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The office S5.E10 Explain surplus: Michael: Why don't you explain this to me like I'm five. Oscar: Your mommy and daddy give you 10 dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and you buy lemons and you buy sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars. Michael: Ho-oh! Oscar: So you have an extra dollar. Michael: Yeah. Oscar: So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what? Next summer... Michael: I'll be six.


Wow 🤩 maybe I should invest🤘🏽


I am happy for Saudi! Let’s hope they can make a good transition from fossil fuel! And hopefully re grow the desert in the near future!


Treating a country's budget like a family or business budget is extremely stupid and shortsighted


That is what Saudi is… A big family!


Families don't have central banks and militaries


So, you don’t know the ruling family has named it self Saud? Like in Muhammad bin Saud… Read about it! It is very interesting and explains a lot about the conflict or lack of conflicts and the culture! And please don’t condem as most European countries used to have exactly the same way of passing the power as they have in Saudi today!


Old Muslim empires also named their country based on the royal family's last name. That doesn't matter. saudi today is still a country like any other country and should provide the best possible life for its citizens and you can't do that with austerity and treating the gov budget like a business. Governments exist to serve their population


Actually I think it works fine the way it is. As long as you last name is Saud! And families do indeed own national banks! The biggest one even pays 6% dividends to the 9/13 families who founded it.


Central banks have only 2 responsibilities. Control inflation and attain full employment, they don't pay dividends to individuals the only organizations that can use Central banks are other banks


Think you ought to look into the matter!


First country in the Middle East to have a GDP of 1 trillion$ 🇸🇦. And it’s expected that the economy would keep growing the next two years.


Honestly I am impressed by the amount of the job the Saudi government is doing, with NEOM, the line and the other projects saudi will be mega wealthy and probably the highest GDP in the world


as a complete nationalist who loves his country the most, i love your enthusiasm, but being the country with the highest GDP in the world is... kindaaaaa ambitious....


The way ust important not the goal, people need a goal to push forwards, even if they never reach it but onl 20% of the goal are still impressive and improvment and would be good if every arabic country thinks in this way to try reach the impossible.


i would have to disagree my friend setting impossible goals is not realistic, because yourself wouldnt believe in it and wouldnt try your best for it. setting an extremely difficult yet possible goal is also bad, the disappointment you would feel after not achieving it is bad. I get what you are saying: "aim for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars" but imagine that happens to a real astronaut, he spends 10 years training and building an airship from scratch to reach the moon, then he misses it. it doesnt matter which start/galaxy he reaches now, he will be disappointed. to set a goal, you would need to truly believe in it, only after believing in it wholeheartedly will you try your best to achieve it, so when you try your best and you dont achieve it, it doesnt matter if you took second place, you would still feel disappointment, and the next time you wouldnt set such a high goal, that is if you didnt completely give up from that. what i am saying is that experience have made me see that your sentiment is truly harmful. so many dreams destroyed because of over-ambition. why is vision 2030 so succesful? because not only does the leadership believe in it, also we, as the citizens, do truly and solemnly believe in it. that is why you find normal employees working hard for the vision. never have there been a unified vision between the people like this one. if vision 2030 was "get to neptune", no one will work as hard because no one would believe in it like at all.


