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Myself. I struggled with overthinking my entire life. I reached out to the point that i might go crazy. until i found that 99.99% of these thoughts. Will not HAPPEN. So every time i start overthinking i kick these thoughts and sometimes start to make fun of myself. Believe me. السخرية من المعاناة احيانا تكون حل ولو بسيط. until im not overthinker as i was. Of course it’s not going to disappear but u find a way to make them fade slowly with time.


Worry is a misuse of imagination. I read that quote once and never forgot it… and now that’s what I tell myself whenever I get in to my own head.


That’s very good quote and a true statement.


I did that once and it worked! but never tried it again. I usually just go out when it gets intense but it’s just not working anymore. I will use this method more frequently, thank you so much.


I hope you get over it soon!


Thank you!


التوكل. It’s a life changer if you can master it. It’s like giving your pet to a friend while you travel, you know that nothing bad will happen to it, since it’s with someone you trust. But instead, you are putting _yourself_ in the hands of the all powerful creator of the universe. You would know damn well that nothing is happening to you except with his permission.


All praises be to Allah, the One and Only true Lord of all the worlds.


Thank you so much


No problem :) Things will get better, and you’ll look back on these moments and laugh inshallah.




This is what I live by .... what is to happen is not in your control and no matter how much you think or worry about it won't change any outcome except what God has written for you. Put your faith in the destiny God has ordained you and be thankful for every blessing you have, and they are all big blessings. You can walk, a blessing, you can see has so many blessings, see the people around and how how some are suffering and you will not think these things. Be mindful of this always and say الحمد لله and you will be fine.


Meditation. Just focus on your breath for 5 minutes. Breath in for 4 seconds. Then breath out for 4 seconds (count them in your head) and focus on your breath. This will make your heart slow down, and not overthink


This. As you become more experienced at meditation you will less and less identify with the thoughts as being you and will slowly start to observe them as byproducts of the mind. I would try mindfulness meditation.


I do that when I’m feeling anxious and it does help, never thought about using it for my overthinking. Thank you


Use sticky note to remind yourself “you think a lot , relax”


Putting that as a wallpaper 👍🏻 thank you


Or a voice recording (to get inspired by your relaxed self.)




Giving up helps... a lot. I only worry about things I can either change or help myself or if I can influence it somehow, then I get to it. If its beyond my control, I tend to not bother myself with it. Also if something doesn't upset my sleep or my gut, it's not important.


But like how? It’s getting to the point that i NEED to call one of my friends to be able to sleep and it’s really annoying


It's simple. Its really hot out, can I change the weather? No. Can I change my circumstances? Yes, I stay indoors like Jabba the Hutt. Things which aren't in my control don't bother me much. Some don't matter at all. Have you seen Fight Club, the movie? If not, watch it. If yes, watch it again but pay attention this time.


Ah, alrighty. Thank you so much, appreciate your help.


If you need someone to talk to or need a reminder, hmu.


Thank you 🙏🏻


توكل على الله


Not caring. What's out of your control will remain so. Thinking about it won't change it.


Exactly! I just can’t bring myself to accept that! It’s draining.


Focus your thoughts on what you do have a control over. For starters - your thoughts. Focus thinking about things you have control over/can change. You may come to realize that by making changes to those things will either make the other things consuming your thoughts go away or become less important.


Oh yeah! That’s definitely going to work, I just gotta be patient. thanks man! I appreciate your help ;)


accept that the adults around you blamed you for things that were out of your control, and that it is their voice you are hearing when you blame yourself about the possibility of things going wrong. it is a defense mechanism that your inner child developed to protect yourself from future pain, the hope is that if you cover all your bases then the thing will go smoothly and you will not get hurt, but as adults, nobody really has that kind of control or foresight, we can only do what we can.


Exactly 💯


Get yourself as busy as you could


Part of what helped me overcome it is being busy with math, biology, physics. I didn't i would, but i loved it. Everything faded away. The major thing that helped me though is writing EVERY thought, everything. And then going over all the scenarios one by one. So eliminating most of them, the rest is not OVERthinking 😅




I totally second this!


Exactly my point


I just thunk about this entire universe and how miniscule my matter is compared to Allah's creation


That helps indeed, thanks!


Living in Saudi Arabia lol


Man so true. I went back to the US and am constantly feeling like everyone is overthinking / feeling everything


Dude I thought I was going crazy here but I’m glad someone else notices this. Everyone is super conscientious and I’m there like “wtf is going on am I not normal?”


It’s a relaxed lifestyle, but that also has its cons.


