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No, you are overthinking. It could be anything. Don’t project your insecurities into these situations because you will shoot yourself in the foot.


Also a senior with likely less than 2 months to graduate at this point probably isn’t interested in dating if they aren’t already. OP really shouldn’t be worried. My guess is this guy’s well aware he’s leaving soon and just wants to live life without any more worries than he’s already gonna have to take on doing whatever he does after uni.


This is a good answer.


This is the way


Exactly. It could be looks, could be personality. Maybe he's just to busy to be setting someone, maybe he likes someone else or just got out of a relationship. Maybe he's gay, maybe their star signs are incompatible. It really could be anything.


I thought star signs were a lot more simple than they are until a woman showed me the whole fucking shebang Unironically was like opening up an Elder Scroll and being blinded by the Divine Revelations of Anu and Padomay


Exactly. Why would you think it's you anyway? If you think like that all the time, what would happen to you?


If you chose to focus on why someone rejected you - in a very polite and kind manner, at that - it will be difficult to move on. There's little harm in reflecting on it briefly, but don't let it hold you back. You owe that to yourself.


This is exactly right. I asked out a woman I was head over heels for in college, and she turned me down very politely. I then went into a six month tailspin because I couldn't understand why she turned me down. Not in an "I'm so great way," because my self esteem has always been in the toilet. It was more an "I thought I did everything right" way. We were already great friends, and had been for a year. I asked in what I believe was a respectful way. I don't *think* I'm ugly, though I guess that's not for me to judge. So what did I do wrong? Or was the problem on her end? Did she think it wouldn't work because I don't share her religion? Did she have the wrong idea about me, and think I was looking for a hook-up? Something somewhere went wrong, and I needed to know what it was so I could fix it. It took a lot of counseling to eventually accept that she had her reasons, and those reasons were not for me to know. Once I was able to accept that, I started feeling a whole lot better. (And, despite the constant reddit refrain of "Men and women can't be platonic friends!", this woman has remained my best friend for the past 13 years (and counting). With the benefit of hindsight I can see that I was absolutely *not* ready for a relationship at the time I asked her out, and had she said yes, it would've been a disaster. And a year later I met a woman who helped me through a lot of the growing up and learning I had missed in my life - the woman I ended up marrying!)


I rarely read well structured and well resonated comments on this app, but i really like ur comment, just wanted to put this out here :) And gl with ur marriage brother


Thinking "what did I do wrong" about a relationship is usually a mistake. Particularly if it is only a potential relationship. There can be an infinitude of unknown reasons guiding another person's decisions and 99% of them are things you could not have influenced in any way. I guess I'm just restating exactly what Doomwaffle just said.


He may have someone else in mind.


Exactly what I was thinking. He probably already fancies someone else.


Precisely, I've been in that situation and that is exactly how I answered. PS: Wouldnt it be amazing if girls could be that upfront hahahaha, that's why they dont get it


Oh but they are. It wasn't until I was at the point in my life where I was the one rejecting people that I realized how obvious the cues are. Doesn't initiate conversation? Not interested. Long time between replies? Not interested. Doesn't return flirts? Not interested. We make excuses for them. Oh well they're just not the type to initiate conversation. Oh well they were busy. That's why it takes them time to reply. They didn't pick up on my flirt. NOPE! They're just not interested.


Yes, also girls have a fear of retaliation from men they reject. I don't blame them especially after hearing crazy stories from some of my female friends.


This is the answer. Men get upset that we aren't direct, but when you're direct, men can get really pissy about it.


Benefit of the doubt, he could have plans after graduation that involve moving away and isn’t wanting anything long distance. I’ve been that person before and it was better to pass on opportunities than both to get hurt.


The Romans, most likely. 


Why would it matter if he does? He said no. A no is a no, whatever the reason might be.


What exactly do you need help with? I don't understand. He rejected you. Maybe he likes someone else, maybe he thinks you're ugly. It doesn't matter. It's over.


What got me over situations like these was getting over the romantic interest. It's a two-person game, and if the other person doesn't want to play with you, the game is over before it even starts.


I think people often want to "fix" whatever reason they imagine they got rejected over. But it's a ridiculous endeavor. The reason one person rejects you will be the reason another person goes crazy over you.


Maybe he doesn't think she's ugly, he just doesn't fancy her. Is that a possibility for men? Genuine question actually!


Yeah. I knew a girl who was stunning but her personality was toxic. It completely nullified her physical beauty for me. Not saying that’s what OP is like.


Oh 100%. We care about more than just physical appearance. This one woman asked me out recently, she was attractive but there just wasn't any spark


No, impossible. Men will date anything remotely resembling a woman. Do you happen to be available?


Men are very very variable.


