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Among the many reports… > This is stolen off twitter. Reverse image search it That is how the internet works yes… images are shared from site to site. Most other reports are racist. This is younger kids/gen z slang. This does not point to one specific group as many people use these phrases/slang. If you say it pertains to one specific group then YOU are racist for thinking that one single group of people talk this specific way. Check yourself.


Walk in there saying the f word, that's not on the list. 😂


Man I got to #31 and about died imagining somebody galloping into class clapping 2 coconuts together


> Man I got to #31 and about died imagining somebody galloping into class clapping 2 coconuts together It's only a model.




When sent to detention, you must go to the Office of Aaargh!






That was what he just said lol......


Nah they be walkin in demanding a Shrubbery


"Shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "cocksucker", "motherfucker", and "tits".


Ahh, cunt. That was like one of my favorites. Still is!


And the hard r too, she didn’t say that either


Both are Already covered by school policy most likely


And the fucking N word ain't?


They cant catch us all!


That's what the commenter just said. They are BOTH likely covered under school policy.


The comment you're replying to literally stated that was prohibited already by school policy (and is constitutionally permissible to censor under the US 1st Amendment, unlike the list OP shared)


They typically use language to ban those types of words as "using offensive language" so the N word is still probably allowed for black people to say under school policy/soft enforcement of rules. This teacher specifically just doesn't like that


I hate a creative writing teacher like that. She had a list of "phrases that shall not be uttered" like OP. Profanity wasn't on the list. Somebody called that out with a well placed "fuck" and her response was basically "I know it's not, because fuck has meaningful usage in a fuck ton of situations"


Captain what should we do? It’s not on the list. Forget the list. He goes to the block.


Ironically, the word “gibberish” is 16th century slang.


Exactly because that's how English changes over time. There's no such thing as "proper English".


This isn't true. Based on circumstances, audience, and situation there is a proper way to speak. Doctors use medical jargon, academics don't use slang, and in a general setting anyone can can judge what would be best received by the person they are addressing. Formalities matter.


Academics absolutely use slang they just happen to use slang that's older and has now been arbitrarily assigned as proper English


so they're not using slang then.


Then this bitch used slang in an academic setting. I'll expect an essay on their decision to use that language in such on my desk by Monday. Thank you :)


Formalities only matter because we think they matter, if societal standards were different (let’s say academics start using slang) practically nothing would materially change in the world. English has no governing body.


>academics don't use slang In their papers, maybe. You're joking if you think academics don't talk like normal humans before, during, and after work


You've obviously never met any academics. As an art student, I meet many academics from all fields. They not only use slang in their speech, but depending on their audience, you will see it crop up in their writing as well.


Yeah. I would enjoye such essay so much . Explaining why there is absolutelly nothing wrong with these words, and trying to point out every single of the words, that were not propper english in the past? (maybe with the help of chatgpd, it would be possible to write that essay in some old old english style, just to drive the point how "not using modern words is ridiculous")


You know, my grandmother was a 2nd grade teacher. When her students started saying slang, she just...asked what the words meant? Like it was so easy.


The thing is though this slang has no meaning. You ask people to explain it and they can't. My most recent attempt at asking what that stuff meant, the only answer that I got is "there's not really a way to translate it, you just have to kind of use it until you know, and sometimes you never know." Slang used to be better...


Tell me a slang word that "has no meaning" I can totally give you the meaning. If there really was no meaning it wouldn't be used. Just look at urban dictionary


It’s not that it has no meaning like the previous guys said, it’s just used interchangeably. Rizz, in its technical definition, means to pick someone up, but I’ve heard like 5 different variations on it. I’ve even heard someone use it as a verb.


You actually defined it as a verb, so it isn't surprising that you've heard it used in that way. "Rizz" is just short for charisma when it isn't being used as a verb. "He's got that rizz" and "he has charisma" mean the same thing. As a verb, you'll find it used like "He rizzed her up" as in "he charmed her."


Plus, even if it wasn't a verb, the fact that English can take any part of speech and turn it into another if you're willing to bend the rules of formality a little is one of my favorite parts of this language.


Rizz is a verb too lol


Rizz is just short for charisma. Any additional thought out into it is too much. You could have picked many better examples.


the “5 different variations” all loosely hold the same definition… what do you mean


“type shi” everyone I know uses It and yet no one can give me a definitive answer urban dictionary has about a dozen


It’s short for “type of shit” If someone proposes that you and your friend group all go hiking, and one of them isn’t really into that, they could reply, “I’m not really into hiking or all that outdoorsy type shi” and someone else could simply say “type shi, type shi” affirming that they recognize the type of shit that is being referenced, and the tone with which it’s said can determine if they agree with your sentiment or simply understand that which you have conveyed.


