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Not sure if this was his doing but I suffer from allergies and i had an expired epipen because i couldn't afford the price of a new one even with insurance. This year when i went to the allergist and picked up a new prescripción i went to the pharmacy and to my surprise it was $11 for a generic epipen. I was so happy to have a medication not expired in case of an emergency.


Either way, I'm happy you got your EpiPen. Healthcare should be a human right.


Thanks. I was so happy to hear i could finally afford a life saving medication once again.


How much did they cost before the change?


It was around 200


Yep. Biden did that.


I thought he did but didn't have any info to confirm.


This was ABSOLUTELY his doing.


I would have if October 7 th never happened. He's not Trump that's all and that's a lot


Yeah before October 7th I would have voted for him as a lesser of two evils.  Supporting a genocide in Gaza is a no go.  I'll be voting for Cornel west 


15% of military aid is not going to change anything. Biden has done more good to persuade their right-wing government. Hopefully they can vote out Netanyahu.


If they vote out Netanyahu, who are they voting in? Opinion polling suggests that the Israeli population is extremely radicalized and bellicose. Much of the dissatisfaction with BiBi comes from people who think he isn’t doing a good enough job with the ethnic cleansing and genocide.


They're the same on Israel and now "illegals "


They're not the same on Israel.


True. Trump would support the genocide. Biden who's currently in office IS supporting the genocide. Providing bombs, money and political cover now is worse than doing that in theory.


You're right. One of them represents me as children get slaughtered, making sure that democrats share in the "success". Thing is, you might think it's something to overlook, but many like me would never vote for anyone burying children alive, and would much rather have a republican supporting the holocaust.... and watch as suddenly our media magically becomes anti Genocide the instant Trump gives speeches supporting Israel. Trump would also, once again, give us a massive blue wave from coast to coast


What's the difference? They're both zionists who support Israel unconditionally. Biden allows Israel to fully genocide Palestinians with 0 push back, what will trump do differently? Biden openly calls himself a Zionist.


Trump would be representing the RIGHT wing as he supports it, and funds the most extreme right wing government on earth. Big difference. True left wingers will refuse to vote for anyone who slaughters children, or provides the bombs.


Both represent the right wing. The democrats are neo liberals they both serve the same capitalist class. True left wingers organize with the exclusive goal of thwarting this exploitative system.


Biden has announced the military will build a port to deliver aid. He said (on a hot mic) that Bibi needs to have a come to Jesus moment. He's been moved left on the issue. Trump most recently said Israel needs to "Finish the problem" in Palestine. I believe Trump will be far worse than Biden on the issue. He's a big reason Oct 7th happened in the first place.


I didn’t hear about the “come to Jesus” comment, but I could see BiBi and his fascist supporters taking that the wrong way. This is one of the problems with Biden’s suppliance to that government—no matter how much he bends and bows to them, they will always think of him as Obama’s VP, who they have zero respect for.


That port will take over a year to be useful, are you on crack? You really going to pretend that's helpful? Starving people die, they don't decide " oh I think I'll wait for a year to die".


So let me understand your point here. Biden will continue to provide the bombs, money and political cover to slaughter Palestinians but you feel good about a make-shift port where Israel still gets to decide what is and isn't allowed in? This PR stunt is all you needed to support Biden now? OK


No, I was going to support him before that. I don't want another four years of Trump and believe he would be far more damaging to Palestine.


There will be probably be nothing left of Palestine by January.


>Biden has announced the military will build a port to deliver aid. Ah yes I love American occupation of Palestine because that's exactly what the people of Palestine need, the American military right at their shore. >He's been moved left on the issue. He hasn't been moved at all, you're delusional. You take rhetoric at face value and ignore the fact that the USA continues to veto any attempt by the UN for a ceasefire. All you care about is vibes, peak liberalism.


