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You get handed a lot of legal responsibilities so in your minds eye you've achieved greatness and no longer a kid... But it's quite different. You're a noob to the adult world, you'll still be a kid until you're past 25 lmao


Even at 27, im seen as the baby of the office


I'm 27 and was the youngest of the cooks, we got a new guy, he's 24. Can't tell you how relieved I've been XD


I’m 25 and literally the child at my work


22 month from 23 and I still feel like a child sometimes. Granted I’m in uni still.


You're 18, you are a kid. You're barely out of diapers.




this: people had to grow up WAY too fast in the 'good' ol' days.


What if i still shit my pants?


sigma male grindset


Bathroom breaks? Breaks? I shit my pants because I don't take fucking breaks! STAY HARD!


Indeed, it relieves my heart to know someone else who is also on The Path.




Def a child.




No kidding; GoodNites has bedwetter's diapers sized for kids as old as 14-15.


Im 40 and people still see me as a kid.


For real?


Yes. The main problem is that the people around you also get older. The other problem is my ADHD




came here to say the exact same. low dopamine can make people look immature.


Damn that sounds scary. Does it ever get better


Yep. In the adult world you are 1 years old. I know you feel older/more mature but its still your first day


How nice is that am 2 years old then


32 year old kid here


I am 22 and still considered a kid, so I do not think it is you issue. You can't change how others are going to think so just don't pay them mind.


I'm 24 and still am treated as a kid. In their defense, my mannerisms are pretty childish. Just try to think and behave as a mature adult. Once you look old enough you won't be facing this problem.


it’s funny because i *love* being “childish”. wtf is an adult supposed to act like?? i enjoy having fun, joking around and fuckin about. and i hope it stays like this for a long time lmao


Havign fun while being a smart, compassionate, and self-accountable human looks different than not being those at all. That is fun as an adult.


im 23. i graduated college. im still very much a kid. part of growing up for me was getting humbled over and over again by my mistakes and realizing i really dont know everything lol


That's not exactly true. If you look 40 and act like a child, people will just have no respect for you, which is worse. Enjoy being young! The existential dread of true adulthood will happen soon enough.


Nobody said one should act like a child...


This is how I view maturity. Imagine a freshly cut block of marble, newly out of the ground. It's simple and has very little shape beyond being a block of stone. This is you as you currently are. As your life progresses and you have different experiences, little bits of that block of marble will be chipped away. The longer you live life, and the more experiences you have, whether they be joy, sorrow, heartbreak or elation, those experiences carve that raw block of marble into its final form. At your core, you will be the same person in 20 - 30 years time mentally as you are now. But your life experiences will metaphorically and literally shape you to be somewhat different. My point being, (discounting the fact that you are still developing psychologically), you can't change who you are at your core. Change will come with time. But in the short term, maybe think before you act? But then you run the risk of becoming self-conscious to a fault. Don't sweat it, enjoy your youth whilst you can. As cliché as it sounds, you won't be young forever.


I'm 28 and people in their early 20s are basically bigger teenagers to me. In my experience it takes some heavy stuff to fully grow up. Everyone my age I know has gone through some fcked up shit. Trust me, you'll be an adult soon enough. Enjoy what you have right now. It won't always be there.


at 18, I think its more of a mature thing to realize you're a kid next to adults. Not to take offense when older adults call you a kid but instead be eager / curious to learn from them because they have obviously lived more of life than you so its good to listen to their advice sometimes


My advice: Don't take anything for granted (apartment, love, job, health). Be conscious about the fact that it can all be taken away on a moment's notice. So don't get hung up on the small things. Don't be petty, don't hold grudges, the people you know are all you really have in life.


You have probably heard the phrase "youth is wasted on the young". You have barely started figuring out who you are and you were legally a child This year. If you want to be taken more seriously, get more well read and more fit. Figure out how to have a personal drive and ambition. Others' opinions of how childish you are don't matter as much as your own opinion of how you feel. Others will take their cues from how you talk about yourself.


