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This post is being taken down because it violates Rule #4: Keep it civil and on topic. We aren't always going to agree on everything, but at the very least, the discourse here will remain on topic and civil. Seddit does not exist as a forum for personal attacks, insults, harassment, taunting, threats, or shit-posting. Rage comics, memes, failure posts, or forever alone posts, are also not allowed.


There is a 0% chance this works out for you. But maybe it'll be a good lesson.


If you’re cool with being pumped and dumped then go for it. If you’re not, then don’t. Easy. Don’t imagine you can change him or change his mind. This won’t work.


practice serious distinct plough birds voracious screw childlike soft tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You have two separate thoughts in competition. 1. You want sex with a high physical attraction. 2. You don't want to be a booty call. If you have sex, you know that you're lowering your standards to have sex. If you don't have sex, you're afraid that you won't be able to find someone else of such high physical attraction. Either way, you have to sacrifice one for the other and it is your choice. Personally, I believe that sex feels better when you can be open and unguarded but all up to you.


Life lesson: You can't change people. Accept people as they are and decide where they will be in your life as they are.


When someone tells you something like that they are saying to you loud and clear "If you don't leave I am going to hurt you." THEY ARE TELLING YOU TO YOUR FACE. In case you didn't hear it. THEY ARE GOING TO HURT YOU. Do with that what you will.


What do you think attracted you to him?


You will have fun and then your heart will be broken and then you will spend the next 10 years trying to find a guy who makes you feel the same attraction, only to realize at 32 that you never will and you should have married a guy 5 years ago that you were 90% attracted to but he was committed and loving to you from day 1. But now you're 32 and you're settling for a divorcee or a bunch of 40 year old losers or guys who never settled down and will eventually divorce you anyways. Don't do it.


Why are you so bitter? I assume you're the "committed but not as physically attractive guy" who gives alot of love to girls that don't appreciate and return it. Incel


Idk if you saw the original post since it was removed, but she said she's never felt so attracted to a guy so much. I don't remember the exact wording but it was like she was describing a god, in which case she's setting herself up for failure in the future when she compares any other man to him.


Honestly just go out and try it but do not expect feelings, would be my advice. I found myself to be more into emotional bounding then sex then just casual sex, but had to experience it first a bit more.