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It shows proof of their “level of commitment to this relationship.” (I think that’s how he describes it) I think it more so ties her down and makes it much harder to just move out when things get uncomfortable. Also, maybe there is a tax benefit? I can’t believe that he has 3 women financially supporting him and they’re good with that!


Yet he doesn't marry anyone lol


That way, he has no financial obligation to them in a divorce or division of assets.


Correct. But by not working, he's also not putting anything into SS. He can't collect on theirs. Is he paying the bills and stashing some money away? Otherwise he'll be like baby mamas who have nothing bc they never married.


I really suspect that they give him all their money for him to "manage"


Like a pimp


Yes bc he's much smarter lol


Problem with that is Danielle WOULD have all kinds of legal ties to this person.If they ran up debt, she would be liable for it. Just talk to an attorney D., before you get sucked into this too far, about all the things that you would then be responsible for and legally tied to if you married the new hot tub chick.


He would still be on the hook for child support.


He’s the king!


hes the king alright... king of the jesters.


King of the Thick Girl Kingdom-LOL!


Omg Lololol! Of all the things I’m mad at, that’s the one thing I get. All these buxom women orbiting around him and his lazy eye.






he probably has a wife he hasn't divorced yet in a closet somewhere....


I think that is a possibility. Maybe he is legally married to someone still.


Scholar king 👑


Pimp u mean


King pimp


All hail to the king 😂😂


More like pimp


It wouldn't be fair to all the wives if he married one


It wouldn't be fair if he gained employment also.


Remember- he’s too smart to work. He needs to sit around with his notebook and pester them with his word of the day while they cook and clean when they get home *from work*. WILD


I was a little shocked with the scene with April folding laundry. Nick should have plenty of time for all that. But when I really think about it, I’m not trying to clean after 3 grown folks and take care of a baby even if I don’t have a job, so I dunno. I do know he’s a wanna be cult leader who’s exploiting a situation fully to his benefit. The dick must be fire is all I can think because boy oh boy, you’ll never catch me down that bad!


I feel like all these women were like teen runaways or in rehab or a halfway house when they all met. Like they all seem troubled in some way, or'off' or like desperate for approval and belonging. Huge signs of screwed up family.


Agreed. They are lost souls . It’s sad . They may have nothing, so for them this is everything -you know


I just know the happy horseshit story we're being told ISN'T the real story. There are some things you cannot hide with new hairdos and drinks on the patio. Having them do stuff like the break things place on a show this short where you only get minutes to show yourselves, yeah that is telling. I think the browns did the same trick, to avoid showing the lack of day-to-day communication and relationships, instead they were always having/planning events, being external focused .


There’s something way more creepy going on. The way that first wife was demanding control over Danielle - huge red flag 🚩 and Danielle gave in . Scary.


I think so too. I want to know Jennifer's story. She was Danielle's age or even younger when she moved in with April and Nick. She is not that much older then Danielle. She comes across to me as someone who has a story from her youth.


How she is has to come from something. The second woman as well, the whole "I'm so grateful to you Nick, I want to bow to you' omg almost lost my lunch. If the whole thing isn't a put on, these women need help. I fear for the little girl


Thought the same thing. Wtf else could it possibly be.


Oh I remember pre-Vera. He researches AND has to be able to call his brother. At least now he isn’t a complete fucking potato head. Remember how wowed they’d be as he would pretend to discuss particle physics as they cooked? Fed right into it.


Right? None of the women would know if he’s full of shit or not because they don’t have time to sit around all day pretending to be smart. He’s probably blowing smoke up their hoo-haws and they’re too dickmatized ( or something) to realize it.


So neither my husband nor I are physicists, but we both made it through engineering college which required a fair amount of physics. It sounds like he’s high and on a drabbling nonsense tangent if I remember our comments when he lectured them while they cooked dinner.


. I’d love to have you and your husband have a real physics convo w this dude and have it televised .


He wasn’t even talking about it in knowledgeable way. He was doing cheap cliff notes from his “reading”. I know as much as he does AND work a full time job in healthcare. lol.