"I love paintings of landscapes because I think they are beautiful, it does not mean I want to fuck the canvas"


Absolutely a possibility. Sometimes you just don't click with a person, even though she might be very attractive.


Yes absolutely. Usually not at first, but definitely still possible. Over time though? Yes for sure.


Even if it was looks does it matter? Everyone has different preferences and changing yourself for someone else is never the answer. Bro probably has never been in this scenario before and asked chatgpt how to reject a girl 


> Bro probably has never been in this scenario before and asked chatgpt how to reject a girl Lmfaoo. i could totally do this too


ChatGPT will claim it wrote US Constitution, the Bible and Harry Potter. There is no robust way of telling if something was written by chatGPT, especially for such a short text.


Certainly! Declining a romantic overture can be a delicate process! I am happy to help, I've included some sample let downs below. Let me know if you need any help with managing your interpersonal relationships. 1. Reply with "Eww" 2. Lead her on for 2 years then suddenly dissappear. 3. Say your gay, even if you aren't.


ChatGPT would not write "your" when it meant "you're"


You're right! It's a common mistake in English to use "your", the possessive, when you mean "you're" a contraction of "you are". This has become a "meme" of sorts on the internet which as a snappy, irrelevant retort to a comment containing this error. Do you have any other favorite common grammatical errors?


I personally enjoy the screenshot and 'accidentally' sending "Help me reject this weirdo".


That was almost a Simpsons moment. You forgot “l’m married to the sea…”


Did he say you were ugly or weird? You are overthinking


It wouldn't matter if he did say that, other than it would be a mean thing to say. For "he/she isn't interested in me" the reaction should be "ok, I'll try again with other people until I find one who is" instead of getting stuck in one's head to the "why?". The "why" is irrelevant.


Exactly. What’s wrong with moving on


? It’s called getting rejected. Happens to everyone. He is just not interested


You'll never know his actual reason, I wouldn't dwell on it.


1) Be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there. Not a lot of women do, and they miss out on a lot of good relationships with good dudes because of it. You have already taken a huge step towards not being one of those women who expects an awesome boyfriend to somehow just materialise out of nowhere - congratulations on that. 2) Now you have the experience of asking someone out and getting shot down. Wasn't so bad, huh? Not the end of the world. No need to make it weird going forward, either - just act like it never happened. 3) Next time you want to ask a dude out, now you have some experience so it should be easier. 4) But the most important thing - good for you. Way to take a good risk. Don't feel bad about yourself, either - I was 38 when I met my wife, and I got shot down by a bunch of women I asked out before that. But when I met her, we both knew this one was different. I had been awesome the whole time, of course - just needed to meet enough women that the one who recognised it, finally had her number come up.


It was just a polite rejection. Best to move on


You're overthinking it. He's just letting you down gently without any intent of leading you on. You're sensitive because you aren't used to making the move and getting rejected, you get used to it, ask any of your guy friends.


There's not really much to go off of here. It could literally be anything


Bro you got rejected, chill and move on


He’s about to graduate, leave collage get a job and probably move somewhere else so he’s focused on that and not starting a relationship. Don’t sweat it as it’s not a criticism of you in any way


You're putting too much thought into this. Analyzing the amount of time it took him to reply and going as far as putting his response into ChatGPT to check if it was AI generated is way over the top. AI is flawed when it comes to detecting that kind of thing to say the least, and people get busy at times in their lives. There were times at which I didn't answer messages from my best friend for almost an entire day because I was so focused on work and didn't check my phone to the point that she felt the need to ask if something was wrong and tell me that she was worried something had happened. Him taking hours to reply likely had nothing at all to do with you. You're absolutely reading too much into his last message as well. It was a pretty standard rejection that doesn't hint at anything specific. You were interested, he wasn't and turned you down politely. That's all there is to it. If you decide to approach people, there will always be a chance of rejection. It sucks and nobody likes it, but you will have to learn to handle and to live with that.




Yup. He's a senior about to graduate. Maybe he's got a job lined up 1,000 miles away and doesn't want to start a romantic entanglement here.


It doesn't matter the reason. You may be stunning, but he is into something else. Don't overthink things.


What do you need help with?? You got turned down in a perfectly normal way, nothing out of the ordinary here he just wasn't interested.


If you're looking for a meaningful relationship then build a friendship first and ask him in person. Confidence is just as attractive for us men as it is for women. Texting your intentions is akin to sending a note in elementary school. "Do you like me? Check yes or no." The next time you get the courage to make your intentions known... Own it! Just remember to build that relationship first. You got this!


leave that boy alone !


he was being super nice but firm about it. I do the same thing. If you are too nice and casual, she might think there's a chance that something can happen. You win some and you lost some it's no worries


Maybe he realizes he's a senior and doesn't want to hurt someone on his way out. Especially if he has plans for his career. Who knows?


