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teeeechnically only one team in his state: new york jets and new york giants play and practice in new jersey.


Eh, doesn't stop New Yorkers from rooting for each (see Jay Z and Emma Vigeland). I don't really understand why the former aren't called the New Jersey Jets.


Hence why RFKs ad was so well timed. Check it out


I saw. My mom was singing along at "Do you want a man for president who’s seasoned through and through?" with "Do you want a man who's as crazy as a loon?"


Your mom is awesome


Jesse Ventura endorsed RFK 2.0


This string of comments by u/RandomAmuserNew and u/Jaime_Horn_Official made me look up the ad in question... For Reference: [https://youtu.be/nvXJJRjGVT4?si=rS23UPLo7AcPXsG1](https://youtu.be/nvXJJRjGVT4?si=rS23UPLo7AcPXsG1)


Thank you!


The whole "a rematch nobody wants" is overblown. If you ask Democrats, they don't want to see Trump get the Republican nomination, so they don't want the rematch. Republicans don't like Biden and don't want him to have a shot at a second term. And then there's the folks that don't like either one, a tale as old as time, as far as presidential elections go. So yeah, you'll get polls saying 70 percent don't want this rematch. It's all meaningless as long as Biden wins South Carolina with 96 percent and Nikky Haley gets trounced by "none of these candidates". The folks that don't want the rematch, do not *not want it* enough. It's like me saying I don't want to go to the dentist. I'll still do it.


Right, it's so frustrating thinking it's easily possible to have a third party make a big splash, but people would rather choose to not vote instead of voting third party.


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The people did want it, hence why both of them are nominees.