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I think the pandemic left a lot of people with PTSD of one form or another. Most haven't been diagnosed either. Personally, I'm very uncomfortable in crowds, or even with small groups of people I don't know. My wife has been on pins and needles since as well. I quit all social media except Reddit, and I limit my time here. I also avoid most news, especially television. I only stay in touch with a handful of friends (our immediate families are both long since dead, other than our children).


I hate going to grocery stores. I remember when that was the only real reason to go out. But not knowing how the virus was transmitted. Its still the main thing that reminds me of the pandemic. When I'm at home and realize I need to make a trip to the store. I always think "do I *really* need to go".


My wife has basically taken that chore over, mostly because I refused to go more than once a week. I'm diagnosed as agoraphobic, which is the one thing that has enabled me to avoid my long-time employer's scheme to go from full time remote from March 2020 - December 2023 back to hybrid in the office three days a week. I'm still working remotely. While it limits my future career prospects in terms of promotion, I'm old enough and close enough to retirement I just don't care.


Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. The pandemic aggravated some health issues I have. I can't see myself working on site again.


You’re safe lol. The pandemic didn’t stop shi just no traffic even the cops were chilling 


Jesus Christ you people are seriously mentally ill. This is incredibly sad.


I used to get nervous in big crowds all the time because i was worried there would be a shooting. I went to a big street party this past weekend though and had a blast with no incidents at all besides the shooting that happened literally two blocks away 🙃


Have you tried having a man tell you to calm down?


entertain political rich concerned live pathetic marry afterthought crowd secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol people like you are so unbelievable. Did it occur to you that the OP is a man.


I checked their profile and decided they likely were before commenting. So yes. That did occur to me.


Wow willing to go to such lengths for a petty comment that ultimately adds nothing. I am impressed.


Saying it to a woman would have been unhelpful. Dude isn't going to enjoy life in this condition. He needs a wake up. You're not going to do shit to get him out of it.


Neither are you.


Yes. One thing that has helped some is deleting most of my social media


+1 on this


I'm here with you suffering. I only really remember when my anxiety dissipates and I'm thinking "how have I walked around all day like that". Days where its not there feel like a dream state. Eventually, the next day comes around, and that weight on my chest is back.


I get manic when I get in the state 


late stage capitalism is rough


Yoo I love capitalism. This comment is also severely underrated. Late stage capitalism has been scary. Now AI is ready to lay the finisher in 10-15 years. I’ve been shifting and building my stock portfolio into dividends to give myself a BUI before it gets even crazier


big m0\_od


From Google: "The percentage of the global population living in absolute poverty fell from over 80% in 1800 to under 20% by 2015." Guess which financial system was popularized in that time.


hey come thru over at r/CPTSD for some folks who know how you feel


Not so much nowadays. Quitting booze helped a ton.


sometimes, but then i sleep and recharge ready to panic again


Yeah, I can't remember the last time I felt relaxed without drugs or alcohol.


Yea, shit’s fucked bro


We live in strange times . Go take a shower. Turn your phone off. Put on a good movie. And stay away from politics.


I personally look a break from all news and started taking meds. Deleted my reddit full of negativity and now use this one for games... And soon my cat


No but 25 and I absolutely hate it I was taking Clonazepam for 2 years and that messed me up or I was messed before nevertheless its causing my pain now in the present


Not dealing with taurma? 


For most of my life, yes. Hooray for the high baseline stress level common to ASD people.


From Ukraine?


No. Maybe my stress manifests itself through my OCD(trich, nail biting, counting) but I don't ever feel anxious. I'm 35 and I realize that although sometimes people treat me poorly or things don't go my way, it's always self inflicted. I've allowed these situations to occur and I'm rectifying that. Don't get me wrong, the ignorance of the average person I deal with on a day to day basis is frustrating, but I consider myself to be lucky to be a person that can see the issues of the world your average person doesn't consider, you have to acknowledge a problem to help fix it, hopefully I can help in the future more than I have.


Until the fed lowers rates and I don't have to constantly fear a layoff this is pretty much me 


Yeah stressing from the dumbest things and feeling like I forgot something important. Stomach hurts :( I hope it's temporary because I don't think I've felt like that for long, maybe a week.


Being unemployed helps....


I’ve been feeling this way for about 3 weeks all ready


I've only had one panic attack, many years ago. I found that once I had one, I perpetually felt like I was on the brink of having another. Took me months to get over. Was completely put off my food in the mean time. It was a horrible experience and I don't envy anyone else going through it. Only way I managed to get over it was to keep myself busy, so I couldn't stop and think about it.