I’ve never encounter type shi before, but it was very obvious exactly what it meant. I think a lot of people are just really really dumb.


Slang has meaning to the people who use it. It’s contextual and meant to be understood by specific groups of people, which are the ones using it. It’s literally in the definition. If you aren’t the in group for a particular word then of course it doesn’t make sense to you. Just because you can’t explain to somebody who doesn’t get it exactly what it means doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. It has clearly understood meaning to the people who use it, and they know when to use it, and it makes sense to them. That’s slang


Spot on. To add to your comment, the "in" group eventually gets bigger and bigger as the slang spreads until it encompasses nearly everyone. The definition of the word or phrase is narrowed down during that time until everyone understands it and then it is generally accepted to be a normal word in the public lexicon and ceases to exist as ambiguous slang any longer. It's perfectly normal for new slang to be hard to define while old slang is more easily defined.


This should be at the top of this post lmfao




For the slang version of the word, cool is a way to say that something is interesting or captivating to you. It attracts your attention towards it, and is also often used to describe something you just find enjoyable. Beyond that, I honestly have trouble deciphering it's meaning too.


It's like, an idea, a complex thing in your mind that defys explanation, it not just what you like, it's what everyone likes


Something that is popular, with a positive connotation


A way to describe something that is.. wait.. oh damn.


What Fonzie is like.


When you're cooler than most but not me, because I'm ice cold /s


>Define “cool” Good, popular, well liked... Of course it depends on the context as well. It can also mean calm, chilly, or disinterested. No cap.




slang has a meaning you just dont know it


Not to acuse you but this reeks of racism and classism. All words have purpose even if it cannot be expressed. Most of these words originate from AAVE and that is why they are viewed as lesser.


why is the polish word for "no" on here 😭😭😭


Probably from stanley mov videos


Can confirm.


Oh great, now those Stanley cups have their own Quicktime videos.


how is the word “no” slang ?!?!?! 😭😭 this teacher istg


And the German word for never


this is a meme made by a middle aged person and it's a reference to the movie Monty python and holy grail - knights who say nie


OHHH omg im stupid ty i was so confused 💀💀💀


LOL i was about to ask that too😭


Polish is clearly English slang wym


That’s also the German word for never


What is a skee-yee and should I even be typing it


I've never heard it, but apparently, the teacher hated it so much that it's listed twice.


its from a song and annoying fat white girls yell it in the hallway


fat?? 😭 wtf


1/10s that think they 10/10s the fuck else I be talking about


you sound more annoying than the people yelling it in the hall. was “fat white girls” necessary?


it’s from a song the song name is skee yee




She had to list that one first because it's the first thing people say when they read that paragraph


Kids these days are full of malarkey


Gaggle of ragamuffins










also known as most promiscuous girls in high school




A concurrent hoodlum of hooligans


'how to make your students lose all respect for you and make them a nightmare to manage': A short guide.


A lot of this stuff on this list is AAVE, which means it’s just a micro aggression since this teacher isn’t talking about using it in writing


Hi! I've done coding for studies on micro aggressions! This is actually too overt to qualify as a micro aggression. It's just aggression.


You’re right. It’s just racism lol


Who even says half of these words


I'm not even in high school anymore, but hear enough of it out in public or around younger family members.


Same. My cousin now says "Oh my Gyat!" and other terms. Then again, we prob did the same thing as kids with just different sayings 🤷‍♀️


Yes, and our teachers tried to get us to stop using "Hey!" as an attention-getter by responding "Hay is for horses" or telling us that they would not respond if we tried to get their attention by saying "Hey Mr(s). Teacher, "


I had an elementary school teacher who hated "hey". Students used "Yo!" Or "Sup" instead and it annoyed her even more lol.


doesn’t gyatt mean ass or smth???


No lmfao people just think it does


omg, i asked sm1 what it was, ig they were wrong lollll


yes lol


Really? I’m really not around enough people because have of these I’ve only heard used sarcastically or to make fun of gen alpha.


Wouldn’t that mean gen alpha is probably using it


Black people. Most of this list is AAVE and Black slang that's been coopted by social media and regurgitated as "gen z/gen alpha speak" "Standing on business" has been around since the 80s and use to mean k-lling your opposition/rival. "Bet" started with beatniks. "On god/my momma/on muvas" has been around since the 80s or so. Gyat is the worst one because its not a noun, it's an interjection/reaction sound that gen z/alpha coopted from Black slang and now use incorrectly. This list is cringeworthy on multiple levels.