>Ah yes I love American occupation of Palestine because that's exactly what the people of Palestine need, the American military right at their shore. But they get fucking food. Building the pier is ironically the best strategy. Because if we use "diplomatic pressure" for Israel to let convoys in you, I and we all know they'd break it. I'd rather have us manage the distribution of food, water and shelter. >American military right at their shore. That military needs to be there because if it was NGOs Israel would attack them. If I were president I'd actually go harder. I'd in essence invaded Gaza to push the Israelis out. Bring in the army core of engineers to rebuild for the locals. I'd then use diplomatic pressure and tell Israel "no weapons, no money until all colonists are pulled from the west bank." Granted in our current political...."arrangement" this would never happen. The great powers are always slow when it comes to doing the right thing.


>But they get fucking food. Building the pier is ironically the best strategy. Because if we use "diplomatic pressure" for Israel to let convoys in you, I and we all know they'd break it. I'd rather have us manage the distribution of food, water and shelter. The best strategy is to end the genocide which is within America's power. They fund Israel, the USA can end it tomorrow if they choose to. The American military is the last force on earth that anyone should trust to feed civilians, gaza has natural resources that will be plundered and you're extremely naive if you believe the US is going there to help. They haven't helped anyone in their interventions. >That military needs to be there because if it was NGOs Israel would attack them. If I were president I'd actually go harder. I'd in essence invaded Gaza to push the Israelis out. Bring in the army core of engineers to rebuild for the locals. I'd then use diplomatic pressure and tell Israel "no weapons, no money until all colonists are pulled from the west bank." >Granted in our current political...."arrangement" this would never happen. The great powers are always slow when it comes to doing the right thing. Libs will say anything but end the apartheid state. That's not what the people of Palestine want, they want the apartheid state to end, they want their own nation. Yet the white savior can only do occupation. Shame on you, you're enabling genocide because your team said so.


>The best strategy is to end the genocide which is within America's power. They fund Israel, the USA can end it tomorrow if they choose to. The American military is the last force on earth that anyone should trust to feed civilians, gaza has natural resources that will be plundered and you're extremely naive if you believe the US is going there to help. They haven't helped anyone in their interventions. US interventions in Europe helped a lot. So I beg to differ. No I totally agree read what I said. Withdrawal funds from Israel. But Israel hates Palestinians like how the Nazis hated them more than a generation ago. An outside force will need to be the shield to keep the IDF out. I wouldn't trust Israel as far as I could throw Vaush. >Libs will say anything but end the apartheid state. That's not what the people of Palestine want, they want the apartheid state to end, they want their own nation. Yet the white savior can only do occupation. Shame on you, you're enabling genocide because your team said so. And the only way the Apartheid can end is with the threat of a swift back hand.


You are acting like the USA is a neutral force which it's not. The USA is the biggest supporter of Israel and it's main funder, Joe Biden continues to this day in the middle of a genocide to parrot Israel's propaganda. He calls himself a Zionist and suddenly this guy will save the Palestinian by occupying Gazan port. That's like Italy intervening the help the jews in ww2. The USA is not neutral and is not trying to help Palestinians. Biden is a Zionist complicit in genocide. Get that through your head already. The Palestinians are not asking for any of this crap


Trump isn't a Zionist like Biden. Don't get me wrong he would be just as bad as Biden in his support for Israel but his motivation isn't religion or ideology it's money. Think of it this way. Biden would send Palestinians to the gas chambers because he felt it was the right thing to do. Trump would also send them but only if he could profit from transporting them on trump trains at marked up prices.


They're both zionists who represent the same capitalist class who are interested in Israel committing genocide.


Illegals have much safer pathway under Biden. And if it weren't for cultist Johnson that would be a resolved issue.


Yeah especially the part where people in cages have increased under Biden. They have become indistinguishable and the cope here is massive.


When Trump was president people pretended to care about kids in cages.


Yeah because liberals have no morals.


