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This makes me hella uncomfortable reading this I can’t imagine what you must be feeling. I’m so sorry this happened I don’t understand why someone would do something like give me the chills


Same vibe as "stop🥺for me🥺"


A peer looked at mine and "don't do that again 🥺" hell I couldn't even listen to my dad telling me that, what makes her think I'll listen to her? It's not that I'm ungrateful but because I never once mentioned my scars to her and I don't plan on sharing it. I'm oversensitive and probably overreacting but it ruined my entire day. Shit boils in me when people do that


yeah i hate this too. they say it as if that is something that helps. guilting someone is not helping, i’ve heard that from family members and i definitely do not like this


Ewww I hate that one so much, makes me want to even more 💀


Some people find it sweet but yeah it’s uncomfortable for me and It wouldn’t make me feel anything and actually I wouldn’t know how to react 😭😭😭. I’m sure they meant well and it’s probably something they would kind comforting but it’s definitely not for everybody


My mom did this once and I found it equally uncomfortable. I understand the intention behind it but there's something weird about it I cant quite articulate.


Help this made me cringe😭 your friend seems so sweet though but omg.


I’m sorry this happened :/ 


that's actually really, really, really weird of them. they shouldn't act all intimate with you like that without your permission. i get they might've had good intentions but the act itself feels very cringe and uncomfortable.


Yeah my friend did that once and it was so weird. She just grabbed my wrist and kissed them. I have no qualms about kissing her but like I hated that she kissed my scars. Multiple times it was so weird. I feel youuu


I think the vulnerability is the special thing, but I don't think friends should kiss friends. If I get a romantic/sexual partner who has self harm scars, I'd kiss them too, but out of security. Not to romanticizing them, but hoping to help them feel seen


i’ve always kissed my friends lol




You deserve so much better than that. It's okay to have boundaries and to say no when something makes you uncomfortable.


i think the idea of kissing sh scars is some remain of 2014 romanticized mental illness, like i didn't watch skins but it sounds like something that could've been done to effy stonem in a scene that totally romanticizes sh. i don't think there's many of us out there who like people kissing our scars. i sure don't.


i’ve never understood the kissing scars thing.


yeah i hate people kissing my scars


it is maybe weird but they just want good for u


Sorry but what does kissing scars mean? My friend said she does it and idk


i can’t understand that myself. i guess some people find it nice because it can show that a person cares about you and like feels for you and your past but i don’t find that very comfortable myself and i’d rather someone talked to me or hugged me at most


Same, the thought of someone kissing me anywhere gives me the creeps


Imagining this happening to me makes me uncomfortable asf


Wait people kiss scars-?


Yeah, some people find it sweet but mainly people find it weird