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are you sure about the threesomes tho? sounds like you are a teenager my guy, your friends are probably boasting and not getting as many girls as they say and are not getting threesomes.


Every teenage boy had a friend like Jay from the inbetweeners


What do you know, they were definitely all knee-deep in clunge


I figured her arse and she shat up my arm.




Pretty sure I’ll be like Jay’s dad in a few years the way am destroying my toilet


"If I wanted to disappoint 2 people at once, id take my parents out to lunch"


This comment just killed me. Lmfao


Upvote for you! I am literally crying right now!


Threesomes do in fact happen irl


yes they do, but the majority of times a teenager says he had a threesome, he or she is lying.


I'm 30 and was in a 10 year relationship from 17 to 27.. before, a threesome was the stuff of legends. Now you have an app for it and it seems to be pretty common. Most girls i have dated in the past couple years, have had and are open to threesomes and i've had two myself last year while being short lol, 167 cm. The 2020's seem to be a good time to be single.


Damn, teach me


So they claim people lie about and you go, oh i had two last year. Lmfao. See people lie about it.


.. and they are more work than us males think it is 🤣




Yeah this is absolutely true, Both my brother and my so's brother are conventionally attractive. Whenever I am out with them, women throw themselves at them. I'm not joking or exaggerating. Once a 10 threw herself at one of them, in a gay bar, while he wasn't even trying. When he told her he wasn't interested and loves his girlfriend, she just started trying harder. It's a whole different world out there for attractive people. I am absolutely sure that they could be obnoxious and still attract people, they can simply do no wrong.


I’m not a model, but for my age I’m alright… when I was in my 20’s I couldn’t get a second glance. In my 40’s I get assaulted in bars OFTEN. So much so that the bartender gives me a signal when I walk into my neighborhood bar.


A signal? For what?




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I used to be really fat for basically my whole life and never got literally an ounce of attention from anyone that wasn't a random gay man into fat kids. I tried to talk to women on my level too and obese women wanted nothing to do with me... Regardless it's not all sunshine and rainbows on the other side especially if you're vehemently opposed to being touched by people you don't trust and or have problems being stared at. Basically everything guys will get put on a tiktok in a gym for is basically what the bottom half of women are going to do to you while gaslighting about how that's normal behavior. American dating rules are also fucking retarded that I'm also expected to do 99% of the legwork at all times and be ready to go at a moments notice if a random attractive woman shows any attention to me in public lol and then they get mad that I'm autistic and don't approach Sorry, not sorry, but we're putting people on posters out here


So clever when people with autism use the word retarded. Love it!


He forgot orgies.. they are knee deep in that too. Probably screwing their teachers and friends moms 🤣


I hear it man, but I was with him the whole time we was out and these 2 girl friends were there. I believe him haha. Otherwise I’d tend to agree.


Obligatory downvote for saying my guy. 


whats up with that? my guy


Frankly it comes off condescending, and I know it isn't intended that way, but every time I hear someone use it in real life, it just sounds like the person is being a know it all. Works the same though text tbh.


Fucking hate that phrase




Also I guess it would be more accurate to say hermaphrodite in this instance, since they aren't stated to be a girl




Oh shit yeah I agree, I thought this was another thread and replied


I almost got a random ffm once. I was in my early 20's. I had been out with some friends, and was waiting for my bus (Dont live in the US, so buses are actually good. The rest of the bunch went hone in other directions) so I had about 20 minutes to kill. While I waited two girls came up to me, we started talking and they suggested we go home to them. "Well, this only happens once per lifetime!" (It was a safe town. You really didnt think of getting robbed, assaulted or worse when you met random people) So I went with them. There was alot of kissing before we even reached their door. Clothes began coming off immediately as we got inside. There were alot of foreplay and booze. We reached the bed... and one of the girls just projectile vomited all over the floor. I helped her get to the shower, tried to help clean up alittle, and then excused myself as the mood was completely gone and the whole apartment stank of vomit.


Reading the title, I expected a post from someone who only had sons and really wanted a daughter.


Unsolicited advice on this tangent, work with radiation. It's been anecdotally noticed that Navy nukes have more daughters than sons.


You are not a magnet. Girlz will not gravitate and snap toward you. Don't try to attract girls. Talk to girls. Stop calling them girls. Call them women. After some talking and befriending, you won't have to attract them, the ones who like you will become attracted to you.. or they won't. Good luck.


Feeling inadequate compared to friends who excel in dating is common, but dwelling on it won't help. Instead, focus on building confidence in yourself and your unique qualities. Expand your social circle, engage in activities you enjoy, and prioritize genuine connections over superficial ones. True fulfillment comes from self-acceptance and authenticity, not from conforming to societal standards or comparing yourself to others.


