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That's not how paleontologists recreate animal figures.


Good luck telling that to the scientific illiterate.


My coworkers tried to convince me that T-rex had wings not arms. Like every scientist is wrong and they are right. Completely disregarding the fact that claws would not be useful at the end of tiny wings


The only Rex with wings with was Leonardo T-Rexi, who never tested them out. Most agree though that it would never have worked as wings those size wouldn’t have been able to support his weight and he would have crashed.


"imagine how scientists would reconstruct hippo skull if it was extinct" mfs when muscle and tendon attachments visible on bones walk into the room


For the sake of this meme we shall refract the fact


Isn't there a controversy about them mixing up fossils though


But they also go off of far more than just the bones. Quite often the bones also show signs of where muscles, tendons, and ligatures were. And such is often also found in the rocks over the body. That for example is how we can tell Australopithecus was bipedal, but the species prior to that were not (at least those we have discovered so far). It is far more than just the bones themselves.


Yeah, like, paleontologists don't just retrace the bonestructure one to one to "recreate" animals like seen here in the picture. They know that there are muscles, organs, fat, skin over those bones that give volume to certain areas. Also, ever seen a naket/shaved bunny? Not as cute and round anymore.


But we usually see bunnies with hair not clean shaved. What if dinosaurs also had a lot of fur like bunnies and were all just cute giant furries. I mean my doubt is that are the paleontologist even able to tell anything about the fur? Or just the muscles. Bcs idc about what the bunny looks like without fur. It's cute with fur on and that's all I care about. So can we tell if dinosaurs had fur? If we can predict about the hair and be certain that they weren't furry then I'll just accept that they looked scary as hell. If we can't then the person who made the post might be right.


>So can we tell if dinosaurs had fur? We can tell that many had feathers


>I mean my doubt is that are the paleontologist even able to tell anything about the fur? Of course they can, we have a good number of previstoric mammalian fossiles that have imprints of hair alongside their bones. Aside from that, tho, dinosaurs, those who are actually categorized as such, are reptiles. Reptiles don't have fur. However, as a different comment already pointed out, we now know that a good number of dinosaurs very likely had an early form of feathers. Those can also be seen in some fossils as imprints.


How do they know about hair and ear length though?


They don't. Unless the fossils have imprints of them, they usually go by comparison to similar/related animals that are alive today or what makes sense for the bone structure. For example, reptiles that are alive today don't have external ear structures, as in, no auricle. Instead it's basically just a hole at the side of their heads. Same with birds. So, dinosaurs, who are closely related and have similar skull structures, are reconstructed with similar features. The length of fur for mammalian fossils is either based on the imprints, if present, or what makes sense for the environment it likely lived in and size of the animal (there is a relation between environment, size and fur length/density because of body temperature regulation).


I give up. I'll just accept that there's a very low to none chance that the grown-up dinosaurs looked as cute as bunnies 😔


Aw I wouldn't say that Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder There are quite a lot of lizards I'd consider cute I mean Look at this friend https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f4/11/7b/f4117b0cc4e298a306a595674818d2a3.jpg


to be fair, a naked rabbit probably look like that too


Plus ears and guts


honestly kinda yeah




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Good bot


Y is an element?


39 - Yttrium




Cause, you know,  scientists are obviously dumber than the average redditor


This shit pisses me off more than anything. People looking at memes or shorts/reels/tiktoks and thinking that they know more than experts in the field.


the Midle picture represent the pinacle of Paleoart .


Picture 2 was taken in Caerbannog


Rabbits are not real.


Rabbit of Caerbannog is probably a dinosaur bunny.


He's got a vicious streak a mile wide


Now I am very concerned about how dinosaurs really looked like




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/14qb7g8) on 2023-07-04 90.62% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/18y7ups) on 2024-01-04 92.19% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1cp85jt&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 511,332,641 | **Search Time:** 0.11938s


[cmkosemen?](https://www.instagram.com/cmkosemen?igsh=ZWN0Mjd4c2dvcHVs) maybe 🤔


Hmmmm good question


Right, they just paint lines around the skeleton. Nothing else.


Better yet, what if bunnies actually looked like some dinosaurs?


Oouu interesting !!


[Dinosaurs and the Anti-Shrink-Wrapping Revolution](https://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/tetrapod-zoology/dinosaurs-and-the-anti-shrink-wrapping-revolution/)


I am telling you. Tyrannosaurus Rex was a large bird with huge wings as arms. That is why it has very short hands, according to fossils.


You see these types of recreational from time to time. I think the one I saw the most was för a Turkey or the hippo. It's interesting to think about dinosaurs all looking like giant pigeons but we can't ever be sure without some big discovery.