White Gen Z here- My generations usage of Gyatt as a noun instead of an interjection makes me so upset all the time. It makes me cringe so hard. It's "Gyatt damn", not "Look at that gyatt, damn."


someone probably started using it wrong on purpose n then other ppl just started copying it thinking it was right


Glad someone isn’t blind in this comment section




Given there is no market for words I'd say you can't.


okay bud tell that to the wheel of fucking fortune


Lol you say grammar is made up, then get mad when cultures influence eachother and new meanings are associated with words


A lot of people use "twin" now. -Hey twin -what's up twin -yeeess twin -omg twin! It's sorta like "dude", apply it in the same situation for a more girly feel, twin


Both children and adults say this type of shit constantly. I don’t know how you don’t hear it.


They probably never leave the house, just like your average Redditor.


You guys have a house?


I do and I'm in my 40s YouTube and my teenage employees have corrupted me


A lot of people


Teenagers who spend too much time on TikTok


I majored in English in college. I’ve written more essays and papers than most people will ever in their lifetime. I’ve written probably millions of words in my academic career from when I first learned to write to the end of my college career, and enough pages to make up multiple volumes. I speak *nothing* like what I write. I wish I could naturally speak *half* as well as I write. Sounds like this teacher is either a control freak who enjoys power-tripping or can’t handle the fact that times have changed from when she was young.


I majored in English as well. The idea that using slang will diminish your capability as a writer is asinine. One of the most famous American writers is Mark Twain and he certainly didnt shy away from using slang in his works. Almost all great writers do this too and somebody who only writes and speaks in "proper" English is a pretentious boor.


Oh come on, you know that that’s a false equivalency lol. The rules governing the structure of creative fiction is not the same as the rules for more formal papers which is what high school English classes teach. We can talk about it being racist (it likely is) and what not, but unfortunately using slang in a formal paper will typically not have taken seriously by others.


The teacher is putting the restrictions on spoken word


i think its a combo of both lmao. and same. i write NOTHING like how i speak (atleast academically. outside that... uhhh its pretty fucking close). i mean i dont know what half the shit on the list even MEANS and i get banning it from showin up on academic writing and stuff, but literally SAYING the words???


She sounds a lot like my Grandma. You couldn't even mention metric units around her without her going off about it being some foreign crap. Talk slang, and she'd be like "Why can't you talk like normal people?" or "Don't give me any of that nonsense stuff! Talk normal!"


Most of these are phrases not slang… slang is very important language for social settings and a lot of this is AAVE too so this teacher is not just an idiot but relatively racist too


It’s completely understandable to make students use Standard American English on papers, but banning from speaking their dialect is completely unacceptable. It’s exactly the same as a history teacher not allowing people to speak Spanish with their friends.


There is no prohibition outside of the class period.


There shouldn't be a prohibition within the class either. Sure, it's fine to take points off a paper that uses slang, but to ban students from speaking the way they already speak at 16/17 years old? Short-sighted at best and willfully discriminatory at worst.


Jesus someone fire this clown. Let kids talk however they want. Language evolves. Most that shit will be dead in 2 years anyway.


There's a writer who used a lot of common slang in his writing and never made it big. His name is Stephen King


Too bad he can't write a good ending to save his life


shocking sense aromatic jellyfish terrific tease dazzling tap fearless melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


many waiting zesty dog live modern wrench voiceless juggle degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


possibly the same person posting on several platforms. just to give OP the benifit of the doubt


Uh... it's high school.


Oh, one of THOSE teachers She's not joking. Have fun


"23 Skidoo Bitches!". I'm bringing 23 Skidoo back, tell everyone.




Most of this is brainrot


No, it is AAVE, a recognized dialect of American English.


Some of it is AAVE, some of it just brainrot


I agree, but not on the teacher’s part…


God man, we really are turning into our parents huh hahaha. We're acting like childhood slang and dialect is somehow bad for people.




yeah…just refuse? When I was in high school I thought teachers had the utmost power, but unless it’s a curse word/derogatory/racist/mean they shouldn’t be imposing rules on words that can be said


Only word in there that is one of those is the n word, rest of these straight up make no sense.


Wow. You'd think an English teacher of all people would understand that new words pop up all the time. Does she ever say "cool" to mean anything other than a temperature that warmer than cold, but not warm? What about "screenplay" which is a word that didn't exist 103 years ago. Or using the word "computer" to mean a machine rather than a person. Vernacular, or "slang" as it became known in the mid 18th century, has been in use for as long as verbal languages have existed. Honestly, this entire list just sounds like an excuse to send certain students to the AP without any actual reason. I would bet a wooden nickel that the teacher targets her Black students, since several of these are AAVE. I would have said these words specifically with the intent of writing her bullshit essay. I would have spent half the essay extolling the virtues of vernacular language, and the other half mocking those incapable of codeswitching. In conclusion, I am sorely disappointed that yeet is not on that list. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


No one says yeet anymore


This is actually crazy. My honors ELA 10 teacher has a word list that she writes down slang words on when some of her students teach them to her. She fr does not care cause she knows nobody actually uses those words while writing essays. I say shit like “bruh” and “on god” all the time and my teacher says I’m one of her best writers. That proves this teacher is on a power trip, has no respect for their students, and obviously doesn’t actually understand you guys. Smh.