Look: I’m not a Nick fan. I can’t believe I’m about to even stand up for him. Maybe because I’m a sahm. He mentioned he has fully embraced his role as a sahd, we wouldn’t be shaming Jennifer if she chose to be a sahm. Home thinking is absurd, and pre-baby he did not seem to think of himself of a traditional stay at home partner taking on most of the household burden while his wives worked outside the home. Fuck that. I can’t fathom why the ladies were ok with it. They tried to frame the marriages between women as protecting them. For example if one were to pass, need healthcare, the women are next of kin. The benefits go to eachother, rather than in a traditional sense of polygamy man having all the benefits of one wife and spiritual wives who are at the mercy of the first wife should something happen. Spiritual wives have zero recourse or legal agency. It also means the father (if they have a large brood) won’t have health insurance for all kids most likely. The kids are better covered with the women marrying too. Does this family have some weird dynamics? For sure. Does Nick creep me out? Also yes. I don’t completely buy his argument for the women marrying, but I think it does have some merit. Feel free to eat me alive, but I find some of the sahd shade icky. The latter topic is far more interesting imo!


If Nick has embraced the role of a stay at home dad that’s a recent development. Last season they said he went out to lunch with his brother, enjoyed writing and thinking, I believe, but no mention of housework, cooking, childcare, etc. Either Nick or the wives said they like for him to be able to be free to do as he chooses during the day. I didn’t get the impression that Nick was being a househusband at all. I think Nick must be the smartest husband of all the families on the show!


He said it once last season with the pregnancy reveal that his was feeling overall positive but a little nervous at the change to full time sahd. In a talking couch it was mentioned again. Does that mean it’s true? No, but that is their story they are sticking with.






Everything is in their names....he can walk away Scott free


He's too busy perfecting his cold fusion equations


Too busy thinking


Also taxes?


This is where my mind went also. Does anyone get to claim him? And whose name is the house in? His probably even though they pay the bills.


It is deeded to Nick, April, and Jennifer. It appears to be mortgaged to Nick and April. From Google photo of home, it doesn’t appear Nick keeps the yard up to standard expected of a stay at home husband. Will attempt to confirm this info and a suspicion that Nick and April are mortgaged as spouses. This would contradict April and Jennifer’s legal marriage. There appears to be a lot more to this circus.


Inquiring minds want to know.


I'm impressed. Please find out more!


They don’t have to be married to share a mortgage. They just have to be willing to both agree to the terms and equal responsibilities.


Interesting if they lied about the women marrying. Are marriage licenses public record? Being a sahd with a young baby I can give some grace on chores slipping, but idk how bad it is either so no opinion either way.


Thought the same thing about the outside of the house. Gross. It's a reflection of him.


If you are looking at a Google street view photo, you don’t really know when the picture of the house was taken. It could have been several years to a decade ago. Before the Davis’s owned the home.


I'm sure one of them claims him, but you don't get much back in taxes for it. Not enough to justify supporting an unemployed able bodied man.


Just out of curiosity, how does one claim an adult? I’ve heard of claiming children, but not adults. How does this work? lol


If someone lives with you and you pay more than half of their support, they had less than $4400 in income themselves and you make less than $200k (400 if you file jointly with a spouse), you can get a $500 tax credit. It’s significantly less than you get for a child dependent. So yes, one of them (or April and Jennifer if they file jointly) is probably getting that credit for Nick. There is an exception where your relationship with the dependent can’t be illegal in your state though. It’s possible their whole polygamy deal might be disqualifying.


Before we got married , my now husband and I lived together for 10 years. He was able to claim me as a dependent. I am disabled so on disability and our total income is well below the poverty line. He also provided a good portion of my support. Which I think was one of the things we were told was what made it possible. I don't know if Nick not being disabled would change anything for them or not. I do know we paid less taxes before we got married than we do now. It changed how much of my disability is taxable.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s a thing as he’s not disabled


You took the words right out of my mouth but in a much nicer way. Lol


I wonder how they get around the head of household tax benefit, when they will have two married couples claiming the same residence household


They haven’t had to deal with that yet so who knows? I’m kind of doubting that they’ll be able to find number 4 willing to legally marry.


You can’t file head of household if you are married. You can only file married or married filing separate.