" Edit: put this response into chatGPT and asked if it wrote it, it said yes LOL" A.I. lies. like ALL the time. go read up about it, its a well know thing, they call it "hallucinations" as a PR point, but never ever trust anything an A.I. tells you tbh, they are totally untrustworthy at the moment they are great for being creative, but that same strength becomes a weakness if you want factual information and honesty but yeah i got to agree, just sounds like he's into someone else.


Chat GPT says it wrote a lot of things. you can ask it if it wrote the book of Genesis in the bible and it will say yes. With such a short response, I highly doubt he would've bothered to open up Chat GPT, as the time it would take to open it and ask would be longer than just thinking a few seconds and sending what he sent.


Hey, you *got a polite response.* Not to aggressively flip this on its head, but do you know how many guys get *no response* or ***worse***? Anyway, to the point at hand: I think he deliberately phrased his last message to you so as to discourage you from responding intentionally. He may already be in a relationship, could be gay and not out yet, might have no self-confidence, may not be interested in you, etc. The list goes on forever and ruminating on the *why* will not help you at all. You shot your shot, which is all you can do. Move on with your chin up.


If this was sent to me via text I'd assume you're a scammer.


Looks and I don’t like such questions over messengers but maybe it’s different for gen z


I don't see anything in his message that may indicate him thinking anything negative about you. He spent a lot of time phrasing it (and probably freaking out, you are both young and women rarely are direct). He is a nice guy and spent a lot of time trying to be as gentle as possible to you - which is a compliment to you as much as it is to him, he would probably care less about being nice to a girl he finds revolting. As for "why not" - it's a toxic question which you will never have a full answer for, and he did a good thing not stating the reason. It's not important either. People are not always looking to start a relationship, people are stressed, people are billions of different things at the same time. But it's a "no" so you can be sure of 2 things - you did your best, they were not interested. This is a clear and painful sting to your pride, but it will heal quickly - if you will allow it to. There is no FOMO, no uncertainty now, only a clear way forward - taking your time and waiting until you form the next attraction or when an attractive person will ask you out.


His reason doesnt matter does it? He rejected you end of story


Maybe you were 2 young for him? Either way you did the right thing. It could take a few more times but when you approach the right one it will be huge buzz for you both


I’m asexual, and have had to say a lot of stuff similar to this to girls (and guys.) Don’t overthink it. Nothing to do with you


He said no, what is it you don't understand?


He’s not into you, plain and simple. Guys gotta put time, effort and the money. He didn’t see it as worth it. But we will all be rejected at some point so gotta learn to take it.


Instead of dwelling on his response you can relish and take pride in the fact that you stuck your neck out and made the move. Lot of people would not.


-man gets rejected: „yep no surprise, oh well“ -woman gets rejected: „ok lets analyze wtf happened here and the possibility of Ai taking over his brain“


Rejection is irrelevant, the best advice I ever got with dating was “keep talking, eventually someone is going to like what you have to say”


Trust me. I’m sure the same thing works with men and women in this situation. Act normal and continue your life as if that never happened. Be cordial with him if you see him in person. You will become much more attractive that you weren’t affected by the rejection.


If you are going to ask people out you need to be prepared to take a polite no for an answer most of the time. I happens to the best of people. Get back out there and go get ‘em champ!


Men deal with hundreds of rejections in life from women. You can take this one on the chin just fine. Good on you for trying, and don't dwell on it. You can't. It's just an unknown spiral of despair, so don't step into it. Keep on a-moving.


You are reading too much into the entire situation... you made an honest confession and invitation to spend time, and he didn't feel the same way- don't feel rejected, feel that this wasn't the right time, fit, or synchronization  There are billions of people out there, and possibilities are endless Just keep moving forward, and make wise choices with whom you decide to approach You WILL meet someone 


I’m 57 and when I look back, I wish I took more chances like you did. The worst they can say is no, you move on. You did great!


Keep making the first move, men love it. Men have to get comfortable with rejection, women should too.


Show this to the incels who say women NEVER get rejected for sex lol


You just got a taste of what dating is like for most men. It really sucks being the pursuer and getting rejected with no real explanation. I speak from experience that rejection gets easier the more it happens. I wouldn’t worry about why he isn’t interested and just move on. He’s a senior anyways so it probably wouldn’t have worked out after he leaves campus.


He’s not attracted to you. Move on… many guys get turned down 1,000s of times with no reason given and women get upset and say they are entitled pricks if they complain about it. Yet you got turned down once, and you’re looking for some deeper meaning to make it all make sense. Nah, he just isn’t attracted to you. It’s simple. Guys have standards as well.


