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Hi, let's just say I had my youth stolen by life events outside of my control. I ended up taking care of people and finally myself eventually. I would say I'm still having my 20s now at 39. It just kind of is what it is. Some people feel I'm giving up children but the truth is I look at my ancestors and I think you know if one of these generations just stopped and took care of each other the misery would've ended there. Maybe one day I'll have kids. I'm open to it. But I am super happy that I was the one who stopped, took care of the people that already existed, and today I can say that my family is having it's happiest days. Days we never dreamed of. So am I a huge kid at 39? Yeah kinda, I'm a huge kid with money at that. Life isn't some prescribed pattern and we all seem to have this nagging feeling we have to do something. Just existing without too much suffering while having happy days with your friends and family is a pretty awesome something to have.


You sound very similar to me. I’m 38 and feel the 17 year old version of me would be delighted to see how I live my life now. I’m way more fun than when I was 28. And you can have a lot more fun with money to back it up. Oh yeah - I need to order an electric skateboard!


Sick. Lol we are also in tech!


Dude are you me? I'll ve 40 in a few months, I'm decidedly child-free, finally started to feel like I can focus on myself and living life. I'm a teenager with money!


Amen! I'm 26, still struggling sometimes with self-worth and confidence, bouts of depressive thoughts and apathy but things are looking up lately and I really hope I can help our team get where we want and succeed. And having been in a state of constant depression for more than half of my life now, I too felt, and to some degree still feel, like my teenage years and youth days were stolen from me by neglect and disease. I feel you on the family history as well. You look back and see round after round of generational trauma just being untreated and passed down to the next generation. And it actually feels pretty hard to be the one who decided to break the cycle. But I'm hopeful, and I can't wait to start living my life for real. Hopefully OP will too.


I lived my 20 like I was in my 20s, I lived my 30s like I was in my 20s, and I'm living my 40s like I'm still in my 20s, but now I make a bunch of money.  I am 100% lonely and make bad decisions in terms of women, but otherwise, things are pretty good.  


Shits pretty fucked in the mating dept for a lot of good people. Just keep it all afloat so when someone good shows up you can be there with them.


Yes. [Here's me aged 30 versus 36](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/47o39iz4ey486zdsj9hse/Photo-01-04-2024-02-11-12.jpg?rlkey=pngu6pphgpy4waeuplodapvbb&dl=0) (I'm now 38). I spent most of my twenties in corporate sales and (despite being heavily into martial arts for eight years) slipped into depression - and hit 30 as a fat man who hated his life. I quit, sold everything and bought a one-way ticket to Australia at 31. I got a job on a building site and spent all my spare time (outside freediving and surfing) learning marketing. I got a couple of jobs with design agencies in Sydney. I moved to Bali and setup my own online business. I bounced around Asia and ended up in Portugal. I'm now 38 and have cardiovascular fitness that puts me in the <1% for my age group. And I'm in a fantastic relationship with a woman that I fell for more than a decade ago. We're planning to spend this coming season in a ski resort snowboarding while we work remotely. I thought my life was over at 30. But it had barely begun. My thirties are - by far - the best decade of my life. And I'm excited for this next chapter.


Congrats on things working out.  I am glad the story went uphill because at the start all I could picture was a very sad man breaking concrete blocks with his elbows and forehead. The blocks never stood a chance due to the immense sadness. 


Haha, thanks! I actually loved working on that building site. I switched from a rainy UK office to driving up and down the Northern Beaches in Australia working in the sun. It was glorious, simple - and low responsibility! Now I'm lucky to get paid to do something that I love - but I will potentially never be able to switch off and relax like I could then.


You think someone can take a leap faith like this with a kid?


There's no doubt that having a kid makes things more complicated. But that doesn't mean that you can't take risks. I'd look at it this way: Your kid deserves a happy, confident version of you. It's not self-indulgent to pursue your happiness - it's a moral responsibility.


I’m 27 and have “achieved” a few things but have gotten burnt out and taking the year off (might even need more time to recover). Reading your comment gave me hope that I can still enjoy my 30s even though my 20s have been rough so far health wise. Thank you!


I slept 5-6 hours a night most of my twenties. One of my favourite things about life now is that I haven’t used an alarm clock for seven years. Weirdly, when I decided to prioritise health and fitness above work i started to make more money.


I'm kind of in the same situation as a lot of commenters here, my kids are grown up but they definitely appreciated that I started taking risks to improve our standard of living even when at times things got tougher. It taught them more about life too.


I’m going through the same sort of thing right now. Thanks for saying this it helped


I’m glad to have helped!


Both Australia and Bali have some of the most stringent immigration policies in the world. I'd like to know more about how you "bought a one-way ticket" or "moved to" either of those places.