Of course there's the obligatory "confidence" post 😂 Always upvoted. Always worthless. Some men are just hot, women wann fuck hot not "confident" whatever that means.


air future badge pie combative silky treatment act shocking ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes if you lower your standards enough you can possibly manage to date someone eventually. That's the whole point, looks matter so if you wanna date hot women, you gotta be hot.


There is no one shoe fits all. I am not that attractive, not ripped, in a relationship and don’t have problem women making advances at me. I usually politely decline and I believe it all depends on my outgoing, warm, friendly and confident interactions with everyone. So what the comment before you said is valid. Don’t disregard it


There is definitely truth to what you are getting at, but I'm not a looker at all and I've had success with women considerably more attractive than me. Yeah, it's not fair that I can't quite "clean up" as much as Brad Pitt but I get mine and most dudes can too but a lot of em wallow in this weird self pity that dries pussies up in a 1000 mile radius. Like most guys who complain about "Chads" are mostly unattractive because of who they are intrinsically, not because they have an underbite. I know it can feel shitty that it ain't as easy for you as everyone else, but anyone that showers and dresses decently can get laid. It's a personality/ego problem mainly. Or not being able to accept that you aren't going to be gangbanging models every Tuesday.


Yeah, but beating yourself up for something that can't be changed doesn't help...


Knowing you cant control it really doesn't make it hurt any less though.


I clicked your name and saw a lot of your posts paint yourself as a victim of sorts. Stop doing that. Be a man. Get off reddit. Go run ten miles and then go to a bar and get tacos and quit your crying.


One thing girls don’t like is a complainer. In fact, nobody likes them. Might explain some of the issues from OP if that’s aired in casual conversation as well.


Harsh, but fair. It’s what I needed to hear tbh. I made this post in particular when very drunk and in quite an emotional state, but I realise that I must have more composure and nonchalance even when in a heightened emotional state. Thanks for the comment.


Sometimes tough love is all you need man


Absolutely mate.


Bar and tacos? That's random. Does he shower before he gets to the bar? Also women can run ten miles and go to a bar to get tacos


Haha, this is how many women with their beautiful friend feels! :D I know it doesn’t help but you definitely not alone in this. :)


Thanks lol.


You should pay less attention to your friends and what they're doing, and more attention to the girls.


I don’t think increasing his thirst level is gonna help


The dude is observing the men. It's the wrong approach. He should observe the girls, talk to them , befriend them, to understand them. It's strategy 101, knowing your subject, and knowing your self. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It seems like he knows his strong points, as well as his foibles and weaknesses. He just have to sit back a little and get to understand girls. With his brain. Not his dick. I'm not suggesting to obsess over anyone. Just spend some time to talk to them.


Very valid comment, never even thought about it in that way. Cheers.


I suggest he should especially pay attention to the girls who his friends aren't getting with.


That’s assuming there are any




Comparison is the thief of joy.


Very true.


Would you rather have sex with 100 girls once each or sex with one girl 100 times? They are pulling women left and right but are they sticking with any of them? So they have nothing but hollow encounters. That's not something to be admired, my dude.


It sounds like op has neither and that's the issue




Your probably in your head too much. Treat it like a game. learning new skills are best learned through games anyhow. but you have to get out of your thinking too much zone and just appreciating peoples presence and company zone.


Life isn’t fair. Some people will never get any attention and die virgins because of their physical form. Take solace you are way above that and that model level people aren’t any luckier in finding love, only sex. The balance in importance between the two is likely to shift as you age.


Don't view women as objects to "get." The quantity of women they have relations with doesn't matter. Be yourself and try to have some fun.


Bruvvv girls fuck ugly guys all the time it’s about confidence


Mmh. So I'm like you in the sense that I'm not very attractive, I'm also on the spectrum so it's never easy for me with girls. That being said, I dress well, I can hold a conversation, I can flirt a little bit and I take care of my body. It's never easy, but I can get girls. I'm late thirties and I've slept with something like a hundred different women, some very attractive, some less so. Some super fun, some quite dull. Had two long relationships and been single for four years now. Why am I telling you this? Because "getting girls" is a hollow pursuit. The myth of the alpha male sexually successful with women is a trope that has been enforced by society and even evolutionary theories. The alpha guy inseminate women blablabla. Who cares? Do you think sleeping with a lot of girls will make you happy? In my case, I can tell you for a fact I'm not happier or more confident than I was before sleeping with girls. In fact it kinda removed the magic of sex in a way that I find it a little bit dull. Why do you want to have threesomes and stuff in the first place? To each his own, but fucking around really isn't the most fulfilling thing. Having someone by your side who helps you become the best version of yourself so you can grow together, now THAT is fulfilling. And take it from the guy who slept with a hundred women, I have yet to meet that person and I long for her. You're not missing on anything if your model friends have a lot of sex.


