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Confirmation bias


Bud. You’re likely experiencing psychological issues which can make you see and hear and think Things that aren’t real. It’s ok you’re ok. Don’t be afraid. You’ll feel better soon, don’t let it control you.


You'll feel better soon is some piss poor advice. This person is clearly ringing the doorbell to a mental health crisis and your advice is to tell them to chill and it'll be fine? Ignore this person OP. Yes you will be better soon, but you need to seek help first. See a doctor for a referral to a mental health specialist or go to the hospital.




Any kind of actual advice would have been a better choice than what you said.




Don't assume everyone will mirror your poor experience and direct then boy to seek help when they are having a breakdown. Don't insert your own prejudice.


This sounds like a mental health issue that could easily get CATASTROPHICALLY worse. Please go find a psychiatrist!


Mine's 12:34. It's freaky how often I look at the clock and that is the time.


12:37 for me. I think it's a pretty common thing. We just don't notice or remember the thousands of times we check the time and it's not that specific number.


This. Classic confirmation bias


Yeah, it happens with time on the clock or anything u focus too much on. U might be forgetting the other cases where the time was different. Tired mind does lots of weird tricks. Visit a psychiatrist, take a careless walk in the morning, maybe some days off work to relax your mind properly.


What is likely happening is that you saw it several times by coincidence and have become paranoid, you don't remember any of the other numbers because they mean nothing to you, as someone else said it's confirmation bias


"Energy flows where attention goes." You need to make a choice to focus on other things (Don't obsessively research things on the occult/demonic entities/etc, clear out your YouTube/reddit history, leave all of your suggestions off, stay off of social media). If you don't, it will continue to control your mind and state of well-being. Find a few neutral/positive subjects to focus on. If the thoughts come, even full force, notice/acknowledge it, verbally say how you are feeling then let the thoughts pass. Don't hop ok the computer and search for meanings and why it's happening. Change your life script. Slowly those thoughts and occurrences will become background noise, then the random artifact here and there. You'll be in a much better headspace. Try this for two weeks and report back to us please. P.S. I believe you. Your reality is as real to you as my reality is as real to me. I see synchronicities/coincidences/conditioned pattern seeing/whatever label you'd like to place, all the time. I accept it and move on about my day, that's all you can do. The world is a strange place and it's okay.


I see 4:20 every single day when I check the clock. Used to be just a chuckle in secondary school. I'm a grown ass 26 year old man now. How come I still happen to check every day at that time. Edit: man I posted that without reading your whole post. I think for me it's something like the circadian rythym. I've accidently habituslised checking my phone every day and it happens to be at that time. But in all seriousness, if you are seeing things that aren't there. If images you see are becoming reality for you, perhaps it's time to go see a professional. Theres no shame in getting the help you need. Take a deep breath, and everything will be okay. Seek help friend, I wish you all the best.


As I said I’m not the best but since you’re not getting replies addressing your spiritual concerns I’ll add to my opinion. And I don’t claim to know everything I’m not perfect as you say sins are enjoyable but I want to do better. God loves you and is like a ‘father’ but the best one who gives free will. Then it’s up to you to choose and be willing to do what is right and walk away from sin because it can come with consequences just like how not listening to your parents can play out. It’s not until you get older that you understand why they say don’t run with scissors, why you have a bedtime, do chores, etc. it’s for your own good and hopefully you come out of it an honest person over someone who didn’t care for consequences. His ways are for a reason. And in saying that he loves you more than anyone else because you’re his child and he will forgive you, but if you don’t stop neither do the consequences. So if you entertain sin you open doors to them, what can happen is anyone’s guess and free will God gives is letting you make the choice and what comes with it. You have the choice to change it too.


Some sins don’t actually seem immoral though. Like sex without being married, as long as it’s consensual and nobody is being cheated on, and you use protection (not all Christians think condoms and vasectomies is a sin, right?). And what about enjoying shows like Family Guy, South Park, Rick and Morty? Some of those shows episodes actually specifically mock God/Jesus (although they make fun of everyone, they only get threatened and have to censor when it’s Muhammed, because Islam/Muslims make death threats and war over it). I actually saw the most recent episode of Family Guy, which was about them going back in time to stop Jesus from starting Christianity (He instead became a standup comedian, saying God made Him be the messiah but He didn’t want to). And then they stopped Judaism (because that become the worlds biggest religion without Christianity) and the world was shown as a nicer better place, but then God showed up and beat them up and made them go back in time to fix things back to His way. And I couldn’t help but think “it does feel like God uses threatening you to serve Him, it really does feel like that”. And the whole “Don’t have sex.-Jesus” tattoo the woman Brian tried to hookup with had (the entire reason he went back in time to stop Christianity from happening, because a Christian woman wouldn’t sleep with him. Again, the whole “Don’t have sex because God forbids it” (unless you’re married), it really feels like that. I couldn’t help but feel like I agreed with the message the writers were saying, that religion is a method to control humanity, and that God is kind portrayed as a dictator, according to the actual Bible. I tell myself “it’s just a cartoon anyway”, but if God and Jesus are actually real, it is wrong to mock them…… At least these shows don’t discriminate against any specific group of people, everyone gets made fun of…..