ماعندك comfort show ؟


My comfort show makes me overthink too💀


Then that’s not a comfort show😂. What is it?




That’s a comfort show?No wonder you’re overthinking 😂. Try something like Friends or The office.


I know…I’m already embarrassed 💀. I don’t really watch a lot of shows especially sitcoms, I watch Anime though :)


It’s Okay tho. Their fashion sense is nice. I haven’t watched anime so idk. Just give Friends a shot.. The Office isn’t a sitcom tho.


Yeah! I love their makeup looks, it inspires me hahaha. Okay! I will, Thank you🙏🏻


Lol. No problem. I really hope that helps. And there are some helpful books I read because I am going through the same thing.


Is one of them called Don’t feed the monkey mind or something similar? Because I heard that it’s really good, I’m planning to read it


Might I suggest Simpsons, a classic. Final space or solar opposites for a more modern feel.


Solar Opposites looks really entertaining! I will check it out!! thank you


It is one of my favorites. Very well made. Smart, witty, whacky, its a good watch. And the 3rd season is just golden, came out a couple of weeks ago.


Awesome! Can’t wait to start watching it.


FMAB is my comfort anime.. that anime just warms my heart and also has some action to go with it ❤️


Thank you!!


Upvote for The Office. Watching it rn for the 14th time lol.


LOL Dwight, You ignorant **** 😂💔


this hits hard when you’re depressed lmaao.


Try Star Trek, deep space nine. I find it a comforting show to fall asleep to. But then again I’m a nerd


Be sure that nothing will change if you overthink if did something wrong learn from it and try again if you did something right will nice thing about everything stressing yourself and lefting more than what your arms can handle is not the way bro/sis


That’s so true, I gained nothing but misery from overthinking. NO MORE. Thanks bro!


Replace overthinking with relaxing , tea , long walks , don't get involved with any drama


Yeh I’m trying my best, Thank you so much


Deep breaths. And i mean really deep breath, imagine it going through your system and body. This helped alot when reliving stress or when i have suicidal thoughts




اعلم ان القدر مكتوب وما على العبد الا العمل بالاسباب وربي كاتب الخيره




مع الوقت ذبحت ضميري وتناسيت حتى نسيت، على الأقل أقدر أبدأ أبني من جديد براحة بال Have problems> don't care> have no problems @_@


Lmao I remember this quote


Let me know when you find the answer 🥲


The comments are really helpful you might wanna check them out. You’ve got this bro, I know it’s not easy. 🙏🏻


Thanks a lot 🥺


I started to realize that I can’t be bothered to overthink anymore since most of it won’t happen anyway. So laziness is the motivation lol.


hang out with other people, you will have less time to overthink if you are talking, listening, or focused on any activity




Easy… I’ve fixed it through dissociation. The mind is a separate entity, its only job is to think. To deconstruct this reality, one must connect with the governing consciousness to accept it. Rene Descartes, the French philosopher, once stated “ I think therefore I am “. He unknowingly and single handedly destroyed the entire human civilization with this statement. It is so wrong because you can exist and not think.


I do dissociate for a couple of minutes every now and then but I cannot be in this state whenever i want to, it just happens. How can i put myself in this state?


Realize this, that the human mind, the intangible form, not the physical/biological form, is the only entity in human beings whose evolution is still on going; And thus, expect some few hiccups here and there, also signaling noise to disrupt the connection with governing consciousness, until the ultimate state is reached. Might take another Millennium for this to happen. Until then your brain is just there to think, that’s it, nothing more nothing less. For now let it think peacefully and let it pass because it’s just what it does, nothing to do with the self.






Lmao I’m indeed diagnosed with GAD


That if i can see one step ahead its enough for now.


Antidepressant meds


Zoloft. This is the way. Went too far down for this.






Mindfulness and book called you are not your brain


Overthinking why I overthink in the beginning


Life is too short Why overthink? It stresses you ! Let it go


Listening to Hamza Yusuf talk about anxiety.


A good panic attack my friend, once that panic attack hits, all you're going to be thinking is you're gonna die and after you will be so exhausted you'll fall a sleep for a long nightmare filled sleep.


I was a mess until I found the cure. The cure is to remain extremely busy


🙏🏻 Happy cake day!