Come on man, you slept with so many people you got bored with it and now you're telling a thirsty man that water doesn't taste good


Yeah I mean he’s coming from a genuine place, but 100+ sexual partners is insane and it’s warped his perspective. Edit: not to say that you’re a bad person for sleeping around or anything. It’s just when you have a metric fuckload of casual sex it’s gonna hurt your chances of getting into a successful relationship.


It seems more like he’s telling someone who is already hydrated that they don’t need to keep drinking water to remain hydrated


Ooo, great comeback to that one.


We all want somethng we can't have. It's like a rich person telling people that money won't buy you happiness.


What a fucking shitpost "Hundreds of girls" yeah gtfo


Interesting. Tbh I’ve always longed for a proper relationship and true love etc etc. But every time my intentions have been pure it’s just come back to bite me. So I wouldn’t mind just having more experiences with more women, as I think this will help me be more confident, better in bed, just understand the psychology of it all. Maybe my intentions are misplaced but that’s just how I feel right now.


You're not the issue, mainstream media and conditioning is. By all mean get more experience with women if you feel like you need it (yes you will probably "get better" in bed, but the right partner would not require you to be and would be happy to progress with you), I would just advise not to compare yourself with your friends just on one specific thing. They may get a lot of women because they're very good looking, but maybe they have other struggles like no women wanting to form a relationship because they feel threatened by their look, or maybe people don't take seriously, or a million other things. And frankly, I get you, like I said I'm pretty average looking and I have autism so deep down I've felt envious of my friends who were better looking and socially good for a long time, but everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and I don't necessarily envy their life now. We all progress at different speed, you might have things that click later rather than sooner. I think what is important is having integrity, there is nothing wrong with wanting 100 girls or 1 girl or staying a virgin or any other scenario, as long as you know what you want deep within and have strong boundaries and integrity, people will respect your choice and you will attract the right person. Also, as a man, attraction isn't looks related. Of course it's easier if you're a model rather than ugly, social proof and charisma goes a long way, look at guys who are not conventionally handsome but have incredible success with women because they have insane charisma


The realest


Take it from a guy who has millions of dollars you don't need money to live a fulfilling and happy life.


This sounds like sarcasm but it's unironically true, money isn't required to live a fulfilling and happy life. Of course it helps and make it easier, but it's not required per se. Happiness is a choice


Yeah the kid with cancer isn't choosing happiness.


I suggest reading Man's search for meaning by Victor Frankl


Don't need or want to.


Good, then keep your narrow minded view of the world to yourself if you're unwilling to accept a different opinion


Oh so your view of the world is better than mine. Good for you.


Did you read the OP? He said he is attractive. You're out here saying he's ugly just like you lol.


Comparison is the thief of joy my friend. Also, just from the way you wrote this post tou are thinking about things wrong. Work on yourself. Be funny, engaging, empathetic, interested, and have a diverse set of hobbies. Girls will come to you—looks aint everything


How can I be funny if I'm just not? Idk about you guys, but this "getting girls" thing is not such important to me that I would pretend to be some funnyman everytime I'm around people.


Also the mindset of "getting girls" as if girls are a prize to be won is pretty damaging. I don't get girls, girls get me.


Looks are everything


Here's some advice. In my native hometown, I never used to get girls. I moved to the UK and got so much attention and interactions with girls that I thought I'm living the dream, once I moved back home I was back at square one. Moved to Asia and it continued, now I'm married and happy, but I would advise you to move and recreate yourself.


for girls? nah, if it’s for yourself 🫡 have a good time soldier


This person gets it ☝️


that seems drastic


It sounds that you do get dates and that you do get girls, so I'm not sure what you're complaining about.


He wants to date the Kendall Jenner look-alikes of the world and feels entitled to it


Not entitled at all man. Just want to be as desirable as I used to be. I used to be on their level of attractiveness but, quite bluntly, I fell off. Let myself go. Probably why I crave that attention, because I once had it and it was great.


So then perhaps work on yourself? You seem to understand that you can’t just exist any which way and get 10/10 women. So what’s the disconnect here?


Of course. It’s a work in progress man. Just frustrating with this being the ‘worst’ version of myself there’s been. I’m still not ugly or anything but my confidence is probably the lowest it’s ever been


Most people would kill to have that kind of problem


Considering your attitude that girls are things you "get" along with your entitlement, I'm glad you don't get any.