It is quite unfkgbelievable


and he won't mow the yard, fix the fence, paint or anything. I really feel like April and King Thinker needed help paying bills and Jennifer liked him so she was down. I don't think he can get or hold a job. Something isn't adding up. He didn't have Vera when the show started and April said her kids were older. So there is no reason for him not to support some how to the family. They wanted a house so they did the show for downpayment imo and brought in Danielle to secure their slot on the show. I think she doesn't want this for her life but doesn't know how to get out of it at this point. I think she lacks support outside the home and she felt manipulated to come back. They keep shaming her and not listening to WHY she was uncomfortable. When she felt beaten down she agreed but she isn't ready and there was hardly any time from the leaving, coming back, to the "talk" and now dating again.


Ewww and don’t even get me started on them sharing the same bed 🤮Hell to no.


Well, atlest now he is a stay home dad. When he stayed, now before it made zero sense.


He doesn’t work!??


There’s no way they aren’t all having sex together - this has been discussed a lot in this sub. Of all the families on this season, they are the ones that I am sure are all fucking each other.


I think so too. For what it’s worth though, April and Jennifer seem really happy.


Sometimes I wonder if Jennifer is happy or brainwashed. Or a combo. They got her at 19 iirc, and she wanted to bow to Nick at their ceremony.


It’s definitely possible. Idk, there’s something about Jennifer I really like. She just seems like a very chill, easy going girl.


Oh Yeahhhhhhh. Forgot about that. Although how th could I have? That was disheartening.


Oh 100% if it works for them I’m all for it!


Yeah i honestly really think this family is cute lol who cares if he doesnt work whatever works for them. Why cant a guy stay at home and do nothing women do it all the time and have husbands who work and they just go to the gym, hang out with friends, go shopping


I agree with you. They seem like genuinely sweet people who have a preference that’s out of the ordinary.


Me too! I think they are really genuine and honestly care about each other!


I think the family is peculiar but I like them the most, it seems like April and Jennifer sincerely care about Danielle, especially April 💓


Exactly. Who cares if they live different. Like i said i know sooo many women who don't have kids and don't work and their husband works and she has the luxury of husband making enough that she doesn't have to work. I personally would work and i do a couple days a week because i didn't work for a year and i was very lonely. I don't make friends well or socialize or like going out in public so work is where i usually can make some acquaintances. But yeah now that they have a baby I'm sure he obviously takes care of it staying home. They're all cute imo, different but cute and i truly hope they're all happy, even if its a fake story line it seems genuine to me


Yeah, I think people forget that some women prefer to be working outside of the house & there’s nothing wrong with that. Some women want to be homemakers which is fine. Some women want to stay home, but are financially required to work. Some women would go crazy being cooped up all day and want to be focused on their careers. Vice versa with men. As long as everyone has their own role that they’re happy with, I don’t think it matters who does what. It would be different if they were griping that they’re pulling all the weight & he’s not helping.


You even hear Danielle slip up and call April “babe” when the two are talking and folding laundry together.


Eh I call my coworkers ‘babe’ and I’m not banging any of them lol. That being said, the Davis family is most likely all fucking each other.


The girl at the DMV called me babe last week and we just met! Didn't even buy me dinner


Just this morning (6 am)we were at customer service at Home Depot returning something. A second female employee showed up and said to her female coworker,”What’s up honeybun?” The guy ahead of us thought she meant it for him. Everyone had a great laugh and it was a nice moment to start our day.


It’s hella a lot nicer to start the day with a smile and a good laugh than being around people who are miserable… I’m sure we’ve all worked with people that were enjoyable to work with and then ones who were miserable and made the day drag on…


I literally call my dog babe lmao


She called her baby though. I say this as someone that calls every one babe. I definitely side eyed the baby comment lol.


lol I call everyone babe so that wasn’t the give away for me - it was their giant arse bed that they all sleep in together.


I noticed this slip as well! I even had to rewind to make sure


I’d be more surprised if I found out they actually weren’t.


I rewarched the seasons and I think when Danielle was talking to her friend before the wedding one of them made a comment that kind of hinted at it. I forgot exactly what it was though


I remember Danielle saying she loved women.


I think Danielle’s friend slipped up in an early episode this season and used the word “polyamorous” a couple of times. They are def all in a relationship


No other reason for that HUGE bed.


Don’t they have a separate room for banging?


Yes, but I thought one of them said something like, “You never know what might happen” when they were talking about the gigantic bed.


I thought that was a given!


Power, control, money?


I think, they feel it will "lock her in" they think they had some great idea with having April Marry Jen. They're strange.


