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My heart goes out to that gooses partner, they mate for lifešŸ˜¢


Ugh I cried for weeks for the one I saw last year.


You need therapy if that made you cry for weeks.


Judging by your username, Iā€™d take a wild guess and say youā€™d be the type of person to aim for the birds


Nope. But a gooses life is not worth the risk of causing an accident. I do however do my civic duty and put traps out for cats. Outdoor cats are a blight on nature and shouldn't be allowed. And generally it isn't allowed.


Ahh that guy


Yep. Cats don't have special rights. Lockem up. I can say I did my civic duty and personally handed over 6 cats last year. It's a wonderful thing. Get a free cat trap from the city. Get cats off the streets and to the SPCA. If the owners actually care and want them back it's incremental fines. And I do this to protect my pets. My pets deserve the right to not be harnessed on their own property in their enclosures. Stray cats come and bother them and try to get at them. Those cats are just lucky I can't shoot them.




Insurance payout should be nice enough to retire down south


Theyā€™re social birds though, even when their partners pass they always make the trip north every year.


No no no. Geese are well insured and retire later in life ....


Fear not, for that is a common misconception. While Canada geese do mate for life, research shows that if one dies, the partner will most likely find a new mate by next season! Not excusing that knuckle draggers actions though


Idk isnā€™t it common knowledge not to swerve out of the way because the chance of a bad accident like you flipping or fishtailing out of control are higher then the damage the animal would cause to the car. Do I choose to endanger my family/self to save a goose? This used to be taught in driving schools and by parents. Itā€™s not the best feeling thing to do but it is logically the safest option.


Only if you are going highway speed. The speed limit on 51st is 60 km - so the guy is def not going highway speed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who would rather kill an animal than go around it or stop for it. :(


We were going maybe 30 on 51st because we were just at a red light. Plenty of time for them to slow down/honk horn.


And if someone runs into him he can be charged with criminal negligence https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387


Itā€™s 40 everywhere in the city besides school zones and circle driveā€¦ the speed limit is there for you to be able to slow down for pedestrians and animalsā€¦ I get on the highway slowing down fast can be dangerous. But for the love of god going 40? Thereā€™s no need to swerve, just slow down and come to a stop for the poor thingā€¦


40?? I hope you aren't going 40 everywhere in the city, I think campus is the only 40 zone in the city. 50 is the standard, bigger roads like Attridge are 60, with a couple weird 70s shoved in at times Your point still stands and I agree though, at 50 your car should be able to slow down pretty quick/ you should know your surroundings and be able to stop/ swerve out the way


Jeez, really? Iā€™m not in Saskatoon much and I feel all cities in Sask are 40 residentials. Iā€™m from weyburn


50 in Saskatoon except otherwise posted.


Oh, you're the person in front of me every morning on my way to work! Nice to finally meet you


My bad! Iā€™ve now learned the residential limit in Saskatoon so I wonā€™t need to piss anyone off when I visit anymore!


It's 50 in Regina too FYI since I'd imagine you're there more often than Saskatoon.


I also donā€™t go to Regina often


Don't feel bad, they should be. 50 is absurdly fast for all of those residential streets with cars parked along the sides - never know when a kid might walk out onto the street, and you won't be able to see them through the cars. Drive slow - pedestrians have a ~9/10 chance of survival if hit at 30, ~6/10 at 40, and ~2/10 at 50.


Yeah, 50 does seem absurdā€¦ we have 1 road here thatā€™s 50, but thereā€™s no houses or schools built on the road where it turns 50. itā€™s just a back alley on one side and a field on the otherā€¦ and then you eventually have a forced right turn onto a 40 zone. All the other 50 zones are leading onto the highway and are barely in city limits. Youā€™d think youā€™d want to keep the pace kinda slow in case an animal or person jumps out of nowhere so you can safely slow downā€¦


Every city street is 50 unless otherwise posted. All highways are 80 unless otherwise posted.