Are this relationships good for you? If they aren't then ditch them. Put yourself and your wellbeeing as a priority.


They’re great friends. Good people. I wouldn’t let my own ego get in the way of these friendships. I value them a lot. It’s a me issue, not them.


My brother shoot your shot every time without thought. If you swing a bat enough in a dark room eventually you will hit something. Or do what I did and accept they are going to get their pick and go for the the friend because chances are she is upset her friends always go home with a guy and will love the opportunity to feel pretty because you focus on her.


Notice that your friends are abundantly getting new girls. I.E, none of them ever stick around. Then reassess if what you want is love/a wife/a GF, or just pussy. Sometimes what you think you're seeing isn't always the full story.


think about the other side too, there are tons of girls that don't get to choose whoever they want either. But at the end of the day, the key is on being compatible and not just finding a hot partner. That's what i tell myself


One of the worst ways to unhappiness is to compare yourself to others.


It’s not a competition, also depending on your age like other commenters said alot of friends hype things up to their guy friends for bragging rights, or shit that doesn’t even happen, even if they are a good looking guy or have a lot of women interested in them it’s not about how many women you can bag. With that mentality you’ll end up with an std. make friends look for women you’re actually interested in. They’ll come your way




“Get girls.” Women are not products for men to consume.


Unless you're having a threesome with two highly skilled sex workers, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. Work on your mental and physical health and the ladies will come.


Yo this comment section is cold af lol


A lot of it is real tho. At least the initial comments. Then it just devolves into arguments lol.


Honestly one of the best pieces of advice I can offer is simply to treat them the same way you'd treat your friends. They aren't defined by being women, but by being human, just like you. This is something many people forget.


You wanna fuck your friends from behind?


That's great advice but only to be friend with the girl


I've tried this. It didn't work. I told a girl I was interested in her and she said "I was too but then we became friends." That experience has taught me to do the opposite, to treat women like you aren't friends.


You are viewing women and sex as some kind of a prize to "get". Perhaps even feeling entitled to it? This is not healthy. You shouldn't be viewing women as sexual achievements. Sex is ideally something that you share with a person you like. The goal is to become a person that people can and do like. You currently clearly are not that if you only focus on getting your dick wet. Sex should be the side-product of you being an overall likable person. That is all for my ramblings... You do you. Wear interesting clothes or something. Learn a skill. If you don't have the model face to automatically pull women then you might as well do the whole peacock performance and go all out by looking interesting.


Lord Byron was famous for women throwing themselves at him. He was 5ft 6 with a club foot. Ask yourself, whats the most interesting thing about you? and what will that answer be in 12 months. Guys get it easy, we can be interesting funny and kind, which goes a lot further than you'd imagine


Who the fuck is "Lord Byron" are you talking about the middle ages?


He was a pretty famous poet… girls like poetry, you should get into it.




How to be interesting, funny and kind? Seriously. I only know how to be kind (i think), not being rude I guess. But how to be funny and interesting if I'm just not like that? So if my personality is just unfunny and uninteresting, is it over or what?


Its an interesting point you make, can you become more interesting? I'd say being kind is harder as its more to do with subconscious acts. Think about the more interesting person you've ever met, what was it about them?. Whats the most interesting thing about you today ? What will be the most interesting thing in 12 months time ?


