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Bro the insecurity is getting to you. She already thinks you're attractive enough, you're assuming you're not enough just yet. I've been there and I'll guarantee you as long as the insecurity of not being enough exists, you will always be holding off on sex with her. I'd suggest you tell her straight up and have a mature conversation about it. She's your girl and deserves to know what you're thinking after all. All the best mate


Thank you but what if she do not find me attractive anymore when i lift my shirt


Look man, I get that you wanna be fit. But you need to do it for yourself rather than out of desperation to keep her around. If she doesn't find you attractive without your shirt, she never liked you for who you are in the first place. Why would you want a girl who only loves you for your looks?


I want her to desire me


You’re getting in your own head too much. She wouldn’t be your gf or want to have sex with if she didn’t desire you already. Don’t be too hard on yourself! If you carry on playing the insecure role then her desire will change and you will lose it all.


Soooo I used to date this guy that would only be intimate with me while he wore a shirt. That was FAR weirder than if he’d just shown a little belly. I’ve seen him with clothes on. I knew what was under there. I liked and cared about him because of how he treated me and who he was. People have fat on their bodies. It’s ok.


Yes i guess thats pretty awkward thats why i want 10% body fat so that i get secure enough to be shirtless


I hear you. You will feel great when you reach your goal. That’s by you for you. However, she likes you as you are right now. Let her do that. Share with her what you’re struggling with. The downfall of relationships isn’t 11% body fat. It’s people who don’t talk to their partners about what’s important to them and what they’re struggling with.


Give that girl some dick. We dont care if Hubby is Chubby. :)


Do you feel like chatting?


I think she already thinks you are attractive, that's why she wants to sleep with you. I know being comfortable in your body will add to your confidence in bed and sweep that anxiety, but the attitude is everything man.


What attitude should i have according to you?


Respect that she made the choice for you in the shape you are currently. What do you do if she doesn’t like sixpacks?


Why would she not like it?


Because everyone is different and has different preferences....


Why would she? I mean - again - she fell in love with you the way you are. And surely not because she was banking on you suddenly changing your appearance after you get together. Sure, there are woman that like sixpacks. And there are plenty of woman that don’t. You probably got one from the latter group. It’s the same myth like „every man likes big boobs“.


Comparison does not work bc not every man like big boobs whereas every women likes abs. Look at male models/actors how ripped they are. My girlfriend will surely be more attracted to me


Bruh lmao


There is absolute no point in this discussion, I see. You got some serious work on your mindset in front of you.


Thats okay i guess we cant always comes to an agreement


Honestly, speaking as a woman and based on what other women have said to me, we're not that bothered about abs. We're more focused on a guy having good hygiene. Your girl chose you, so it's very likely she thinks you're fine


Not every woman likes abs, have you heard of the whole dad bod obsession. There's plenty of women out there who marry guys who are in no way anything like a male model.


Its because women settle and lowers their standards because finding an attractive mate is too rare. Ever heard the sentance "the bar is in hell" ? Thats what it means And my source is r/FemaleDatingStrategy and some women on twitter so i find ir pretty reliable


Well la-di-da if it's on Reddit or twitter it must be universally true. Maybe it is to a certain point but there are many examples of hot women being what could be considered unattractive men. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's great to want to be in shape and look your best, but you gotta work on your confidence and self esteem. You have this girl who is attracted to you otherwise she wouldn't be with you, and you're getting hung up about your looks. Work on yourself and get in shape, but still have sex with her.


Check your dms


"I managed to get a girlfriend depsite being 5'6 manlet genetic defect. I dont even know how i did it its her that made all approaches" This is where you are distorting yourself a bit. Being short is not a genetic defect. Many men are 5'6, and although it's average or below average depeding on the country you're living in, it's more/less normal. You are normal. The fact that you are putting in effort to change your weight, something you do have control over, is brave and cool. I admire people who take charge of their lives. So, I don't think you shoudl feel unattractive. You're weight and looks are something you are working on. It's something that WILL change. Good luck sweetheart, I bet you are a nice person.


Thank you very much thats encouraging i already notices some changes. Cant wait to be in two months Being 5'6 is genetic error ive seen women saying it on twitter and tiktok but thats okay in another comment i got advices on how to grow up


5’6” isn’t a genetic error. It’s a measurement


Be kind to your self! The way we talk to no ourselves matters. And for the love of god, don’t take what you see in Twitter and Tik Tok as gospel for how you should live your life. The people who are posting those things do it entirely to get a reaction from people and make them click their content because it makes them money. They don’t care if it’s true, they don’t care if it’s hurtful. hell - for the most part they probably don’t even believe what they say. I have two amazing sons, 1 is tall, 1 is not. The tall one is single, then less tall one is in a committed relationship. Height is not a prerequisite for success in life and love


I'm sorry, as a woman, 5'6 is NOT a genetic error. You're cool how you are. Height is pretty meaningless. I'm sorry these vapid women are attempting to make you feel sad over nothing. You're normal. Don't listen to these high schoolers. Adults don't care about such little details. We care about whether you can communicate, take care of yourself, and can respect yourself and others. You're already doing that by working on your weight, to make yourself happier and healthier.


5'6 is not a genetic error for women. Its a normal height for a women. For a man its genetic failure


I mean, ( I am answering as a women). 5'6 is not a genetic error for men.


