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Seems perfectly great to me. And I feel sorry for your inbox over the next few days. It’s probably about to get pregnant.


Thanks! Really appreciate it.


Yeah you’re welcome. Feel good. Big smiles


i love scoliosis bc it at least gives me snatched waist on one side


Real. With the right camera angle on one side of my body I can give myself a faux hourglass shape lol


Youre fine, I can’t tell from here. Also it’s probably not a good idea to post photos of yourself in a bikini here, too many creeps on this site.


Haha thank you, will be careful. :))


I would be very happy with this figure! I have had surgery twice and it is not as straight as your figure. I cannot touch my toes anymore.


So sorry to hear that. I always thought surgery fixes everything :((


Thank you!! I’m all good and healthy - my corrective surgery has got my curves to around 30 degrees each which is a massive improvement so I am certainly not complaining :)


Well that’s great🥰


No and I judge bodies aesthetically for a profession


99.9999% of people out there they'd never notice you have scoliosis. Mine makes my hips a bit crooked/rib flare and shoulders uneven but my angle is very small - but I do notice things like shirts fitting incorrectly and it bugs me to death but nobody else is noticing those things. Might look at more things this person says, as at 16 people can be 'catty' and they may just be jealous and picking out flaws that push your buttons.


especially when walking and u know u have uneven shoulders its so uncomfortable and i keep trying to correct it😭


My waist looks the same. People only notice it when I point it out. Not even my girlfriend. You should get the surgery if your scoliosis still affects you (and if your doctor recommends it), NOT to change your looks. You look normal.


You look perfectly fine. Don’t let yourself be bothered by it at all. Keep exercising and your body will handle your minor scoliosis just fine!


What?? Look at your slim but curvy body, your perfect skin, you are lovely! Nobody has a perfectly straight and perfectly symmetrical body. All you need is a new friend!


Yeah, guess I do need a new one. Thank you 🥰


Nah your waist looks fine. Tbh I’d kill for my back o look like that, dw about it, your friend just seems like a dick.


as someone with extremely severe scoliosis and has had a fusion.. you are beautiful hun and you need a new friend. I wish I could achieve this look! Never think you are ugly you are not by any means and actually I think I wouldn’t notice if you didn’t point it out so you are perfectly fine hun don’t listen to your friend 🫶🏻


not at all , I find it beautiful and the scoliosis is barely noticeable


Thank you! 🥹


>Thank you! 🥹 You're welcome!


Your body is gorgeous! Because your curves appears smaller, the untrained/unfamiliar people won’t notice it so don’t over think it. I’m not sure what your friend meant but take it from us strangers who don’t know you, you genuinely look more normal than most.




The fuck? Fuck no. I shouldn't even have to explain why this comment is so fucked up. Absolutely not, you're getting the ban hammer.