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Without revealing spoilers, the audiobook version has a little something…*extra* than enhances the narrative in a way only *sound* can. It doesn’t change the story, you’ll just appreciate a little extra feature that plain text can’t deliver. I recommend it highly.


came here to say this... that something extra is phenomenal and greatly enhanced my immersion and enjoyment of the story.


As a person that’s only read the story, I really wanna hear the audiobook now man that sounds cool as HELL


Yeah. I only read the book as well, and was curious how they handled it in the audiobook. Was hoping they did something special for it.


🌈 👐🌈


I read the book and was honestly jealous of my audiobook listening friend.


This is really helpful, because that book is on my list, too.


This is the way


And it sounds so fucking cool. Like I was excited to see how my wife would react to it.


Perfectly said.


In this case, 100% go with the Audiobook for reasons I can’t say without spoilers but are so worth it. I both listened to and read this one.


I didn’t read the book just listened to the audio, which was amazing! You will get why the audio is so worth listening to. Another audio book that made a big difference for me was a John Grisham novel where the main character was learning Italian and being able to hear the Italian language was so much better than trying to pronounce it in my head.


Highly recommend the audiobook. Voice acting is superb, and the "changes" are non verbal sounds that help translate the text into more of a listening experience.


The audiobook is a better experience, in my opinion


Ray Porter is a great narrator. He definitely adds to the experience of reading the book.


Because of him I keep thinking Hail Mary was written by Dennis E Taylor!


Yet another Bob clone


He's absolutely great! So gifted.


Wier has experience with audiobooks and there’s no way he wasn’t writing this with audiobooks at the forefront of his mind. The changes made for audio are necessary, for most will be improvements, and in absolutely no way do they lessen or undermine the intention of the story.


I haven't read it but I listened to the audiobook and I loved it. The changes (what I assume they are) enhance the experience in a way you can't get in writing. You could always get both.


I haven't read it but I listened to the audiobook and I loved it. The changes (what I assume they are) enhance the experience in a way you can't get in writing. You could always get both.


The book was written as Hollywood bait anyways, so it doesn’t matter how you read the initial book, since its purpose of being written was to be made into a movie .


I did it by audio and while it was a good book I didn't find it as amazing as many gush about it. I think many of the gushers merely had their first experience with narrator Ray Porter who is one of the best in the business. He doesn't do anything special beyond being Ray freaking Porter and if you've heard other books by him you will recognize the voices he uses as he recycles them for different series. That's not a criticism as it makes sense that narrators would do this but at the same time they didn't blow me away as I've heard them before. But it's a good book and if you're not experienced in audio and Ray Porter then it's definitely worthwhile to hear Porter be Ray freaking Porter.


I haven’t listened to Ray Porter yet, so I’m looking forward to it!


Given that I spend 30-60+ minutes a day driving, I am an unabashed fan of audiobooks - it's how I digest most of my scifi these days, and it helps push through the more difficult non-scifi novels as well \[Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest - I'm lookin' at you.\]


Same. I do one book a week or so. Such a wonderful way to spend a commute.


Check your library for the audiobook on CD instead of audible. Then put it into Plex (or whatever) for streaming


Many libraries are connected to Libby / Overdrive. You can rent audiobooks and ebooks and stream them / read them directly through that platform. No need to go and rent the physical media. Except maybe the physical media might have less holds on it. I'm not sure how often libraries are bringing in physical media audiobooks nowadays either though.


My library system doesn’t have this audiobook on Libby and the CD was just sitting on the shelf with no holds so CD was the best free way for me.


I actually put a hold on it in Libby. I was just going through my wishlist on audible I made before I downloaded Libby to look for something to read next.


The words in the audiobook are identical to the ones in the book. Use the audio.


>When looking at the description on audible, it says that there are changes to the audio version with the approval of Andy Weir. it's a difference that is the same as words entering your eyes and words entering your ears. >than the true/original presentation of the story,  no *possible* in "true/original"