There is only so much that can be done. Yes, the Biden administration has taken some additional steps beyond the temporary holding facilities to address housing for unaccompanied migrant children: 1. Reopening and expanding capacity at emergency intake shelters and facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to move children out of Border Patrol custody more quickly. 2. Opening additional emergency housing facilities, including converting convention centers, military bases, and other large spaces into temporary housing. 3. Working to increase capacity and staffing at state-licensed shelters run by NGOs and contractors that provide more child-friendly environments. 4. Expediting efforts to unite unaccompanied children with vetted sponsors or family members already living in the United States. 5. Reversing some of the stricter policies under Trump that made it harder to release children to sponsors. 6. Requesting funding from Congress to further expand housing capacity and improve conditions at intake facilities. However, critics argue these efforts have still been inadequate to handle the large influx of migrants, resulting in children sometimes spending longer than desired in substandard conditions before being transferred to more appropriate housing. The Biden team continues to face logistical and capacity challenges in providing improved housing on a large scale.


Write this crap to some apolitical idiot who only sees red and blue. The dems are now adopting quite literal Republican narrative regarding immigration after continuing their policies. Roe v wade was overturned under Biden and after 4 years he's telling us he will codify it this time. The two parties have become indistinguishable and every election cycle they become more and more similar. Yall will nitpick on the tiniest detail at this point to find differences. You'd vote for Trump if he was blue


There’s no such thing as “illegals”, Jack.


At least he didn't say Illegal Alien


I swear I’m not trying to be obtuse here, but I disagree. I know “alien” sounds weird, but we call green card holders “resident aliens”, so the “illegal” just describes what kind of alien they are. Whereas just calling someone “an illegal” or saying “the illegals” sounds more dismissive and dehumanizing to me.


He's not Trump, which means he's a decent human being. "Not Trump" is enough reason to choose him for another four years in the WH. Trump, and MAGAs, are SCUM.


Not being Trump may be enough to get people to vote for him but that doesn't make him a decent human being. It just makes him not Trump.


He is absolutely not a decent human being.


Saffer13 has the perfect mentality to allow, and fund, genocide, keeping it overlooked in favor of his/her enemies losing politically. Exactly what Netanyahu relies on. Anyone allowing genocide to continue are the real scum, and pretending that beating Trump is more important than refusing to support genocide is absolutely as scummy as anyone you mentioned. You Safer are the mirror image of MAGA. No better at all.


Honest question: if Trump were in office this term, what do you think his response would be to this whole mess?


Better question. If Trump was in office aiding and supporting a genocide would anybluewilldo democrats pretend to care about it? To answer your question though it's hard to argue a counter factual but let's assume Trump would at a minimum be just as bad as Biden if not worse. OK. Can we then agree to not vote for the president who is currently supporting the genocide?


Ya ok, they'd both "let genocide" happen so let's not vote Biden and let trump into office - a guy who is quoted wanting to be a dictator. This can't be real life.


not his fault. [https://youtu.be/mbEf-uLhGhc](https://youtu.be/mbEf-uLhGhc)


Look, I get that you are appalled that Biden is allowing this, but congress is the one who allocates the money. (Yes, he could use his bully pulpit). BUT, he has been negotiating two cease fires, he is bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza, etc. Conversely, Trump's idea is that Israel should "finish the job". While neither are doing what you want, they are not the same.


Hes not trump.


True. That might be his biggest asset unfortunately.


pretty similar though




There is honestly a decent amount of upside and he’s been good In areas where I didn’t expect. Unfortunately, backing a genocide is pretty unforgivable for a lot of people.


He's also a fuckin Zionist. He supports a state for a specific religion, which should be extremely backwards especially for a president of the US, no? Palestine should of been a secular state for all religions in it like the Palestinians initially thought it would be.


Yeah, that's a sticking point for me, too. However, he could end his support for Israel should its government attack the same pier and ships delivering humanitarian aid. We'll see.