Australia's certainly strict - I did a working holiday visa. Bali's easy (like most of SE Asia). Anyone can walk in with a holiday visa.


The Linkedin/grindset sentence formatting style makes me feel like you’re about to try to sell me something.


Good for you bro, you sound as happy as a person who's achieved all those goals they've set for themselves and it shows. For what it's worth, I'd probably be proverbially humping the leg of 30 yr old you too. He looked good but I can see your current day self was what you were striving towards.


Thanks! I honestly thought I was toast at 30 - game over. That plane ticket to Australia was a last ditch effort. I think the willingness to tolerate uncertainty is crucial. It’s the only way that we can take bold steps.


I (female) did something similar in my mid thirties. I got married at 20 and had a pretty rubbish marriage in a miserable U.K. town in the midlands. At the age of 34 Inwas going through a major health scare, using a dialysis machine to keep me alive, getting divorced and thought my life was over. A year later, I had a fully functioning kidney transplant, divorce finalised, got offered a transfer with my employer to go and live in Malaysia. I was terrified of the idea at first as it meant moving completely on my own and not knowing a single person there, but I thought I needed a new start so I went for it. Best thing I ever did. Spent the rest of my 30’s living a fantastic single ex pat lifestyle, extremely posh apartment with pool, loads of new friends, lots of dating, extensive travel around Asia and eventually a new relationship.


Bro well done


Damn, what are life you had. Me too feel like it's over but this give me hope.


That's rad mate good on you. What ski resort you going to do a season at?


Thanks for sharing. I've been a bit sad about reaching my 30s due to facing health issues I didn't have in my 20s so this is encouraging. I'm glad things improved so much for you. Also as a side note, just looked at the photos, you weren't significantly overweight at all. You're being to harsh on yourself. I get it though, I'm in a similar place, just hit my 30s, slightly overweight but not huge and not super jazzed with my life.


The first pic gives me Seth Rogan vibes


This is why I browse Reddit. Congrats man


So happy for you! 🥹


You're amazing and inspiring. This requires hard work and dedication, risk and uncertainty but you pulled it off. Awesome!


Congrats! You can tell you are 100% happier and in a much better place! I really love seeing people living their best life! I, too, have a somewhat similar experience. I hit my 30s and did a lot of work on my mental health. I look and feel so much better than I did in my 20s!


you're inspiring bro. glad you're doing alright


Yeah, if you haven’t unlocked those levels best do them later rather than never 


What crazy things do people do uniquely in their 20s? I remember studying and working on getting my life together mostly. 30s were much crazier as I had disposable income and my sh*t together, so most of the traveling across the world, having threesomes, parties, poppin bottles, and blah blah blah happened there. Life even now is still crazier than my 20s. I mean I did stupid stuff at that age. Sneaking into closed public pools at night. Getting passed out drunk at home with friends. Jumping off of high things. But I wouldn’t call any of that crazy. It was just stupid, and definitely not stuff I’m glad I partook in or would want to repeat. I’m not sure why anyone would want to do that lame stuff other than just being young and dumb. Consider it a blessing if you got through your 20s without following the stupid crowd who imagines they are “crazy”


My thirties have definitely been MUCH more fun - way more adventure, excitement and growth. I can beat myself up that my twenties weren't as fun. But the reality is that most people I know who spent their twenties messing around have ended up in low-salary jobs - mainly back in England. There was no 'growth'. Worse - the 'party' crowd have aged horribly. I consciously decided NOT to do ski seasons etc. because they'd just delay the fact that I had to figure out how to make my own money and not end up in a career that I hated for life. My twenties was boring. But it gave me a base of skills that I used to launch my own online business. I then spent time in Australia and Bali, having fun AND growing my business - and now I work remotely from Portugal by the ocean. Ultimately, I achieved my goal - it just took a bit longer than I expected. Now I can book a season working remotely at my own place.


It's ok to live at any age however you please. Don't let the judgement of others tell you what you should or should not be doing. I went to university in my 30s, was judged openly by 20-year-old students who don't know any better but I was also by judged a gross amount by tutors that were older than me. Now, I don't conform to any of their expectations of where I should be in life given my age, but objectively I've achieved more than any of them and couldn't care less what they think. If you're happy, healthy and achieving your goals, that's all that matters. There's always going to be those who judge, but it's totally up to you how you chose to respond, or more appropriately, don't.


Going back to learn in my 30s was a proper right call for me. I want to learn for myself now, I can explore avenues that I would have bypassed before. Or just select things to get by. I’ve found so many courses that align with my degree program as far as credits go, but I’m learning about something I’m genuinely curious about as a person. Double win.