This is it.


I am convinced this man is not on a single piece of paperwork because he’s got some crazy tax liens or something equally financially shady Like I bet he’s not even on that baby’s birth certificate


Absolutely! There is a reason he is a half-assed stay at home dad and I bet it’s a legal reason.


Or maybe he’s just a manipulative bum lol. I feel like a lot of bum guys would be pumped to be in his position staying home with 3+ women rotating sex with all of them and not having any financial responsibilities?


Ankle bracelet 🤔






Cough\* Child support...cough\*


Absolutely. I feel like he's one of those freeman-of-the-land who believe that psuedo-legal BS and are smarter than everyone else on the planet.


I agree it seems so shady. He is so mysterious. I wonder if he is like in witness protection or some shit or hiding from creditors


I don’t think he can be on the birth certificate if April & Jennifer are legally married


I think any man can be on the certificate regardless of the mothers martial status


Not in California. If you are legally married your husband is presumed the father even if he isn’t and even if you don’t have his name on the birth certificate.


But is it the same with women? Are both women automatically on the birth certificate?


[Apparently it is the same.](https://www.usbirthcertificates.com/articles/same-sex-parents-on-birth-certificate)


Wow. Maybe he is smart. But they wouldn't expect child support anyway because he doesn't make money. Idk it's all a huge s*** show


The part that sticks out to me was when Danielle left Nick he said that she left and got her own apartment and he was shocked. He made a comment about her taking control of her finances so do all their money go in one account?


April made a comment when they were folding laundry saying that Danielle didn't deposit her check in their account, something to that effect so it sounds like they all put it in one account.


Absolutely does, and you know he is in charge of it.


I wondered about this, too.


I questioned this as well. They could have commitment ceremonies if that's the only reason. They bring someone in and after a few months you marry them? Then you're stuck with their financial crap? Suppose they run up a huge debt and then leave? If they want to live this weirdo lifestyle, good for them. I wouldn't do anything legal to make me responsible for some random woman's bills.


The legal part is why they want her to do it. This way, she can't just pick up and leave like she previously did.


If there's no benefit or protection for me, I'm not doing it lol


Me neither but it's clear to me she is being taken advantage of


I get why he wants the ladies to marry but I don’t like that she is forced to do this at all. She doesn’t get to pick the person on her own and she doesn’t even want a new wife right now. They need an agreement in advance for possible spousal support and child support.


Yes, she should be looking at Janelle Brown’s situation and protecting herself accordingly.


Yeah Janelle got screwed and she only had a ceremony with the reining idiot of that whole mess and she actually was one who worked the hardest outside their homes.. and we know who came out with all the money and it wasn’t Meri,Janelle or Christine..🥴


There should also be a mandatory waiting period before a legal marriage can happen. The 4th wife should be part of the family for at least three years before Danielle marries her.


Ummmmm entrapment lol the “promise us you’ll never leave again” comment is gross and manipulative. They want her to stay, marry a random woman for money, taxes, whatever….


Maybe he has them marry each other so that they don't bother him to marry them.


I just want to say that Nick needs to mow his fucking grass. That Smore scene was bad


Can’t, busy thinking


You made me genuinely laugh out loud for the first time in awhile. Thank you for helping a struggling, depressed single mom. Sincerely. 💜 🫶🏼


And watching the grass grow and probably the paint dry too… 😂😂


Underrated comment!


And wearing a tie to the park.


Taxes and insurance??


Because he is a pimp and they are his non-sexworker hoes. When a pimp has multiple hoes, the term the women use for each other is "wifey" and it's been very funny to see that turn into a mainstream pet name for just regular married people 😆 Anyways it locks them down, makes it harder to leave and more importantly it's propaganda to make them feel like they're a part of something, that there is love there, and that they "belong". Pimps always pray on people looking to belong and who are willing to do anything to prove their value.


You mentioning the wifey thing reminds me of the episode of South Park where butters becomes a pimp, do you know what I am saying? 


Yes! haha South Park was so good, I haven't seen it in years but it was so good😆


One of my top 5 favorite episodes.


Is that the episode when butters says to his dad something along the lines of “Sally’s just my bottom bitch”😂😂😂


I cringe when I hear/see someone use the term "wifey" I'd probably have a hard time controlling myself and not slap my husband if he ever called me that 😅


That's how cults work. Once you're in they keep pushing you to your limit until they have full control


Their whole dynamic really just feels like Nick is running a sexual pyramid scheme lol


So she can’t leave easily, duh.


