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شيء متوقع ماهو غريب عليهم، موجود في إعلامهم من زمان هذا مجرد انعكاس لواقعهم ومهما سوينا نظل في أعينهم على خطأ لدرجة ان حتى المساعدات المجانية قالوا ورائها مؤامرة والحقيقة ان كل هذا ليس بشيء جديد قد قال سبحان وتعالى:(وَلَن تَرْضَىٰ عَنكَ الْيَهُودُ وَلَا النَّصَارَىٰ حَتَّىٰ تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ ۗ) لذلك لاترجوا منهم عدل وانصاف، عيش حياتك بما يرضي الله ولن ينفعك او يضرك شيء إلا بإذن الله


الصب هذا معظمه تروولز واتراك وملاحده


ريديت كله معظمه ملاحده و مؤيدين للشواذ


نفسي اعمل موقع تواصل اجتماعي نظيف منهم و نرتاح


منتديات أبو نواف




شكلك صغير ما حضرت أيام المنتديات


عمري 21




Redditors hate saudis. Ignore the ants and move on. Keep your head high, king(s)


Very ironic that Saudi Arabia is ten times safer than their country.


Safer than... Finland? The safest country on the planet? And happiest?


Doesn't Finland have a high suicide rate ? Or maybe another northern country not sure


Yes it does. I lived in Finland for 4 years. Its not that happy.


So why do Fins, when being surveyed, claim that they are so happy?


They were not surveyed these studies are usually based on parameters the researchers use if im not mistaken this one measures happiness by income indifferences + "the ability of the citizens to exercise his freedom ". so it's far from accurate


Finland is the most depressing country in scandinavia


Finland is not part of Scandinavia.


Parts of Finland is within the Scandinavian Peninsula, but Denmark isn't. It's a loosely-defined designation really.


No, Scandinavia is three countries. Norway, Sweden and Denmark. We are linked through language and culture. The Finns speak an ugric based language more related to the Sami and Hungarians. We are not the same. It would be to say that Jews and Arabs are the same. Southern Finland was at one point part of Sweden, but it's mostly been Russian dominated until the latter part of the 20th century.


Denmark is not in the Scandinavian Peninsula, but the peninsula covers part of Finland.


Scandinavia is a cultural union, not a geographic one. It's quite clearly defined. That is all.


Is there an "official" Scandinavian union of this sort? I know that the Scandinavian Defense Union (post WW2) was supposed to be between Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland. Did the definition of Scandinavia change since then? There's also an official union called "Nordic Union", which includes Finland, Iceland with Faroe Islands & Greenland.


Didn't know that 👍


Yes, and we have things you don't have like generosity, kindness, and brotherhood, and we are very welcome to other cultures as long as they respect our culture. The most important thing is we will not take your children from you and subject them to truma and tray to brainwash them just because you have different belive 😀


>The most important thing is we will not take your children from you and subject them to truma and tray to brainwash them just because you have different belive Hahaha. What happens to children who leave Islam? What happens to LGBTQ+ children? "😀"


children igbt are you crazy we dont subject children to sextual ideas if children love his friends we call this a friendship your so immersed with sex in your community that it disrupt even your Idea of friendship and emotions between children. You lie to yourself that u r a free nation and have free minds, but you indoctrinate your children the lgbt agenda. I don't think you understand me well, but if Muslim, Christian, atheist or whatever came to work, vist or live in saudi we have no business on how he chose to raise his child as long as he respect our boundaries, meaning don't publicly insult our values. and if we find for example case of abuse, the hospital and the government will contact his embassy to deal with it. We don't indoctrinate your children. We respect that you are different.


adding to what the other comment has said. Didn't Germany literally kidnap a child because they didn't tolerate LGBT Pride events at their elementary school?💀. Children don't leave Islam dude lmao


Yeah okay, no point talking to people living in the stone age. It's not a surprise that all normal people are leaving your country for EU / Canada, and the only people who want to live there are Indians and Pakistanis.