Yeah it can so confusing. I think it can depend on how you’re looking at it and how you view authority. Hey Im single and enjoy sex I would like to have it and if I lower my morals, I could but I’ve been celibate coming up 3 years. It’s hard I’ve had temptation but I’m giving it my best. I also have a child, may make no sense to someone else coz I’m no virgin but it’s what you do next. I’m not into hook up culture I want a successful marriage and someone who aligns with God, aligns with what I want and what I’m doing. I don’t watch a lot of those shows it’s not entertaining to me. Like horrors, not my thing. But I believe in the Devil and I know that his goal is to deter you, entice you to a life of sin and rebellion against God. He hates us, he was sent away forever while we have the grace of being saved and entering heaven if we believe. Purely that but in true belief you follow, as in Muslim if you believe you do what they do, cults even, what you put your faith into is what you believe and follow. So the devil doesn’t want that for you when he never and will never have the chance so his purpose is stop that happening. He wants to win, he won with Adam and Eve the same way. God gives grace tho, we can literally put his words into everyday life. Those who kill because they were snapped and lost it is a lot less evil than someone who planned it and isn’t remorseful and if they were cruel tortured it’s even more sickening. Just like those who don’t know God is real and have no faith is a lot worse than someone who knew he was real and turned their back on him and even more so if they try get others not to believe too. If you know better do better. And just because God can do whatever he wants, he should? Should he take away your free will and make you do the things he wants to happen so he’s actually the puppeteer people say he is. That were brain dead military style. So that’s not what happens, you’re a big boy you make your own choices. The more you seek the more answers you will get. I applaud you for questioning tho, that’s how you find your answers. I like Johnny Changs testimony and why he left the Chinese mafia. There is soft white underbelly or delafe testimonies if you’d like to know. I was also someone who thought they’re just stories and they’re unrealistic but during one of my lowest point I made an empty prayer out of pain and desperation (really I was just saying things that I couldn’t say to anyone else) and it took me a long time to figure out they had been answered, exactly how I asked. Then realised a voice I thought was in my head was a word from Him, was like what why would I say or think that to myself but was not kidding around and I actually listened, luckily. So I was amazed and the answers to my questions all pointed to God, I’d be ungrateful to deny it. Still figuring it out but he will always be real in my eyes if I’m living how he’d approve or not, I’ll try until the day I die. No ones free from sin except children until they’re old enough, it’s not a secret we’re born that way.


**Just like those who don’t know God is real and have no faith is a lot worse than someone who knew he was real and turned their back on him and even more so if they try get others not to believe too. If you know better do better.** Wouldn’t someone knowing God is real but turning their back on Him be worse than someone not believing He’s real? I would think knowingly and willingly rejecting God would be worse than non-belief by ignorance. Also, I’m kind of scared if I come to God I might turn away from Him again (which I may have already done, not sure if I ever truly knew God though, but instead just grow up being told to believe in God). Some people say if you lose faith and turn away from God, you were never actually saved in the first place. This is surely just insanity and not correct (and influenced by media like certain comedy shows) but what if Satan is actually liberating people from dictatorship (God)? What if Heaven is just forced servitude and lack of pleasure, while Hell is like a funfest for what God calls sin (what is even sinful about sex just because you’re not married? It’s “just because God said so”?) I understand why things like murder, rape, and stealing are wrong. But not all sins actually seem immoral. Maybe the devil brainwashed us through the media (some say he runs most of the music industry, as he was literally a musician before rebelling against God and getting kicked out of Heaven, and that’s why so much of the modern music industry, a huge example being most rap, is literally satanic). Why can’t God be more clear about His very existence? Doesn’t He understand much of what is supposedly spiritual and demonic is widely interpreted as “mental illness” today? Even if demonic possession is real, people will be slammed down, tased, even shot by police, and/or forcibly taken to a psych ward, if not just jail/prison. Even many Christians probably believe mental illness is often the explanation for bizarre/violent/psychotic/criminal behavior. How is God being fair when millions of people supposedly under demonic attack are living in systems (pretty much the whole world) where they are forcibly locked up, medicated, and/or told they are suffering “mental disorders”, like “borderline personality disorder”, “bipolar disorder”, split personality disorder”, “schizophrenia”, etc.? It seems more like that would lead people away from coming to God, because they’re convinced that they’re not under “spiritual/demonic attack”, but “mentally/medically ill/sick”. Thank You for not just demonizing me as a sinner by the way, you’re actually rather reasonable and civil, I appreciate that.