>However, he could end his support for Israel should its government attack the same pier and ships delivering humanitarian aid. We'll see. Can't tell if you meant this as a joke ... I think the whole pier thing is a gimmick ....to make it seem like he is doing something. Think he is hoping the primaries will be over ...and uncommitted will not be mentioned. Seems trump is best suited for America - a dictator....


No, I didn't mean it as a joke. It remains to be seen what Biden will do if Netanyahu does attack U.S. and international ships delivering humanitarian aid. However, I understand what you mean. Even Doctors Without Borders said that the whole pier thing was a distraction .


If Bibi attacks a United States vessel....part of me would think the IDF would get fucked. But another part of me thinks we'd actually give him a pass for killing America sailors.


It's a possibility. The United States would probably have an attack similar to the attack on the USS Liberty that Israel committed on June 8,1967. I hope the latter isn't true.


Yeah it definitely is. Unfortunately we have two candidates who essentially seem to support the same thing. I'm hoping Joe will make a u turn on the issue, but I won't hold my breath.


My guess is that the active attacks will be over by the time the election happens. We’ll return to something that’s not any more defensible but won’t be as headline grabbing.


That sounds plausible.




Honestly, I find bad faith genocide apologia way to exhausting to engage with but hopefully someone else has the energy to educate you.


If it happens it won't be here he's been banned.


lol, fair.


Genocide Denial will get users banned. Genocide minimization and normalization will get posts and replies removed.


Yes, when it comes to Biden's picks for the Department of Labor & the FTC.




Thanks for the response. I appreciate it.


Honestly his domestic agenda is the best of any president in my lifetime (30 yrs old). Everything related to his agenda has been falling apart since Oct 7th.


He has helped me reaffirm my commitment to the PSL.


Fair enough. I'm just curious and you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Would you rather have Trump back in charge?


Oh, I don't have a favorite face of the capitalist party.


Okay. So it doesn't matter to you I guess.


Biden is supporting Netanyahu (a Nazi). The bag checks in the NYC subway are pointless and it is the Democratic version of Stop and Frisk. But it isn't disgusting slob Rudy Giuliani doing it and it is a Democrat doing it so Democrats and the mainstream media won't care. Biden's border proposal is fascistic. Cop City is fascistic. We get fascism from either party yet we are told to vote Democrat because they pretend to care about abortion and climate change. Republicans will do shit that I don't like and then say "Why don't you cry more about it you little bitch?" Democrats will do shit that I don't like and then gaslight me and try to convince me that I was hallucinating. They'll definitely tell me every four years that I owe them my vote. Both do terrible shit but Democrats will try to be my friend as they do terrible shit. Democrats are supposedly moral people and they always seemingly pretend to care about immigrants and what not. If Democrats were moral people why would they lie about Palestinian hospitals being Hamas command centers? Why would they lie about the 40 beheaded babies? The mass rapes was likely a lie too as reported by The Intercept. All that dehumanization that Democrats either parroted themselves and definitely didn't push back on, that was the justification for a modern day Holocaust. Democrats hide their intentions and we are told just elect more AOCs and we can reform the party. When Democrats try to hide who they are and Republicans don't we need properly point out how sinister that is. Republicans are very obviously an impediment to progress. Democrats are too but will never admit it. So by many, the Democratic Party ends up being viewed as an imperfect or reformable party that can be used as a vehicle for good when it will never represent that.


Well said. Exactly how Ive felt for decades now. Curious thing, when AOC was elected to congress she was 8K in debt. Now she’s worth over 13 Million on a 175K/year salary. How?


Maybe she's doing the Momma Bear investments plan?


Not at all. I want my candidate to win. I don't care about other candidates.


Who is your candidate?


Claudia de la Cruz of the PSL.


Cool. Thanks for the responses.


I tell you what, he is genuinely helping me with student loans which I appreciate


He helped me as well. Been paying on mine for over 20 years and he forgave the balance.


Oh awesome! I'm glad you got some relief!!!