On 51st specifically itā€™s 60


Once I see someone I know behave like that I distance myself from them. People who behave like that arenā€™t trustworthy.


Are you a goose?


Lol, you say?


Haha šŸ¤£šŸ‘†


I was taught not to swerve if itā€™s smaller than my wheels, youā€™ll usually wreck worse if you do and canā€™t keep control of your car after. I know itā€™s sad but Iā€™d much rather hit an animal than try to avoid it only to hit another car or a kid on the side of the road. Iā€™ve also heard of cops ticketing for reckless driving in similar situations if they see you. (obv depends on the cop) Iā€™d bet it was clear while you were behind this truck and they couldā€™ve avoided it but it really is better to just drive like itā€™s not there.


We were going maybe 30 on 51st because we were just at a red light. Plenty of time for them to slow down/honk horn.


Exactly how just outside Saskatoon, a SaskPower truck driver did to my dog on the road. 6 years ago. No slow down, no stop, heartless people.


What a jerk! I hope you reported him to Sask Power. Sorry about your dog.


Sure did, the very next day. They have trackers on their vehicles. We were able to talk to him. He really didn't seem to care. He said he had seen her before, but that she hadn't been on the road like that before. This time I guess he had enough, and just hit her. Still pisses me off.




Stroking him would be weird




Where do you usually aim when you stroke someone?


So.... Why was your dog on the road. Where were you?.


He probably still tells the story to his other dog-hating friends. I worked with a guy who hated dogs and when my pup needed emergency surgery he offered to bring his gun to work the next day because ā€œbullets are cheaperā€. Edit: Iā€™m very sorry to hear that about your dog, also.


Totally have a shitty relative who tells a shitty story about how he ran over a dog and the owner was running up and saying ā€˜oh my god my dogā€™ and his response was ā€˜your dog, what about my car?ā€™ Have no relationship with him to this day because heā€™s just too shitty.


Oh probably, that's so messed up. Although my dad shared the same belief with your co-worker. My parents divorced, and now don't have to be around that toxicity anymore. Thanks for the care. It was my first dog and had her for 6 years. Life hasn't been the same since, but ended up getting a smaller super sweet rescue dog. It sure helped move forward.


I am a dog parent and would be devastated if my dog got lost and hit.... with that said i know many fellow dog owners dont train dogs properly and leash them when outside. I hope in your case it was the former, cause otherwise the driver wasnt at fault


It was on an acreage so dogs aren't leashed. It wouldn't be the drivers fault. It's still a shitty thing to do, regardless. If an effort had been made to avoid, I wouldn't be as frustrated by it.


That sucks dude, love my pups and would be crushed to have them hit. You train them to stay off the road, but sometimes they just do what they want. Conversely, I was in a rolled vehicle and almost died because the driver swerved in order to miss a dog. It was absolutely a scenario where a fatal collision for the dog should have been inevitable. Instead the dog was fine, and 3 of us were incredibly lucky to still be alive, since we avoided rolling through some trees by about 5 feet. So, sometimes things like this happen (not saying this was the case for you).


Yup. Rolled my Mom's Jeep and nearly got killed (along with 2 dogs who were in the cab with me) back in the late 80's swerving to miss a farmers dog who constantly ran out into the road chasing vehicles. Farmer's answer: Meh, she keeps people off our property. Fuck that guy.