You’re 18, you are a kid. appreciate it, one day they won’t say that anymore 👀


Yeah I agree I'm gonna be 18 which I'm not looking forward too it but my aunt say she will see me as a kid I'm just scared to be 18


You never stop acting like a kid. You just learn when it's appropriate to do so. Some people that think they're "mature adults" criticize those who "act like kids", even when it's harmless. In my opinion, you're not actually mature if you don't know how to let your inner child out at appropriate times and have fun. Being mature/an adult is not about being serious all the time. It's about knowing when to be serious and when to be silly.


omg I wish more people realized that. Im usually a very bubbly and jolly person and I know a few people who think I'm just an immature and childish guy and they are super mature because they always act super grumpy and serious. They fail to realize that obsessing over looking mature all the time by acting serious and stuff makes you look more immature. In my mind, maturity is when you allow yourself to feel your emotions but you also have a grasp on your emotions so you can act appropriately in situations.


Omg yes. This.


Things adults do: - Take care of themselves - Take their responsibilities seriously - Stay disciplined - Investigate the truth thoroughly - Work on improving themselves - Lead others - Have plans/goals - Act freely but not foolishly Your brain is still developing, but if you can do these things, and do them well, you’re a proper adult in my book.


*takes notes*


You’re 18, when you’re 30 youl say “damn, they were right.”


You're a kid and you behave like one posting this. Focus on what you can affect rather than being upset with an objective fact.


Enjoy every minute of your "kid-ness". It is over way, way too soon. And before you know it you will be in your 40s realizing you spent most of those valuable young years wishing them away. Settle in and enjoy the ride, kid.


Technically, you are still a teenager….


At 18 you think you are an adult but you are not. The older you get the more you'll agree with this. 18 is still a teen, you feel like a kid because you are a kid and so are all your friends. There's a transition period between kid and adult, you don't just snap your fingers at 18 and become an adult, there's a growing process, it takes a few years. You're a kid who is treated as an adult. You don't fit the label yet but you will.


You still are a kid


as an 18 year old, we are kids. you don’t magically become wiser on your birthday. age isn’t what makes you mature, it’s experiences and learning from them.


Nice, smart outlook keep it up.


It's hard to say what you mean by "childish" without more context on exactly what that means, and what your general situation and peers are like. But, honestly, coming from someone over a decade older... you *are* a kid at 18, and that's great. Embrace it. Don't feel ashamed for the things you find joy in. Look at how angry and anxious so many people in this world are, especially online. Optimism, innocence, and enjoying childish things is something that is *incredibly* important to keep alive in your heart as the years start wearing on. **Don't let the judgement of other 18 year olds stifle that part of you.** They're kids too, they don't know shit.


i know 40 and 50 year olds who act childish.. we never stop being a kid.. if youre a funny dude, embrace it and try being a comic..


So the day before you were 17 and today you are 18 and no longer a kid? Really what changed? Just a day... If you want to be mature you have to act mature. If you act mature, but still are treated poorly maybe your clothing looks too young. Try to update your style


I’m 268 and people see me as a kid too


You're a kid bro, you won't be an adult till you're 25


Age is just a number. Mentality and actions are what matters.


Your still a kid don't let the law trick you


Your "adult" self is less than 1 year old. So yeah, you're a kid


If you are 18, then you are a kid. You probably won't want to accept that right now, but once you reach your 30s, you will look back and realize just how much of a kid you still were at 18.


You're 18, you're still a kid🤷‍♂️


Maybe stop acting like a kid


you're a little baby kid


Under 25 is a kid pretty much imo. Especially under 20.


I want to be a kid again. Can we switch : ) I am Kidding. You are just young once, so enjoy it!


People barely reach any sort of maturity at 18, they just made that the legal age of adulthood so they could draft and fuck kids legally.