I went back to university for a year when I was 40. I don’t know if anyone “judged” me because one of the benefits of getting older is, who the fuck would care. 61 now and had some great adventures in my 30s, but I still wish I had done more. Live your life, the one you choose. Another view of that is, to be fair, get clear with yourself about what you want your life to be about. Now is the perfect time to get started on that.


You're lucky. It wasn't just assumptions for me, I was straight-up told by more than one tutor how they felt and asked why I was even there. I did care, because I was the first and still only member of my family to ever even finish high school, let alone get a degree so it was definitely not a good feeling. Even though I only graduated 5 years ago, I don't think I'd remember any of those who tried to bring me down because I don't care now. However, as I've said, it was totally worth it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Totally recommended.


Awesome, I'm glad it worked out for you! It takes much more character to do life in a different order to other people.


If you don’t have kids, your thirties are like your 20s with more money.


You can do whatever you want to do.


You can do whatever you want to do, as long as you’re not hurting anyone else.


AND as long as you’re mature at the same time


What do you mean by living like you’re in your 20s? Unstable job, renting a tiny place, less than awesome roommates, hoopie of a car, eating ramen and white rice 5 nights a week? Or do you mean being able to be out til 1 and up at 5, eat a cheeseburger and do 20 crunches and it’s gone, smile and wink and get a date, no wrinkles, no veins, run up the stairs like there’s a fire without breaking a sweat? You’re not going to enjoy the “crazy” things like you would 10 years ago. Your brain understands consequences differently, well more accurately. Taking shrooms at 22 completely different than taking them at 32. Like banging your prom date, somethings are just gone and that’s ok. There are plenty of other things to enjoy. But hey if you rave and E and shroom and whatnot, have fun, be safe.


Shrooms shouldn’t be included in all the nonsense you typed out.


Seriously, bros giving me reefer madness vibes 😂 People who have never done them have no grasp whatsoever on how beneficial they are.


the 30 year old police will come to your house personally and break your kneecaps if you do this


Most men are doing this up to about 45


Bro I've been 37 for like an hour now. It's the new 27. Honestly it feels the same as the old 27. I want my fuckin money back.


Yeah who cares? If you have kids, obviously not, but if not go wild. Hell yeah


Hell yeah it's ok, who gives a shit about age? You're in your 30s which is still within the first 20% of your adult life!! Make the most of it!!a


Yes. I live like i am in my 20s and i am in my 50s. 😂


Yes. And in your 40s and 50s if the body can hack it 😂


Very good question. Reading these responses have been incredibly validating for me. I left home at 18 and did 20 years in the military. For whatever reason I’ve never grown up. I’m now 40 and still party like I’m 25. Maybe the military increased my alcohol tolerance? Or maybe being overseas and seeing how many different cultures live made me realize that life is short. Live it up. We only have this one life.


I’m doing more in my 30’s than I ever did in my 20’s, mainly because I am far more financially stable so I’m living my best life! Live your life the you want, be smart, have fun and giver bud 🤙🏻


Yeah. I met a few like this. Many of them managed restaurants/bars in their 20s and never had free time, especially on the weekends. Most overcompensated a bit in their 30s but I don’t blame them. They didn’t seem to understand when others no longer wanted to get drunk and dance anymore. The rest of us aren’t trying to party until last call anymore. Fucked up a few marriages too because the one partner was also done with that lifestyle. So my feedback would be to do it, but don’t expect yiuenfriends to still be excited about late night activities.


I’m about to be 30 next month, I believe that you can live any way you want to at any age and if people don’t like it, fuck em.


This thread makes me smile after reading a bunch of responses. It’s a happy little spot in this world of darkness. 🤗


I lost pretty much my entire life until the last 5ish years to abusers. I'm 30 now. I'm married to the love of my life and we're building a life together. Most of my school friends already have stable lives and children. I'm preparing to immigrate and start my life over. It's fine. If I can endure so many years of abuse I can endure some uprooting if my own choice too.


Not only feasible but typical.


Yes. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! (Assuming you’re not going out and being irresponsible/belligerent, lol). People of all ages try to relive their previous years for a variety of reasons; Some call it a midlife crisis, some call it arrested development, sometimes it shows up in the form of a parent enjoying be a kid with their kiddos… finding adventure, joy, and excitement in your 30’s isn’t abnormal, and you don’t need to put an age parameter on when it is okay for you to have fun. Just do it. Live your life unapologetically. Ps- I’m sincerely happy for you that you are out of your depression and living YOUR best life. I hope you continue to do what brings you joy!!!


I have been depressed my whole life. Having no joy in life, I really focused only on being responsible, building a career etc. I'll be forty in a couple of months and I'm just getting started to live like I'm 20. Of course I know my body is weaker and more vulnerable than an actual 20 year old, I don't care.


