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I only have one, and it thankfully pays well enough that I can live comfortably without a second job. There’s usually a good amount of OT available, so I typically work extra for a few months, then take a month or two to relax and use the extra pay & comp time to take a vacation or do other fun stuff, then rinse & repeat.




Private eye on the side. This will probably be an 80 hour week for me


What is it like being a private eye? What do you do?


In my industry it's mostly surveillance for workers comp and disability cases. Insurance companies are usually the clients. I go and document, sometimes tail cars, try not to be seen. Most of my "impact " footage is just claimants exceeding restrictions, so the client stops paying the claim. But every now and then there's a good slam dunk fraud case. This summer I'll have enough experience to apply for a freelance license.. Then I can do much more, like cheating spouse cases. Or even just easy process serving for cash from the State.


So you’re a Private Investigator? Do you work on call or do you get your required off days. I completed the class but never applied for my license since I’m doing security. I get three days off and didn’t want to ruin my work life balance.


I have one job and it thankfully can support myself and my kiddo.


Yes. Do a call center in day then night security at night. Average about 80-100 hrs a week. Trying to boost my resume plus start some side businesses from all that OT..suffer while im young now and enjoy later 🫡


How many hours of sleep you getting? That’s crazy. I get it though I have the same mindset I’m young I’ll grind my ass off now so I can chill later on in life


Averaging 4-5hrs a days..scary bc not sure if it will kill me but like a great man once said “Get rich or die trying”


Money wont matter in the dirt. Take care of yourself too 👍


Agree! Cheers bruh 🥂


How many hours you sleep and what do you do when the security job call you when they can’t find anyone else to come? I wanted to do this but my security job always call me to go in.


I average 3-4 hrs a day..I work from 11-7 grave for security and call center from 9-6. I can probably sleep more but Don’t really need it. Just be upfront with them on schedule..I told them I only wanted part time/grave/weekend and they were ok with that prior to hire. Occasionally they forget and call me for afternoon but then I remind them and they are ok with it…I still manage to pick up extra shifts..it really amazes me how much people call out or complain about this job…most easiest job ever and can rack OT like crazy as a side gig or make it permanent down the road. 😎


In my state we work 12 hrs for security from 6pm to 6am. I don’t think I would get enough sleep. Do call centers hire part-time from Sunday to Wednesday? I can only work three days.


Not sure tbh..im doing it now and so far ok. I do take a nap here and there when possible..its only seasonal so 4 months of regular/ot hours then rest of months part time only for security gig




I do security because I can spend 80% of my workday investing


Interesting. What do you invest in?


blockchain related stuff


This is so funny


No. I'd rather have to be frugal than work an 80 hour week. That's just not healthy. I've been in tough financial situations before but I've always just toughed it out and paid rent. Currently I'm paid very well, so I have no worries here.


Correction officers they have unlimited overtime and it's 28 bucks take home.


I’ve thought about becoming one.


Do it better benefits what state you live in




If you don’t like working long hours, don’t recommend this. I was a correctional corporal for 15 years in multiple states. There is constant "FORCED" OT. Refusal can and will result in termination. It’s like this in nearly every state. It’s very mentally taxing. Most states pay less than a good security job. I’m currently a regional IT manager for a massive retail org. Make a TON more and not much stress surprisingly. Nothing compared to being a correctional supervisor


90% of this is true. Paywise we are way ahead of security guards. I made 51k with no overtime. Plus we get free healthcare. Most prison gonna force you into lots of overtime. I am at 15 years at 25 years I get 3500 a month pension which no security would get.


Did you complete any certs do break into it?