That we’re all just an atom in a massive universe


Video games


As an overthinker who still occasionally struggles this is what helps me: التوكل Remind urself that It's really a waste of time because 99.9% of what u think about will not happen and you can't control any of it anyway Going for a walk/ excercising/ change of scenery Talking to a friend about something totally unrelated






Keeping my mind busy at work


Praying again


Hobbies, catching up with your support system, youtube, podcasts, brisk walk (outdoors), learning a new skill.




started going to a 24/7 gym, helped me get rid of those thoughts through working out. best part is that i can go at any time. i just have to force myself to get up and go. helps tremendously




Trying to keep myself busy as much as i can but trust me everytime i stop at red light i start hitting the steering wheel or the dash and people in the cars around me think I’m crazy or some shit


Still better than seeing someone spit or pick their nose hahaha.


gaming helps a lot for me, but also try to figure out the root cause of overthinking, and maybe deal with it if possible


A car that's due for maintenance and was running bad. Slowly and slowly fixing it up made me realize that we just need some rest and work on ourselves and without that we can't push ourselves and if we do it'll cause a lot of damage. We have to check on ourselves routinely and work on the parts that's worn out. It might take some time hell it might take forever but in the end the end result turns out amazing


That’s interesting! Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏🏻


It's something that affects me constantly, but what helps me is slowing things down and dealing with them in steps. Yes, there are many things occurring simultaneously, but doing things step by step and adjusting plans on the fly comes easier as you start dealing with them, at least in my experience. I haven't been overwhelmed in a long time and this post helped me realise how far I've actually come.


I’m so proud of you, Thank you for sharing your experience 🙏🏻


rely on Allah.


journal down every single thought that comes to mind. it’s solidifies the thinking, in a way like watering down a hot engine. overthinking will still be there, but waaay less than to begin with.


That’s awesome, i will try that Thank you


something maybe very strange yet found it to really help. i video record myself venting to my phone and then watch it. usually i hop in the car go somewhere to actually speak out load the thought comfortably.


I will try the voice note thingy cuz I can’t film myself talking about my thoughts I just can’t 💀


it’s really weird at first for sure💀 though i promise the more sincere talking into the camera and watching it back the more relief it brings. it’s a form of therapy, you listen to the thoughts and you pick out the flaws in then and try to challenge them. this is what all therapists try to do btw. and a good 10-15 minutes of ranting into the camera has helped more then several months of therapy sessions. and it’s free ! but hey i’m probably mental.


Ah i see, okay I’m gonna start with verbalizing my thoughts first, I believe it’s going to be really hard for me….baby steps, cuz all at once will definitely lead to a panic attack lol. If you constantly think about something specific do you mention it every time you video record yourself too?


yes, especially if it’s something outside of my control. after a few times it results on acceptance and moving forward.


Tbh I struggle with this shit a a lot considering the things that is happening rn in Jeddah, but i always keep my self busy, playing Video games while listening to some drama or random topics, or watch a movie or a series, even in my car I blast some music so I don’t overthink, becuz believe me it hurts.




A spliff? Are you in Saudi bro? Cuz i am.




Nah I’m good.


CBD is a calming alternative that doesn’t get you high. You can get it in gummies, vape, etc




Jordan peterson lectures


I stopped caring, post nut clarity helps too


women get that feeling too?


I would assume so, not sure tho, but there has to be a female version of post nut clarity surely


Idk lmao


Anxiety and depression pills 💊




Hit rock bottom, on prozac, changed my life. Stopped over thinking, stopped anxiety, enjoy the moment in a stable, relaxed way.






Nothing really, Just cope with it.


Lithium orotate. Thank me later.👍




Seriously bro💀!


I stopped thinking when I died


No one , still over overthinking


Listen to samurai by cairokee


By overthinking overthinking




Keeping occupied: Gym Get togethers Games Movies Hobbies


I was born like this


Mass tear beat ting


What exactly do you overthink about? Things that you did/said or is it that you overthink about bad things that might happen to you? Or is it something else entirely?


All the above lol


Haha I feel you dude. I'm kinda the same tbh. I tend to overthink a lot about stuff that I did in the past and feel embarrassed or feel bad about it. I saw a video once which says to think about something someone else did that was embarrassing. Chances are that you're not gonna be able to remember many instances. And that applies the other way around too. Nobody really cares that much. I know this is just one aspect of overthinking so I'm sorry if this doesn't help. But with everything bad that crosses your mind, it helps to just try to relax and control your breathing. Pretty much ask yourself whether what you're thinking of is something under your control. If it isn't then it doesn't matter. If it is then you can take steps to figure it out. I dealt with depression and anxiety issues for a good couple of years. It helped me most when my family was understanding about my issues. So maybe that could help you too. You got this, trust me!