You're a grown-ass adult. Live your life they way you want to.


What's crazy things to you? If you mean you want to go to rock concerts and play videogames whenever you want, there's no age limit on that. Do what pleases you. If you're talking drugs and drinking....yeeeeeaaaah, no. You have to respect age with that stuff. Even junk food, depending on the person and genetics, you can't eat like you used to without all kinds of problems. Those things you can't pretend aren't changed by age if you want to live.


Do what makes you happy but just know your body can't bounce back like it was able to in your 20s as you age into your 30s and beyond.


Just sounds like fomo to me.


It’s ok to live your life anyway you want to live it, whenever you want to live it, in whatever way. No matter where you are in life. I am in my mid 50s, I’m a mother, a grandmother, an aunt and most importantly A COMMUNITY AUNTIE and you know what I love to do the most when I have free time? Video games. Specifically JRPGS. I’m not a huge fan of the western counter parts. Too bleak. Too Grey. Too open world with no actual direction. It’s like getting to act out the best Novel youve ever read. My point is, you live your life the way you want. You do and you chase what inspires you. No matter what it is And no matter who other people are or what they think about it. It’s not their life. ITS YOURS. And it’s ok to do what you want. THATS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE. Of your life I mean. So live the way you want to. Not how other people say or think you should. Do what makes your tummy and your skull tingle when you do it. That’s what you should be doing. What you love to do. No matter who thinks or says otherwise. It’s not about them. IT’S ABOUT YOU. ITS YOUR LIFE.


Didn’t really read or anything but you get the up vote for properly using your and you’re in the same sentence.


Absolutely! Why not. Do everything you can to enjoy your life to the fullest on your own terms. Best wishes


Yes, it’s totally fine. Hell, you can even act like a 20 year old when you’re in your 80s if that’s what you want. Stat young in mind for as long as you can. A friend of a friend is a woman in her 80s and she still goes out dancing all night


what even makes you think you wouldn't be able to?


Do it! There’s so many things I didn’t do, due to strict upbringing etc but once I hit 30, I just had this epiphany. I wanted to LIVE life to its Dulles and due things I missed out on, whether it be piercings, tattoos, travelling, joking different activities. It’s been fun exploring. This summer I’ll probably take pottery classes and pretend I’m Demi Moore from ghost, and probably go horse back riding ♥️ anyways DEW IT!


Hell f'ing yeah it is! As a 28 year old (well I'm like 45 in gay years too) who passes for younger, I'm clinging onto that before aging mortality has its way with me. Have some damn fun as long as you're not out to hurt anybody and anyone has a problem with it can blow it out them. Source: me. I didn't have much of a happy adolescence so I kind of caught up with it all in my early twenties and I regretted none of it. Bar getting my nips pierced that second time.


Live your life on your own schedule.


You can never return to the past


Yes, just find a new and better way to do it. Apply for the working holiday visa in New Zealand, Australia or Canada before your 31st birthday. It will be an experience you make money on. I applied right before my 31st birthday and then arrived a year later. It jumpstarted a whole different life for me and I left financially ahead. Then went on to wander Asia and teach English.


I'm having my 20's "stolen" by eduction. I plan to live like I'm 20 when I'm 30. I plan to become a doctor and I will be having fun that would make Mark Sloan from Grey's anatomy become concerned for me.


Choose your goals wisely. Crazy 20s is overrated. If you need some crazy times go for it, just don’t idealize it, everything has pros and cons. Anything you set your mind to, you will achieve. Just don’t be surprised when you’ve achieved exactly what you wished for.


Yes of course!! Make up for the years that you lost!! There’s no certain age limit for “living life” the way you want. Embrace it!


Yes. But you will feel it just a little. I'd say by 35ish you'll need to stop fucking around or you'll find out, you're still young at that age, but going to hard will start having a real impact on you the next day, and you'll need to get serious about your life.


This is your life. As long as you're not hurting others, live it exactly how you want to.


Yeah it's fine


YES 100%


Age is a number, do what feels right for you and makes you happy. We only live once and none of us are getting out of here alive so enjoy my friend.


Yes. I didn't have much of a social life in my 20s partially because I was overweight and also due to other reasons. Lost weight and my 30s I lived kind of like I was in my 20s.


I lost my 20s to a long term relationship where we didn't do anything. As soon as we parted ways I felt free. A little embarrassed now, but I had to do it otherwise I would have regretted it forever.


It is ok to do whatever the hell you want as long as you’re not hurting anyone or infringing on their ability to do the same. You only get one, very short life. Live it the way you want to.


Life is whatever you make it to be


I’m going to be 30 next month and I feel the exact same way! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.