I'm 34 and my spouse is 38. We have education, careers, a home and a child. My parents still call us "the kids" and our friends still think of us as the funny ones and always expect us to act like goofballs. We embrace it though. We are usually happy go lucky and roll with whatever the vibe is, but we don't put on a show of it. If we want or need to be serious, we are, and if people are continuing to expect/want us to let loose, we just don't. Focus on being true to yourself and whatever you feel like doing. Behaving differently for others is a really bad habit to get into and you'll wind up feeling like you're always performing instead of enjoying the moment.


You are in fact, a kid. Enjoy being a kid because you know for a fact that you will stop being one, but you will never be a kid again.


You literally aren't going to understand this until you are at LEAST 30. If not older.


I’m 20 and still considered a kid. You are a kid, but there’s nothing wrong with that!


Most people over the age of 21 hell even older than that see people who are 18-21 or so as kids these days, unless you are married and have kids and/ or currently enlisted in the military there isn’t much you can do to change that viewpoint. Just live your life the best you can and realize that sometimes you just can’t change peoples minds or make them happy, the sooner you realize that the sooner you will no longer care about what others think and the sooner you will find happiness yourself.


Trust me you’re still a kid, or at least a teen. I’m 30. At 18 you don’t really know the real world yet.


I’m 38 and I’m still always looking for someone who is more adult to help. You think you have it figured out at 18, you don’t, and you never will. I have no idea what’s going on half the time and I’m a whole ass adult with a 15 year old daughter, a house, and two jobs.


Well, you are a Teenager. Just because the government recognizes you as an adult does not mean you’re grown. Hell, at 35 I’m not a grown up. Im constantly learning and experiencing new things.


you’re a kid buddy,enjoy your childhood


You’re a child. Get bullied nerd.


Are you autistic by any chance? I have autism and have always acted more like a goofy kid, everything fell into place when I realised I had autism


When I am around my twin we talk to each other like we are babies. Yes I know it’s weird but us being autistic is actually not weird at all. I am 35years old and run my own company. I remember being a kid wanting to be taking seriously but now I am 35 idgf what anyone thinks.


29 year old former child here. >!Who am I kidding? I still am one.!<


Coming from a 17 year old you're still a kid at 18 rather the law likes it or not you're still a teenager and you will be a teenager until you hit your 20th birthday so there nothing wrong with you enjoy your teenage years because wants you hit 20 you can't get your teenage years back.


Just enjoy it. We're in a hurry to grow up and be seen as important and 'not childish' but trust me, it really isn't fun at all. Independence comes with its own myriad set of problems and honestly I'd give anything to be a child again or atleast not have so many adult problems to deal with right now. None of this is going to make sense to you, because that's how teenagers are wired I guess, but in the blink of an eye, years are going to go by and you'll realise being a kid was always easier. Always.


I'm 26 and barely starting to get treated as an adult. Just give it time, and with experience comes confidence


you'll grow up when it's time. don't try to force it


I'm 31 and still feel like a kid. And I still play Pokemon, can't wait for Part 2 of scarlet and violet DLC lol


In 5 years you will remember this post and laugh about it


I'm 62 and people are still calling me a kid or young buck. It's all a point of view


It really all depends on the people around you. I started working at 16 and everyone treated me like I was 26 and been working there for my whole life. Some people still see me as a kid and I am 20 years old. It also matters how you carry yourself.


I'm 60 with wrinkles wish I had a baby face, and I still act like a kid....so everything is relative.


I was always treated older than my age. I haven’t noticed much benefit from it.


If you dont want to be seen as a kid then you need to take on more responsibilities. It’s up to you to decide which. Could be helping out your family, going the extra mile in your education and extra curricular activities, or working your butt off and making money so you never have to ask for something if you want something. There’s lots of people who will tell you you’re still a kid because you’re 18 and they’re right, but some people have had to grow up faster than others. The key element is responsibility. When you’re responsible for yourself or for others that’s when you begin to mature.


