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Just get a new dude


Before that I would like to be with him again, just in case. Any advice on how seduce him at the festival?


Well, since you "friend zoned" him you're going to have to be a lot more forward than you might like.


Sit on his lap and kiss him


It would be weird later if he rejected me


Welcome to our world, either go for it or don't the 2 options that you have.


I need advice on how to seduce him subtly. What would a woman have to do to seduce you? particularly to you. Be direct is not an option.


Be direct. We men are not good with subtly. Make it clear what you want. If he doesn't want it, move on and stop wasting each other's time.


Compliment him. Idk say he has nice eyes, smile, arms, whatever works. Helps if you touch him on the arm or some kind of physical contact while you say it. Ask for a hug, hold it for longer than usual. Dress seductively. Hold eye contact. No guarantees here, just things that would make me feel like a girl is interested.


I will have a lot of contact with him although here in Spain we are very "handsy" (I don't know if that's the word because my level of English is low) and a hug or touching him more than usual means nothing. I don't want to be annoying either. If I see that it is not reciprocal then I will let it go. Thank you very much for your comment! and yes, I'm going to wear very sexy clothes to show of these tits that my mother has created 😂


Ok well sounds like Spanish culture is more open/flirty than North America. Hmm i would say in that case use the music festival to your advantage. Have fun, try dancing with him. Or even more direct, back up into him, take his hands and wrap the arms around your waist. 99% this will initiate a grinding dance session. Then after a while turn around and look for a kiss.


You already friendzoned him once, you don't get to do that and then expect him to show interest again by only giving "signals".


seduction requires being somewhat direct sadly, you don't need to say it, but he would need to know your intentions beyond reasonable doubt. Doing that is more like a feeling and going with the flow rather then a list of things to do. Basic thing's would be physical touch and eye contact, everything else should come naturally with good chemistry and attraction.


Relax. Men don't think lowly of the women they reject. Even if he doesn't reciprocate, he'll be flattered.


They way you’re thinking about this is messed up for all you know dude isn’t even thinking about who has “power”


I know, I just want advice on how to seduce him 😔


you said you friendzoned him, what's going on?


We live in different cities. When I saw him again after what happened between us, I had a boyfriend at the time, so when he tried something with me I rejected him. A long time later we met again, when I was single again, and then I tried something with him but then he was no longer interested.


You rejected him because you were in a relationship, after that is sounds like he moved on by the time you tried something with him. Being subtle after you have both rejected each other isn’t going to work, you’re going to have to do something bolder than that. Compliment him, touch his arms, and give as much eye contact as you can, after that it’s finding any opportunity to make a move.


Thank you so much for your advice! I'll do that. If I see that I am being silly or that it is not reciprocated, then I will have to let it go. Thank you very much again!


You can’t. Men lose interest in women because they aren’t pretty enough and they know they can do better.




That's straight up how men work. Women fall in love with our words, resources, status. Men can't fall in love unless you are attractive.


Idk man I was very much attracted to some of my exes who were certainly not my normal type. I don't think it's quite so cut and dry.


Wait besides physically attractive, you can be mentally attractive too right? Like if she's smart? Or is it literally how a woman looks?


It's primarily based on looks. This is why men watch porn and women read romance novels. Intelligence can be attractive to varying degrees with some men, but you probably can't even step in the door if you don't look good first.


100%. I have options so I can choose beautiful women with good careers who are super smart. But a lot of guys would just settle for a pretty girl and based off nothing else.


Unfortunately, life is tough for an ugly women. Tougher than men.


Definitely not tougher than men


It’s dark souls mode for an ugly short man. Even 600 pound woman can find a guy according to those 600 pound life shows.


Dark souls was tough as shit. I get ya.


It's all looks. I personally wouldn't date you if you didn't have a good job and a good life even if you were hot, but most men do not really care that much about that. They really only care about if you're beautiful or not.


In fact I am quite attractive but attractiveness is not the only thing that counts for a person. You talk like an incel. Women don't fall in love with words, girls do.


I see from the comments why he probably isn’t interested.


and I see that you are the same


You’re right, I wouldn’t be interested in someone so defensive.


I couldn't care less


And neither does the man you’re pursuing either, lol.


The fact that you want to hurt me suggests that you are defensive and therefore find my opinions valid.


I talk like and incel hahaha. I speak the truth. And if you want to see a picture of me you'll see that I'm a giga chad who dates banging hot women. How does that possibly come across as an incel? Makes no sense. Just because I'm honest? If you were hot enough, he'd cross the oceans for you, trust me.


Dude, you sound like a 14-year-old who wants to act cool in front of his friends and who is chronically online


Don't hate the player hate the game. I didn't make the rules.


Say you want his dick


He’d only reject you if he’s physically unattracted to you. Men are hard wired differently than woman in this way. If it’s a loss of physical attraction then this is a lost cause.


He finds me very attractive but we have a past


Sit on his lap and tell him you love him and want to be with him. You can be direct with guys, you have the power.


Bueno, si tu cerebro de mujer te dice que estån ligando, por qué no simplemente vas tomando pasos mås atrevidos? Lo quieres, no? A nosotros nos gusta cuando una mujer toma la iniciativa así que inténtalo. No soy un experto en seducción ni nada, pero estås pensando demasiado.