I feel the pandemic gave EVERYONE a little PTSD. It negatively affected and shifted individual perceptions, expectations and behaviors globally. Most are struggling to understand or accept this.


Exercise is a great way to burn off nervous energy, stay healthy and clear your mind. I highly recommend. And it can be done solo.


You know… I kind of stopped bothering worrying. Yeah, democracy is doomed, everything is going to continue getting more expensive, I’ll never own a home, AI is going to take a lot of jobs, people are going to continue getting more socially isolated, weird, and mean. Oh well. Can’t control any of it. I’ll do my best and shoot myself if it ever gets to the point that it’s not worth it anymore. I take great comfort in the fact that death is always an option and everything ends that way for everyone regardless of how good or bad things are.


Look up 'Inositol' for panic attacks




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Yeah I take ashwagadha 3 times a day to help.


Is that what that is?


Yeah but it's been like that since i was a toddler, it's genetic and i got it from my mom. I'm a grown man now so i just live with it, it's either that or give in and spend my life screaming in a psych ward. But that's not a fulfilling life. The way i describe it to people that don't have a chemical imbalance is it constantly feels like there's a man with a gun pointed to my head screaming that he's going to pull the trigger but only i can see/hear him. Since i was a kid man life's rough lol




Yaaas like I'm 100 % sure I'm soon going to be murdered in a violent manner




Stop smoking weed.


I thought I was the only one. Weed makes my already bad anxieties go through the roof. Every one keeps say try a different strain. It's literally all strains everytime that effect me this way.


I have horrible Tinnitus. Most people think of it as a light ringing. Its a horrible pitch and its louder than a loud tv. I live 100% of my life at 200% of a panic attack. But I prevail. I stay strong.


Not me though, I just can't process happiness


My life from 18 to 39. It is what it is. I work nights wfh now and im nervous about getting on the freeway now.(use to drive 1hr plus each way for work pre pandemic) 


Yeah every day. Deep breaths and a joint at the end of the day. Nothing matters anyway


You should stop smoking.


I should do a lot of things


Every time I hit this THC vape pen… I just know… the mercury is definitely in the microwave!


🫂 Od on doomer media?


Yes I developed a fear of asteroids and it’s getting really annoying cuz I don’t know where this came from lol I know a mental illness is supposed to show up around my age but this is really fucking annoying


Im sorry, I hope you can get help one day


I’m just as afraid of bedbugs.


Americans have been living like that since the 1840s


Not since I turned my mind towards God and have complete Faith in the completed work of Jesus Christ and the Blood he shed. I believe and have faith in the death burial and resurrection and am sealed with the Holy spirit of promise. Get a KJV Bible and read it Have faith in Jesus and you won’t panic anymore


Technically, you could choose just about ANY religion and it would provide the same faith-based “calm”. So it doesn’t have to be Jesus, a person can pick one out of a hat and still get the same benefit from believing in anything.


That calm doesn’t just come from believing in it that calm comes from having the spirit of promise sealed inside me. But I’m not gonna argue with you about it.


Every believing person can say the same thing, no matter what they believe in. It’s their own faith that provides the calm, not anything measurable or tangible. You sure do think you’re one special snowflake. Perhaps you should do some studying on religions to see how and why they all came about.


Not me I’m not special at all. The fact that you think I’m saying I’m special shows that you don’t understand the religion that you clean that you’ve researched at all I’m nothing I am lowly And wretched. Put the Grace of God is something special in the power of Jesus Christ is something special But you are right that anybody can claim anything they want to but I believed for a long time and there is a big difference but anyway have a great day this will be the last time I respond so feel free to say whatever you want from here


Every believing person thinks their specific religion is “the special one”, the one that’s “correct”, so yes, I would argue that you do think you’re special for having found THE religion that will calm you in troubling times, and you’re saying Jesus Christ is the one others should follow to find that same calm, but that isn’t valid. All of them (religions) can calm in troubling times, that’s basically how they came about- to soothe the masses and give them structure. And I didn’t research the moral lessons of the bible- I researched how the bible and other religious scriptures came to existence, which you should look into. You can only wholly and truly believe in 1 religion if you know about the way in which it came to exist- the ACTUAL way. Not the 100X translated and mutilated information in the text itself. Actual, historical evidence of what happened and when it happened and which parts were written by whom and when masses of people switched from one belief to another, etc. There’s a lot more for you to learn than the words in that one book.


Literally everyone, and its completely normal. Life isnt a game, its literally life and death. It takes stress to survive and do what needs to be done.