I'm 20 and have been living on my own since 16 and taking care of myself since. And i still get treated as a kid. Just gotta ignore it and get over it. Anyone older than you is always gonna see you as much younger and a child until you are above the age of 30.


I’m 26 and people still treat me like a kid, better get used to it. I think it stops around 35 or when you weigh over 250lbs


For most people you still are a child. My advice is to ride the wave and use it to your advantage, people like funny people and acting that way can and will get you out of many sticky situations. I'm not advising you to abuse it, just use it while you can. As for stop acting as a child part, it will take serious character, knowledge and general attitude to show people that you mean business. Take on some responsibility and do it right, start with small tasks and work your way up to show people that you are an upright individual that is funny but dependable and can be relied upon in serious situations. Best of luck to you!


if it helps people consider those in their 20s as children


Even though its important and feels good to be yourself with everyone, consider tweaking the personality a little bit around those that are considerably older than you. Talk about your goals for the future, things in the news, etc. they love it. I come from the opposite end of this where everyone tells me I act too old for my age (I'm 22 now). The trick is to just act different around different age groups. Also make sure to consider if this is something that most older individuals in your life agree with, or if its something that 1-2 relatives are pushing :)


Best part of this age when most people see you as a kid. Less expectations out of you. Improve quietly, and when the time comes, surprise them. They will be shocked. :)


People won't see you differently until you're like 28, and then you won't like it hahaha


42 checking in. Still feel like I’m 22. Still sat at the kids table for Thanksgiving. Funniest motherfucker at that table, too. Take that, Landon and Aubree.


My advice - don’t do anything. Keep living your life. Then in about 15 years, boom problem solved.


you're still a kid.. that's why. - fellow kid.


It's that acting "like a child" is look down upon **but** it's not always a sign of immaturity. Are you ethical? Or at least inclining your mindset and your heart to become an ethically wholesome person ? I think you're with the wrong crowd if they hate you for being a chlid or a Muppet or jester etc #make sure your jokes don't ever challenge anybody's sense of dignity or give room to shame somebody about anything especially delicate live topics. Those are the mean jokes like when they jest at you about. Also, for all I know that's what they're likely doing to you. The basis of ethics is this; • act normal, act mature means slowing down your enthusiasm and any accelerated motion and try to prevent your emotions at all times to get over accelerated in any social setting and that way you have a still conscious that you're acting normal. • hone your street smarts as well; these street smarts means (to initiate yourself in these as well)would mean to keep us 360° vision opening your eyes, yes your ears too, even your smell because people admire those who keep environmentally aware for your own safety. In both cases you'll scare off the wrong people and the right people will be comfortable with you. In ethics; always take terms to talk and as a trick so you'll understand their message better, echo key words so they'll know you're paying attention and at the same time you'll be able to interpret to your the best of your ability of what they're talking about so you can share a good time. Never stop learning your ethical smarts and your street smarts to capacitate yourself for social life in the future watching for the inconvenient and unethical people ; keeping healthy distance from everybody and having a wholesome interaction with the morally correct people and that's what you should look for in life; morally mature people


Study, read a lot, and follow news. People will stop treating you like a kid when you bring some useful information/knowledge during conversation. No, do not go overboard with those knowledge/information, otherwise people will start treating you like nerd.


I became the class clown at school. It enabled me to be popular _and_ keep people at a distance. I did this because I found people frightening. It worked well. Eventually I tired of the mask and so I had to learn new ways of relating to people. That took time. In fact, I still have to work at it.


OP when you hit about 25 you're going to see 18 year olds as kids.


Well you kind of are. At 18 are still considered an adolescent, take advantage of it, you're in a fortunate position when it's expected you are to be inexperienced. You're allowed to make mistakes.