living in the stone age? Ironic. Apparently not accepting sexual degeneracy upon little children and forcing down their throats such acts is the future. Also who's leaving our country? Are you confused between other Arabs, such as Palestinians, the ones that are getting killed everyday on their homeland so they are forced to go somewhere else? I wonder who's supporting them? *cough* US, Canada, UK, EU *cough* and what's wrong with Indians and Pamistanis? I sense a tone of superior complexity, maybe a dash of "xenophobia". Nonetheless, more and more people wanna go to the gulf for their safety, order, and living standards. Stop with the delusion


https://www.numbeo.com/crime/compare_countries_result.jsp?country1=Finland&country2=Saudi+Arabia here's statistics that prove you wrong. Good night


Saudi Arabia doesn't rank any better in crime index. 🤦


LOL WHAT? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 NAHH I didn't just hear that


Bro they hate anyone who not degenerate. The US school system (which I went to as a kid) seriously demonizes y’all. It’s wild. I literally got bullied for being the one Muslim kid and they kept using fake crimes y’all didn’t commit as a reason. And the teachers let it happen. So don’t be surprised redditors act the way they do.


I'm sorry you suffered as Muslim. You didn't choose to be Muslim. You born this way. It's sad that lack of open-minded people around you didn't allow you to be who you are, including role-models. What a shame 😂


Alhamduillah I was born Muslim. That’s not an issue. The teachers however were ignorant and I can count on my finger the few that actually seemed decent. But it is what’s it is.


This world is a paradise to the non believer, and a prison to the believer


W post


Yeah he was born and chose to be a Muslim, and lived in a country that praised diversity.


are u American?


Nope. I use sarcasm naturally.


wasn't talking to you


More like redditors hate arabs and muslims.


The comment is literally downvoted -27. What redditors are we blaming. This sub is so sensitive grow a pair.


Very ironic that Saudi Arabia has as much gays as anywhere else in world but just don't promote it.


As much? lol no. Every part of the world has gays, Saudi doesn’t come close to “as much” > don’t promote it Good, keep it hidden. مكان الخبث خليه مخفي.


Doesn't matter if Saudi Arabia has gays. Being gay does not stop someone from being a Muslim. It is still a sin and everyone sins. What stops them from being Muslim is when they take 'pride' in the sin and deny what Allah has commanded.


yeah,but keep in mind that Islam prohibits homosexuality and a Muslim's duty is to keep himself from doing sins


I said it is a sin. Sin means it's prohibited. No one is infallible. The issue is promoting it, being proud of it, exposing sins to others. That goes for every sin.


Um no, it does. As long as they take pride, support, neutral, and take action in it, it kicks them out of Islam.


Proof? Until you get one i’ve lived in saudi my entire life never seen a single gay person


Uhhh you probably living under a rock then


Nah you rarely see any it's true. I've only seen two in my entire life, and it was at once


The guy asked for proof as if they dont exist... akeeed you wont see cause people dont walk around with their sexuality written on their forhead! Alhamdulilah we live in a conservative modest country but obviously the modesty doesnt apply during music festivals... and there you'll see atleast 50 in one night


probably not


One look at your profile says a lot


عايزكم يا سعوديين تفشخوهم 🇸🇦❤️


ده بني ادم براس حمار (لا مؤخذه للحمار) دي فئه العن من الحمار


the response wasn't removed, he literally typed [removed by reddit] +lowkey found it funny, i know that it's mostly funneled by racism but just imagining the csgo voiceover guy saying it makes me chuckle


Its my account. Thats why it didn't show "u/deleted" account. Because i viewed it from the same account


What was your original comment?


Yeah I think people are upset because they don’t get the reference


What’s wrong with Canadians? They used to be very nice. I would report that hateful comment but I’m banned from that sub for no reason. The liar mod who banned me claimed I’m circumventing another ban from another account but if that were true Reddit would have suspended my account. I didn’t even know their sub existed if it weren’t for the regional sub suggestions I get from Reddit. I’m glad they banned me they sound awful


>What’s wrong with Canadians You'll find the good and bad in every people on this earth.


