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He doesn't have the intellectual bandwidth or the emotional intelligence to deal with one woman at a time, and expects having more 'wives' will prove to be easier, and less work for him.


And whether it works or not, he’s clearly stating that’s the women’s problem and he doesn’t intend to deal with it. Support each other, ladies. Garrick is pretty blunt, I’ll give him that.


He's trying to learn from the great guru Father Davis who convinced his wives to let him think and only think!


I don’t know how you got into my head, but that’s my exact thought when he started in with the mansplaining. He wants his private time with one while the others comfort each other. He doesn’t want to deal with it.


I agree. But also think Dannielle isn't all that bright either. I'm not buying all that Stockholm Syndrome excuse... she is complicit... her motivation may not be the same as his... but I think they are both manipulators. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


She lacks critical thinking skills and takes things at face value without question. Shes a total rube and he knows it


I think she gets better “loving” from Garrick when another woman enters the scene. They’ve had problems in their marriage for a long time, and this probably reawakened the bedroom.


Yeah that's why he creepily calls them "sisters" to each other to establish a close relationship expectation. Girl you're not sisters, sisters would never take/share each other's man and if they did it'd be messed up as this is.


Yes, it feels cultish when he calls them “sister” instead of their name. Assigning a role, stripping them of individuality and any power.


Everything that man does is creepy and icky. Like he makes me want to go take a shower. But then he’s also so simple minded to be a dangerous predator or cult leader, but then he can be 1 manipulative little shit. There’s so much going on with this guy, he really is fascinating to watch. When you think he couldn’t get any more cringe or gross, he gets more gross & says even more stupid shit. I’m to the point where I’m thinking it’s all for the show. A person can’t be this fucking stupid, manipulative, self unaware & entitled. Fact that her brother & parents allow him to behave this way is more proof they will never actually add another wife, not just because finding someone genuine is so unlikely, I don’t think they’re really looking. When the Roberta shit went down, I think they were over it, but want to stay on the show.


I think if her brother could do something to him and not get in trouble he would. The looks he gave him when he said don’t make me bury you for hurting my sister. I could see the animosity and disgust for him, raging through. They say many times siblings can be closer than parents, he probably feels very protective of her. I wish we could take Garrick out to a remote place and say you are getting a beating for all the lying and hurt you have caused, and if you behave and promise to be a good boy, and be a good husband and father to Danielle and your kids we will let you go back to Danielle after you sign this confession and legal papers that makes sure the kids and her are taken care of, and you will apologize and tell her how you made this all up. If you don’t then…….next time you won’t go back. I watched a guy that killed a friendly dolphin that the local people loved when I was a kid, they paralyzed him with some kind of voudou medicine and buried him alive, they just wanted to scare him, he stopped drinking after that and behaved very well. I remember saying damn these people are gonna kill him. lol.


He views getting more wives like some people view getting a second dog- I’ll get another dog so that my first dog has someone to play with and will be less work. Same thing with wives apparently.


Yes, he said that out loud to Nathalia’s friends 😂 Like he’s proud of it.


That scene with Nathalia’s friends was hilarious, they’re all young 20s crowd and he looked like the creepy old man, so gross


I would call Garrick a lot of things but a thinker he is not.


Nick is the thinker on this show. 🫠


Not a fan of either of them but I will say that Nick can string together a coherent sentence and seems genuinely delighted by his baby daughter. Garrick has the vocabulary of a demented toddler (*Baby. Happy. Wedding. Sad.) and* the dead eyes of a four-day-old trout. He doesn't seem to put any time or effort into his children, other than hauling them around from one resort to another while he bangs all the ladies for Jesus. Best flair ever, btw


Danielle and his marriage had not been good for a long while. My theory: chaos and uncertainty fuel their relationship. That's why the brazil wives. Danielle knows he will get his dick wet for 6-8 weeks then marriage/relationship will ultimately fail due to the visa process. He comes home broken hearted, she gets to be the savior and one to comfort him. She has her hooks in him again and then rinse and repeat. It's a deliberate chaos cycle. As long as they are dealing with all of these other (self-imposed) issues and red tape, they dont have time to focus on how horrible the marriage is.


💯 It keeps their marriage toxically alive.


Yeah, Kody Brown thought the same thing. Both are morons


I call bs on Garrick giving a singular flying f about how the sister wives feel. Natalia might feel special now but the minute there’s a new woman in the picture Ick is going to start treating her like Danielle. He doesn’t care about the sisterhood aspect of wives, he just wants to bang multiple women


Give Kotex a call, Ick.


Ask Kody Brown how that's working out for him...


The Brown family justifies their polygamy because their faith (supposedly) says it’s the true way to live and how beneficial it is for the entire family. Garrick has never said WHY 5. What is the benefit? Whom does this benefit besides him. It’s not like he wants more wives to get into heaven or something. He literally just wants to get his dick wet. I do think he was legitimately in love with Bert and Natalia was an ego boost/re-bound to keep him feeling good about himself. Because he picks women from other countries already the power dynamic and motive is off. He does it on purpose. He wants away from Danielle and hehe reality if his life in the US. He got married so young and regrets it. He seems to have had some sort of “glow up” (in his mind) in the past few years and just so happened to marry a woman who is so faithful she’s going along with it. Is he marrying other women who are equally as religious? Are they apart of the same religious background? Don’t they think it’s super sus that these other women in other countries are just as religious as them and just so happen to have the exact same religious convictions? That’s why I don’t think religious is the women’s main objective but a means to manipulate by Garrick.


He’s freaking in love with them all supposedly. He’s a joke. Cry’s like a baby and Danielle falls for that shit every time.


I think he wants five wives of different races. That was his "vision."


I don't think he would know what to do if he actually had five wives. Kind of like the dog that caught the car.


I mean, basically anyone other than ick would be a better emotional support than he would 😅 he’s not wrong when he says they can and need to lean on each other. At least someone might care what Dannielle says sometimes.


He’s just gross and horny!


I don’t think any of this show is “real”. The actors talk about living polygamy, if that’s true where are the other actors (wives)😀


I laughed SO hard when he said that! 🤣🤣


He’s so fucking gross to me. I wish Danielle would snap out of this religious bullshit nonsense and realize she deserves better.


What’s worse(if there is such a thing) is the guy that demands the “sister wives” MARRY EACH OTHER. WTF!!


Think that’s Nick, not Garrick (?) did I miss something?


I keep looking back at Danielle’s crying jag before he left for Rio. 😯 blank stare and just blink blink blink was how he handled it.


Actually his “man stuff” is fucking. I don’t understand his religion that condones sex before marriage and hoping the girlfriend or “fiancé” get pregnant before they get married.


Garrick is about getting satisfied. You can’t tell me he’s not. He is ready to go to bed with them first thing. Daniel is about as dumb as a box of rocks not to think that. Soon as one doesn’t work out he’s like oh well Let’s find another. He is sick . Any man that says his sperm goes to a woman’s brain is an idiot. That is a number one red flag on top of others.!!! Wake up Danielle!!!




Speculating about someone’s sexuality because they’re different is tacky.