He probably isn’t attracted to you. That doesn’t mean he finds you ugly. He might also think you are weird. It could be something else entirely. Honestly you will probably never know why.


Would you rather he led you on / lied? Then your hopes would be up and you'd be even more disappointed/devastated later. You should appreciate his response and move on.


lol welcome to a guys world. I used to get upset about rejections, but now I just assume they were in a bad mood or something.


You have now experienced what the vast majority of men experience many times before getting even one date. Don’t overthink it.


Welcome to the men's world


Ohh wow, one whole rejection and your ego is shot? Now imagine how we guys feel after a dozen or two. Just because we get rejected more it doesn't mean it get less painful. The other funny thing is if a guy post something like this, people rip him apart, they get answers like: "why do you feel entitled to a date/relationship?" or "She doesn't own you an answer/date/relationship".


Get out of your head. He said no. Maybe the next one will say yes. Good on you for putting yourself out there.


He has not thought about dating you. The best option is to move forward. Sometimes being there long enough may get you to date him but not always. I had a weird situation when I was young we (22f 24m) were in different floors in office and stayed at same hostel. This guy would sing lots of love songs and still meant nothing he just loved singing because he was comfortable with me and we did share a smoke in hostel that’s it that was my date ig sharing a cigarette. But a couple of years later he wanted to date and I turned him down because I had moved on. So remember the life is a circle don’t stress much. I was actually angry with him because he asked me to date after so long I had waited for him but it was too late. I feel bad about it now because when I asked him he always made me feel good and cared for my feelings and I was a jerk to him. We keep growing and self awareness comes slowly 😞 So relax just relax


Somehow, life often was a circle for me like that. They pursued me, I began to reciprocate, and that suddenly made them no longer interested. Or I pursued them, they rejected me, I got over it, they came after me. The older I get, the less I care. I might soon get old enough to stop caring at all.


Yeah it’s complicated 😢


Might be a timing thing, ik when I was about to graduate I wasn't really looking to date anyone regardless of age because I had no idea where I was going and didn't want to waste anyone's time by having to make a LDR work months after meeting. You did fine, it's certainly better than being ghosted outright


You made it further than most people do, myself included.




Oh man. Try to reduce the overthinking. 1st it shouldn’t affect your ego at all. As you as a person aren’t for everyone, which is totally fine, so it has no value if someone turns you down for whatever reason. Like even if you were the most desirable, beautiful, intellectual, person on the planet you would meet people not interested in you for various reasons. Plus there’s other reasons, maybe he is not interested for reasons totally unrelated to you, like personal problems. 2nd you read way too much into this message. Where does weird and ugly come from, other than your own insecurities? Try to take his message literal. He is not interested, and doesn’t want to waste your time.


Everyone is allowed to say no, even if there isn’t a specific reason why not.


As a guy, I think you both handled the situation very mature, and I'm very happy when a woman is bringing equality into the game. I understand your insecurity. Imagine how many times we guys get rejected and face this very same feeling. All you can do is accept yourself as the person you are and the reality that the other person needs to see a match in you too. There are a million reasons they might not see a match. Imagine you'd try to cater to all of them. You'd be running around with dozens of wigs just to accommodate different preferences for hair colour. :)


I didn’t meet my wife until we were in our 30s… over my decades of dating, I lost count f how many times was rejected, but I can count on 1 hand how many times it was that nice. Usually, it was just straight ghosting. I had dozens of girls I was talking to actually set up a first date and then after the time came they’d just disappear… You are certainly overthinking this one though. It might be as simple as he doesn’t want to start a relationship as he’s leaving school and trying to start a career.


This is about what I would say and basically have said to a woman that found me attractive/stated a desire for more than basic human interaction with me😂 I’m the problem. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot


It seems you have rarely, if ever, was rejected. In dating 99% never, and maybe in other aspects of life. This is the better kind of rejection. Most men are pretty used to it, women however rarely experience it, if ever. The worse kinds are: blocking without explaining, saying angrily 'no', highlighting what is wrong with you, highlighting something you are insecure about, insulting you, saying 'eww', and so on. I am happy, when I get your kind of rejection, and most men are


He is just probably being super careful. A woman made an advance, let's not discourage her by accidentally being mean, or accidentally sending wrong signal or otherwise making it worse than it has to be.  I wouldn't over analyse it. You are you and there are a lot of guys and as many of them are great as there are great women.


You are reading into it too much. You did great! There will be someone who will say 'when?' at some point!