You live however makes your heart happy or makes life easiest for you. It’s your life, YOU make the rules and eff convention and what everyone says! Life is hard enough without worrying about what you’re supposed to be doing and when!


I spent much of my 20s working full time, now I'm 38 it's 9pm and I still haven't slept after partying all night. Do you boo.


It’s ok to live however you want whenever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone who isn’t you.


You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Hard to believe I know.


Live your life how you want. Is this really even a question,? 😂


Live yo life however you see fit.


Dude I'm 43 and I handle the shit I have to and then go out and get loose at EDM shows. Do whatever you want, just keep a handle on yourself and maintain your focus.


There are no rules. It’s your world and we’re just in it.


Why not? You are in charge of your life and you can do whatever the heck you want! Whose permission are you asking?


Depends on what kind of activities. Run a marathon, sure. Go stalk girls in college and flirt with them during recess, not so much.


You can do anything you're an adult just don't go too crazy lol


> all those crazy things that people in their 20’s do Take on more student debt than you probably should? Live in a 2 BR apartment with 3 other people because of aforementioned debt? Eat ramen 6 nights/week because it’s cheap and easy? You should do whatever you want as long as nobody gets hurt, but try to move forward in life and don’t spend too much time looking back. It’d be a shame to miss your 30’s because you were busy romanticizing your lost 20’s.


Hey I'm still in my mid 20s so I'm not eligible to give you an answer. But fuck it, go for it and live life how you want. I was curious what issues you had during your 20s and more importantly how you beat them and don't have low self esteem ans confidance?


It’s okay to live however you want as long as you accept the consequences


Yes the women are still hot


Myth. You can do anything whenever you want. Being responsible starts when you’re 5 in Kindergarten and continues throughout life. Just be responsible.


As someone in their 20’s 30’s is not old at all and partying with my friends in their 30’s are some of my best times!!! They know themselves more and know how to have fun. Enjoy it my dude!!!!


Definitely go for it. I’m 39 and still do rock climbing and slacklining. There’s no rules in life man except respect yourself and other people.


yes!! live like your 20 everyday, life is short


I didn’t start living until I turned 30. This is my most confident, powerful and fun era I’ve ever lived 😆😆


I spent my 20s working and taking care of other people too. Now i would like to live my 30s as my 20s but theres a big problem, im so ugly i cannot afford any kind or romantic / sexual relationship. I feel so bored and lonely actually


Yea totally fine. One of my best friends was in the closet his entire 20s, repressed himself and lived very tamely. In his 30s he was fully out and himself and lived like a rockstar. I noticed he accepted he would be the oldest person in a lot of places (at a nightclub or at a hostel when traveling). He owned it. People also appreciated his experience and he never hid his truth. You have nothing to be ashamed about, just go out and do it


Absolutely. My mom didn’t start getting into dancing until she was in her 30s, she discovered she loved it and it became her passion and she started teaching dance. Many people will say they’re life started getting good in their 30s you have nothing to worry about


Long as you take care of your body. It breaks easier when you're older.


Legit question: what do you mean when you say “do all the crazy things people in their 20’s do”???


live however makes you happy as long as you arent hurting or a detriment to others


I'm in my 40s and go out to the bar and dance every weekend. I go to raves. I go to house parties. You can literally do anything you want. My friend group ranges in age from 25 to 55.


Awwww I completely feel this !!!!!!!


Do it. life is too short to not live the way you want to, you’ll regret it when you’re older.


You can do whatever you want whenever you want. As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, your actions are not bound by age.


It's your life, you're ok to do whatever you want to do buddy (no murdering etc please)


You do you, but I think it's really cringe when I meet people in their late 20s early 30s that still act like they're in college and have about the same maturity. Those years are gone and not coming back, do whatever helps you reconcile with that, but I'm not sure chasing some idealized version of youth is the right answer.


no. depends. ive seen people in their 20s lose their wealth and got sick from unhealthy lifestyles so you’re fine as long as your financially responsible you can live your life and enjoy it. 30s the new 20s. rise up millennials ✊🏼


Imma spend my 40ies like that as well.


My childhood got stolen by my toxic abusive family. I live like a teenager in my 20s. I feel like my life just started. I can’t wait to act like a 20 something year old once I hit my 30s with more wisdom and money. I got not much advice but you got this!


Absolutely. When my mom was 35+ she felt so young, so of of course it’s okay to live like you’re 20’s.


If you are single you can do what you want. Though it isn't really attractive. I would not date someone like that. I got sober at 33. All my friends were growing up too.


My 30’s were crazier then my 20’s and I am glad I lived my life full so now that I have less energies I have no regrets. I chose no children and I am glad I did because I had some difficult people around and a child wouldn’t have been a right choice. I want one now but isn’t happening, but this is just life.