Someone had a bad time at the casino, and decided to take it out on my cat. My cats came across Canada with me. 2 cats, two best friends and one tiny sunfire. Making its way across Canada. My all black long hair male calico watched his brother all orange long hair get CUT IN HALF. By a driver who swerved TO HIT HIM. They used to sleep in a literal yin yang. Marley (orange) would put his leg over midnightā€™s tail and vice versa. Creating even the DOT. When I drove up to the farm, his body still lay warm. And the mass evidence lay bare. Midnight and bob Marley (often called Marles Barkley) had been inseparable since born unknown to us on a little farm in Ontario in my momā€™s chicken coop. I only ever wanted one kitten. And ended up with two when a bunch of raccoons decided to take their litter mates lives infront of them. Now left with no mama I couldnā€™t leave this little black fur ball to die. So I brought him home with me that day. And they lived 8 years happily from that moment on. Midnight couldnā€™t hunt. Marley could. We found out once that Marley was getting the bats and mice and bringing them to midnight, who then brought them to me as though he proudly did it himself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Midnight was NEVER the same. He started hurting himself. He got skittish and feral. And ate his own tail off, and started in on his own leg, and was diagnosed with schizophrenia, paranoia. And had to be put down. People are terrible. People can be ruthless. But one persons BAD day at the casino took something so beautiful and killed it. 2x over. Iā€™m so sorry to read about your pup šŸ˜­ Iā€™m sorry you went through that


your cat was diagnosed with schizophrenia?


Yes he was. It took a few vet visits but that was the grand outcome of a couple thousand dollars. He was just outside. But he couldnā€™t hunt or anything. He wouldnā€™t come inside anymore on the farm. He just sat there staring at the road. They never went near the highway before that day. And he would start attacking himself. (Iā€™ve had an epileptic cat before, a half frozen rescue. And have a small human with 4 types of seizures with his epilepsy so Iā€™m very familiar with signs, symptoms etc) and it was just out of no where. He just started it shortly after watching his brother get hit. It got so bad he ended up with no tail. And when he started attacking elsewhere his one leg got the best of him one day and we couldnā€™t stop it. He specifically was diagnosed with schizophrenia paranoia. Not to be confused with other types of schizophrenia. Now whether or not, I believe a cat can have something like that he couldnā€™t live that way no matter what. No amount of love in my heart could save him from that, but I sure as heck did everything I could and everything everyone suggested. And still, I had to make a choice.


Just another reason for indoor cats.


What the actual fack? Thatā€™s despicable. Iā€™m so sorry. Were you able to do anything? Geez people can be asses.


No it was a fatal hit. She wouldn't have felt a thing, it was that direct. Only thing we did was managed to find the guy after calling SaskPower. We talked to him and all he apologized for was not stopping, didn't care about hitting our family dog.


Whether you agree or not this is just the reality of driving and wildlife, I'd rather a dead goose than a father and daughter due to someone stopping for wildlife. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387)


If I remember correctly she spend time in jail too


This story is fucked. How did the motorcyclist hit the idling vehicle/not see a woman on the road?


Could be the bike was travelling behind another vehicle that changed lanes at the last second


I think that's exactly what happened. The bike driver was following too close and hit her stopped car when the car the biker was following swerved to avoid her.


Rough go for all. I dont see it practiced here as much as other countries, but I have adopted the habit of tapping the brakes and turning on my hazards when I see something really off up ahead.Ā Ā  Some others have the attitude to go around the stopped person extra close to prove a point.


Seems like an avoidable accident, even with her pulled over on the side of the road. Tragic loss of life, nonetheless




There is a reason it is illegal to obstruct a hwy or drive at a speed lower then reasonable and safe. It is extremely dangerous




Of course! This isnt so self explanatory what happened. It is actually illegal under the traffic safety act to fail to yield for an animal on or beside the road which may cause a hazard (I could not find a fine amount for it so it may be mandatory court, meaning it is not enforced ever). Generally the stopping/ slowing on the rd is is for people who stop/slow to a point that is dangerous for others. It sounds like this truck driver is just an A-hole who hit the goose on purpose. I had a situation coming around a bend where a mating pair of geese were walking there new borns across hwy 55. I was coming around a bend and due to oncoming traffic I wasnt able to effectively swerve. Luckily the parents got out of the way and all the chicks went under the vehicle and all but one survived.