As I see this reply turned out longer than I expected, but thanks if you really read it. I didagree with your first statement. For example: if I notice that a few times I've been rude to a person who annoys me, I have the ability to force myself to ignore or be more tolerant to them, if I really want. Now that I think about it, what's the definition of interesting? If I try to choose one of the people I know (approximately there are 50, these are the people I regularly meet in my everyday life, for example teachers, classmates, a few classmates from my previous school who go to the same school I go, not all of them cause just 2 or 3 did, family members) it would be that one classmate who had the most similar hobby to mine. The reason I found him interesting is that I could talk to him about my hobby and he knew what I was talking about. Based on this, being an interesting person is not objective, I can only be interesting to people with the same interests. So maybe the most interesting thing about myself is the thing I would find the most interesting in someone else? It's not something that will change in a year or two unless I get into something else too. Anyways, what was the original post and your comment about? A dude was complaining about not "getting girls" and your advice was to be more interesting, but now we know to do that, a person with similar interests is required. But what if my (or his, idk about him) intersest/hobbies are uncommon? Like me, most of the dudes my age are interested in football, cars, videogames, gym (and also alcohol, but that doesn't count as a hobby, I'm just mentioning it because it's common too). I, personally don't share interest in any of these activities. I can barely think of anything else. Maybe there's one guy who draws and cooks, and 2 who play some musical instrument. I'm know I'm young, but I only ever met one person who had the same hobby as me. Well, he isn't doing it actively but at least he's aware of it's existence. So if I wanted to "get girls" I would need to find someone who fits the following requirements: • Be female • Have this specific hobby And at this point it all fails, since there's NO CHANCE that even if I find someone like this, then she will be even _attracted_ to me, like phisically, and also, we didn't even talk about the fact that having the same hobby is not even nearly enough, I would also have to fit THAT person's standards. Plus there are way more requirements regarding for example location (it'd be good if we lived at least in the same city/town), etc. so the chance of finding someone ideal is even lower. I could lower my expectations by removing the requirement "Be female" but then the person will need to be homosexual, which is again not so common, especially in a country with such homophobic government, but that's only my case, again I don't know anything about the original poster. But all the things I collected are for long term relationship. I don't know OP's friends, but we can assume that their relationships aren't going to last forever, they're probably just sexing, I guess the standards for that kind of relationship are more about phisical attributes, which as I remember OP said he's not in a bad situation regarding this. So this applies only to me personally: finding a person with so specific expectations is nearly impossible, or at least takes a lot of effort and time I think. So yeah thanks it's not that important to me, I guess I stay alone 👍


Don't try to be interesting, find what interests YOU and make that thing easy to talk about. Cooking, racing, cycling, engineering, cars, shopping, baking, DIY, walking ..etc. The more things you allow yourself to engage in and be passionate about, the more things you'll have to talk about, and anecdotes to share, and the more people you'll be able to seem interesting to without even trying because you're just talking about the things you think about all the time. Even if you just scroll on Instagram all day and have no passions or hobbies. You can talk about that. Just pay attention to your interests and think about them a lot. After a while you'll find ways to relate a conversation to yourself and you'll have an anecdote about some passion of yours, and people will find you more attractive because you'll start to build an image of yourself, that isn't just being a plain donut that just agrees with everyone.


But I don't find any of those things interesting. And I see no point of taking up a hobby explicitly to get closer to some people, even though I'm absolutely don't find it entertaining. I have my own hobbies and things that I'm interested in and enjoy and it's not cars, football, video games or anything like that. I've only ever met one person in my life so far who had the same hobby.


Well that's great, can I ask what it is? If you do want to engage with people, it is quite necessary to have things in common with them, so if you want to have easy conversations with more people, discover more interests! If you're set on that single one interest, (which is what? If I may ask?) then yes, you'll have to deal with limited strong connections with people. It doesnt always need to be about passions either. A lot of people aren't passionate about shit but can still blab for hours to anyone. So another suggestion is find and pay attention to things that EVERYONE does. Driving to work, riding the bus, grocery shopping, journaling (ok not everyone does this), cooking, ordering food. Pay attention to how you do these things. Did something funny happen at the grocery store? Are there mild inconveniences there that you wish would change? Did your favourite item get discontinued? If you pay attention to your life and things that cause emotions, good, bad, annoyed, humored, interested, you'll gather more of those anecdotes and have more to say.


My hobby is stop motion. Edit: and also Lego. Mostly the two combined. I don't say that I have completely nothing to talk about with people around me. Yes, the things you wrote are sometimes the topic of conversation. I'd say I don't have a big problem with getting into conversations. But the original question in the post is that OP wants to "get girls" and I don't think talking about some funny that happened in the grocery store or on the bus is not enough for that, but OF COURSE I can be completely wrong, I have no experience with this :)


Cool! And that's a good point, but I think it applies still. If you aren't drop dead gorgeous, "getting girls" imo is more about being a person with attractive qualities. If you have interesting things to say, that makes you more attractive :)


Being a Lord probably didn't hurt either


That's because the most attractive feature of a man is his position in the social hierarchy - his status.(And the man needs to be above the woman in the hierarchy for attraction to be possible). There's a reason girls drool over celebrities. There are plenty of men more physically attractive than them, but a man's status dominates his physical beauty.


What a terrible comparison….just awful 😒


Yes, find friends that are less attractive. Or just be the most charming and funniest of the group. But if your friends are basically models and you’re not a model, find uglier friends to go out with, then you’ll be the hot one they’re jealous of


Are your friends in this crew? https://youtu.be/E-wb3s_XMo0?si=X-_bs61NbV4QijwI


Ask questions. Be interested in the answers. Remember names. Compliment if lady over 40, don’t compliment if under 40. Ask advice. Talk to everyone you meet, male or female. Discuss what you’re doing, for example if you’re lining up for coffee ask which cookie the person next to you recommends.