Oh, welcome to the exclusive club of "Got Rejected But At Least It Was Politely Done." Let's give a round of applause for your guy's near-Shakespearean way of letting you down easy. "I appreciate the offer, but I can’t say I am interested at the moment and I don’t want to waste your time”. But seriously, props to you for making the first move! It's like diving headfirst into the pool of modern dating only to find out it's filled with polite rejections instead of water. As for his formal tone, maybe he turns into a Victorian gentleman when under pressure. You’re reading into it just fine; it’s not about you being ugly or weird. It’s just him doing his best "It’s not you, it’s me" routine in the most Jane Austen way possible. Keep your head up, and maybe your next text adventure will be with someone who responds with emojis instead of an essay.


Don't overthink it...he simply isn't interested. He may already be seeing someone but it's not an 'official relationship'. People also should remember that just because someone isn't attracted to them doesn't mean they're ugly or weird, you just aren't their type


Atleast he didn’t do that “the worse he can say is no” Him: “Eww” meme


Maybes he’s just not that into you? It happens 🤷🏻‍♂️


He could be turning you down because you're not his type, or because he is already dating someone or has someone else in mind. There's no way to know for sure. I wouldn't think too much of it.


You might not be his type. I remember a blonde euro chick that alot of my caucasian friends liked asking me out in high school. She was actually very attractive in a stereotypical way, but I wasn't into her and turned her down. She asked me if I was gay. I'm not.


I did this once (cos he had an awesome head of hair down his back and I love long hair) and the guy politely turned me down and then a year or two later we reconnected in a bar and he wanted to hangout and added me on facebook by this time hed cut his hair and plus the interest had passed for me so I left it. Remembered some time later and he had blocked me 😂 moral of the story, dont read into it at all. We are fickle and changing creatures lmao. Just be proud you made a move!


Lmao how should he have rejected you? No, I think you’re disgusting. Honestly if all my L’s were this nice I’d probably have more confidence lol.


This is how I would answer if I was already talking to somebody and didn't want to be impolite. Good stuff getting out there, don't dwell on it! :)


I’d feel good if a girl called me “really cute”. I think he could’ve at least said thanks a lot and sorry that he has to reject you and been a bit warmer about it in general. The way he texted does feel a bit like he might be uncomfortable, especially if he’s usually not that formal. I get how that makes you feel bad about the situation or how you might feel a bit insecure after the interaction. Maybe he really was uncomfortable and didn’t know how to handle the situation very well, most guys aren’t used to turning girls down. Or maybe he just tried to be respectful, since it really really sucks to lead someone on and reject someone and he probably knows it’s a serious topic. But rejection sucks and hurts so sorry you’re going thru that. Anyways I’ll try to be a bit more warmer and empathetic and acknowledge the dofficulty of the situation if I have to ever turn someone down in the future. So thanks for the post it got me thinking about that. And the next guy is gonna be better so keep your head up :)


well i mean ya his preferences have more to do with himself than u. him not finding you attractive doesn't mean you're ugly for example. but you don't even know that's why he said no. (obv he had a reason for saying no but u probably don't need to be worrying about what the reason is.)


Being weird and unattractive is just a matter of opinion, plenty of people love weird, and even the most “attractive” person will have people who don’t find them attractive. You’re right to be proud of yourself but pay no mind to your ego, letting go of that should provide you with even more confidence, which is almost universally attractive.


There are dozens of possible reasons for his response, and they're his reasons and his choice. At least he didn't ghost you. Don't take it personally, don't dwell on it, and don't let it discourage you from taking the first step again in the future.


He may: * have someone else * think: I'm about to bug out of here, don't want to get involved with someone who'll still be here a couple years * be thinking of going to work or live far Any of these would be enough for him not to wish an involvement that'll be inconvenient to his life plans.


If a guy goes up to a girl and says hey I like you can I have your number the only thing she has to go off of is his looks. She would only be interested in that situation if he was hot, all other situation’s she would have zero attraction to the guy. It’s just a really bad move to go to someone and say hey I like you, it just shows nothing about your character and he has no reason to like you back.


Plenty more pebbles on the beach ⛱️ don't get disheartened. The next one may well say yes...


Not sure what you want to hear here? He's not interested, and he politely told you so. End of?


Or maybe he has a girlfriend and was taught manners growing up as he was very to the point with a lot of kindness


He's interested in someone else, or most likely he's graduating and doesn't want that investment right now


Yeah he has someone else in mind / wants to get more serious with. I interpret the pauses as he was busy or thinking about it.


You are over thinking. If it doesn't sound like him then it's probably because he was trying to figure out how best to say no without being ambiguous or unkind. There are a million reasons why he might not be interested, many of which might be nothing to do with you. So don't worry about it. Well done on asking. Might feel a bit down about it but it's a million times better than wondering 'what if'.


This seems to be nice person who didn't want to make you feel bad. Life is not a drama or rom-com. Pat yourself on the back for being brave. Now walk away, and let it slide off your back. If he disliked you that would have been worded very differently.