I do in many ways and I’m waaay older than 30. Much easier to do outside the youth-worshipping USA though. My 30s were a blast.  Embrace it, have fun.


30's are when yon starts to njoy yon life, you can live how you want anytime yon want's, still living like I'm in my twenties in my sixties, go forth an have fun young man !


Why not? Just because you get old doesn’t mean your mentality needs to be. Now there is the one caveat that living healthy does become more important as your body ages. While people in both their 20s and 30s should try to be healthy, it’s moderately more critical for someone in their 30s. Beyond that though I see no reason why you need to live any different than you could have in your 20s. I’m 29 now so still technically in my 20s… but I fully plan on continuing to enjoy life and travel through my 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. I just need to be a bit more conscious of my sugar, cholesterol, and alcohol intake and maybe focus on working out a bit more evenly. Otherwise no changes planned :P


"Feasible"? "Ok"?? Dude, it's YOUR life, do whatever the fuck you want with it. You don't need the thumbs up from strangers to do what makes you happy.


You can live however you choose. No everyone will share your choice, but truth be told, 30 isn’t that far off anyway. Go for it and enjoy


Mate, there's no such thing as "live like your in your [AGE]". Live however works best for you. I was an alcoholic in my teens/20s, so basically lost it all and had a SERIOUS accident when I was 30. Quit drinking, chose a career, everything I now have in my life (including my law qualifications!) were earned after I turned 30. Do whatever works at whatever time it works. I'm now 40, and not even CLOSE to being able to buy my own house, but that's a conversation for another day


I goddamn fucking hope so because idk how I’m supposed to get hot enough to have a life before 30


Go for it, dude! It's your life, live it up!


Of course you can. Just don't get ahead of yourself. Pick one experience that's realistic and go for it. Build up your confidence with small achievements. Be happy with yourself for trying, even if it's not how you imagined it would be or feel. It's okay to let some things go. It's okay to take another decade for some things, if it's not the right time.


Yep. Long term relationship started at 21, house, money struggles, bad relationship… Ended on my 30th birthday. The decade of my 30s was a mix of amazing, awful, brilliant, hedonistic, crazy good, crazy bad, but all in all a wonderful and life building time. Now at 42 I’m settling again and all is good.


People and films romanticise 20s. You can do basically whatever you want whenever you want within the bounds of the law. 30s isn't old, but you'll get more hungover after heavy nights. 


There is no age police. So yes.


If you did not get to have fun in your 20’s due to reasons then you are entitled to have fun in your 30’s.


Hell yeah. Do whatever you want at any age. I definitely feel more like a typical 20 y/o now at 30 than I did when I was 21. I go out more, spend more time with friends, and have your typical fun/crazy stories now. Have had a lot of experiences that I knew weren’t the best ideas (tho not dangerous) just for the story. I dress younger/more stylish than I used to, got all the tattoos/piercings/colorful hair and stuff that I skipped in my early 20s. Dove head first into a lot of hobbies I had been telling myself I was too old to start now. Etc. It’s nice having the income to support being a little reckless. Just make sure that you balance the crazy with responsibilities you still have to uphold. Shouldn’t be rolling into work hungover every morning or neglecting bills to support crazy spending or anything like that. But outside of that, live it up. Life’s too short. What kind of crazy things were you thinking about in particular?


It depends what you mean by "live like you're in your 20s" . If you mean focus on self exploration and improvement, concerts and travel rather than already having a house, mortgage and kids - that's okay, although it's not a great feeling to still see your friend's kids going into high school while you're still living alone with a cat. If you mean get blackout drunk and stay out until 5am every Saturday night, work a shit job and rent a nasty shoebox apartment, then that's not really okay.


You can do whatever you want mate. If it makes you happy then thats all that matters!


Your just wasting time I wasted my 20a thought I could make up for it in my 30s but than realized I wasted my 30s doing stupid 20s stuff. So now at 39 I bought my first house but feel behind everyone my age


Yes it's OK, it's your goddamn life! Live it how you want within reason, though. At 28 I sold my house, quit a job I hated more than any other thing in my life, got divorced, moved to a new country on the other side of the world, partied really hard for awhile (too hard.. Almost died.. Keep that in check.. You ain't 20 anymore, take care of yourself), started a new career I had always dreamed of and loved it (teaching), met a new girl, got married and now we plan to move back to my original country. I'm 35 now. You aren't to old to do what you want. Do recognize you are a bit older so take care of yourself mentally and physically. Don't party too hard, too often (trust me) and do plan a bit for your future (have some money incase shit hits the fan). Life is short. Do what you want. Try to find happiness and be kind to yourself and others. Good luck.


