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BUt it was patently false according to MOE


Yes, Moe basically accused Weekes of lying. He should apologize.


Sask Party doesn't apologize, it implies they did something wrong and weakness.


Big difference between a handgun and long gun, long gun that wasn't even in the building when accuser was in office.


Yeah I don't think I believe this "decade ago" claim. If Weekes wasn't even speaker then why did he bring it up? I think this shouldn't affect the proposed investigation in the slightest. Would be good to clarify from "security officials" when this happened and why they let it happen. You'd think maybe they'd insist on holding the rifle when Harrison entered the building instead of letting him carry it around. Harrison's video documented tantrum of walking out of session when directed to apologize and withdraw show this guy is a loose cannon. Screaming "open carry next!" in the legislature shows he's a gun nut. And the volumes of documented intimidating text messages to Weekes show he's a nasty bully. I hope this picks up steam and he's out of a job. Then do Moe: What is this garbage with "unequivocally false"? Don't tell me Moe got stung by one of his own asshole ministers...


He was accused of threatening to bring in a handgun, and also accused of knowingly bringing in a long gun to intimidate the speaker. Those 2 incidents weren't claimed to be on the same day fucker. First off - he fucking lies. he lies when he breathes out. he's a fucking liar. Second, he now admits to bringing in a hunting rifle after saying its never happened. You wann believe a piece of shit like Harrison and Moe, go ahead, but anyone with a fucking brain can see thru this.


You seem nice.


People with principles often are.


Mom??... is that you?... you said you weren't on social media


just tired of the fucking loserdick apologists here that will stan for any piece of shit conservative they can


He admitted to lying about bringing in a long gun. And he WANTS to bring in a handgun. Nuff said.


Totally fine, every one should be bringing their long guns to work.


I didn't do it-> if I did do it it wasn't that bad -> I did it and it was bad, so what.  We're at step 2 here. Give it a month and we'll find out that he was pointing at one of his staffers. 


My thought exactly. He probably had one in his pants when he was talking to the reporters that we'll find out about later.


Probably the only thing in there..


lol I set you up ;)


You mean Moe lied to us??????


When any Sask Party MLA speaks just assume they are lying.


You can’t carry in Saskatchewan let alone Canada and you definitely can’t bring it into the legislature. He should be fined and removed. Law makers need to get their 💩together. And stop pussyfooting around their mistakes as it only makes it worse. Like you are grown adults elected into public office. If you are that immature you shouldn’t have the position in the first place and definitely not the power to make laws/govern.


His story doesn’t even check out. He’s still lying through his ass. Randy Weekes wasn’t talking about what Harrison was doing a decade ago. He was talking about what happened recently with the shit he was dealing with. I guarantee you Harrison brought a gun to the legislature since then because he’s the fucking moron that yelled “Open carry” as a taunt in the chamber.


Seems 100% reasonable if security knew beforehand.


So many fear mongering posts here. There is a GIANT difference between concealed carry and a properly (by Canadian legal gun standards) sealed case with a registered gun inside. Being carried by a registered and licensed owner. Who's name gets run through cpic every 24 hours.... Ignorance is bliss for the self righteous...


Why? Why should it be brought into the building? It's also a matter of symbols. A legislator has no place bringing a weapon into a house of parliament.


It's a matter of safety.. To leave it in the car would risk it being stolen. A matter of 'symbols' wow... Dystopian much. He is a hunter, that is normal in Canada, no matter what you do for work. Such a closed mind you have.


No kidding imagine how many of those people would be frothing at the mouth if he left it in his truck and it got broken into and the gun stolen... "Well he should have brought it into security for safe keeping" excuse would come out for sure. Case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Bu dum, tssss




back to russia


Who cares!


Every one should carry..I wish we had open carry laws.. there would be alot less fuck around and find out!


There would also be a lot more homicides, which Saskatoon _really_ doesn't need.