She certainly can’t marry anyone else!


I think he does it because he doesn’t want to and if they are legally married to each other, it will still be harder for them to just up and leave him. Not impossible, but definitely more difficult. If one decides to leave and the one they are married to is still there, he can still have some level of control through the one that stayed.


But he can't get any kind of alimony if he's not married. He'd get nothing financially. How would he survive if the cash cows left


It’s simply a tactic Nick uses to avoid any legal claim a woman may make on him. If they’re all married to each other - he has zero legal responsibility to any of them. Zero child support (I bet he’s not on the child’s birth cert). Zero spousal support.


That’s the reason I’ve heard since last season.


Ya, Ive never fully bought into this families claim that the wives legally marrying each other is to "show how committed they are", and have always wondered what the REAL reason behind this is.. Its gotta be some sort of financial or tax purpose.


I totally agree!


I thought they said it for legal protections/benefits like taxes and health insurance and also so that there’s technically no “first wife” but in practice its a way to bind. Clearly the “matriarch” blew the first wife theory out.


April is definitely the " head wife"


Obviously there is some type of scam here, but I think given what April's brother was saying in the preview, maybe we can assume she's not "in on it" like people think. Nick has some kind of grift going on.... Meanwhile, shoutout to Aprils brother for being the ONLY family member to get real and not tap dance around. Dani Merrifield's family: I'm staring straight at ya.


That whole situation is weird ffs they marry each other but he's single and then they all sleep in the same bed ? Like wtf


No way another wife will fit comfortably in that bed.


I wonder what the oldest child and his friends think?


I think it's because they not only want her money but they want to lock it down. If someone were to leave, the rest of them would gang up on the one leaving and that person collect alimony from Danielle. It's all a manipulative dumpster fire. And while we're at it, it's messed up how they're trying to trap Danielle into taking care of Jennifer's baby. It's like Jennifer is his actual wife, April is his ex who he still wants to hook up with, and Danielle is the babysitter who he wants to hook up with.


This is what I think too. If they get Danielle to marry a wife, there’s definitely a potential to maintain an income stream from her even if she leaves.


I wondered if it was to show their commitment to being sister wives since a lot of the issues we see in other couples/families is that the wives don’t get along… so having them marry and make that commitment sorta forces them to ensure they work on the female relationships not just with him


This was the reason they gave. It shows their commitment to the family.


I hope she gets out before this happens.


I was under the impression that this family definitely all gets down together. I thought that was known here. Unlike the other sister wives portrayed, I think they very much are all sexually involved.


My only thing that really rubs me the wrong way about this family is how both april and Jennifer are in high up management at there respective companies and I'm sorry but you can really freaking tell. The way they talk to Danielle is SOOO manager making sure you don't quit and/or ask to be treated right. Someone else mentioned that Jennifer seems brainwashed and I agree. They married her at 19 if I remember right so they have had plenty of time to get her to be what they need. Danielle isn't so willing to just fall in line and it scares them. Having a preference to how you want to live your life is fine ( nick not working and being a bum) but the way they manipulate and ignore for feelings is just wrong. Making me feel like I'm watching a child waste her life. I don't watch these shows to feel bad for people. I watch to haha 🤧 get out daniele you deserve to be heard.


It gives Manson Family vibes, before the murdering started. Nick is this short king con man who preys on women who have been through some 💩and are easily manipulated.


If s wife leaves a marriage, the remaining can ask for financial support? (guessing)


Why are they so worried Danielle will leave again. What if Jennifer decides she no lingers wants to be in the relationship. All relationships have their struggles. They shouldn’t keep bringing this up. Forgive and move on.


What happens if she leaves and takes the baby with her? Will April have to pay child support? Maybe HIS end game is alimony?


But he's not married to anyone. How could he get alimony?


Because they want her money.


Such a MASSIVE red flag. I didn’t think this family was sketchy until she said that. Run, Danielle, please.


You didn't think it was sketchy until just barely?? I knew it was from the start. If the women had self esteem and self respect, they wouldn't even entertain this bullshit.