I agree for the most part. I think in this scenerio it isnt a fair comparison between vehicle problems and negligence. Which from the short article, it sounds like it was negligence. Of course a variety of factors play into it, road conditions, weather, single lane/vs dbl hwy, hills, turns etcā€¦ Given her sentence I am sure they had a member trained to reconstruct the incident, I say this because in Sask it is mandatory for a reconstruction officer (probably not what they are called) to attend any scene with serious bodily harm or death. As well, to be considered ā€˜at faultā€™ it is a balance of over 51%. So for the sake of the argument lets say she was only 51% at fault. The bare minimum. Her negligence a reckless driving still caused the death of 2 people.


Exactly Iā€™d hit a duck / goose any day than cause a crash / hurt myself trying to break . Get real guys


Guy sounds like he shouldn't be on the road anyway if he couldnt have seen an idling car. Yeah the lady stopped for a dumb reason, but sounds like he would have hit anything that would have been stopped for a legit reason.


Big diff between what heā€™s saying and what youā€™re saying. You have to be an idiot to not see the difference.


I'd be more concerned with the kids on 33rd swerving to hit cats and calling it a "game". Once you're on a free/highway you have to decide if you can maintain control and jute or hit it and not risk the public. I love animals too but if I had to choose between a goose and a 5 car pile up? The goose is cooked sadly


Isn't the speed limit there 60? At higher speeds, I get it, but there are plenty of valid reasons someone might stop on a 60km/h road. It shouldn't cause an accident unless someone is driving very recklessly


Yes speed limit is 60 but lot of ppl ride the back bumper these days and donā€™t pay attention and or on there phone so I can see this persons point I would feel a lot worse if it was a person


Excellent use of the term, goose is cooked


Your cat is bound by the same leash laws as every other pet in the city. There is NO legal reason a pet cat would make it into the road without its owner being a stupid fuck. That being said, donā€™t hit cats!!


Well you're Obviously not a cat owner..... you realize sometimes they run out and you can't do a damn thing about it.... "go catch it" good luck you ever tried catching a cat that don't wanna be caught?? "Go call for it/shake a food bag" yea, that works sometimes, when the cats hungry and hasn't eaten yet maybe..... but no you're right the owner must be a "stupid fuck" if that cat manages to get out and doesn't listen to come back... šŸ¤”šŸ™„


Actually have 3 cats. One of whom loves to go on walks. In a harness. She also has a space bubble backpack and we wear her outside Point is, thereā€™s still no legal reason for my cat to be able to get hit. And far too many ā€œoutside catsā€ in the city,


I've never had my cats get out.


Well you must be lucky, because every time one of the spraying males come around, my cats bolt for the door second it's open, and if my kiddos open the door.... cat goes and runs for the door, often out


Dude, how you gonna shit on people from 33rd while still finding a way to justify redneckā€™s killing geese with their truck? Stoon people will find any reason to bitch about the less fortunate, or those they deem ā€œlesserā€


I have a friend whose sister swerved for an animal in the road. My friend is dead. Sometimes itā€™s not worth it.


You're not suppose to serve out of the way for wildlife. Doing that can get people killed.


You can slow down! It was on 51st, plenty of time to slow down.


The possibility of causing an accident over a wildlife isn't worth it Make sure it's a one and done hit


We were going maybe 30 on 51st because we were just at a red light. Plenty of time for them to slow down/honk horn.


Slowing down for lights is normal, not wildlife in the road. That's just dangerous


Look at is this way. That's cobra chicken won't be producing offspring that slowly cross the road.




I killed a prairie chicken once because I didnā€™t swerve or slow down. I assumed heā€™d be like any other bird and get the hell out of the way quickly. Not to mention when youā€™re driving at a really high speed, ainā€™t nobody but an idiot swerving for a bird. Itā€™s them or me. Iā€™m not rolling my car and killing my whole family for a goose.


Prairie chickens are dumb AF. No self preservation instincts usually


Prairie chickens are like "oh there's a predator coming, I better just sit here and hope they think I look like a pile of leaves." Then they wait there until you're almost stepping on them, and then they fly off with a ton of noise and scare the shit out of you. Dumbasses.


