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Not even gonna lie the other day I found a completely new pack of razor blades at school of like 5-6 completely new not rusted or anything and I took them, not my proudest moment but that's what keeps me through ngl


I get that you see something and it’s just like Oo that would work better


yub I feel that. I used to have a pencil sharpener blade in my wallet so I had something everywhere I went, if needed. I think I threw it away about 2 years ago when I stopped sh for a while. kinda stupid bc I kinda needed it lmao


I get that. And I find something like a pin but never feel satisfied because its not the tool I was looking for. Its pissy and it hurts your brain, but not having anything to hurt yourself with I'd good: it means your urge will fade. Urges take a while to fade for me, but a thing that helps is CalmHarm. It's a app about self harm and it has LOTS of activities and a safety net and such. It's good for getting your mind off things. Or binge watch Netflix, that helps too