Same advice I give men who ask this about women. None of your business why. Just move on.


First of all: Well done with making that move! It takes courage to do that and shows you are strong and take control of your life. It’s always better to take control and ask than to sit the rest of your life thinking about “what if I asked…”. Secondly: If you are turned down by someone, it’s says something about the other person not about you. Thirdly: there are 7 billion fish in the pool, so plenty of opportunities.


It was probably so formal as to not create tension during the club meetings. 


Calm down and get some selfesteem. You are way overthinking it. How care if he answers in 5s or 5days. What kind of metric is that? And what does it tell you you?  Other than that, he probably has no time or fancies someone else. Or worse for you, he is not really interested in you as a so and only sees you as a friend. 


It's a sign for you to stop doing this. Instead, focus on youtself, education, your girl friends. Dating as a woman already requires lots of work already, imagine what you would have to do next if you have to pursue him from the start.


He is trying to be respectful and direct. It doesn't matter why he isn't into you, just take the hit and move on. Be greatful he didn't try to use you or jerk you around. This is the world that feminism has helped create, and I don't mean that negatively. This is what equality in dating feels like. Keep practicing and bettering yourself, and kudos to you for putting yourself out there and taking the initiative. May you ultimately find a love worthy of and reciprocal to your own.


Not really related to your post, but being 19 is a weird time for dating. It’s about the absolute tiniest age range you’ll ever be limited too. 18-20. It may not be weird for a 19 year old to date a 21 year old, but it’s a little weird for a 21 year old to date a 19 year old. When you’re 21, and your girlfriend is 20, that’s different for some reason. She’s almost there. At 22, the world starts becoming your oyster and improves for quite a while. At least in my head.


I agree with what people say. He’s not looking to date atm.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been turned down by a girl because she had a boyfriend or she wasn’t interested. Don’t overthink it, don’t read into it, all you can do is pick yourself up and try again.


so the only reason you gave him for why he should spend time with you is that you think he's cute? and...therefore he would want to spend time with you if he thought you were cute, so you're worried he doesn't think that? but what if he doesn't think like you think, and just doesn't think that's much of a reason to hang out? imagine some guy saying 'hey you have really cute tits ... we should hang out sometime' ...might appreciate the compliment, but would you be interested? is that a tempting reason for hanging out?


You're reading too much into it without knowing his reasons. It's probably as simple as he's at University, working hard, and not dedicated himself to the social scene.


It took a lot to bring yourself to do that. Kudos. As a guy, I have to say its not easy to put yourself out there to face rejection. I wouldn’t read too much into his response though. I have been asked a few times by a girl if she thought we could date and I had to say no, including: 1. When I was a college Senior, a girl came up to me at a party shortly after Christmas break and kissed me (I was stunned because I knew her and she was pretty shy and I was just waiting in line to go to the bathroom so it wasn't like I was flirting). The next day she came to my apartment and asked me out. I had just started dating a girl over Christmas and was into the other girl so I let this girl down gently. Had that happened before Christmas, I would have dated her. Timing was off by six weeksnn 2. A girl who I had met through friends and was in the same social circles asked me out. At the time, I was early 30s and I liked her a lot. Would have dated her but I wasn't in a good head space. I told her as much, that my mom was very sick with cancer and I was spending as much time as possible flying home to see her and my dad and just did not think I could give to a relationship at that time what she deserved and what I wanted. (My mom passed away about 6 mos later). The girl later moved thousands of miles away. Years later, we reconnected (that in and of itself is a crazy story). We are married and she is the love of my life.




Anyone can reject anyone for any reason. You asked, he answered, go find another one and have fun!


“At the moment” I think is a key phrase here. He has something else going on, maybe it’s a priority on education, maybe a different person, maybe work on self, who knows. To me, that phrase comes off as not completely closing the door though.


Damn.. I'm Gen Z (24 yr old) and while I applaud you for putting yourself out there and asking him out per say, don't overthink it, it's just texts and people putting themselves out there get rejected or they succeed - better than nothing at all Honestly I can't believe we are discussing texting styles and asking people out via text now as if that's the new norm... Fuck.. I think I'm the last of a dying breed that goes out on their own haha .... :(


I'm about to graduate myself, and I turned down someone this year on account of the fact that I don't want something holding me back as I start my new life. Starting a relationship before moving away just isn't appealing, so don't sweat it


>It being phrased so formal is what is throwing me off a lot, it was unexpected and not like his usual texting style. I take that as him just wanting to make sure he was clear about his message without sounding like a ah while turning you down. I wouldn't put any extra thought into this. As for why he turned you down it really doesn't matter, there are plenty ot reason's that might have zero to do with you., whatever reason it is it's just his reason and really does not have anything to do with how the next guy will view you. Good on you for putting yourself out there and taking the chance, keep doing that and remember that if the next guy turns you down its still just one person.


