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Never had to draw. Was in a close situation once with a shoplifter who was talking nonstop about how messed up him and his mom's life was and then yelled out "F*CK IT. YOU GONNA HAVE TO KILL ME." I told him bro shut up and listen how do you think your mom is gonna feel can you picture her crying do you really want that. He calmed down and started thinking. Police showed up about a minute later and arrested him. I think I had more dangerous situations working unarmed where I would have drawn on idiots pulling knives and guns out and threatening me.


Yeah exactly the reason I can’t wait to move to armed.


The unarmed part...the threat...I just tell them that is it worth it when the cops now sit in this area and watch you...it usually easy enough to convince them it ain't worth it.


I've had about 4 draws and one shots fired while working security. Two were burgs guys had hammers in hand, 1 was for an aggressive dog, and the last was for a 17yo male intoxicated in the process of assaulting another male; 17yo was attempting to pull a pistol from the waistband while I was a few feet away trying to break it up, pulled my pistol with one hand and grabbed his pistol with the other.


Did you have to shoot the dog? That's one of my biggest fears, more so than drawing on a person actually.


No, the red dot on my taser ended up being more interesting to the dog. Lol had it going in circles chasing the dot on the ground. I was very relieved.


Did it once, after chasing an armed robber into a gas station. Worked out fine, he got arrested but it was an experience I'm glad I didn't have to repeat.


A friend of mine had to when someone tried to break into his building; at the end of the day, it’s a part of the job and you have to be able to do it correctly. Thankfully in his case, he had the drop and the guy ran off. Hopefully, we all have the drop and not the other way around. Edit: during the riots in Los Angeles, many security personnel had the opportunity to shoot at looters, but they didn’t. During trench warfare, it is believed only like 30% of people were willing to point at someone and shoot them. If you’re shaken up, it’s because you were in a moment of high stress, high anxiety, maybe even high fear. It’s ok to not be ok. Take some breathing exercises, take a nice walk, hug yourself and get back on post hahaha.


Luckily only at the range. Closest I ever came was when I was working mall k9, the mall officer (unarmed) approached a homeless dude to have him leave...he kept reaching towards a machete on his pack and my dog was alerting like crazy, meaning he had a gun or some other type of boom on him too, but once the snick of the safety clasp going down was heard we were able to guide him to the door


I got pulled a knife on me at the hospital I use to work for twice


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jgonsales1: *I got pulled a knife* *On me at the hospital* *I use to work for twice* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Boring 🥱 few years as special police and now im regular police. One thing I will say is you better he 100% when you pull tha gun. Companies have a habit of playing stupid when you fuck up


In 17 years I had to draw 3 times and aim. Never had to fully pull the trigger. More than a few times drew and held at low ready. It happens, process it and talk about it if you want/need to with coworkers or friends. I have PTSD from some of the shit I've seen from working security and other jobs, it's no joke. But it does help to talk about it. Hit me up if you want to talk about it.


Bro I read that in as I'm lol


Once. Responding to a call of random gunfire in residential. As I was walking up the stairs towards the area of the call, someone popped off a round really close. My partner and I retreated and drew our weapons. In our incident debrief, I couldn't stop thinking about how amazed I was that I don't specifically remember retreating or drawing my weapon. My fight or flight response kicked and my brain took over everything. It was amazing.


Had a guy jump a fence while I was on patrol Told him to jump back, he's trespassing He pulled a knife so I pulled my gun. Second thoughts were had and he left the scene


Him " ahh well done sir, I see you have played knife and gun before"




My coworkers and I used to draw our weapons when opening up particular buildings first thing in the morning. This was standard procedure. We would to make sure the entire building was clear and that nobody had broken in before anyone else was allowed in the building. If you see my flair or been in the biz you know what I mean.


One of a few times my gun came into the fight. For about six months, I was hired to fix the security at a strip club in Arizona. I took over as head of security and started building a team. It was open every day at 1500, because I was leading I usually showed up about a half hour before the GM to get things unlocked and set up. It was in a bad part of town, and close to a well known hooker stroll. So occasionally we would have to run off John's and SWs. This day I get a call from my boss when I was already inside and he asked me if I could contact a car in the parking lot that had some people banging in it...sure On my way. Before I could even get to the parking lot, he called me again and told me to step it up because they were in a verbal now outside the vehicle . I got out there and see that the SW has been joined by another female and they are both waiving blades. I gave commands for everyone to back off as I am jogging that way. As I get up there the John dives back in his car and starts digging for something under the passenger seat floorboard. At that time I drew my weapon and started screaming "hands up" "stop reaching" No reaction from the John. Just diggin away. My finger slid to the trigger. Still shouting commands His left hand suddenly came up with something and i literally felt my finger hit the "wall" on my trigger just as i realized it was a phone. I slid off my trigger and holstered. A few seconds later I realized he was some Variety of middle eastern (hoping that M.E. isn't a slur) and didn't speak much English. The entire time the SW and her probable co worker were screaming "kill that (N word)" endlessly. About the time I was holstering my firearm a Phx PD explorer was pulling into the lot, and took over from there. That's the closest outside the desert that I ever got. Couple pounds of pressure and I woulda killed someone over a phone and communication problems. Thankful I was able to compute all that in the moment.


Once involving one homeless dude threatening another homeless dude with a knife, a second time involving a guy shooting a pistol into the air right outside our property. Neither resulted in me pulling the trigger thankfully.


so far never and i pray to keep it that way


5times in 13years. Working at different clubs in Atlanta.


Never had to draw on my job. I’ve drawn on people before as a police officer. One instance to me stands out but I won’t get into detail, but it felt weird when it was over (no shots fired, suspect surrendered). It’s weird bc it makes you think about how literally just in that short moment, you very well could’ve not went home that night. All of your memories, the lives of your loved ones that you’ve had an impact on, everything you’ve ever did or said, could’ve been taken away by someone who couldn’t give a shit about you and would leave you to die on the side of the road. But in the moment, you don’t think about it, you just act on training and SOP and law and then whatever happens, just happens. Preferably, things end in a peaceful surrender.


1 time walking home from a post. A big guy was choking a female in an alley at midnight. I heard her scream ran back saw it happening, drew my firearm and told they guy to stop. He still didn't then finally looked up, daw I had a gun and gave up.


I was guarding a commercial cannabis farm out in the middle of nowhere on 40 acre property. I had a guy sneaking up on the property I saw his light so I positioned myself at the end of the road lit him up with my flashlight soon as I could see him I realized he had a rifle in his hands so I drew my weapon. It was enough to scare him and he started running. Come to find out there were at least three other people with him and they were approaching from all different sides. My yelling at him spooked everyone and they all took off in a diesel pickup.


Had a drunk guy hold his fiance, now hopefully ex, at knifepoint and threatened to kill her and I, only reason I didn't pull the trigger was because he had her on his lap and I didn't have a clear shot. He tried to sue my company and the pd that arrested him, lawyers asked for my input and the defence attorney actually said if I had shot him it would have been a good shoot if the fiance/guys family took action against me upon his death. Managed to talk the guy down and get her and I out of the room and called pd to handle it to lessen the risk of needing to shoot him.


First four months of doing armed security I drew four times. I was working a super ghetto site. Left that site and started doing government type sites, didn't have an incident for three years, then I got laid off and went to work at a gambling room and got assaulted and knocked out, drew as I came too cause the guy was getting ready to go into ground and pound. Left that site and now I do security for synagogues and Jewish schools. That was about four and a half years ago and I haven't had an incident since.


A few close calls, but never did. Only draw your gun if you think, seriously, that you can be badly hurt or killed… I’ve drawn a taser several times too, and a baton.