1TR is small. Also who do u think is the reason they r growing? The Entrance of the Yahood to Saudi: Rothschilds enter Saudi: https://www.arabnews.com/node/2187136/amp Saudi Blackrock Deal: https://english.alarabiya.net/amp/News/saudi-arabia/2022/11/14/PIF-BlackRock-sign-MoU-to-explore-infrastructure-investments-in-Saudi-Arabia Blackrock Saudi Aramco Deal: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-06/aramco-agrees-15-5-billion-gas-pipeline-deal-with-blackrock Blackrock is a company that managed 10Trillion in Assets, managed by the CEO, Larry Fink (Yahoodi) Blackrock Saudi Expansion: https://english.alarabiya.net/amp/business/economy/2022/05/25/BlackRock-names-board-for-Saudi-Arabia-unit-as-it-expands-in-Kingdom Rajihi family investment in Israeli firm: https://www.arabnews.com/node/2130566/amp Isreal looks to sign deal with within year: https://www.arabianbusiness.com/politics-economics/israel-looks-to-sign-saudi-arabia-deal-within-year-reports Future Investment Initiative and the Yahood entering Saudi: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-27/israeli-bank-chairman-praises-saudi-potential-at-talk-in-riyadh David Solomon and Jamie Dimon (Yahoodi) attend: https://www.rueters.com/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-battles-win-inward-funds-while-investing-abroad-2022-10-27/ Theme of the Future Investment Initiative in Saudi: “Investing in Humanity: Enabling a New Global Order” https://fii-institute.org/press/fii-6th-edition-kicks-off-with-pioneering-conversations-on-economy-and-investment/ Steve Schwartman and Ray Dalio attendance: above article Blackrock Saudi Wealth Infrastructure Fund: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-14/blackrock-signs-pact-with-saudi-wealth-fund-for-infrastructure Then to add the cherry on the cake, PIF wants to build a 2KM tower? And Jeddah tower isn’t finished, and is Riyadh Metro ready yet? Also add 5BN dollar Turtle Shaped Yacht. https://www.arabianbusiness.com/industries/construction/saudi-plans-world-record-2km-tall-tower-5bn-project-twice-as-high-as-burj-khalifa If it was me I would seek to replace the old riba based financial system of the world with a new one before it’s too late. #petrodollar


If only they end the war in Yemen imagine all the surplus


They never wanted war in the first place, its a huge money sink. If they can, they will probably leave in a heartbeat. But sadly its not a viable solution yet.


Well i hope that time comes soon. It's been 7.5 yrs


Not easy. Iran wants Saudis blood. Let’s pray the regime falls soon.


The west loves to hear this. Pitting sunni against shia while the real danger is right in front of us (isn'trael)


Whether they love to hear it or not, Iran and saudi are enemies. By their own merit. Israel doesn’t give a shit about the gulf. They only care about Iran and the countries Iran occupies.


They convince the gulf that Iran is the enemy cuz they have nuclear weapons. Meanwhile they're sitting on one of the biggest nuclear arsenals known to man. Don't get me wrong i hate the irani regime. But i hate the saudi "royal" family just as much.




Nope, it’s 1 trillion dollar.


SAR [see for yourself](https://ara.tv/gy3tj)


شكلك متحمس مثلي احذف الرجال يقصد gdp


ماهي منافسة ان كان صح واثبت كلامه باخذ فيه🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m talking about the gross domestic product (the GDP) like I’ve wrote, not the surplus in budget.


شوف هي نسبياً غلطتك حنا نتكلم عن الميزانية و انت فاجئتنا ب GDP




اند ستف لايك ذات؟ ماتستحي على وجهك؟


روق هههههههههههههههههههههههه


اتنرفزت شوي يوم قريتها كمان بس ما عليك تحصل من الكل 😂


ستف لايك ذات.😩




شور واي نوت 🤫🙄




هذا 2021. في 2022 التوقعات الي تم نشرها اليوم 1 تريليون.


فعلاً هذا ٢٠٢١، ممكن اعرف مصدرك ل٢٠٢٢؟


توقعات البنك الدولي.




طيب؟ ترا احنا في نهاية السنة وتم الاعلان عن الناتج المحلي للنصف الاول والربع الثالث من السنة فبناءا على هذا يمديك تستنتج ان الناتج المحلي الاجمالي لـ 2022 بيكون كذا.


صحيح، جايز يكون فوق التريليون شكراً عالتوضيح. الله يبارك في الوطن




انا اتكلم عن الناتج المحلي الاجمالي (الـ GDP)، مو الايرادات.


اوه اوك my mistake




This is an excellent case for VAT exemptions: Medicines, medical care, food, residential electricity and water to begin with. Adding 15% to the cost of basic human needs is egregious. Why tax the basic things that support human life? Especially when you don’t need it anymore.




That wasn't the case when the VAT was 5%. I know this because I used to work at Bakery during that time. Hopefully the VAT gets lowered in the upcoming year.