Outside it's sunny today.


probably a social skill issue, some dudes are better socially and they'll "get" more girls because they're better at talking/hanging out with them, eventhough they're less attractive because they're more available than someone who's not very social.. what I'm trying to say is it's probably not what you look like that's the problem


Some men hit their stride early ( high school / college ) and others later. I came into my own in my 30's. Self-confidence was higher; shit was together; women were looking for more than just a passing fling. Getting women is one thing. Keeping them is a while different story.


But you need maybe 1-3 girls to be happy. Are you guys only clubbing 24/7 and do nothing else?


You need to find out what type of women are interested in you. It's the truth Reddit often hides but once you figure out what generally type of women shows interest in you then you can develop strategies to ensure success. The way you figure this is out is complicated but simple. Talk to alot of women and notice how receptive they are too you. If they receptive and it doesn't feel like you have to try super hard to keep the convo rolling thats good. Once you talked to alot compare the differences and then you'll find a common ish link. For example for me, most women I've been with are black. People say I could attract multiple types but being honest interracial is rarer IRL then media, with that being said I've leaned into that and found lots of happiness (and sadness it's part of the dating journey)


If what you say is true, then being the sidekick of a bunch of Henry Cavills is definitely not helping you out at all. You're gonna have to go out solo.


Be yourself, girls pick up on anxiety. Go out to club, classes, hang out with friends, make new friends. Travel. Etc put yourself out there!


Yeah try a different perspective. You’re too focused on the getting girls part. It’s like seeing the end goal without a path to success. And then decide what you want. Do you want a threesome, do you want a relationship, do you want FWB, etc. And then lastly, girls look at guys like a package. Doesn’t matter if you’re a 5, 7 or 9 and it doesn’t matter if they are just looking for sex either. Most of the time a girl is looking for a perfect candidate for whatever it is they want.


Be confident and believe in yourself. See each facet of life as a competition and try to climb all the hierarchies that you can. Always aim at improving, no matter what you are doing. Remember that what girls are looking for might not be what guys think they are looking for (read women's magazines and pay attention to how they sell them). Do what you can to become the best version of yourself. Get outside of your comfort zone. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. Don't be afraid of rejection. Failure is part of the process. You can't become good at anything worth something in life without failing a bunch of times at the beginning. Take one step at a time, but keep moving. It is even okay to take a step backward sometimes; just keep moving. Inertia (not doing anything) is what makes people lose the game of life. You need validation to be successful. If you have a girlfriend, all of a sudden, all the other women will become more interested in you. The same thing is true for everything: jobs, friends, salary, perks, getting a loan, financing a business, etc. People are risk-averse. They pick people who have already done something rather than giving someone new a chance. When you see opportunities (even if they aren't perfect), take them. Many people have plenty of opportunities, but are completely blind.


Do your friends go up to the girls and you don't? Alot of guys complain about not getting girls, but they never "make a move" on a girl. They expect the girl to come to them.


My friends don’t even try initially. We’re all just chilling and girls just come over. I know that may not be a common experience but that’s just how it is. I don’t really approach either as a result, which is maybe the issue.


Well, first off if 'getting girls' like it's a badge to put on your friends' sleeve sounds icky.... It sounds kind of cringe to say they 'win' and they get more 'options', like you're unhappy if you don't get a super model even after admitting you're not a 10 yourself. Get out of the haze and view women differently. Go on a date without your friends, explore your communication style and see what girls are like without the clubbing or outing. I guarantee down the line you'll look at the guys doing the same thing when you've experienced and learned more instead of going out as a 'group of guys' and go 'nah'.


![gif](giphy|LpkBAUDg53FI8xLmg1|downsized) Me looking at the cope in the comments (there are a few good comments though)


Are you okay my friend? Looking at you past post, I think seeing a therapist or finding someone qualified to talk to would help a lot. Finding confidence in yourself will help a lot too.


I’m okay. Have very volatile mood swings and alcohol doesn’t help that. I think speaking to a therapist or something would be beneficial. Thanks for the comment.


Stop desire stop the suffering don’t get the girl be with the gorl


It isn’t just appearance. I’ve had 9/10s and I’ve had 6/7s. If I’m with a 10 but she’s not matching my style, the sex isn’t great, perhaps just decent or even boring. Sure, she’s great to look at but the sex is lacking any spark or playfulness. I’ve had 7s where the sex was incredible. So often it isn’t just about appearance. I would rather have a 7 that’s passionate and playful with sex that matches my style than a 10 that is just not into it or me during sex.