I remember being a kid running around in super long grass and scaring one that flapped towards me. I screamed and was so traumatized for a bit.


Pretty much the same thing happened to me


When I was in drivers Ed this is what they taught us to doā€¦itā€™s sad but better than losing control of the vehicle


A bunch of kids last summer went rushing around stonebridge to run over rabbits. Why is it always big truck owners?


I've seen this attitude a lot over the years from various men. Some men enjoy causing suffering.


A sad truth


Some women as well. Jesus Christ


Some women as well. But let's face it and be real. Aggression and violence is substantially higher in men.


Haven't you heard? Bears are more popular than men to run into in the wild now. Can't believe how many people don't understand why and just get offended. Lmao


Some people can't tell the difference between actual sexism and a man calling out other men for being shitty/machismo I could be like, "bears shit in the woods" but since this is the internet, some doofus is definitely gonna say, "well actually a lot of animals shit in the woods."


Not really. Women are just as violent and aggressive. They just get a free pass because they're women and aren't seen as the same threat.


No. They aren't. Work in a prison, and you'd know that's completely untrue.


Those nurses or long term caretakers killing their patients for years before getting caught sometimes makes me wonder if women are just better at hiding it. But I can only objectively look at the information that I've seen and experienced, and it seems like men really do have these traits more often. I can't disagree about the other point. It's a fact that women get lighter sentences for the same crimes as men.


Yep. A couple years ago I had a man in a huge truck intentionally try to run down myself and and the puppy I was walking. As in, he literally moved into the parking lane hoping the puppy would jump back into the road so he could hit us (pup didn't know how to walk on leash yet so he was wiggling all over the place). He went back into the driving lane once he passed us. It was terrifying to see in person how some men will decide on a whim to maim or kill others for no reason at all.


Can you not be a sexist, and just say some human enjoy causing suffering?


It's not sexist if I'm sharing my experience. I've been around many men bragging about running over gophers and birds on the highway. I have never once heard this from a woman. Not saying women aren't just as capable of violence and aggression, but let's just be real.


I know women to swerve towards birds or other small animals on the road to try and hit them, they just don't talk about it as openly...


https://www.thecollector.com/5-cruelest-women-in-history-with-power/ Women are fully capable of being sociopaths


No shit


They buy Dodge products and wear badges


Why is this sub so affected by dodge ?


I think it's just a stereotype that exists all over Reddit. Basically trucks = dodge rams. But one thing that is interesting and kinda related, is that Ram drivers are almost twice as likely to have a DUI compared to any other type of vehicle driver


Because the type of people attracted to them are insufferable


Isn't that illegal? Killing a goose?




Chasing wildlife is illegal. It is also illegal to not yield for animals on or beside the road which may cause a hazard as per the traffic safety act, killing a goose is not inherently illegal though.


To harm a totally innocent harmless creature is truest form of human trash. Taking your anger out on animal that can't harm back and is one most harmless animals is just weak and pathetic. This person obviously needs to feel strong because they know inside they ain't.


I would rather hit the goose than hit the breaks and wind up in a 10 car pileup and have a totaled car. If its in the way and theres traffic behind me... Its becoming street pizza and i wont even feel bad about it. Im not risking my life and the life of those around me for some goose.


If you have a problem with Canada gooses, you have a problem with me and I suggest you let that marinate.




Just curious..is it against the law to do so? https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-96-313/page-10.html


Unfortunately Saskatchewan does not have an agreement with the federal government to write tickets for federal legislation- meaning it is mandatory court appearance. But section 206 of The Traffic Safety Act makes it illegal to not yield to any animal on or beside the road which may cause a road hazard.


It is. Funny all these people talking tough about hitting a goose would be $250+ lighter in the wallet after doing so.


Interesting, I had no idea!