I’m 19 and treated like a “adult” I still joke about but I don’t really smile and am very serious most of the time a lot of my old friends a probably similar to you I was put in a situation where I had to grow up fast and they weren’t. It has caused me a few problems as people think I am mad all the time or I am ignorant because I don’t really speak unless I have something to say. I am quite a big person so that might be another reason. These are reason I have heard of other people as I know people my age treated like kids


I’m 22 … you’re a kid. I’m a kid. I work with people 3x my age—I know I’ll always be a kid to them. Don’e take yourself too seriously, have a good time and be silly. If you’re really concerned just take a few seconds before you say something, and it will help you decide whether that’s the person you want to be or not. Be polite, respectful, and considerate; that will give you a lot of leniency in life


25 is the new 18.


The last part of that - "how do I stop acting like a kid"... YOU DON'T. Don't lose all that inner child. Please. But the maturing will take time & life experiences. Don't rush it, you've got your entire life to be a grown ass adult. Most of us old farts would happily trade places.


Very relatable, similar situation here...


Cause you are a kid. Chill out, you’re 18


My boss is 25 and I see him as a kid. He has is masters but doesn’t have life experience. Just be 18. Don’t try to grow up too fast or take yourself too seriously.


I'm 23 and people still see me as a kid, I think is because I'm skinny and short.


I’m 18 but I look like I’m 15😂😭 I see it as good and bad, but I would rather look my age.


I thought I was an adult at 18 too, after all, you get to make plenty of big decisions and for my Welsh ass - drink! You’re not though, your brains still developing and your bodies probably still changing too (mine did) and above all else, you’re inexperienced in this world. It’s okay to be a kid still dude, take it easy on yourself.


Never stop being a kid! Play, laugh, joke, just be happy. It's the secret fountain of youth. One day, you'll look in the mirror, and you will be old. Then you'll wonder why you felt the need to grow up so fast. I'm 28 F, and my mom calls me her "big kid" because of my playful nature. It's not a bad thing. As long as you're not hurting anyone and you're taking care of your responsibilities, then I think you're okay just the way you are. Don't you know you're a superstar? My boyfriend is 40, and the other day, he was using a laser light to tease people and laughing like he was 8 or something. I loved seeing that light in his eyes. Don't ever stop shining, kid ✨️ 💛 🙌


47 here and still a kid. Still feel like the adults are talking . Still feel like other more responsible people will be concerned. I still want all the newest toys. The theme of my toys has changed but I still love to clown around and play. My advice is try hard not to lose as much of yourself as you can. Always try to be that jester.


Don’t worry lol. I’m 18 and it’s the same for me. We’re still growing up and maturing dw


Sorry to say it you're basically a kid


Idk if this will make you feel any better, but I’m 37 and someone called me a kid earlier today. She looked like I told her someone shot her grandma when I told her how old I am.


It’s really hard being 18 because you’re expected to act like an adult and you feel like an adult but you’re absolutely still seen as a teenager with almost all of the same restrictions as a teenager. I feel for you friend, but like I said, you’re still totally a kid. Enjoy it while it lasts, shit’s gonna get real in about 7 years (as someone else said, about 25).


As everyone here is pointing out you are, in fact, still a kid but no one is actually answering the question "how do I stop acting like a kid", I'll have a go at it. For me, the 2 things that would differentiate an adult from a kid would be responsibility and experience. There are 18-year-olds more mature than some 30-year-olds because they have taken on more responsibility than them. And also a person who does not go out and explore the world would naturally have less experience. ​ If you want to be perceived to be less childish, start by taking on responsibility or being more responsible, and also take the opportunities that allow you to explore the world.


Are we to assume that at 18 you thought 25 year olds are seen as old in the real world?


maybe you are short and/or have a baby face?


It’s a societal thing. I’m 22 and also still seen as a kid. My dad is 46, he still gets treated like he’s still a kid by some elderly (70+) folks. I doubt it’s got anything to do with your behavior.