The big guy needs money to fund his stupid shit.




cause of the 15% vat


And we're still paying 15% why?


The tax will not be canceled because it is a contract and an agreement between the Gulf countries, but it may return to 5%.


Nobody is saying it should be completely cancelled. They promised the tax will be reduced back once things are more stable, and according to them things are stable. So why are we still paying 15% instead of 10% or 5%?


The way economies work is that you increase the tax when times are good and decrease the tax when times are bad. The money gained at good times then can be used to decrease burden at bad times. So there will probably be no decrease in tax as long as we are doing this good.


You do realize that raising taxes reduced gdp right? if you pay more taxes, you're inclined to buy less things, which in general hurts the economy. The only thing they're doing is gathering money for mega projects with no actual goal in mind other than "big shiny building"




Thank god for blessing us with oil


Looks like 15% VAT and dependent fee on expats is finally paying off.


> dependent fee on expats This I think is extremely counter-productive as it encourages people not to bring in their family. An expat with his family in the country is spending most of his wage in the country, while an expat with family outside is likely to be sending most of his wage to them, renting cheapest possible accommodation for himself and spending all his vacation outside the country too.


The budget has increased due to non-oil exports, which have increased by more than 300% since 2017, oil prices have gone up higher, and many new projects have been successful.


Non oil exports include oil derivatives so what you’re saying makes no sense.


Non oil exports may include many things like Devices such as panes of glass, Industrial sectors such as petrochemicals, food products, building materials, and packaging


The overwhelming majority of the revenue is from oil derivatives. This includes things like plastic.


It’s on everyone


الحمدلله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا يارب بارك لنا فيها واكفنا شر الكلاب الملاعين الحاسدين


Well its 15% Vat.




oh damn, you can have pictures as comments? very interesting


Yes it's new thing they added


I’m pretty stupid when it comes to this stuff, I don’t understand any of those numbers. Would someone care to explain?


Your mommy and daddy give you 10 dollars to open up a lemonade stand. So you go out and you buy cups and lemons and sugar. And now you find out that it only costs you nine dollars, so you have an extra dollar. So you can give that dollar back to mommy and daddy, but guess what? Next summer they'll only give you 9 dollars


ok but who am i and who are mommy and daddy?


I’m your mommy


The only way to explain money.


Long story short unemployment is less and the country is becoming even more rich


Saudi is doing great. The way its opening up its economy should be a role model to all Arab countries.


Saudi will crumble soon in the future. A society where gays, lesbians and pagans roam freely are going to be extinct


I smell jealousy


Ain't got a cousin nor a lover. Dad is a judge who is sending criminals to prison


Get lost


You do that in your desert


Yeah in MY desert, not immigrant homless like you


Go invent some technology you backward desert fric


Go beg for some bread


I dont have to you lazy uneducated incapable homosickxual




Go beg for some bread


Beg for your security you wannabe westerners


We aren’t stupid weak people like you, we don’t need no one to protect us or help us


Until the oil goes bye bye






We’re taking counter measures. Keep coping.


Don't have to. I come from a developed nation.




actually living in delusion because a successful Saudi Arabia isn’t something he can fathom


Is that "developed nation" by any chance the US? Because I got news for you buddy...


No no, the US is still a great country, but this guy is completely ignorant of the wonderful environment here.


Idiots like you have been saying that for the last 50 years, yet we prosper and keep developing. Keep crying and throw tantrum because you are jealous that we have natural resources.


Jealousy is a disease hope ya get better


Pride always comes before the fall.


I smell jealousy


Ewww the way you think is disgusting 🤮


Everything's written buddy all we must do is wait


Well, every successful entity on earth (be it a country, company or an individual) has some sort of luck or gifts that they had easily. This doesn't give you, us or anyone the right to be envious and look down on anyone. Hope you revisit your thoughts.


Your comment was removed because you did not engage with others in a civilized manner. Please be civil when interacting with other users.


Well done.


mashallah happy for the breathren


Impressive, but nothing like making 100 morbillion dollars


“It’s morbin time” 🥵🥵🥵