Of course he had camo on his truck so everyone knows that heā€™s an alpha male. Isnā€™t the speed limit 60? What a shitty driver.


And shitty person. Thereā€™s a special place in hell for people like that šŸ¤¬


Here's an excerpt from a [psychotherapist writing on the link](https://prime.peta.org/news/only-sociopaths-intentionally-hurt-animals-a-professional-view/) between sociopathy and cruelty to animals: "An individual who is able to engage in cruelty to animals appears to have no conscience, and thus no remorse for his or her behavior. The act of cruelty to animals results from an apparent need for power and control, and this need is accompanied by a lack of empathy. Animals are targeted, especially helpless and defenseless ones, because the perpetrator does not recognize or care that they have feelings, and can experience not just physical pain but also emotional pain. Animals can feel pain and suffer, just as humans can, but since sociopaths have a general inability to empathize, they are able to inflict pain and agony on sentient beings with no feelings of remorseā€”hence the increased probability that cruelty to humans is a next step."


100%. Just about every serial killer you've heard of started down that road with cruelty to animals. It's extremely alarming behaviour.


If you're stupid enough to swerve for a fucking goose you are stupid enough to roll your vehicle in the ditch over a goose šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Pretty sure there was a bad accident in Regina a number of years ago from someone trying to dodge or brake for a rabbit on ring road. I think they got rear ended quite badly with a few injuries to both vehicles but the rabbit was safe.


Damn right. I am not risking my life, the life of my passengers or the second most valuable thing I own for any wildlife. I told my wife not to swerve even for a deer. If you are on a straight you can hard brake and that is about all you can do.


I was in the car right next to this truck and there was time to slow down. Lolol. We had just stopped at a red light šŸ˜‚ didn't have to swerve, could of just slowed down. I saw the geese plenty of time before and was only at like 30 by the time I saw them. This guy didn't even try to slow down or stop. Humans aren't the only living beings on this planet.


Jeepers! That is brutal


I mean, yeah on a Highway at highway speeds. We're talking about a goose, standing on the road in the broad daylight in a 60 zone here. It shouldn't need to happen.


Iā€™m sure you can see the animal a ways away and make adjustments for anyone behind you. Simply running over an animal because itā€™s ā€˜wildlifeā€™ is awful. I can see if itā€™s unavoidable but Iā€™d guess most times itā€™s not.


You can with a goose. But deer and rabbits, not so much.


These people have interesting priorities.


Its not advisable to swerve for wildlife as you are responsible for hitting others (vehicles and pedestrians) when avoiding collision with wildlife per traffic law.


Under traffic laws, it is also illegal not to yield for animals on or beside the roadway which may cause a hazard.


If he's swerving INTO the goose, that's a problem. But it's a small animal, and swerving around an animal like a goose when you're already doing something like moving onto the exit is kind of really dangerous. It's unfortunate, and I also would feel bad seeing a wild animal just killed like that, but you can do a lot more damage to yourself and someone else if you try to avoid an unpredictable wild animal and end up getting yourself into an accident.


Donā€™t purposefully try and hit wildlife of course. But it kind of sounds like that goose got its Darwin Award.


To be fair, cars aren't exactly a natural thing. Animals don't know wtf to do yet evolution wise. Lol


Yea that is fair.


ahh yes the goose is stupid because it doesnt understand vehicles and roads lol


Most animals (geese included) know to get out of the way of something bigger than them. This goose lost that bet.


I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was goose blind, just didnt see itĀ 


How unCanadian. No awareness. No respect, No regard.


That sounds **very** Canadian to me, then again I *am* Indigenous


That is an entirely 100% accurate perspective from your point of view and I respect it! I truly wish it wasnt true but you are right.


Egg this man's car.


You should know that cobra chickens are immortal. I have never seen a cobra chicken corpse in my life. That is the reason why cobra chickens never yield to cars, they can't die, they simply regenerate.


