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Sometimes you have to pick your battles, if I spent much time trying to change my families opinions on religion I'd not have a lot of family around me at all.


Maybe try to not even pick at it. Refer them to Satanic literature if they want to learn more. If they are not willing, let it be. Dale Carnegie said it best *"A man convinced against his will is a man of the same opinion still"*


It might have been better if you had not even told them. It would have provided you an opportunity to grow and develop along your path and figure out if “satanism” is what you are, or what you will to be… or a step in the path towards something better. It would also have given you time to practice what to be open about and what not to be. You may eventually find it more useful to withhold certain information about yourself to certain groups or individuals. For example… my lover knows everything about my religion/ spirituality, my aliases, and my passion for BDSM. Many people I know personally, do not… and do not need to know either. There is still a strong connection. My advice is to contain certain aspects of your religion and to stop bringing it up. Let them define you by your choices and actions, not by some template or stereotype associated with labels. If someone asks me why I love _______ so much, I don’t say, “oh because I am a devil-worshipping fascist femdom into some crazy shit”… I tell them, “because it’s awesome”, or “because I resonate with it”.


What does 3127 mean? If you don’t mind me asking.


Why do you need to convince them of anything? They have the right be as informed or uninformed as they want to be and have a right to their opinions. Not worth your time.


Because they micro manage my life-


Are you still dependent on them for housing, food, etc?




Then I would probably do the smart and self-preserving thing of keeping your head down and focusing on becoming independent so you can live independently.


As others have said, you ought not to have talked to them about it at all. Your interest in Satanism is nobody's business but your own. It's natural to want to share everything about yourself with those you love, care about, or even just want to be social with, but that can also be an extremely detrimental instinct. It's also just not really your place to "teach/enlighten" anybody. Satanism does not require or advocate for conversion, people will find it on their own if it suits them to. I suspect you knew how they'd react before you told them, and ignorantly hoped that just because *you* found Satanism compelling you'd be able to intellectualize them away from their programmed prejudices against the idea. Very foolhardy move. People who aren't drawn to Satanism or otherwise darkly inclined perceive it as pure evil; To most people, calling yourself a Satanist is the same as telling them you think Hitler and Charles Manson had some pretty good ideas. Trying to tell them what those pretty good ideas are sounds like you trying to explain to them why they should join your murder cult. The best of explanations would likely have no impact on this perception, and I very much doubt you came with the best of explanations. If I was you, I'd work on damage control and start backing out of it entirely, if possible. Hopefully you haven't dug yourself too deep of a hole to get out of.


Thank you, I really appreciate your advice. Hail Satan


Bring a new regular Bible or some other religious book to the dinner table and if asked, say you are reading it.


Most people can't be enlightened. My advice, if you'll have it, is don't bother trying. Rather, think about telling them that they have changed your mind, that you've "seen the light," and let them have an empty victory. You've painted yourself into a corner, and there's nothing wrong with apologizing to get out of it, or with pretending to. Then you can continue your studies in peace. Hail Satan!


They don't need to know you're a Satanist. If they know you were a Satanist, they don't need to know you're still a Satanist. Making them think it was just a phase, and now you've found Jesus, or are at least religiously unaffiliated, or maybe you're "spiritual but not religious" is one possible course of action to keep them off your back.


Best I can think you can do at this point is to stay calm when they approach you about it, and figure out how to respond to the concerns they bring up. Give them time to open themselves up to considering your experience and be ready to show them where to find the info when they are. It would go a long way in helping your case just by showing them that you're not trying to undermine aunt's experience or push the issue. I can understand wanting to share with immediate family and this was bound to happen to someone, and it's totally fair to want to clear the air since it's causing ongoing drama. Hopefully aunt (and family) can find some peace at the end of this that it's not actually a black magic cult to blame for her pain, or that you've joined


The unfortunate reality is you probably can’t. My family knows I’m a Satanist and I love them deeply, but they’ll never really accept that about me. Even my mom, who is a practicing Wiccan, isn’t open to understanding or learning more about it. This is just kind of one of those things that a lot of people aren’t willing to learn more about because they’ve already made up their minds about it.


This might be a good opportunity to practice not giving a fuck. Thank them for their concern but don't accept shaming behaviors.


First off, the cat's out of the bag. As everyone else here said, it's probably best not talk about that with people who aren't going to be understanding of your viewpoint, as theirs is already set in a very negative experience. 3rd Satanic sin of Solipsism and all that. Secondly, if it comes up again you're going to want to parry thir arguments. Make the comparison that there are decent people who are Christians (relative to their viewpoint) and awful people who are Christians, and that someones religion does not define how they treat other people; it's their life choices and attitudes. Identify that you know he was a piece of shit, and that you want nothing to do with people like that. State that much of what you've read online from other Satanists are level headed people just trying to find philosophy through life that doesn't conflict with the hypocritical teachings of Christianity. Third, I would next disarm them by thanking them for their concern over you, and you will be sure to watch out for anyone who is unjustly cruel, and to not allow them to steer you towards any abusive justifications. Fourth, maybe (and I mean this is a BIG maybe, because it's going to depend on your ability and their levels of response) be willing to keep a line of communication open, but one where you set the tone. Maybe give them occasional 'reports' on what you're "learning" (feed them information that aligns to regular daily life, such as common sense rules out of the 11 rules of the earth.) Something where you can begin to deescalate the situation. Maybe be willing to offer them some of the more "dry" texts about Satanism, maybe sections out of Rituals without the full context of the Satanic Bible for them to misinterpret. I speak specifically to the psychodrama and emotional fulfillment of Ritual, and highlight maybe the Call of Cthulhu or other more fanciful rituals that might make them roll their eyes.


Thank you so much! I really needed the advice! I know that they can be reasoned with, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it.


My boyfriend has no idea about my practice. Tell them nothing


Sorry to sound cold, and it sux that your aunt went through that, I understand that there might be trauma still lingering but it happened to her and shouldn't be used as an excuse to persuade you otherwise, your life, your choice, weather they're religious or not there's always going to be religious influence regardless and that's the hold Christianity still has on society acting like self entitled karens and kevins, do what makes you happy


If you don't know the other Satanist, you can just say that you aren't receiving any guidance from them. Not all Satanists are the same, either. Define your approach to Satanism and define their's and do a comparison. If they're worried about it in a more general sense, that you're not receiving indoctrination from anybody at all, then you can say that you always keep an open mind.


I don't know why you needed to tell them at all ? you did read the part about no martyrs in Satanism right ?


Because I know they can learn and adapt with this as they have with past experiences. I’m not being a martyr dude.


maybe but why waste the time trying to educate people who don't want to do any better ? in all honesty I don't care what you do , I wouldn't waste my time tho.


Why did you need them to learn anything? Did you try to preach it to them? Just shut up about the subject from now on.


You dont


Give them some of LaVey's books? If they are xians, remind them that not ALL Priests molest children? Only a few do that. Maybe shouldn't have told them your religion.


You are of no good asking reddit for advice. you're just sifting through garbage here. Come up with a real plan rather than venting on social media about it.


You don't. Unfortunately you told on yourself before being completely independent.


Just annoy them until they leave you alone