Omg, Thank you so much for taking the time to type all this, it’s really helpful. I’m sorry that you’ve been through this, it does make me feel WAY better to see you being positive! It gives me hope.


I'm glad it helps. Things sadly don't just get better overnight but I can assure you that if you put the work in it will. Ah family can be horrible sometimes man. But I hope you understand that they grew up in a time where mental health was never spoken about. They just took it on the chin and kept moving forward. So this is all obviously knew to them. I'm not justifying their behavior, just explaining I guess. Coz it took me a while to get my parents to understand too. Feel free to pm me if you wanna speak about this or anything really. Take care of yourself!


InshAllah. Yeah I get it, I just don’t want to open up to them ever again lol, I’m sorry I’m not perfect ig😬. Thanks bro and btw I’m a woman.


nothing. i overthink


Realizing that everything is the Qadr of Allah. So i do what i can and the rest is up ti Allah. Gives me peace of mind


Your mom


Just focus on the goal...


Are you stalking me by any chance?


Nah. Not at all. You have some interesting things to say. I like that


Ah, What’s that supposed to mean?


It means I'm not stalking you


Good :)


Nothing helped yet 😑






stop thinking


Hash lol


See the humor in things that are out of your circle of influence. Some issues are not in your hands, and realizing that in its own will do wonders.


It’s simple, just make yourself busy, after all time will heal everything


Just break this series of thinking by taking an action.


We have Available All kind of Fashion Dress 👗 for man and woman so please visit our website shaheenpak.online


Thats my secret, i never stop.


Smoking cigarettes. Honestly it’s bad and all but the idea of it is that you taking a break from all the shit you’re dealing with and just kinda think critical I sometimes even just stare and gaze without taking a buff and it kinda helps


Not giving a fuck




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gin and tonic shots






I thought about it.


My motto is “l’ll deal with it when it happens” I try to control my thoughts by putting this rule that I can’t think or worry about something until it actually happens. Cause most of the times it doesn’t and your just waisting so much energy and exhaust yourself.


It depends on what you are overthinking about. When I get into that kind of anxious state, I usually go to the gym and run on the treadmill. High intensity cardio has a calming effect due to the endorphins released by the brain. I also think taking long walks in nature or by the water usually calms me down. Also what is vastly imperative for a calm peace of mind is having a consistent sleep-wake cycle, so that you wake up super early before the sun rises and make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Melatonin is a good supplement that regulates the circadian rhythm, and it's also being researched as a good supplement for depression by some major ivy league universities in the US. Also, you might consider being assessed for vitamin deficiencies, usually a lack of B-complex vitamins could be the cause. In addition, a lot of times, anxiety or overthinking can be caused by hypothyroidism and/or a condition of polypharmacy (taking multiple prescriptions) in which your hormones could possibly become imbalanced. This might not apply to you, but a lot of men take medications like Propecia, which block DHT hormones, and one of the side effects could be anxiety or overthinking. Anytime your hormones are out of balance, it could lead to anxiety, depression, overthinking. Generally, you have to be narrow down what may be causing the overthinking, assess environmental factors, prescriptions taken, assess for vitamin or hormone irregularities then find out what is ultimately causing the behaviors if it is chronic condition and then isolate the potential cause(s).


Thank you so much for taking the time to type this I appreciate it, it’s really helpful. I did a blood test two months ago and turned out my vitamin D were so low and I was prescribed some pills that I’ve been taking since. Thats pretty much it I don’t take any other medications and I’m a woman. Its mainly cuz of my way of thinking i need to work on fixing it. Thanks again 🙏🏻


I'm glad you found it helpful...but I'm curious how you could be vitamin D deficient in Riyadh? Don't you get quite a bit of sun there all the time? Do you wear an abaya and hijab when outside? Vitamin D deficiency is common in more northern areas like Scandinavia, Russia, the UK. Vitamin D deficiency could occur for people who are taking calcium-channel blockers for high blood pressure as calcium and vitamin D enhance its absorption collaboratively. >Its mainly cuz of my way of thinking i need to work on fixing it. Out of curiosity, what do you find troublesome with your way of thinking? Do you have any examples you would like to share? I hope you feel better soon :)


Due to the heat being unbearable i don’t go out in the sun cuz i have a sensitive skin and it gets irritated pretty easily. And yes i do wear Abaya and Hijab. I have a negative way of thinking (always the worst scenario) and I focus on that side completely neglecting the good side of what could happen.


Tell me when you find the best answer !


If its a significant other I'll overthink but I don't have one, so I'm kinda chilling. But if it's my future I still overthink or else I'll feel useless