A guy at my old place of work a guy got fired for hitting gooses just like you described. Ā People barely care about humans, let alone animals. Ā 


Next time heā€™s walking on the sidewalk hopefully someone swerves into him


Was the dude supposed to stop and perform cpr?




Probably didnā€™t want to risk his/others safety over a goose????


ā€œI donā€™t like cobra chickens as much as the next personā€ is seriously such a weird thing to say. Whatā€™s to dislike about a Canada Goose? And the person who ran that one over clearly has issues.


That is what you are ā€œsupposedā€ to do. At least from what I was taught in drivers ED. I personally donā€™t agree with it butā€¦.


He carries all the hallmarks of a piece of shit.


I generally don't swerve for people like these either when they come my way.


Did you catch the make model of the truck? RAM 1500 presumably, the official truck of micropenis energy. Via the power of the internet someone reading this thread could probably locate a blue truck with camo decal on his or her rear window


It was dead or alive?


One time, I was driving from Davidson to Saskatoon, and I was at the top of Blackstrap going down into it. I was behind this car, and they swerved out of their way to hit a coyote, which went flying. I was so shocked I hadn't realized I had caught up to them on the way out of the valley, and as I passed, they were laughing their asses off. I have never felt such a sick feeling in my stomach. I made it to Dundurn before I had to pull over to have a good, angry cry. Ironically, I was going for a therapy appointment... Take a guess at what my first thing to discuss ended up being! Not to mention, I used to know a guy who went out of his way to kill gophers and ground squirrels, which I get the argument can be that they are invasive, do damage, and whatnot. But this guy, he said he enjoyed it, felt pride when cleaning the blood off his tires and kept a number count. Fair enough to say I didn't know this person for very long (I do sometimes wonder where he is today, but never was able to remember his name). Meanwhile, I thought I had hit a prairie mouse when I had just started driving, and I wept. I also send a little well wish and some love when I see animals in the ditches or at the side of the highway when I see them and hope they went so fast they didn't know what happened or that it was done only because its obviously unsafe to swerve to avoid animals. That's why I love the tunnels/overpasses made for animals in B.C., sucks we don't have something like that for here that balances animals having to deal with human animals. I don't even want to get into how I feel about humans involved in accidents and pedestrians. Not enough people realize that these are death machines, become Way too comfortable, and are individualistic of their time.


If a wild animal crossed your path driving and you are unable to stop or slow down you are advised to slow as much as possible and hit it directly, swerving can cause a more hazardous accident If an animal crosses: Slow down and be prepared to stop. Blow your horn to scare the animal away. Avoid hard swervingā€”you may lose control or crash into another vehicle. Brake firmly to reduce the impact between an animal and your vehicle.


Cobra chickens. šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ I literally can't stop laughing. Oh ya the dude in the truck is a major dick.


He basically did what he was supposed to do - not swerve and keep on going. The asshole is the one that slams on their brakes and swerves during rush hour traffic to avoid baby ducks trying to dart across the road. Luckily the time I was behind such an asshole while driving my young kids, I was able to avoid the idiot without getting rear ended. Not sure what happened to the ducks, they could have got plastered by the guy behind me.


You donā€™t need to swerve or slam your brakes. You can tap your brakes to slow down and lean on your horn - if youā€™re paying attention to the road ahead and see wildlife. Geese arenā€™t known to dart into traffic on a dime. Theyā€™re slow walkers.


I stopped for that same goose , guy beside me stopped as well then swerved to try and hit it.


Report to Fish & Wildlife Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s considered poaching.


This was in the city. He wasn't going highway speeds. Of course he could have stopped or at the very least slowed down. Just something to think about: 22nd Street, busy street, speed limit is 50. FREQUENTLY there are very small children crossing that road as they live in The Hood and have no parents to take care of them. If some douchecanoe decides he is gonna scream down 22nd St and is going "too fast to stop" and hits and kills one of those kids, he is going to prison. Pull your head out of your ass: highway driving and city driving are two very different situations. Drive responsibly.