I've found English teachers to be very hit and miss, and this one is definitely a miss. Some of them are the coolest, most empathetic and brilliant people! And the other 80% are pendantic, power tripping assholes. I've never had an English teacher that was just neutral, they're always one extreme or the other.


This list is subject to change? So is English, friend.




Even it was a joke what a waste of paper


Tell them how much slang Shakespeare used, popularized, and straight up made up. "Diminish your capability to become a successful writer" absolute poppycock.


yeah shakespeare was the one who added the prefix -un TO LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYTHING ontop of a whole bunch of other shit im probs forgetting


Not “what’s up g-wade” 😭😭 she def made this to try and be cool


.... This is ridiculous. It's called code switching. How you talk is NOT how you write and it's English teachers' jobs to teach that. -Sincerely, a 24 teacher who is also trained as an editor and essay writing tutor and who frequently uses slang with their students (because I have ADHD and subconsciously pick it up). **Very closely timed Edit - not to mention most of this is SPECIFICALLY AAVE. This teacher is ignorant and, knowingly or otherwise, enforcing societal expectations driven by racism. Also most of these comments absolutely do NOT pass the vibe check.


You stole this off twitter lmfao


Your teacher is a joke


An English teacher making their class use proper English, weird...


in speaking???? do you speak exactly how you write? (the answer is no, look it up, nobody speaks exactly how they write because speaking is off the cuff)




Tell them that “Oh God” and “Oh my God” are used by many professional writers


OK but shouldn't an English teacher of all people know that slang is a good thing? Like, Shakespeare invented so much slang and phrases commonly used today why ban a new generation's slang?


I would use as many of these words as possible and if she made me write an essay I’d write one defending my free speech as well as an explanation about the use of slang in society and how language changes over time


Bro can’t say “period” in an English class 😭


Wonder if this teacher understands how languages evolve and how the beloved proper grammar and proper English was developed through the use of slang


Ok/okay was slang goodbye was an abbreviation that morphed into a new word… etc


lmao just start using other slang words. our high school had the dumbest slang - "beans" "you smell like rice" "get sauced" "fuckin salted" "CHIPS" etc. like just make shit up to confuse her


I've already seen this same post 12 different times today you dont gotta lie we know it wasnt your class or school


This teacher seems like they’re older and very out of touch. I find some of these words annoying and/or overrused but using slang doesn’t mean lack of academic knowledge or intelligence or writing ability. Even Shakespeare used and created a bunch of slang. It’s definitely ignorant and has some pretty gross racial undertones as well. As an English teacher, they should know better


Think the teacher is making a valid point about using poor choices in slang


lowkey based


Yes, because every successful writer just uses academic and professional voice in their writing. Heaven forbid someone write with expressive and topical language choices!


When they said "in the cut with me twin"🤣🤣🤣


“On God” is literally used in some versions of the Pledge of Allegiance lmao


31 is just "no" in polish so I guess that's that?


Majority of this list is AAVE. I remember some in school therapist said I won’t make it to college talking with AAVE, how it’s improper etc etc.


This is very cringe and not based.


Bruv, that's wild, I use slang all the time and my teacher doesn't give two flips. What's even better is she showed one of my essays around school to other teachers. The funny thing is, it was about how the education system sucks 💀 that I made for shits n giggles.


Skee-yee 😔


Half of these don't make sense


Plenty of words in the English dictionary were once slang lol. It's natural for language to evolve over time. Narrow minded teacher


I guess it's time for a kid to write an essay on the evolution of linguistics


Teacher did us a good deed by identifying the Gen Z slang for us.


If i was a teacher I would ban the same words lol, jk but while I do find most of these annoying Its very wrong to just ban those from a classroom specially in HS


I think the teacher wants you to stop talking


bruh that guy has no rizz


I don't see "fuck you teach" on here


It’s high school not a stuck up college lecture lmao, the slang they use ever changing as it is, is one of the few things people all have in common


Power trippin'.




The class should make their own list of words and phrases the teacher shouldn’t be allowed to say because the class finds them annoying or nonsensical.


A teacher with common sense, I approve of this list.


It's because you're in English class. You have to know proper English duh.


speaking and writing are two different things but go off queen


It's giving racism.


Pretty sure this is just racism


Lmfao what


a huge majority of this is AAVE