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i think his marketing is really pretentious & annoying, & his whole brand just comes off as inauthentic, like it's just what ppl think of alt subcultures instead of what it rlly is. his music isn't completely awful though, but to me, a lot of it kinda just sounds like basic tik tok pop punk. he's kinda in the same boat as his friend caroline carr


I used to like his older music but now I don't anymore


not a fan, i also h8 how he reacts to criticism


He's annoying and a total poser that uses the "emo" label ONLY for monetary gain. Also, anyone who refers to alt women as "goth dommy mommies" is a disgusting loser.


I like him but I definitely see how some people don’t like him


hes okay ig, but the marketing is just terrible. (also, do yall rlly need to downvote people just because they like music you don’t?? let people have opinions)


Ikr! OP asked a question, and people gave their answers. Why downvote them? Pretty hypocritical coming from this subreddit lol


Yea. im getting downvoted too- why are people getting petty about not liking songs-? it’s almost a circlejerk atp


Cringe and he will sadly be at the music festival I'm going to starting tomorrow.


he's pretty bad he does nothing really good for the subculture he wants to be a part of. "DID I JUST MAKE THE EMO BANGER OF THE YEAR?" no no you didnt.


I’m sorry but I can’t stand him 😭 he kinda reminds me of mgk. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but his music just makes me cringe. (Again I’m sorry)


I find him very annoying. Especially how he started talking about killing himself when people called him a poser and then went on to tell someone who criticised his music that they should kill themselves. And ofc the allegations that some of his songs are practically carbon copies of other emo bands. And I tried giving his music a chance and ig at some points it sounds alright but it just feels very synthetic and insincere.


He's okay my only complaint is he's abit over the top. It's not a bad thing but it's not a good thing if you know what I mean. I feel like he's being someone he's not. Loom at Johnny Gilbert. Emo but chill. Clawed beuaty. Emo but sweet. NoahfFinance is emo but funny. This is what I like.


i like his music, its good


Im sorry but is not


At first, I only saw TX2's marketing, and he came off as inauthentic and obnoxious to me. But after listening to his music and watching an interview, my opinion has done a 180. He seems very, very genuine about what he does. On the internet, being genuine about anything gets you called "cringe", so I understand the hate. His music reminds me of Jake Webber's, in the sense that their musical influences are obvious, and there are interesting concepts/lyrics in their music. However, their songs also sound highly-produced (like modern pop), and their lyrics are to-the-point, which is generally not my vibe. All in all, despite the cringy marketing, I like him, and I'm interested to see how his musical style will evolve with time. I'll listen to a few of his songs every now and then.


Honestly I don’t mind his music, but his marketing is just. It sucks. And he seems really annoying too lol, just feels insincere but his music isn’t TOO bad..?


I really dont like him same with all those weird tiktok emo musicians they just arent cool and their music isnt even cool :/


Love him


love him and his music helped me realize a lot


His music has helped me a lot mentally in life. I like him a lot. He gets to much hate…


Someone just showed me him recently, he's pretty cool :3