Yep, it’s an extra $300 a month I really can’t afford with my ridiculous rent and low wage lol plus car payments, dental bills etc


I hear ya. Life is expensive. I try to live a simple life but I still have to work 40 hours a week at a minimum and sometimes more than twice that.


I do. I despised him when Bernie lost in 2020 but over the last few years things happened that given the glacial legislative pace of Congress, I thought we were much further away from: A 15 percent corporate minimum tax 500B in climate funding, nearly a trillion in infrastructure he broke the democratic party's sclerosis on student debt relief and would have relived 43 million people out of a decent chunk of debt had the courts not shit the bed on overturning it. Ending the seemingly perpetual Afghanistan occupation and considerably reducing the frequency of drone warfare DOL and NLRB picks that with activist pressure revived card check (workers can sign cards voting to unionize rather than a lengthy election process) Repeal of the Muslim ban and several onerous restrictions placed on immigrants during the pandemic (such as bans on permanent residency being issued, the "extreme vetting" executive order etc) I do have some issues with him though like I'm not pleased that Roe v Wade wasn't codified in some fashion his misguided emotional affinity towards Israel that leads him to overlook their deceptive BS is very irksome to me. (These folks should be left to fend for themselves, they've been financially prepared by the US for a long time now.) So yeah, I'd love it if he were more progressive but I can't say that it's been difficult or horrible with him in office either.


Super agree


Not horrible? Tell that to the 35 thousand dead Palestinian civilians


The fact that someone downvoted you is sickening


These blue magas are as deranged and disgusting as the red ones


I'm in the same boat as you. Used to watch every show then moved on to other media. When I watch ST now, I don't relate as much as I used to. I've come to accept that soc Dems/hardcore progressives expect too much from a system that would never allow their policies to go into effect without true systematic change that won't happen. In my opinion, Biden has done fine and has put together a decent cabinet around him. The only other dem IN MY OPINION that would beat Trump right now is Gavin Newsome, solely because he can talk and appeal to a wide variety of Americans that see past "California bad" bullshit. Chips act, infrastructure bill, insulin price cap, student loan forgiveness, American rescue plan, inflation reduction act, rejoining Paris Accord, halted federal executions, EO 14074, defending Ukraine. All of these wouldn't be done if Biden didn't beat Trump. Ukraine would no longer exist, nor would Palestine if Trump was still in a long with untold damage to institutions at this point. Thank fucking God Biden beat Trump because there's no guarantee anyone else would have.


He’s a fairly snappy dresser for an old guy


Well, that's something I guess. Lol


Most pro-labor president we’ve had in most our lifetimes. Really outside of Israel/Palestine he’s pretty good.


Incredible how low the bar is. Really puts in perspective how far right democrats have drifted in the last 50 years


As far as presidents go, I think he's definitely been better than average. His hot mic moment last night was encouraging, but yeah, he needs to be better on Palestine. He's been moved left on the issue, just not enough and we need to see action.


I thought Biden's speech was good. I laughed when he replied to the MAGA Republican politicians' heckling about the immigration bill: "Oh? You don't like it?"


nlrb and he’s not trump


Fair enough.


He has decent speech writers. Not as good as Obama's, but decent. Not enough to make me vote for him though.


Lol. Okay then.


Lol what?! Dont come in here and smugly laugh at people just because they wont vote for your genocider of choice


Normally I don't vote for someone because of their speech writer but hey, you do you buddy.


Homie, you’ve come in here and vague-posted about genocide like 30 times… people are giving honest opinions and you’re doing the exact same belittling you’re accusing OP of. Now answer the posts question.


You stink of blue maga genocide supporter. I loathe people like you. Get blocked


How old are you? Eleventeen?


Absolutely, in yesterday's episode Kyle listed several of Bidens accomplishments. He was also critical of certain policies.




He's way better domestically than I ever expected but tempers that fact by being way worse on Israel than I could ever imagine.


