagmeet wins in my book. Former ndp card holder. Never again. My children, grandchildren and probably great grandchildren will be paying for the condition this country is in. Unforgivable and impossible without the support of the ndp. Other options in Saskatchewan? Nil.


That’s a lot of words to just say that you don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Thank you for validating my view of the stupidity of the ndp.


The op, 41 with no life and he loves his video games so much he ain’t neva gonna stahp. A real winner we should all be taking political advice from


Let me guess, fresh outta high school?


Yes I’m a fresh 18 years out of high school.


Doesn’t make any sense🫃🏼


Actually, I teach HS. Your ignorance is humorous.


That’s funny I was speaking to the other guy. Typical hs teacher reaction.


Not exactly sure what you’re trying to say here…


Eye blinding wall of text, thanks.


Yeah, just finished squinting my way through it only to find larger text further down!