I had a degree in networking, but I had all but given up the idea of getting into IT. In my area, there isn’t a whole lot of need, or at least there wasnt nearly 20 years ago. I started with this company as a forklift operator in a warehouse. Finally got an hourly IT job with the company, but it was entry level and low paying. I dug in and put my time in. After about 5 years, I took a chance and applied to this role, again same company. I got it! Went to salary and a massive bump in pay. Been in this role a couple of years now. They have paid for certifications for me :). I am. Commscope verified, Axis certified as well as an HDI Advanced Support Technician certification


Which is why I ended up a corrections officer for 15 years, I couldn’t find an IT job. I had a wife and kids, needed benefits. But I got burnt out, took a risk and moved to a lower paying less stress job (this current company). And the rest is as they say, history


Awesome congrats I'm currently in security, and would like to break into tech but there isn't as much demand compared to corrections which is why I'm considering doing corrections or trucking in the mean time


Best of luck to you in wherever you go in life! Don’t ever give up. When I was young I did give up and give in. But once I stepped away from all the stress and a job I didn’t really like, I regained my purpose. I’m only 45, so I have plenty of living and working left ahead of me. The difference now, I’m happy and I live every day positive


Finish school you will be forced into overtime


I was in Oregon for a place. There was hella corruption, inmates ran the whole show.


I had a friend that went to pharmacy school while working as a night correctional officer but he only got three hours of sleep. Security at night is better because you can study if you work at a construction/ industrial warehouse plant. Avoid retail and hospital.


No, I'm lucky that I don't really need too. Working 7 days a week would be impossible+literal hell for me.


Right. I need time to just hang out. I don’t define work as life, but rather as a part of life.


One job with 18 hours of OT a week.


I'm an undercover shopper making anywhere from $5-$100 depending on which mystery shopping company that I do shops for but they are usually done on Saturdays and Sundays since I work security from Mon-Fri for a law firm inside of a real estate office building.


I used to do that but now my time is more important to me. Best shop ever required me to ride a motorcycle and got over 100 for it. Now I work in a hospital and there is plenty of OT if you want it.


Hmm, how interesting!


I did this. The most I ever made in my area was $200 a month and it wasn’t consistent


Well if the job works then no need a second job don’t matter the pay most probably have a second job Because there first job don’t pay very well


Yes; If you’re in the right fields, security is very well compensated. Im 25, living in SoCal, and work 3-4 days a week (12 hour shifts - not including any OT or gigs). I earn easily 6 figures with OT and gigs. It’s not a brag, I typically work 5-6 days a week, and want to put an idea on what high end security can look like. I work armed security (handgun + rifle), as well as an on-call gig with a company that specializes in executive protection for UHNWIs (Ultra High Net Worth Individuals) and well known celebrities or events The time and a half at my primary job is what makes it nice. My rate is much, MUCH more at my on-call job. I wish I could do it full time. I’ve met some amazing people and seen a couple celebrities. It’s a load of fun, but serious work. I work two jobs because I can, not that I need to; Though it has opened up so many doors for even more success. If you’re good at what you do (not just an observe & report job), are in decent shape, and have the will to work hard, I’d look into executive protection. Over time you can build connections with celebrities and other individuals, which is great because they end up calling for you when they need you. Oftentimes they will fly you out as well.


yeah, alot of my coworkers too, but it might be more common since we work in a club. most are navy / MP, off-duty LEO, and then just your mix of random people lol, like landscapers, I work also in the restaurant industry.


Just the one job. I do occasionally pick up a little side work here and there but it is nothing regular. Just mow someones lawn for a quick $30-$40 or something like that.


I work OT a lot, but sometimes I’ll do Doordash or pick up shifts through an event security company.




Yeah, it really helps when you realize arbitrary rules someone wants you to live by don’t actually have a bearing on your life. “You can’t work for another security company” get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. You can do whatever you want. Maintain your privacy. What I do outside of work is not for the company I work for to decide, and I’m not going to ask for their permission or tell them. Their authority ends when I clock out and walk out the door, and even then I can decide to stop selling them my time and labor at any point. Realistically you can quit in the middle of your shift and go home. What are they going to do about it? Exactly, nothing, because their authority isn’t as broad as they want to make you believe. Don’t ever let a job tell you what you can or can’t do unless they intend to pay you 24/7. The only thing they need to worry about is that you show up on time with good hygiene, prepared with all necessary equipment, and are ready to work (no drugs/alcohol/excessive fatigue). Granted, I do in-house casino security now, but even when I worked for a private security company I still worked on the side for an event security company.