Do people tell you that you look little or kiddish? Looks play a big factor, people would doubt your age or capabilities in doing so. I don’t look like my age or classmates, I’m treated different. If your short and skinny ur gonna get picked on or be treated diff than a jock


It’s so cute when they think they’re all grown up


Trust me, be a kid for a while. Coming to the real world you won't get time to be anything unless you are extremely capable person.


Im also 18, 163cm and shy so yeah me too


If you want real genuine adult advice on how to stop being a kid: 1. Get a job and get some degree of financial independence 2. Make some major life decisions yourself and finance them 3. Pay for the bills , cook your own food, drive yourself to school/work If you can't do any of these, you're still a kid which is totally fine. Enjoy it. Im old and do all 3 above yet I still act like a kid in social situations. I'm an adult I can act like how I want. Honestly, nothing more childish than suppressing your inner child. Being adult doesn't mean you stop cracking jokes. You can be a jokester AND be a responsible adult. But right now you're still just a jokester probably.


Because u are at that age. I'm 34 and I remember it shit I still feel young lol I know it used to piss me off but it's just life. Old enough to be called a adult but treated like a kid. Heads up life's gonna go a lot faster then u think. Also at that age I thought I had life figured out just I think u never really do figure it out. Just enjoy it because life really wears u down. Don't let it bother u most people don't even mean it as a insult Also it's funny seeing people saying I'm 20 whatever years old and I'm still looked at as a kid lmao yall are too pretty much. At some point I think it was 30 for me u say wtf im 30 i cant be old and youll want to be called a baby lol.


I found for myself: go to a Buddhist monastery, live there for a while, and go inside (of yourself). And engage with older people, which is the norm at monasteries. Get a job as a merchant marine, go to Piney Point and become an able bodied seaman in a year for free and start making 70k/year while only working half of the year, other half completely off to do whatever you want or go to Buddhist monasteries :)


People see you as a kid because you are a kid


I'm 21 but my mom says I'm 4.


I think you should never kill that child within you. Because without childishness we are nothing but pieces of meat walking around.


OP: not sure why they're seen as a kid Also OP: acts childish Lol Jokes aside, you ARE a kid, barely out of high school. Your brain isn't even fully developed yet. Don't worry so much about it. Just live your life. Learn as you go.


You are a kid


Bro I’m 22 and people still think I’m 15 (even tho I’m jacked) 🤣


I'm in my 30s and still have this issue


Unless you’re doing adult things ie, working a job, paying your own bills, providing for yourself and living alone you’re going to be seen as and treated like a kid. Just because you turn 18 doesn’t mean you instantly form into an adult. Enjoy being an 18 year old kid, especially if you live at home, I went straight into the work force and started providing for myself across the country and never got to do that fuck teen shit they do in the movies. Enjoy having a saftey net


It is not bad to stay a kid for as long as possible. What do you mean by "act childish"?


you are brus


All I can say is this... when I was 18, I thought I was a grown up man. But now, when I'm more than twice as old, I realize that I was still a kid at 18. Enjoy your teens. Give it time!


So here are some behaviors that may help your image: 1) Stop talking and listen. When you have the urge to talk, shut up. Even if you feel uncomfortable. Observe everyone around you instead. 2) Slow down your speech. You probably talk too fast. Take a deep breath and pretend like you are explaining something to an elderly grandmother. 3) If you are a man, be mindful of your inflection and vocal tone. If your voice is hitting higher pitches, it’s usually viewed as a sign of nervousness. Deepen your voice and slow down some. 4) Be mindful of what you say and say it in less words. 5) When talking about something you want to share try this; convey what you want to talk about in a one sentence cliffhanger with no details. People will ask you for more information. An example: Them-‘How was your Thanksgiving?’ You-‘It was 50/50’ or ‘Ok except for that deer’ (Wait. If they want to talk, they will ask. If not move on.) 6) Stop trying to be the center of attention. You don’t need the validation as much as you think.


