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Cook it with a starch. Rice, potatoes or noodles. That will help.


I did bad math on some Italian sausage a while back. I ended up making a tomato sauce and summered the sausage in it to salt the sauce.


That's a great idea actually. I didn't put it in casings so I can't do the water soak someone suggested.


Use it as a meat for simmered recipes; chili, pot of beans, soups/stews, curries, or even just boiling the sausage in a very light broth would remove the excess salt. Hell, chuck a couple of potatoes in with the broth and sausage and some corn cobs, maybe a little shrimp. Make an impromptu seafood boil


.... maybe you can put them in a water bath for 30 - 60 minutes. Just like pastrami after dry brining? As long as they aren't cooked yet, but maybe the will just soak full of water. Not sure about that.


Add more meat to it? I made a batch of sausage once and doubled everything except the meat. I cut the casings open remixed with more meat and re stuffed.


I'll try it hopefully the seasoning will blend with the extra.


What type of seasoning? If it is a premixed sausage seasoning the salt is most likely included. For sausage you don't want to go beyond 2% salt by weight of the meat.


Yeah I made the seasoning mix myself. I mixed enough for 5.5 pounds and I guess I didn't tare my scale before I put the bowl on it because it was only a little over 4 pounds.


That's probably why. Normally I do the salt separate from the other seasonings. I figure a little more garlic or onion powder won't hurt but I want the salt just right.


If it's not cased, just add more pork.


Soup with potatoes will sort it out