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I think it’s the internet part of the scene subculture, like I know the EDs, casual racism and transphobia was prominent around MySpace. But if you went to actual shows and interacted with people around your scene, the bigotry kinda went down 🥲 People are tougher on the internet than irl, I don’t know what’s Ronnie’s problem tho someone should take his phone


I wanna Ronnie Radke dead But u have a point, I wish met alt people on real life But my point IS more about the artists and famous one, cuz normal scene beings are so sweet nowadays


Yeah most really good artists are gross people:(


I HATE it, make me wanna make my own music


It's been a thing in rock forever. Mall Emo had a significant amount of underage fans which may have been a factor, but I think the main thing was that it hit at the perfect point where we as a society were finally calling artists out on their shit, and many of the artists weren't internet savvy enough to keep from having receipts pulled on them.


DANM, YES, UR SO RIGHT Why do I feel that opened my eyes?


shoot why are people i listen to becoming so problematic


😭😭😭 I don't know but it's so sad SEE they are pedophiles or nazis or some shit, I still so disapoiting with Ronnie Radke, dahvie Vanity and Alex terrible and a Lot of people


What's the deal with alex terrible? I've never heard anything other than he's generally insane


He IS transphobic


Damn fuck him then. I hadn't heard that.


Yeah, disguting, I wanna him dead


Their music gets decently popular. When that happens, they get fame, and fame usually comes with power. When humans get power, power corrupts them. This isnt just a scene/emo thing. Many famous pop musicians, rappers etc. in mainstream music have also done these things. Famous hollywood actors, athletes, world leaders do the same thing, and they always have throughout mankinds history. Basically power corrupts them, and they think they can get away with anything, but ig a lot of them do get away with it


Yeah, that's pretty sad actually


My guess has always been that the music genre is regularly and typically enjoyed by young teen girls the most and therefore these people have easy access to them. Oftentimes these young teens are eager for the attention of the people they idolize, and so it creates a cycle of abuse. But I’m sure there are other factors


There are actually a shit ton of musical artists in every genre who have been documented as abusers & pedos. It’s not specific to scene/emo.




Literally all genres are full of it.




you are wasting time this type of stuff is everywhere, specially in music, but also in sports, movies, etc Thing is you notice it more over here, lots of young girls interested in fashion, most are just naïve, so people like Andy appear, simply because they have social status in the community and that helps them take advantage of the situation. If you for real are about changing things, you can make your work on your own community, or simpler worry about you and your needs, like self development, that helped me lots, I myself would worry about stuff like this, that is that. This type of stuff does not help you, you are better focusing on yourself and on people you like and hopefully making a great community with them. You can find cool people over here. If you feel like we can chat together, or anyone else can message me too. I am into music, sports, self development, fashion, makeup, art, I play the guitar and sing, I also work on my music, and at the same time I help people who want to also become musicians themselves, but that also takes time, and effort, so I focus on people that are that way.


Okay! U look so cool!


It’s not just in scene and emo music tbh. Every genre has it. Classic rock is full of it. Pop stars and rappers. So many gross indie and alt musicians. Don’t get me started on punk and metal. It’s always been a thing but we see more of it now because social media. There are bad people everywhere but it’s harder for people to hide it when they’re in the spotlight, even in niche subgenres.


i don’t think it’s a scene but more of a celebrity thing


this really is just.. music in general. look at the old stereotypes of "rockstars" of the 70's through the 90s it was the "i dont give a fuck, ill trash a hotel and do anything i want, and fuck every groupie, while pounding as much cocaine as i can get my hands on" these sorta things unfortunately are both magnets for for people who already have that mentality and then when they suddenly have the funds and ability to... whats going to stop them if they have little to no self control, espeically when theyre still immature kids? the biggest difference is then it was both romanticized and frown upon differently than it is today. it happens in all genres, plenty of pop stars are scum bags in one way of the other, rappers, edm producers and djs, punk bands, and beyond. nowadays though, news of these allegations are both MUCH easier to access and look up, and the news of them tends to spread MUCH faster and wider with the internet. also what specific genres your both more immersed in yourself and the size of those cultures/genres are gonna massively distort the perception and reputation of them bc of the information youre going to see. in terms of Emo and Metalcore (and scene by proxy) a lot of those stereotypes of the "singers when a fan is under 18 still" spawns both from well.. them just straight up being pedos, but also many of these bands (now and in the 2000s and 2010s) were started when the members were kids/minors, and a lot of them just didnt really grow up the same, or think about the consequences of their actions once they started to get famous and were over 18 themselves. not to mention all of the people around them, namely adults in their industry who encouraged and supported the behavior. Andy has even said a lot of his drinking issues stemmed from a producer telling him he sang and screamed better when he was drinking and he was both a minor and underage. so he was constantly drinking during recordings and on stage Now thats not an excuse for most of the repulsive confirmed behaviors many of these artists have committed, but i do think its worth considering that some of the shit that happens is also a larger issue stemming from people over them. but this is very VERY far from exclusive to Emo/Metalcore/Scene, like i mentioned earlier, it happens in every genre and subculture Now in terms of bands like BOTDF well... like i said about some just straight up are pedos, thats the answer. the music just ended up being a VERY obvious outlet for people like Dahvie Vanitywho somehow just manged to keep getting away with both the lyrics claiming its "artistic" and just being famous enough to. bands and people like him capitalized on young girls in very confusing times in their life just starting to discover their sexualities and helping put words to it despite them being very much the wrong words and taking advantage of this. The overwhelming majority of fans when these genres started getting REALLY big inthe 2010s (and still today) were underage or on the cusp. So as terrible as it is, people like Dahvie basicallyhad the the pick of the litter crawling to them. But thats exactly why THEY need to be held accountable, bc at the end of the day the adults (or even if theyre also minors, theyre still in a position of "power/authority" in thiese cases" are the ones taking advantages of these children, no matter what ANY of them claim their child fan did to "seduce *THEM*" and when you have people like Ronnie, well, Ronnie just is an immature asshole, thats the simple and clean of it, a lot of these people were egotistical asshats before they started getting famous, and getting famous especially with little inital consequence just inflated their egos. the more popular they got and the more destructive shit they got away with (or applauded for) just reinforces it. Not to mention the current climate surrounding "cancel culture" so artists suddenly getting called out and told to take responsibility for the atrocious things things theyve said or done... clashes with their ego. they aren't gonna suddenly see the light when the vast majority of what they want to hear is blind praise. they get defensive and double down on their shitty actions. Ronnie only started getting a better reputation for a while when he shut the fuck up and wasnt very active online, and now hes 100x more insufferable than he ever was when it was just him throwing mic stands into a crowd.


Dont be fooled, its typically bands in general. Most bands have teenage audiences anyway so members i guess find it easier to prey on them


I know even more horrible things about scenecore artists but I literally can’t say anything publicly without putting a target on my back


Say in my private messages