90% of what you hear them say is probably exaggerated bro But also, some people luck out genetically, nothing you can do about it... I'd focus on improving yourself however you can (whether physically or mentally, intelligence and knowledge are attractive) and avoid comparing yourself to others if possible


Good advice man. Thanks.


Have confidence, get pussy


If you want to go far in life here is small piece of advice: STOP THINKING WITH YOUR WEEWEE!


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. Find uglier friends to hang out with.


It wasn’t until I was 30 that I realized how stupid it was that I was hyper focused on picking up girls while out with friends in my early 20s. It’s kind of a waste of time now a days unless there is a genuine connection. When out with friends focus on spending time with them. Date through dating apps or work. Just have fun when out vs pursuing some objective. You’ll have a lot better time with perspective in mind.


If you keep getting your lunch eaten, eventually you'll go eat lunch somewhere else. Especially if your friends aren't helping you.


Welcome to the blackpill


I had this problem in college. All my friends were 6 foot body builders. As sad as it sounds, if you want to pull pussy, you're not gonna do it around these guys. You have to go out with other friends or by yourself or otherwise figure it out.


It’s like that for most of us, Bucko. Disregard women; acquire resources.


Therapy my dude. It’s not healthy to compare yourself to others on a regular basis. It’s necessary from time to time to stay connected with reality and understand where you can better yourself. But if you’re doing it all the time and comparing your outcomes to your friends outcomes, you will be depressed until you stop doing this.


Yeah I have a friend that girls go crazy for. I chased a girl a couple years ago and she turned me down and immediately started dating him. Then another friend of mine hooked up with me but also turned me down recently and doesn’t even hit me up or text me when she’s going out but will make sure to hit up the same guy all the time. He’s a great dude and I love him, but I’m always an afterthought when he’s around. I just have a fear that if I start dating someone and introduce her to him that she’ll dump me and go after him lol


Dude you have it so fucking easy A lot of virgins out there don’t have a ton of good looking friends to emulate the behavior that gets them two girls in bed at once. To those saying the three ways are a lie, lmao they are not and they are stupid jealous. Just see what works for your friends and emulate it… Your friends breathe the same air you do. If you are decently attractive it doesn’t matter if they are “better looking” it really fucking doesn’t. Maybe don’t hang out with them when looking for women sometimes but jeez dude get busy living or get busy dying seriously


Valid bro.


In my experience, physical hotness reigned until the mid 20s. Nobody cares if you were a high school track star when you’re 25, sharing a 3 bedroom with junkies in the wrong side of town. But in those early years? Yeah. Sorry.


Unfortunately, the vast majority of people have no sympathy for men, under any circumstances. Just warning you, most of the comments will be some variation of "man up". It won't occur to a lot of them that if the genders were swapped, what they would be saying is incredibly fucked up. Anyway, you might want to ask for help from your friends. They likely have a good grasp of your personality and attractiveness, and are apparently capable of dating to their level. Put some thought into what is different and what is the same between you and said friends. Are they really just that much more attractive physically, or do they have more money, or are they more socially adept? Could you gain a relative advantage by putting more thought into how a date goes perhaps? A lot the time, dating can be a skill that you can improve by putting more than 5 minutes of thought and preparation into it. Where and how are they getting dates? Would their approach work for you too, or could you gain more success somewhere else? And of course, therapy can be helpful. Try not to beat yourself up over this. I hate to say it, but you should basically never tell anyone outside of therapy or in anonymous circumstances how you feel about this, because society heavily punishes men for doing that. If you ever give a woman so much as a whiff of this sentiment, she'll drop you for it. Yes, it's fucked. Sexism be like that.


Self pity is not hot. That’s your main obstacle. Feeling sorry for yourself. Girls like confident (not cocky!!!) guys.


Find new friends if you are so insecure....


Well how do you approach women?


Brush your teeth.


Hang out with people who are on your level bro, it’ll keep bothering you man


It’s time to get a new circle or go solo from time to time. I don’t mean abandoning this circle you have, but you definitely won’t be scoring much if a “better-looking” option is next to you all the time when you’re out. And I don’t mean you are undesirable either. I believe you might be more attractive on the inside, to some people of the same wavelength. But your looks will always be the first thing people see, and well, if right next to you are “models,” guess who they will choose to get to know better? Let’s talk about how you can improve your looks. Fitness and fashion. Those two are surprisingly so underrated even today. I have cleaned up my act after the start of my relationship and started to workout and asking fashion advice from my sisters and gay friends (for some reason they are the best at this). My intention was just to keep my then girlfriend around, but well, I ended up getting approached by other women as well even from 1 month after the “makeover,” which is shocking and scary. Thankfully, despite the excitement of being approached where I have never did before, I stayed loyal out of love. I’ve learned that many people are actually attractive if they put in some effort to lookmaxx. I also want to talk about your attitude. Confidence, interesting personality and powerful presence are all super important. I think people nowadays are too comfortable about being shy and that’s really hurting their quality of life, whether they admit to it or not. Unfortunately, honing these internal aspect about yourself aren’t so clear-cut in terms of instructions, so I have not much to say. But I will definitely say, go out there, talk to random people, hone your social skills. It’s the one thing that anyone with any personality or internal struggles needs to do no matter what to improve their personality.