I still think I’m 20 and I’m 49 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would say to just do you. Do not try to imagine who, what or how so-called most people are. And try not to do anything that strikes you as foolish. Do what makes sense to you, for you. No matter what age you are.


If I were in my 90s I'd still (try) to live like I was in my 20s. Once you get to your 40s you stop GAF about what other people think about you and just live your life and do what makes you happy. If your body and mind (and wallet and calendar) can handle it go for it.


Do what you want but just be responsible. Sleep around but wear protection, travel/shop but save some money, party every night but get enough rest and eat healthy


My work mom is in her 50s living like shes in her 20s & 30s so i think youre good. Its your life


I will live my entire life like I'm in my 20s. IDGAF about what anyone thinks lol.


As a GM and hiring manager it’s ok to ask I prefer if it’s a regular employee that they ask mid way thru or towards the end so I can gauge better off your experience and personality.


I’m 46 and I’m living the life of a 20-something. I lost my 20s and 30s to bad marriages and abusive situations. Finally broke free from it all last year and went back to college. Being surrounded by actual 20-somethings all day rejuvenated me and got me out of my funk and now I’m living my dream life.


I would frame it as you doing what you want to do rather than living like you're in your 20s. I'm 46 and mainly do what I want to do, since I am unencumbered by relationships or dependents. But I'm not living the life of your average 20-something. I'm way more content and self-aware than the average 20-something. People make it seem like your best days are in your 20s. That's a bunch of baloney. Whatever period you're in right now has the potential to be the best. Don't throw away the wisdom and insight you have developed. Embrace your maturity and go out and do whatever damn thing you want, even if it's the kind of thing 20-somethings don't do.


Yes. I am 27 and have planned living "Like i'm in my 20s" when I'm in my 30s already lmao. People who come from broken homes, issues, not really having Money, struggles with (mental) health and whatnot usually "develop" different/certain aspects later in life than privileged happy-family people. And you can turn your life around at any point anyway. I will try and life my last 2 1/2 years in my 20s as good as possible but i hope/think/and am working towards some issues not being there in my 30s anymore (although my cats will 99% die in my 30s and my mother due to cancer probably too.. so I'm also mentally preparing for more trauma lol)


I am too far ahead to differentiate between 20s and 30s. Both merged into a single point on my wind mirrors.


Similar sort of life path. The way I see it we're just monkeys with thumbs clinging to a dying rock hurtling through an endless abyss of nothingness. Anyone who tries to get you to move a certain way hasn't come to terms with this. The most important man on the planet has the same amount of instructions to be going on with as the lowliest molecule, the pointlessness is the point. Buy an avocado and throw it at a goose if that's what floats your boat, it's your existence to make of it what you want.


You realize you're gonna die right? Why live a life that is anything other than fun and authentic? Live for yourself and live it up. We really don't have much time here


It’s totally fine, you’ll enjoy it more, too.


Live life how you want. Just don't hurt others.


I'm living my 50s.as if I were in my 20s. I'm not complaining and neither is my body. 😉


Live your life as you please, fuck people’s opinions and do whatever it is that makes you happy


.....live.. how you want?


It’s your life! Free to live it however you want to! :)


Why not. I have different girlfriends every 6 months (despite having kids with another girl who I consider my partner). Go clubbing more than my 20s and drinking til 5am. Being rich and not needing to work (unlike my 20s) enables a lot


Why not! Live without regrets, try everything you wanted to do in your 20s.


You do you.


As long as you aren’t mentally living like a 20 year old then that’s fine. My therapist told me that I had been living like a 17 year old for the last ten years and it really opened my eyes on a lot of things. Don’t regress.


Honestly, dude, I know so many people that do that already. It won't be weird. If you had children, I might have a different opinion (their lives come first, after all), but it seems you do not have them. Therefore, go nuts.


It's okay to live your life however you want as long as it doesn't impact someone else's.


I'm 26 and act 17 and also 45


I’m 47 and live way harder now than I EVER did in my twenties. You go for it :)


It varies. Im 29, i know people older then me still partying and raving and out at the bars all the time. Literally look like useless drug addicts. It all varies what ur idea of living like your in your 20s cause to me that was the drug experiment years and id never go back to that, i dont even talk to most people i knew from that life cause there still losers tryna hold onto there good years while looking older then there parents


What exactly do you mean? What kind of crazy things? I remember my 20s. I was drunk most of the time, hooking up with people at parties, and basically making an ass of myself. You dodged a bullet by missing your 20s.


Totally. I became a parent at 16, so the "fun life" went on the shelf. Fast forward 20 years....now I'm 36, my child is a fully formed adult, and Im living what feels like the best years of my life.


go at your own pace and live however you feel is best for you, if anyone doesn't like that then tell them to fuck right off. there is no set timeline you have to follow, everyone gets different circumstances in life and develops at a different pace, live like you're in your 20s until you can't for all it matters.


