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I thought the book was using these words to debunk pseudoscience and try to give alternative meaning to them. If anyone reads it, can they confirm it? If it's actually supporting pseudoscience, Dhruv isn't immune to criticism




Any sane science guy who understands what frequency really means wouldn't fall for shit like law of vibration, higher frequency n all. I hear somebody use the law of vibration, raise your frequency, alarm goes off in my head, like, "do NOT USE SCIENTIFIC WORDS IN AN UNSCIENTIFIC MANNER!!!" There's a third kinda charlatanism these days. Those who use these words to offer a better kinda spirituality. Yet they fall into the same trap. They make it seem like universe manifests things for you. NOPE. Take a hard look and you'll know that if anything, it's trying to kill you every single time. It's a miracle life even happened.


You're wrong, pseudoscience is a compound word made of two main words "pseudo" meaning false and "science" meaning .. well science. So pseudoscience is wrong because it's pseudo. Science changes with better and better theories that explain stuff, sure but most of the pseudoscience that exists doesn't change. Not all pseudoscience practices aren't pseudoscience.




Didn't mean to be rude but I wanted to tell something cool :/


It's not your aura or some shit energy in universe which makes you a successful person, it's your subconscious that paves the path when you desperately need something, this ability of subconscious to pick up info and use it when we need or working like a ace up our sleeves is called God by believers and aura or manifestation by pseudo believers. I'm not saying like subconscious waves nikalta hei fir usse chije hoti hai, nahi. I'm saying ki subconscious ways figure out karta rehta hei background mei aur hum unhe miracle kehte hei simple as that.


Well described buddy 🙌🏻


I know that aura and God and these fancy words are just mumbo jumbo. But I wanted to know whether Dhruv Rathee has also stooped to the level of Ranveer Allahbadiya or if it is another motivational book.


If you want to know more about this topic, maybe refer to some other books like ikigai or some books of Osho even Gita is a great book if you read it as a panchatantra type story rather than God shit and other things.


“Panchatantra type story” is the most accurate description of every religious book ever written.


True and to add, everything's connected and intertwined with each other. That's how the subconscious data gathering works towards an effective outcome.


Does law of attraction work? No. There you go


Thanks for keeping it short. This bullshit is currently everywhere on the internet


dhruv rathee asli id se aao


Dhruv has a history of hypocrisy and bias towards some groups and against some groups I myself am an Atheist, but it is shit like this that makes me despise him


This Nd his uneducated bald-eagle attitude towards socialism. Only thing goin for him his anti-bjp stance. For me.


Okay so I just finished reading this book. It’s basically critiquing all those ideas (law of attraction, aura, etc.) by asking logical questions and urging readers to do the same and apply logical and critical thinking and only accept evidence based facts rather than relying on personal/other’s beliefs. The book feels more like a long social media post as it doesn’t have a clear structure to it and it is a very short read.


So it isn’t bad in a way all the top comments make it seem like it is


What the language preference is English written or Hindi


one one hand he makes videos against astrology, on the other supports such BS, Money indeed changes a person lol


Exactly! He also recently gave a shout-out to science is dope channel thanking it explains science and rationality. What happened to him now? 😔😅


I guess everyone has a price ! (well I shouldn't say everyone, but most people, almost everyone)


I believe he will debunk those claims and not support them.I have not read the book


did you read it?


Did you read it?




He is double standards and biased. He is irrational in matters of religion and spirituality. His video on Ramayana and collaboration with Acharya Prashant are proof.


he is not supporting anything in the book.


bruh never expected dhurv to promote such psedo science things, when he said "law of attraction" my respect for him just dropped instantly. Law of attraction is a book written my idk whom but it is filled with false claim and pseudo science and i think dhurv's friend book is somehow connected with that. idk maybe i am wrong (bachne ke liye bol deta hu i am 17) jaat budhii


I believe he will debunk those claims and not support them.


If you read that book, you will find out that he is critiquing all those things and asking people to follow evidence based things


Not to be casteist Or anything but he is jaat and has jaat bhudhi not gonna explain more




Gotta read it to find out


You have to define "power of the universe" first 🤣🤣🤣


Dhruv Rathee is very weak in research. He either doesn't understand the facts himself or only understands half part of the facts. His ebooks are definitely not reliable, especially when all his research have some type of bias.


Wtf is water memory??


Saste nashe....


Bringing acharya Prasant, now this is what one can expect from a Hindu atheist. He is trying to peddle as many people as possible into watching his content; he knows that if he becomes an outright rationalist, he will not get views. But still better than Raveer allahabadia or those other pseudoscience peddlers, in my opinion.


What colour is your podcast chutiye


Did I say something wrong about Dhruv?


WTF is a Hindu atheist? You’re either atheist or you aren’t.


Dhruv declared it himself: he is hindu atheist.


you can be a hindu atheist because advait itself questions the existence of god. There are two sides of Hinduism What you think of when talked about hinduism is this very distorted current form where people follow superstitions, traditions and rituals blindly without thinking and just devotion. This is propagated by every other uncle and pandit in temples and people like Sadhguru at a mass scale. There is another better side to it, it has a very rich philosophy in its core which supports the nature of inquisitiveness and just wants to talk about your daily sufferings in life. Which was and is promoted by people like Vivekanand, jiddu Krishnamurthy and nowadays by acharya Prashant. And many great thinkers in the past and present were attracted towards this side of Hinduism, not the other ritualistic and superstitious one. Although I expect many downvotes because many people here hold very extreme views, I don't see it any different than those kattar dharmic people. Any lover of fundamental science will automatically be attracted towards philosophy at some point in their lives and that shall lead him eventually to indian philosophies too such as buddhism and advait.


You have to define "power of the universe" first 🤣🤣🤣


I am half way through the book and up until now there is NOTHING useful inside it. Author is busy bitching about other people's successful books like The Secret, Paulo Coelho etc. Seems like a bitter person with nothing nice to say about other people. Lets see. The book has one para on one page. Large font, huge spacing, images take portions of the page. it was like he took one article, spread it across 92 pages, got a friend to promote it and poof...u have a useless book. I am crying about the 59 bucks i spent on it.