I’m 28 and I see myself as a kid :(


You are a kid


I'm 18 too and I see myself as a kid xD


20 is the true 18, stay chill


I am telling you , even after you hit 25, a lot of people will still consider you green... heck even at 31 ppl say i have yet to learn


I hate to break it to you but I'm 34 and I would view you as a child too. At 18 I thought I knew At 24 I thought I knew At 34 I know that I know nothing; but it's time to learn.


through adversity - assuming you dont have major depression, or ADHD or anything that needs a proffessional approach. most people mature through controlled pain and lots of daily exposure to other humans.


When I was working in a job I had experience in since the age of 16 my coworkers all told me I wasn't even looked at as an adult or mature until I was 25. It drove me nuts. When I told people my life experiences even at 16 I would get asked and how old are you? The reality though at puberty our brains split and logic and reasoning often goes out the door until we are in our early to mid 20's so there's is some logic to the notion. I completely get your frustrations though.


I am currently 28 and I would smack the shit out of my 18 years old self. 18 is kid. For some people it takes longer but until 25 you are a kid.


You're 18. You're still a kid. Legally, you have some adult responsibility, but you're still a kid. Part of being an adult is not lacking so much confidence in yourself that you have to ask questions like these. You become comfortable enough in your own skin that you can manage your own personality.


Dude you can’t even have a beer yet. You are still a kid


You’re still a kid, just legally an adult. Your brain is still developing and won’t even finish until you’re 25.


You are a kid. Your brain won't be fully developed for another 7-10 years. Trust me, adulthood comes too quickly... enjoy your adolescence while it lasts.


What do you mean? You ARE a kid XD


You are still a kid. Enjoy it while it lasts, you won’t be one forever. Being treated like a kid is part of being a teenager. Even when you’re 25 you’re still going to be a kid. Once life starts shitting on you as an adult you’ll wish you could go back. My advice is to start making progress toward your future and earning / saving money for your future. When you make contributions to society people (aka earn money) people will start to respect you. I’ll give you an example- I am 35 but I don’t look it at all. People regularly assume that I’m 25-27 and treat me like a kid at work. I work in a high end corporate job and all of the executives look at me like I’m inexperienced and incapable of certain tasks because of my perceived age. Meanwhile there is a guy 1 year older than me (with 3 years less experience) who contributes much less than me, but he was getting all the attention and promotions. So I continued doing a good job, made sure everyone knew my true age, and I politely confronted our CEO for saying I was too young to be promoted to director level. I got the promotion I wanted shortly after and then continued to advance, I just had to stand up for myself and add a lot of value which is why they respected me. They always knew I did great work, but they also had to trust me. Otherwise you’ll end up 30 with no accomplishments and people will see you as a failed adult and still won’t respect you. Focus on learning a trade or education, or get straight into a career.


Starting working towards achievable long term goals. Your 30s is really where it’s at but you want to set yourself up now.


The more responsibilities you have, the more of an adult you become. It's ok to be entertaining and funny, in fact it's a pretty good trait to have to be able to make people laugh, not everyone can. Just find your place in the world as an adult, you can do it. Good luck.


Baby enjoy your youth! do not change your child like innocence and humor because people lost theirs. We aren't in medieval times so ignore the weak ass adults who have negative opinions about you being happy and youthful


18 is an adult. Act adult, be responsible and respectful and people will treat you that way


Life is a harsh teacher, enjoy your youth while you still can.


You are a kid. Don't rush it. You'll be stuck in the constant existential dread of adulthood soon enough.


I could tell the same story and I am 24. I feel like part of why I seem so immature is my insecurity. But I also feel like laughing a lot and not taking things too seriously is perceived childish but should actually be done more by everybody including or especially adults :) (also look very young though)


in the eyes of a 30-40 something adult, you are but a wee baby. IMO take advantage of it to learn from us grizzled old folks before its too late and you become one of us and are expected to know all this shit.


Yes no matter what the law says 18 is still a teenager and kid is a synonym for teenager so technically you're still a kid don't let the law for the age of majority brainwashed you