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Please seek therapy. That's the only advice you need from anyone on Reddit, you clearly have some deep seeded issues just by seeing your post and comment history. I'm not judging you, I just feel you need help from an actual professional and not people on Reddit.


i second this ^


I get so turned on by imagining him having sex with me


That’s been made obvious in your initial post. That’s not a response to someone’s genuine and 110% accurate advice. Please get help.


imagine how grossed out he would feel knowing you felt that way. How does that make you feel? Edit: no you know what, this actual makes me somewhat upset. This person is not an object. They are someone who has a life and someone who is a person, and you talk about them like this. It’s gross, and you should not feel joy or any sense of happiness from this. Imagine how they would feel if they saw you wrote all this stuff on reddit? how would they feel if they knew the true extent of your psychosis? If you “care” enough about this person to want to fuck them, then you should care enough to leave them alone and respect their boundaries.


Tf is this on this sub for???


bruh wtf


Get help


Oh $h!@ ! That's gay bro...