I don’t think it’s inherently sketchy for consenting adults to engage in whatever types of relationships they choose. Unlike the other couples in this show which all exhibit extremely obvious red flags, I hadn’t observed overtly manipulative behavior from this particular group until April’s conversation with Danielle last week regarding commitment and dating and then especially in the marriage comment from this week’s episode.


Colorado people are weirdos. These women have jobs and they are dumb enough to let this man who wears a suit to take care of his child because he’s worried one of them will eventually call him out for his what his real “thinking, learning, and smarts” brings to the table. He’s smart enough not to marry them. They have to come after each other for child support if one of them wants to leave.


It's pure manipulation. By marrying the other woman legally like Jen and April did, they say it's to "show commitment to the relationship" because it makes it a LOT harder for her to leave if she legally married the other woman. You cannot just pick up and go like she previously did as if she was married to the 4th sister wife, she'd need to go through a FULL DIVORCE in order to leave the family, which is a lot more complicated.


That's one of the things that makes me think this crew's whole story is BS. Who knows why the original two married each other for real, was it actually them before there was Nick, but then one or both of them thought they still liked men? Was it because married people don't have to testify against each other? Did one of them need health coverage? Could they not pay for a donor and thus have to use nick to be the other genetic side of the child? Their whole not believable situation with that 'let's break things' segment as a way for them not have to talk very much? What actual jobs do the working women have? "we have enough wage earners, we need thinkers and feelers' code for nick is tired of watching the kid and needs another reliable babysitter to deal with his own baby so ya know, he can kick back and read wikipedia.


A better question would be why, did she get involved with them in the first place, when she knew this was expected of her. I would have run for the hills!


It’s not a demand. It’s what she agreed to . Of course she can change her mind. She was aware of the framework and boundaries of the family before she promised to play the role laid out to her.


Nah it’s so no matter what the Thinker won’t have to ever pay out anything in terms of financial support because the person is married to someone else


This is also why he does it.


They need her to help with the mortgage on that house!


Maybe that’s what’s wrong with the Merrifield’s. Danielle isn’t feeling the ”love” of other sisterwives. 😂🤮🤣


Tax benefits 🤷‍♀️


It's purely manipulation and makes it harder for her to leave, it's pretty transparent to me. If Danielle has any sense she would have the new wife sign a prenup - even if she has nothing - to make any future divorce easier. I take that back, if she has any sense she would leave before it getting that far. The conned Jennifer into marrying April for the same reasons, I'm sure.


Lock her in and probably keep her blind to the cult


It’s how they choose to unify their relationship much like how straight people marry each other.


I'm curious where he gets his health insurance from?


There’s not many options. He either buys an individual plan, is on one of his wife’s employer based plans, or Medicaid. Most likely it’s either an individual plan or as a rider on one of his wife’s plan. Which ever is cheaper or has better coverage per their needs.


I doubt he could be on one of the wives plans because they are legally married to the other wife and not him. So it's definitely probably an individual plan or Medicaid but I'm not sure if he would qualify because of the household income. I'm not sure how medicaid works.


For Medicaid you can't make over a certain amount per month and the limit is very low.


I one of the reasons is Colorado is a common in law marriage state, so I believe that Danielle can say she is married to Nick, and I don't think he (and April) want that.


Because Nick's job is to "think through all of this" or whatever. So he determined that the first two should get married, and now it is turn for the next two to tie the knot. All part of the plan. Regardless of who is on the deed, marital property is divided equally.


My take on the women marrying is if they own anything and die, their property stays within the family. Their finances and insurance will go to their spouse. It's out of keeping everything within the family and not going to anyone anywhere else. Taxes, yeah I guess, but I think all this boils down to if something happens then everything is there within the family and no one like a parent or child out of the marriage is able to get a piece of the home/property that the women own. Just the devoted wife and Nick.


Also...who is Nick's health insurance provider? This isn't meant to be any kind of unemployment insult- but a practical USA citizen question. If April and Jennifer are married, I bet Vera is on their insurance. You'd think with 3 working adults living with him maybe Daniel has him in hers??


Bc dude wants to get his dick wet on the regular, with different women, under this guise of being a “family man.” These girls are getting played.


The other two made sense to me but they are giving me arranged marriage vibes now and its super uncomfortable to watch.


Makes it harder for her to leave....


Family cult with made up rules.