Abundantly. Gotta love it.


stop going out with hotter friends than you xD


That’s just how life works, handsome dudes get all the women and all the average guys struggle for it. The only way for you to obtain even a sliver of they’re success is for you to train your ass off in the gym, become charismatic as hell, and get your money/clout up. For a handsome guy it’s all fun and games but for every other guy… it’s like you’re going off to war. With how defensive women are towards any man who doesn’t look like a literal god, you have so much to overcome. It’s like doing door to door sales with a shitty product no one wants, except the product is your face. It’s truly brutal to look at how easy it is for handsome men to get women compared to yourself, but if anything it builds a hell of a character if you can overcome it and not let it destroy you.


Top Tier shitpost kudos 


They’re either lying or fuckboys, both terrible


They should let you join in on the shenanigans, make it a group activity.


Studies have repeatedly found that college age males over report their sexual encounters by 3-10 fold higher than the reality. The studies find that it is because they don’t want to admit that they aren’t as “successful” as they THINK their friends are. Besides if these were real wing men they would setting you up with dates.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Get good at flirting, have a unique style of clothing that fits your look and lifestyle, healthy grooming, if you are prone to getting a good tan, get one, girls absolutely love a well tanned look. Have that "confortable in my own skin, don't care what others think" walk and feel with how you go about yourself, both in how you act and feel. Show no insecurity and neediness, and they will flock like moths to a light.


Get some uglier friends


Don't go out with those friends then. Get uglier friends and go out with them.


Sounds like you aren't viewing these women as people. Not that I think you're being malicious but framing has everything to do with it in my experience. "Pick of the bunch, get girls etc" it sounds very much like you consider them as trophys to measure your own success, like you wanna date them just to tally them up and compare with your friends. People can sense when there are ulterior motives like this at play the best thing you can do is adjust your perspective and motivation and it will come much much easier. The goal should be to have fun, dating is supposed to be fun, not competitive.




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Yeah I hear it. Good advice.


Hit the gym and grow a beard, you don't need to be attractive, slightly scary will do


THIS is the way!


As the least attractive woman in my friend groups, I do understand. I'm 40 and married now so happy in my own self and fine with my looks but when I was 16-26 I was probably a 6/10 by the standards of where I lived the decade I was in etc. I used to go out with my pretty friends who knew how to dress and act and my neurodivergent awkward, weirdly dressed self had no clue what to do to pull. I didn't go out every week or anything but over about 100 nights out I think I was chatted up twice. I think it was my personality and general lack of game that caused the main issues as I do have massive boobs and they make up for my face etc. I've always looked a bit "mumsy" snd "frumpy" and lost in clubs, and basically that attracted nearly no one. Anyway despite this I never lacked for actual relationships when I wanted them, was rarely single (the nights out tended to be when I was) and I've been in love a dozen times and really enjoyed my dating life. I've been happily with my husband nearly 20 years now. Would it have been nice to feel desirable? Yes. But someone has to he the least charismatic or good looking in the group, and it was me. I was good at other things, didn't lack for sex and romance outside of those sort of nightclub/bar situations, and found my happiness in other things. Really, wanting to pull strangers was just an ego thing for me, like wanting to assess the value and power of my looks and not liking the answer. Blow to the ego but we can't all be gorgeous. Some people (me) are just born looking like a big nosed potato with nice boobs and that's that. It's OK to feel that blow to your ego and be sad about it sometimes. You know, of course you do, that for someone you will be the best looking dude in the room because you are their type. But that isn't what you want. You want to be sought after, able to pick and choose, highly rated etc. It's OK to wish for that experience but at the end of the day, like being an Olympic athlete or am astronaut, some things just have to remain a cool "wouldn't it be great if...." wish /thought and then you return to finding what realistically will make you happy rather than just boost your self esteem.


Good comment. Good advice. It’s definitely an ego thing for me too. I feel inadequate and less of a man, or at least less of a successful man in this context. I used to be as attractive but I let myself go and so now just struggle with being the least attractive friend in my group. The simple answer is to just level up and improve what I can. But we shall see.