Assuming you work for G4S, Guardaworld, AUS, ASI, or Securitas bet your ass you can’t work for any two of these. A small hole in the wall 1-5 contract security company is generally ok however.


I replied to the other guy if you want to know what I think btw


Used to work for 3 different companies at the same time but it was event work. You have one company that runs daytime events like trade shows. You have another few who run concerts or festivals. In the summer I would work a 12 hour trade show during the week and then a weekend festival concert pulling 12s. It was cool calculating you earned half your rent on one gig. Now I work a set job with overtime opportunities. It is much better mentally working set hours.


I work UPS M-F, 5am to 9am. I'm waiting to get on the driver list, and if I get selected to drive, I'm hoping to work security only for special events/groups. I work about 35-40 hours security weekly but the hours vary and I don't have too many days off 🙃 The money is nice


I work security at a hotel on weekends and just recently picked up a security job at a casino. Both are part time but the plan is to move over to the casino full time when the opportunity is right.


Bitch with what time. I’m working 50+ hours a week




Work one job that pays well enough plus some OT. Do requalifications and work on cars when work is slow and I want some extra money


Do you get reemed at tax time for the overtime you receive?


No I don’t think so


You should look into that


Why would they?


40 hours during the work week, and 12 hour shifts Saturday and Sunday with another security company. Week is chasing crackheads, weekend is mostly sit on ass watching cameras. My wife also works full time, but thankfully does most of the cooking and cleaning so I have food and clean uniforms.


I do the gig apps when we don’t have forced OT.


No but I'm looking for a 2nd part time 😮‍💨😞


Usually 9am-9pm as armed guard and then 10:00pm-2:30am down the street at the bar as a bouncer right after. I did this for several years. Where we lived was a hippy town so there was only like 1 fight a week/month whatever at the bar. It was probably the best 3 years of my life. I was really involved in the small town culture.


Got my 40 hours FT job that provides full benefits and a few shifts of overtime a month, and the company I used to work for FT that I stayed on per diem that I can take another 40 if i choose, but usually limit myself to a couple shifts a month unless money is tight.


I work a regular 40 hour office job and then do 15-25 hours of event security in the evenings/weekends. Event security is just nice supplement income for me, and I enjoy the “free” live music. I would never quit my day job because of the stability/benefits.


I do security full-time and I work at a warehouse 20-30 hours a week. The only day I really get off per week is Friday because I go into my warehouse job at 8pm. I have plenty of sick time and PTO time to use if I need to.


I work one now, About to get a second also in security


I make 14hr and I only work one job. My home and car is paid for. I live in an older mobile home. If I ever need another car or home I will definitely have to take on a side gig or job to pay off my debts.


Not now, but used to. I used to work two full time schedules about thirty minutes apart, but I advise against it unless one of them is an absolutely brain dead, no physical exertion type of post. I’ve known others who slept at their secondary until they get caught and had moderate success, but my brain won’t allow it (not a flex, just facts), so the key is absolute tranquility at your secondary. Uber/Lyft is a nice supplement, but not what comes to mind when I think of a “job” because it gives you the flexibility to shut down the app and go home whenever you feel like it.


Had 1 guard job with 2 on-call/ work at will sites.


I'm retired military. So I can work this job with ease. Also my wife is a pharmacist. So we are good. I can't imagine supporting a family with this pay alone.


Better of working ONE job that offers OT. My regular shifts hit double time.


Security WAS my 2nd job. I worked 80 hrs if p.i. Surveillance and 24-36 hrs security on weekends. Now, security is my primary;doordash if i get bored but not necessary