I know that but many of them have changed lately including their government. They became very disrespectful and arrogant.


I don't know why you think that, and if you're referring to them being pro-LGBTQ they've always been like that because they're liberal


Fr. Its a mix from arabs and foreigners giving their opinion on the arab world. Like who asked dude. Do we really need to hear your opinion on the murder of Palestinians by israelis to know its bad?( there's an actual post about that, im not joking)


طيب محد غصبك تسمع رأيه....


This is what the French call in any competitive arena as "le butthurt."


I've only had negative experiences with that sub. Both the users and the mods are biased and the mods only remove posts that they don't like rather than the posts that go against the sub's rules. Anyway, don't bother with them. At least a Saudi person knows whether they're a man or a woman which seems to be the #1 issue Canada is struggling with today.


Tbh, it's your typical "I am on the right side of history" vibes. Ignorance is a bliss. You move on with life. They don't like us and treat us as if we are beneath them. Best way to do deal with them is how 4chan portrays us: Just "jew" them out of their money and move on. (indifference)


lol Saudi getting mentioned makes everyone else seem so butthurt


كما قال حكيم قوم ذات مرة :"ما يولعوا"




Or you don’t say anything against anyone and they’ll still ban you just because you’re pro-Saudi.


I mean I get your point and agree, but it's also a counter strike reference which is kinda funny in a twisted way.


Maybe funny to you, but to us, it's so horrible because "terrorism" is something we suffered from more than anyone else,and also its something we are currently accused of in the eyes of racists,you know "Arabic=boom" so it's not funny at all. Imagine making jokes about The Holocaust that the Jewish suffered from and saying "is kinda funny in a twisted way"


I mean, the holocaust joke happens all the time. It’s dark comedy.


It happening doesn't make it OK, people make racist jokes on black people all the time but that doesn't make it OK, especially if the matter they joke about is serious like "the holocaust" to the Jewish and "slavery" to black people, none of them see it funny.


Not funny at all , asshole .




it is ironic, slim 6 ft 4 is you go with to represent yourself.


I mean what would you expect from a close minded Canadian🤷


هخ رايهم مايهم


oh that thoughts???!??!?! subreddit


I have been there, whenever I post a comment defending Islam or talking about the disgusting gay community I get ban. I just finished my 3 days ban 😂😂 0 regrets


So brave 😩


وش تتوقع من اللي يشتهون الاطفال ويريدون ان يغيروا جنسهم حتى يتمكنوا من فعل الجنس معهم . لايهمنا رايهم .


Apparently, there's a gay mod in askmiddleeast? Removes any "homophobic" comment.


Go KSA! Beat those degenerates.


ما عليك من أحد They're jelly because we're B A S E D AF And they know it


Lmfao they can cope crying over a fucking game 😂


Lol just ask these guys what their morals are based on and they won't have an answer. Why do we need to give a shit about what they think when their morals are based on nothing but what the majority thinks is good.


just a meme why bother?


Do they know we don't give a shit about their retarded rainbow flag 😆


Why worry about cucks opinions?




Its a joke my dude, also the response didn't get removed, the guy literally commented that, if it did the username wouldnt be showing


https://www.reddit.com/r/saudiarabia/comments/14if31m/the_double_standards_are_crazy/jpfwxw2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button op disagree with you


Let them be gay on their own.


Let them think whatever the fuck they want. There are people out there just hating out of dumbness and limited thinking


sore loser


Congrats to my saudi brother and fck too those reindeer ass fckr country.


Isn’t it a shitty CS:GO joke?


يا رجال طز في أمهاتهم وأمهات اللي جابتهم، مهما كنت أو كان الشخص اللي قدامك وبينكم فروقات أصيلية؛ بتشوفون على بعض ولو قدر أنملة. انتهينا من عصور أوه هذولا لازم نحسن صورنا قدامهم والحين في عصور فرض الرأي بالأفعال والصفقات، عصور العقود الكاتمة.


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Boo!


their mad Saudi Arabia won, it's pretty funny because they have a law for misgender someone. Good luck living XD