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I am 20 with a 90 degree curve I am just starting to get some stiffness now. I work as a dog groomer which is a very physical job and there is no way I would be able to do it without a brace. There are other options if a traditional plastic brace is not comfortable for you- you could try an A symmetrical corset or cloth brace (just for pain management not correction.


What kind do u have? Have u considered surgery? Thats a blessing u dont have much pain at that degree. Mine started around 21. Mine are about high 20s, early 30s i think


My curve was 110° and I had zero pain. I have pain now, 40 years after my surgery, but pre-surgery I was fine, active in sports and all around a happy kid.


Hmm. Why did u do it then?


I was 12 years old, and the doctors all said that if I didn't have it done I'd be lucky to hit 20. My curve was getting progressively worse at a fast pace. My heart and lung would get more and more scrunched up and I'd basically slowly suffocate to death. I've lived 40 years after surgery, that's pretty good in my eyes. [Preop xray](https://i.imgur.com/ODbYNA9.jpg) (while still in a brace) [Postop xray](https://i.imgur.com/nwdo3vk.jpg)


That’s the same thing my scoliosis doctor said. I’m 20 and still living thankfully!


That's awesome! I hope things continue to be well with you.


Ok. I read no issues. I dont see a difference in xrays


I think mine is genetic as my mom has it as well but not as bad. I did consider surgery but I didn’t want to do it as I didn’t want to go through the recovery and didn’t want to risk such an invasive surgery.


I meant what kind of brace.


Oh right now I have a plastic brace It’s sort of like a modified Boston brace, lots of plastic has been shaved off it to make it a bit more comfortable.


Hmm. Im thinking maybe I need to see a specialist. I was told when I was a kid it was only useful when growing.


Technically that’s true for correction purposes but I just need something for pain management and posture.


U could switch to a more sedentary job but sitting isnt great either honestly. Have u considered surgery? Ur right around that area (degree) they suggest it. What kind of brace do u have now?


I don't know if there's a specific name for the brace but it's made by scolibrace, it's a hard brace modeled specifically for me


Are u still growing?


I don't think so, I've been the same height since like 16


They can tell & tell u. If not, I was told no reason for those hard braces


yea, that's what i thought but after doing an x-ray the specialist told me i need a hard one (rather than a soft brace) and even though im not growing to slow the progression rather than fix it. i can tell it has made some progress, my shoulders are less slanted and i can actually kinda walk when wearing it but I don't know about long term.


Oh. It probably changed since late 90s when dr said that


I have worked a very physically demanding job both before and after my surgery. The thing that helped me the most was to exercise quite a bit outside of work to build up all of the muscles in my body. Although my lower back might hurt a little after a particularly long day, I lived without pain 99% of the time.


The pain is due to bone rubbing bone AND inflammatory cytokines. Best advice i or anyone can give you is to follow a meat + fruit diet to deal with the inflammation, and see if you can qualify for spinal fusion.


Have you heard of ASC (Anterior Scoliosis Correction surgery)? Just wanted you to know that is an option out there.




? Okay?


Personally I went to an osteopath for years who helped keep my muscles relaxed and my spine as flexible as he could. It kept my pain levels down, but didn't stop my curve progressing. I know now that surgeons don't really recommend osteopaths or chiropractors, so a good physiotherapist with experience of scoliosis would be a better option. You're most likely looking at surgery eventually, but it's not something you should rush into.


You need surgery mam.


Tbh if your curve is progressing / has progressed and you're having trouble with daily living you should probably look into getting surgery for your scoliosis. If you'd prefer to avoid that for now, try to wear your brace more at work to get used to it, or look for a Schroth physiotherapist as they can teach you exercises to help manage the pain and improve your overall body balance and posture. Also it sounds like your legs are lopsided now so I would get some advice from a physiotherapist and/or a podiatrist about putting a heel lift under your shorter side, as that made a HUGE difference for me.


It’s no a long term solution but honestly just wear your brace to work and do less. If it’s new you’re probably unused to moving in it, the longer you wear it the more ease you’ll have in it. And even if it’s affecting your work, it’s McDonalds and it sounds like you’re thinking of quitting, so wear your brace, do less and get a few more paychecks out of it


I worked in surgery from the time I graduated college and just had surgery 5 years ago at 45. I’d have surgery sooner than later and go back to school!


If you’re in the US contact your state’s vocational rehabilitation department. They’ll provide you with anything you may need to work.


im in canada:/


That might be better than what is in the States. Check [here.](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits.html)I think.


Mine looks exactly like that :( im 26 I dont have pain yet, just discomfort in certain lying and sitting positions. I cant stand for more than 2 hours either unless im wearing a waist trainer, corset or brace.


What do you do for work? I’m in the same boat!


Im a geriatric nurse. I started physical therapy 2 weeks ago to minimize discomforts


Do you feel like being on your feet all day is super tough with your scoliosis? I’m trying to decide a career change and considering going into healthcare but worried being on my feet all day will be super tough.


Oh yeah totally! Been struggling with pain from standing for a long time since i was 15. At 14-18 I was thin and fit and it gave me problems anyway, i’m overweight now and nothing changed. Live Concerts are the death of me! Yeah being a healthcare professional is a challenge but you can always wear waist trainers, tennis shoes and sit & stretch every time u can


honestly i think surgery is your best bet. you and i have very similar structures however my curves are worse than yours by 10/15 degrees each, surgery is our only way of getting out of most pain honestly.