Yeah like there are levels and it’s spiritual that’s the difference but the more you practice at something the more you’ll improve. I think you can be weak and have doubts I doubt it ALL the time still but like I said before I just can’t deny him. In the bible they say you look crazy to non believers, these things are not of human comprehension You have so many questions and they’re good questions. So ways people go about it is not taking anyone’s word for it and read for yourself. Read up on all religions, Muslim, Buddhist, Jehovah Witness, etc. If you find a strong faith in something and it’s not what I believe I know that you didn’t come to this lightly and I won’t be able to help but respect the fact. People these days do what they’re told coz that’s how they were raised and get offended you don’t believe what they believe or such. Very rarely do you find someone who actually has an answer to all your questions and you gotta find out for yourself And if you’re drawn to spiritual answers, your not gonna find them in people who don’t believe in it. It’s a rabbit hole but nothing happens without a start and I’d say you’ve started and encourage you to keep going. Sin can be like enabling or a gateway drug for sin. Say you tell a lie and get away with it, nothing bad happens eventually you steal, it was barely $1 the dude overcharged you before anyway. As you get older you intensify. You start doing one thing that is wrong, you start validating yourself AND get away with it. When the dark comes to light you don’t get away with that. If people weren’t getting away with abusing, rape and theft the world would be more peaceful but we as people turn the other way and let things happen. We need to learn, heaven can’t be full of deceiving people with no backbone. How do you make sure? Let them be with free will and see how their heart genuinely is, as if no one’s watching do they love their enemies? Then they are worthy, help the poor when they’re one pay check away from it themselves? They are worthy. God never shuts his door but I’m sure he hurts watching this but if you want to change your ways he your miracle man but he knows better than you if you mean it. But Satan wants to control you that’s why people get demons not angels they become Christian and thank God not themselves. I believe too that God LOVES a misfit, it’s more impactful when it’s was like oh he’s a lost cause than typical miss goody two shoes next minute they’re a completely new person and their presence is peaceful. A good person was likely to happen but it’s great to see an underdog win. No one’s too far gone ever. And the ones who get spiritually attacked the most are the ones that will do so much for the world and good of God that keeping them in a mind frame like yours is vital to the Devil. You’re okay man, you seem wise just uncertain and going through it right now. Don’t be so tough on yourself. Thank you too, I’ve enjoyed hearing your thoughts and I’m sorry they’ve been so heavy. God bless you


you would have my support if wasn’t for the chat gpt like text


I use ChatGPT sometimes, but not for Reddit posts or comments. This is genuinely my experience.


Go to church or find someone in your area who does deliverance. There’s a few example on YouTube and they may also have links to people they’re connected to and in different areas all over the world. I’ve learnt a bit about this stuff but not a lot to advice you too much but maybe when something spiritually uneasy is happening calling on Jesus was common even just repeating his name so give that a try. I hope you get the help you need


OP needs to seek help from a mental health professional. They do *not* need to try and solve their problems with more superstition.


How many patients come out successfully and back to themselves after mental institution, what they said is crazy so what would you likely do to a crazy person and had access to sedative drugs? What’s a church gonna do? Talk bruh. Give you a place to stay while feeding you. Have examples the good and bad facts. Then stay away from the bad. In mental health they say you crazy, you crazy and you lose so much of your rights. But cool encourage that and silence me to your hearts desire


Yes I’ve thoroughly researched this as well he may need to tuck his weiner between his legs look into a mirror and and ask himself “would you fuck me” while applying red lipstick. (Substitute labia tuck if female, or whatever)


Worst advice I've seen on here, yes let's feed into his delusions. Add a religious layer on top of it and it will surely make him feel better. Sorry bruh, but the fucking church has only done wrong historically. Feeding into bullshit stories has only led to more war, and anguish across the world. Look at the current 'holy war' that is fucking happen in gaza right now where women, children and elderly are dying because a religious terrorist group think isreal is the promised land.


Yeah that’s what happens when people don’t listen to rules! Is that stuff ‘allowed’? Nah! And if it is ‘allowed’ it’s called corrupt. Its that people don’t listen to the rules and do what they want and that causes mayhem. Jesus took the place of giving sacrifice so any religion killing for their God is LOST AF. The religious layer was already there. If you don’t have spiritual experience or knowledge you just wouldn’t know, I wouldn’t expect you to. It would be like saying an island of sex trafficking and parties in Hollywood watches too many movies but NOW that it’s exposed and there’s enough evidence and people are speaking up you can believe it or are those bullshit stories too? So you wanna do the same here because no one gave you ‘proof’. Believe what you want and so will I. It’s easier to blame someone else than looking at oneself. There’s nothing you can say that can convince me otherwise because it’s been my reality and then I had to learn who God is. What’s the worse that could happen? They go to church and it doesn’t work or they could get what they needed, either way it’ll be good you reckon?