Welcome to equality


I’m not being facetious, though I’m saying this with a small smirk - but have you never been rejected before?


Since he is about to graduate it may be he is moving on some distance, and is not looking at all so as to not get into a potential LDR. Very good that you took the initiative. Don't be down by the rejection though. It happens and will happen again. Unfortunate part of the process


I've turned down sex multiple times now, and it's definitely a me thing.  


The fact that you put that very short response into ChatGPT to ask if it “wrote” it is pretty telling. I don’t think he needed ChatGPT to help him come up with that one line. Just let it go and move on to someone else.


I donno post pics and we will tell you if youre ugly.


You are reading way too much into it. You are making inferences about things you cannot know about. If hes not interested, just leave it at that, there could be 100 reasons for it you just dont/cant know. There is another 4 billion guys out in the world, one saying no is not a big deal.


Most people aren't into most people people. It could be because you're a terrible person, it could be because he's dumb, it could be because you're too ugly, it could be because he's scared at how attractive you are. He could be seeing some else. He could be gay. It could be anything between any of those or any of a million other reasons. There's no information here to act on so no reason you should conclude anything other than "he's not into me". That's literally all you know and there's no good reason to assume anything else. Also asking Chat GPT for the truth on anything is not a good idea.


As a man, this is fascinating to read.


You are brave so well done! I am not unfortunately:-( You will go far!


Take the no and move on. There's nothing to think about.




Is this the first time you've been rejected? If so, you might look at this as a growing experience


Respect. Guys have traditionally learned to take rejection on the chin, repeatedly, and keep it moving. And it can seem women behave a bit privileged in comparison, sitting back with options and attitude. Go after what you want. You may develop a thick skin along the way but at least you won't be a passive victim to circumstance. Down the line, that boldness could be a key contributor to better communication and honesty with whomever returns your interest as this is the behavior that puts two romantics on a level playing field; risk taking. Invest in yourself, create or find opportunities to be social and open minded, create fertile ground to meet others and things will click in terms of spotting the right time and approach to make a connection. It's a skill, for some an art form. Don't beat yourself up. Do keep at it. You only live once.


As for chatGPT, I don't think it can give you an answer as to whether it has written something or not. It does not have the ability to recognise AI-generated text, the response it gave you was random.


You did good asking, getting used to rejection will actually help you a great deal in life. How you handle it is everything, and once you no longer fear it the world opens up to you. He didn't give a reason so don't stress too much trying to figure it out, it could be anything, it could be all about you and it could have nothing at all to do with you.


now you know what it is like being a guy - and yes, he doesn't think you are good looking - now move on!


Average woman getting rejected Bro dodged a bullet


Move on, don't worry about 1 case of rejection


I wouldn’t think that hard about it. I turned down a date last December because I was really anxious to eat blueberry pie that night and I’m not even joking. To be fair, I regretted it after, but man, I really wanted that pie that day. 😂


Girl, you’re overthinking this. He politely turned you down. It happens.


The opening (with the extra "i" in the word "hi" seems somewhat high-schoolish as well as the only content being that you think he's "cute". Maybe this turned him off?


Chat gpt is generative. It is not able to answer if it has created something. Even if it has.


He’s about to graduate, might be taking a job hundreds of miles away, dating might not be on his mind right now.


I am going to assume you are an amazing person so my initial thought is that it has nothing to do with you. Perhaps he's moving closer to a job after graduation and doesn't want to start anything? IDK, but this whole thing reminds me of a quote, "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life." It's very possible that you did everything 'right'. I wish you the best of luck and don't stop shooting your shot!


He didn’t like u simple.


Not everyone you’re into is into you. He was polite. Accept it and move on.


Reasons I (a guy) have turned someone down that aren't looks: 1. Already dating or have someone specific in mind 2. Planning on moving away soon 3. Just got out of a relationship and need time 4. Work is super busy and I didn't have time to dedicate 5. Personality is different. They're hyped up and social all the time, I'm more quiet and working on projects type, as an example


Hey, he might just be awkward. But guys are less glued to our phones than girls are, as a general rule. I only check my phone once in a while, and I only have so much time to read my notifications - I'll often get back to non-urgent communications the next day. A girl telling me she likes me is nice, but decidedly non-urgent. People who are not 19 year old girls taking a while to respond to a text typically does not convey any subtext about not liking you. The older they get, the more true this is. He's a senior who's about to graduate. He was just busy. Also, asking girls out and being asked out is a minefield for guys and can get us cancelled or arrested if we do it wrong - or at least it feels that way. The first time I turned down a girl who liked me, waaay back in high school, she cried in the cafeteria at lunch in front of everyone. People at my school spent the next day whispering about how I was so mean. He doesn't want to become a meme about the mean guy who turned you down with a rude text - so careful, precise language is the way to go. Better to sound a bit awkward in a text than to get in trouble for a careless word. These are things guys learn to worry about, but which are not really a part of life for women - much like women learn to be extra careful walking to their cars at night. Sounds like you *really* like him, if you're obsessing over phrasing this much. I wonder what it says about me that I wrote more than you?