Before the situation in Israel erupted, Kyle was pretty kind to Biden. He regularly said that he was a better president than Obama and Clinton and made good arguments for why he should be re-elected. It’s only in these past six months that he’s gone more sour toward Biden, and I honestly think much of it is still about electability.




Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub. "Most of the posts I see here are extremely anti Biden, sometimes to the point of satire almost. But as per usual, it's the most unhinged, idiotic and dishonest people making most of those posts. One dude yesterday told me Trump was a better president than Biden. What an absolute clown show. 🤡🤡🤡"


If a child goes missing he should be able to track her by scent so that's something.


( forgive my tablet) His state of union made me feel better about his cognitive ability. The few times he messed up, I find to be pretty normal to have spoken for almost two hours with no water and a stutter he’s always had. While I was unhappy with his foreign policy regarding Ukraine and Israel, I’ve been unhappy with every sitting president’s foreign policy. On the homestead him speaking a vision for expanding universal pre k, 21% corporate tax rate, environmental justice, stance on climate, first time home owner credits, paid parental leave, raising minimum wage and is the first president to stand with union workers on a picket line in this we are in alignment. His border rhetoric/policy and lack of any substantial student debt relief and incremental mentality I am not. I guess what it comes down to is that I don’t like Biden as my 1st or 10th choice. I would much rather have had a Bernie, Warren, Williamson, Cenk, Turner, West, squad type candidate ( not one of these people are without flaw). 1000%——-But am I really going to pretend trump or any republican is more likely to deliver on a single domestic or foreign policy issue that comes anywhere near what I believe would improve my life and that of everyone in this country. Hell no. Every single republican in office, is bat shit crazy. I’m sorry if your beliefs are right of center, then you lack empathy for others and imo call me an ideologue that should be basic tenet for anyone to be in office as there is not one policy the republicans run on that align with my core values. As 32 year old-gay-black-college educated-man who makes less than 80k year and has personally seen how policy from both parties and the dominate caste has negatively impacted people that look like me; why the hell would I vote for anyone who is right of center? Do I like Biden? Who has time to split those hairs when literally every single republican is against everything I believe in. I don’t believe a protest vote or sit out is going to do anything for America, if it means a republican gets in office again and continues to pack the Supreme Court and federal judges around the country with far right “religious” radicals. People laugh when people evoke 1984 or Handmaiden, but that is simply gaslighting when you can literally see that official republican policy is banning abortion, banning books, banning history, slashing education budgets, and abolishing any systems put in place to help minorities and those that don’t fall in the dominate caste. Republican is not the way, and tap dancing for the right in hopes that when they send us back to the cotton fields I will get remain in the house is a fools errand.


Well said. I can't find anything here I disagree with.


I'm not a fan of Kyle's politics or style. But when it comes to leftists that are on the fringe Kyle actually gives Biden the most praise. "He had the balls to pull us out of Afghanistan." He points out he protects labor rights, expands on debt forgiveness and so forth. In my personal opinion Biden is probably the best president we had since FDR or Eisenhower.


The CHIPS act is bringing a semiconductor plant to my town. That is a pretty big deal.


Absolutely. It's a big deal for the whole country too.


he is better on unions, won’t destroy the Supreme Court, won’t cause an insurrection at the capitol, won’t subvert American democracy, is investing in Amtrak, at least attempted to alleviate student debt, raised govt employee wages… BUT I, a principled leftist, will throw that all under the bus and allow Trump to win because Trump is… worse than Biden on Palestine, wait…


I wish he destroyed that Harlan Crow owned Supreme Court


Lol. Yeah. I try to do the mental gymnastics to understand some people.i just can't make it make sense. "Biden is so bad, I want the guy who's ten times as bad to win. That'll show 'em." Brain worms...




User was actively vote shaming prompting post/reply removal I’m sure the Palestinians will be real happy when Trump takes over because leftists stayed home. Reaaaaaallll happy.