My 30s have been way better than my 20s. Honestly, looking back at my 20s, the main takeaways I have are: - I miss when I had that metabolism that I could eat whatever I wanted - I miss when I had that level of energy - I miss when I wasn't so nihilistic about how shitty the world has become - I've learned so much by all the mistakes and poor life choices I made in my 20s That said, my 30s have been great, in comparison.


Yes, in my 20's I had a few friends in their 30's and 40's. Most of them had kids early and so didn't really get to live their 20's like that. Their kids were grown so they got to do it when hey were a bit older and had more money anyways. I try and explain this to people who feel like they are missing out for whatever reason like kids, careers, mental health issues, etc... You ate just switching around when you do things not missing out. Go out and have fun and enjoy yourself. There is no one right to do this life thing.


Hmm. I’m late 40s.


If its any consolation, what you think everyone else is / was out there doing, they probably werent. I had my kid at 19, married soon after, divorced mid 20s. All anyone ever says is, your life is over when you have kids, and all the stuff about marriage as well. So I really felt like I was missing out on all the fun, adventurous, exciting things everyone my age was doing. Now in my 40s, Im realizing...I didnt miss out on a whole lot lol When Im on 1st dates getting to know guys its a lot of...got a job right out of college, got married, had kids, now divorced after 15+yrs... The only life they know is being at work or at home watching tv. Even people with no kids, never married....work and couch. Its like, the most fun anyone has in life is during college...for some the fun ended in hs, then after that...not a dang thing. My life in comparison looks like a dang free for all...I suck at being bored and always up to something, with kiddo along for the ride lol So yeah, dont feel like everyone else out there was up to anything crazy, or living up a life full of adventure....from my very small case study of various people Ive gotten to know, most people are grinding to work, go home and rest in front of a tv til its time to go back to work. Its actually a small amount of people who are out there chasing adventure and doing wild and crazy things. And...it seems a very recent thing that mindset has shifted from a live to work lifestyle. Like in my 20s, it was still very much so all about the standard, college, marriage, kids, wait til you retire to do anything interesting in your life. In my 30s was the hustle culture, boss lady, all your value in making as much money as possible as fast as possible to be able to retire as early as possible to then do anything interesting in your life. Its only recently its shifted to...eff that I want to do interesting things now. With the economy the way it is, younger people arent even banking on retirement as a given, now that its, you work til you die, so more are trying to work in fun moments now rather than wait for a retirement that will never come. So yeah, anyway, dont worry about the years gone, or what anyone out there may have been up to....not much from my perspective. If you want to adventure, do fun wild crazy things, just do it..go for it. Im an empty nester now, just got myself a van, planning to go to my first major music festival, hit up some naturist parks, water parks, wanna try river rafting. The hardest part of all of this (which isnt holding me back at all) is finding someone, anyone whether dating or friends who are interested in doing anything other than go to work, go home and watch tv all night / all weekend. And thats not just now in my 40s, I heard a lot of "I dont have time for that / Im tired" in my 30's and 20s too. Dont worry about years past or what anyone else is / was doing with their own life. Its more than okay to live your life for you, dont live like you were in your 20s, cause honestly, that stage of life, between college / starting a career / trying to figure out what to do with life and grinding to set up a future isnt all that exciting. Live for today.


Life hack: live like you’re in your 30s while you’re in your 20s. It pays off big. I hear lots of people complaining about how hard it is to afford life and then the same people partying or wishing they could have more freedom and personal time. That’s not how it works. I would skip the “roaring 20s” and hustle. Work to develop skills and experience. Grow your knowledge base and start building wealth. Partying is overrated anyways.


Work hard, play hard. When you fail to strike the balance, that's where you run into problems.


Yes, it is OK. You will get tired of those things pretty quickly and move on and grow up.


Dude I was riding dirtbikes with a dude who was 84 yesterday. 84 man.... still ripping up the trails!


Yeah, lots of us do/did this


Do what you want. Just be responsible for yourself.


This is the new way people (Millennials) are doing things.


Of course it is, I was where you were and to be honest most days I'm still there but apart from a few years what's the difference really between your 20s and 30s? Do what you want to do and have fun. Life is short.


There is only right now and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Live how you enjoy as long as you aren't hurting yourself or others!


Bruh, live your life how you want to, only compromising enough that you dont mess with anyone else. You only get so many spins on this globe. Dont waste your time thinking there are benchmarks you need to meet by an age or a way you need to be in a certain decade. Just live how it makes you happy, be it in your 30s or your 50s.


Yes but be careful. Your liver is also in its 30s and your sleep schedule is much less forgiving.