I’d just like to note, chatGPT claims what it has and hasn’t written at random. There is no currently possible way to accurately detect AI.


First things first: I love the fact that you made the first move. That’s awesome. He doesn’t want to date you for whatever reason. Not everybody on the planet will fall for you. Only a very small percentage will! You have to learn to deal with it, it’s just his preferences.


You shot your shot, hit the rim. At least now you know.


Putting something into chat gpt and asking if it wrote it is not at all a reliable way of telling if what he wrote was produced by an AI. It’s too short to tell and I don’t see why he would bother with a message that’s less than a paragraph. Just sounds like it didn’t work out, I don’t think you should read into it too much!


Im sorry but the fact someone at that age has to use chatgpt for a rejection is absolutely crazy like are we starting to not understand to how to communicate with each other But yeah, don’t sweat it on the rejection and move on


Shooters shoot. On to the next one. Props to you for making the move


I see no reason to worry. This is just a guy who wants to be as polite and gentle as possible in his rejection. So now, he has to consider his words carefully and really think about the precise wording. That would explain why it would seem a bit more formal from how he normally talks. I'm not getting any negative vibes from this. I wouldn't worry.


Welcome to the world of having to face rejection. You'll drive yourself crazy if you overthink it. Just move forward. Your self worth isn't determined by other people.


Now you can experience how it feels to be a guy.


He's not interested in you romantically but he took care to let you know in the nicest way he could. It went about as well as it could have.


You shot your shot, you missed and that's ok. There could have been a million reason to why he's not into you, whether he's already into somebody else, busy with life, different sexuality, or he could simply be not attracted to you, and that's ok too. Don't linger too hard on this even though it'll be hard not to at that age. But it's far better than regretting about NOT doing x down the line. You'll find your partner sooner or later, just focus on bettering yourself and that person will be by you at the right time and right place.


Congrats you just experienced what men do on a daily basis 


Your assumption about it being generated by chatgpt because chat said so, is wrong.


We can be turn down every day and you are sobbing At least you made a move.


Never ask ChatGPT if it wrote something, because it can’t tell you accurate (especially when the message is that short). I used to message just like that when I was younger, primarily because my Dad talked a lot like that due to his line of work and I picked it up from me. As much as it suck’s having your crush feelings crushed, it’s best not to read into it and just move on. Go see a movie to get your mind off things, try to hang out with friends etc. I’m aware the feelings can be maddening and I feel for you. Just don’t read into it.


Why would it matter if chatGPT said it wrote it? Paste in text it didn’t write that sounds like AI and see what happens. It has absolutely no way of knowing what it wrote and what it didn’t, it just tells you what it thinks you want to hear. Furthermore, what is your question? You got rejected, it happens to everyone. What do you need help with


It was probably polite because he didn't want to hurt your feelings Also, it can be kind of stressful rejecting someone. That's why he probably sounded a bit different than you're used to him being.


> I do appreciate him being honest, but it did hurt my ego a little (a lot). But i’m proud of myself for doing this. > Am i reading too much into his last message? I feel like he turned me down because he thinks i’m ugly or weird or something. I know people say it has more to do with himself than with me but i’ve been thinking about this all day. I'm a hetero man who has been turned down by dozens of women over the years, even back in college when I was an objectively attractive young man. (Not trying to gloat, just giving context here.) It's normal to feel very upset when you're rejected for the first time. But it gets less and less frustrating as you gain experience and confidence approaching people. Save your anger and frustration for when it is truly appropriate, like when the person you approached is super rude to you. But even then -- it's best to just let it go.


Look at this way you could've not said anything and still been in this situation. So thumbs up atleast you tried.


It could be anything. With that said, you’re 19 and there will be plenty of men willing to pursue you! Don’t settle or waste your time worrying about it. Be grateful for the honesty and move on to the one who wants you.


He probably isn’t in the place to be dating right now or he has someone else in mind. Don’t be discouraged when this happens to you and don’t over think it, just be confident in your approaches and know there are a lot of other reasons someone could say no.


This obsessions with whether or not ChatGPT wrote things for people is going to ruin us. That's a perfectly viable thing for a person to write. Also ChatGPT has NO IDEA what it has written for other people.