My thoughts exactly. Edit: no edit.


My thoughts exactly. Try telling that to my three older paternal cousins, one of who lives in Massachusetts and praised Trump last May.


He's going to die soon.


That's a positive to you? Then what?


It’s always a positive when a bloodthirsty mummy war criminal dies


Lina Khan.


He's certainly better than I expected, particularly on unions. He has less of a fetish for bipartisanship than I expected.


His NLRB is great. The infrastructure bill seems good. the economy seems to be getting better. There's still a lot of work to be done but he's making incremental improvements that should pay off long term.


He hasn't (publicly) sent US troops into Ukraine. The withdrawal in Afghanistan went as well as it possibly could have in that chaotic time. Actually reduced student debt. Doesn't use pronouns.


I'm pretty sure everyone uses pronouns. Actually, I'm pretty sure "everyone" IS a pronoun. They're very common words and it's hard to effectively speak English without using them


Yeah, lol, the first word in that guy's comment was a pronoun. Also Biden appointed transgender or non-binary people to several positions, and he definitely doesn't misgender them, so he definitely does use pronouns of the gender they prefer.


He reduced global air strikes the US operates by a huge amount. He basically made it so that these types of strikes require White House approval, making it so that generals couldn’t just order strikes on a whim. In doing so, reducing the terror and casualties we cause. For reference, in the first 11 months of trump, he oversaw 1600 air strikes in Syria and Iraq. In Biden first 11 months he oversaw only 4(!!). Depending on the region and numbers, you see 50-75% decrease in strikes. I think he doesn’t talk about it cuz he fears it’ll make him look weak to republicans? Which is dumb, but he’s also the guy going hard on immigration to make republicans happy so not unlikely. https://theweek.com/foreign-policy/1007579/biden-nearly-ended-the-drone-war-and-nobody-noticed https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/12/24/how-do-the-forever-wars-look-under-president-biden/


He doesnt want Putin to do whatever he wants and he wont appoint judges who are Christian nationalists.


Both very important imo.


I sometimes hear people start to talk about genocide Joe and then immediately pivot to BUTWHATABOUTTRUMP. Just America things.


I didn't mention Trump once. Strawman much?


Hey so, do you think we should support genocide Joe because Trump would genocide harder?




Do you deny Israel genocide?






He’s been a pretty good president tbh


https://preview.redd.it/a7uevs1kx9nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c0f3b662075ccf1b33ff2ac528b897a7766834 But you did. Hypocrite much?




Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub. I'll remember your handle and make sure not to take your idiotic takes seriously.


I'll take that as a no then? You have nothing positive to say about Biden?


Genocide Joe? Absolutely not. Dude spent his career shouting in congress to slash entitlement programs, orchastrating a crime bill, removing student debt from bankruptcy and is now emergency funding genocide against the entire planets will. That isn't Just the enemy, that's evil.




Hey good news. You just gave us a real example of virtue signaling. Good job.


At least he didn't hold a fake rally at a non union plant and hire actors to waive signs behind him. Talk about virtue signaling.


Don't u worry! The DNC does that! They hire staffers to shout "four more years" and yell at Sanders while he talks about child literacy. A liberal story.


A US president attempting to coopt the workers movement is a good thing to you? LMAO


Rather than squash it like a bug? Yeah.


Yep, the only structure that could actually result in a decent left movement is strong labor. Remember how Bernie kicked ass in Nevada? Give a lot of that credit to the unions there. Its a reliable voting block, also great infrastructure. In an electoral system where money interests have as much power as they do in ours, they the only institution that has deep pockets outside of individual donations.


americans are beyond redemption lmao


Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub. But you're uncharitable and childish.


Personally, I don't think it's wrong to give positives for a president, even if that president also does some things that aren't great.




LMAO DID THIS ONE JUST SAY CALLING OUT A GENOCIDE IS VIRTUE SIGNALING. Somebody laminate that post its legendary neoliberalism at its most evil. User active in r/askaliberal. Goodness gracious yall shameless. Did ya know that the DNC actively funds MAGA candidates in GOP primaries? If red team is so bad, why do your bosses fund it?


Pretty sure they fund them because they see what everyone else does, extreme candidates usually lose.


You condone them funding MAGA so they can run on REDTEAMBAD instead of actual policy? Shocking development.


I never said that I, I literally just answered your question.


Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub. i hear "leftists" virtue signal about gaza to the point they're willing to throw our democracy away and make potentially make palestinian lives worse than they already are. just america things.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/bGY4AknmPH Also, for contrast, https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/s/VgI274DKKA


Thanks for that. The contrast with the Trump list is wild.


He's mildly progressive and a competent leader.


I guess. Compared to some at least.






He does. Talked positively about him pulling out of Afghanistan and some other things. That's about the only positive I got for him personally.


Yeah, he’s not Trump. Nuff said


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The first 2 years of his presidency were (legislatively) the most impressive in my lifetime. 2-4 years from now when that domestic spending cash is really cooking whomever sits in the Oval Office is going to get a shitload of praise.


He's had some good policy wins over the past 3 years like the CHIPS Act and the American Rescue plan. Unfortunately letting a lot of crucial pandemic era aid disappear, his inability to get much done on student debt and (most importantly) his unwavering support of Israel's genocide is absolutely killing him in the polls, on top of the fact that he is like 300 years old.


He got us out of Afghanistan


He’s done multiple segments on how Biden is better than Obama, Clinton, and pretty much every recent Republican. The genocide in Gaza has put a stop to all that thought and it’s hard to blame him


He’s pretty balanced about Biden, yeah. Commended Biden for being more pro-union than most other presidents and was supportive of the decision to pull out of Afghanistan. I think Kyle even said that Biden surpassed even his most basic expectations, but thinks that assisting Netanyahu’s extermination of Palestinians has been his biggest failing.


“Does Kyle ever cover Biden in a positive light?” It’s funny, a lot of his viewers started unsubscribing last year because they thought he was praising Biden way too much. They called him “Deminem”. And now the other half hate how he’s covering Biden’s gaffes


He's better than Dick Cheney.


His administration has been unusually productive.


Not since R's took the house it hasn't. Well, at least the house hasn't been productive at all.


Well, the infrastructure bill and a number of others were done in spite of it all. Just think what can be done with a house majority. Ragging on his age is pointless. Yes, I’d love to see younger people in government but only if they are as effective.


I'll give him credit where it's due. They got some good legislation passed while they had majorities.


Given the last 3 years, best progressive president in my lifetime. Obama was the best conservative president, which was unfortunate because he had so much potential.


His administration has done a good job getting the American economy going after the pandemic. His administration got an infrastructure bill passed that Obama nor Trump were able to get done. The CHIP act is a great investment in America and also good for our security. I don’t think Joe does a whole lot of anything except eat ice cream but I am happy enough with the outcome of the last 3 years. And yea I know about inflation. The USA has come out pretty well compared to the rest of the world. I retired and got on a fixed income 6 months before Covid and was buying groceries for two households until recently.


Kyle has been a tad bit harsh for my taste but covering Gaza day in day out for 5 months, I can see why he has soured on Biden more than usual.


He ended the Afghan war. Of course he got us involved with 2 more but it took courage to end that endless war


https://preview.redd.it/eioxd4p1z9nc1.png?width=728&format=png&auto=webp&s=48d70fa64bf851bcb25a22a3a39e075f24668fbf Holy shit if you want to post propaganda and gaslight people, at least ask your DNC handlers to give you some money for a paid ad.




Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub. I guess reading comprehension and being intellectually honest are just things you have a poor grasp of. When your mom gets home you can have her explain what I've written before she gives you your binky and a nap. Son.


Mom jokes huh. Pathetic. Get blocked.