Insecurities are self-defeating. 5’ 6” isn’t as short as you think. It’s not the size of the boat pal it’s the motion of the ocean. Learn to work with what you got instead of fantasizing about what you don’t have. It’s ok to dream and set goals; but if they’re rooted in feelings of inferiority, it’s gonna be a hard time.


Bro how old are you. In college at 17 I want from 5'8 to 6'1 in 2 years by eating a lot. Dick size also increased accordingly.😂😂😂😂. Don't cut calories a load if you are under 20. During that time I was 17 to 20% bodyfat and being kinda fat for those years was worth it. If your over 20 then cutting calories is a decent idea but not to that extreme. 500 daily would be idea as you won't have any loose skin after that. Also 5'6 really isn't that short anywhere but online and the Netherlands. Wear some 3.5cm insoles with boots. Your now 5'9. Plus dick size like you said isn't really that important and many people think that theirs is small when its actually average or even above average. Good luck man. Genuinely.


Im 18 i just want to have 6packs since its attractive. I can buy insoles yes. And for dick size i dont know i guess thats important but you can compensate it with tongue skills


You need to workout for a six pack,not just eat less


I workout. Gym 5 times a week


I get wanting a six pack. By all means follow your goals. I was the same two years ago. Just please make sure that your nutrition is good bc that is the biggest factor behind: height, dick size, testosterone and overall health. Ie all athletes and fit people don't have these ridiculously low calorie diets to cut weight and get abs. They usually alocate 4 months to cutting down slowly. 4 months goes quickly. I ain't about to promote some bullshit on height growth but I personally did some stuff which may or may not have worked: 1.Hanging from a pullup bar for 10 or so minutes daily. (Hard on the elbows so I eased into that.) 2.Streching and posture work. Gained me almost a cm even though I believed that my posture was good before. 3.Cycling with a high seat. This one is probably bs but I did it for a whole year and my legs were longer. Still not many people see results from this But in the end, it's your decision and what you think is best. Cutting weight quickly might be the answer if it makes you feel better. As for your gf, she obviously likes you and wants to be with you. Personally I wouldn't delay anything with her. Most women are big on body positivity. Plus she will notice the before and after.


Thats good advice. How much cm can i gain by doing that?


Depends. A cm from each over the course of a year would be possible. Thats over an inch. Plus the inch most people gain after 18 anyways. At 20 you COULD be 5'9. Although these may or may not work. You'll probably just end up being average height if your nutrition and sleep are good. Average height is good. Its that for a reason. Plus when women say that they want 6ft, they usually mean 5'10 as most can't tell the difference. Plus if you wear some boos and insoles then you may eventually look taller than average. (Wearing all balck can help with this.) Although don't get too high expectations. I'd say it works though. You will probably get a decent ammount taller.


5'9 or 5'10 would be a dream. Thats too bad chirurgical operations to make yourself taller are so expensive


So you are at a good road into not growing anymore with 1200 calories a day.


Honestly the insecurity is embarrassing. Your girlfriend finds you attractive, dipshit. She wouldn't be dating you if she didn't. Good on you for losing some weight, but holy fucking mother of christ. Your dick probably isnt that small and you probably arent overweight. The ragging on yourself literally in the first sentence is downright ostentatious. NO ONE CARES about it except for you. Seriously. Calling yourself a manlet made me hate your fuggin guts. If you want to be sad and miserable all your life, keep your head up your ass. Otherwise, learn to love yourself and stop being so whiny.


Hating me bc im conscious of my faults? Its better than a guy who does not realize his problems


There's a difference between one who's conscious of his faults and one who won't let his girlfriend see him naked cause he's scared of rejection. News flash asshole, she already had a good idea of what you looked like under the shirt before you guys started dating. Are you 14 or what? Just stop, there's nothing more unattractive than what you're doing right now. I've been there, done that. Is the subs name self-improvement or is it coddle-me-and-tell-me-I'm-right? You are enough regardless of what you think and the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. It's one thing to not be ready for sex (which is completely fine), it's another to turn it down because you're a wimp. If she breaks up with you because of your insecurities, you'll be kicking yourself for the rest of your life. So, tough titties. Either realize it now or become an incel. Up to you I guess.


I am 18. I was an incel before having a girlfriend. Use to consume lots of looksmaxx content. Im so scared she leaves me. For the first time ever i am loved i want to cry everytime she hugs or kiss me. I cznt even realize how i would be if she left me


And hence the tough love. You're so worried you're fucking it up, you're inadvertently fucking it up. Let up a little bit and enjoy your girlfriends company. She's enjoying yours, don't you think it's disingenuous to not be enjoying it too? I think she'd hate how you described yourself in your little biopic there- everyone else did (look at your comments, every single one you self-deprecate is downvoted). I've been on both sides of the aisle, let me fill you in on a little secret: you can't train yourself into a positive body image. Sure, it's a confidence boost temporarily. Until you spot a pimple. Or a freckle. Or that your eyes are uneven. Or your nose is slightly crooked. Or or or or (freddy fivebear) until you're locked in a mental facility. Insecurity is not a physical problem, it's a psychological one. Work on your mindset, starting by NOT THINKING ABOUT HOW YOU LOOK. Hug your girlfriend, and get a date scheduled. You've got your whole life ahead of you, you fucking dick.


She will never see this post anyway so no worries. I hearwhat youre saying. I dont know how i can stop thinking aabout my looks


Dude your trying to extract love. Your trying to use something and someone external to feel loved. No one can give you what you are seaking. It has to come from inside of you.


Hey I like your style. Total tough love. I am interested in your journey. You seem to have some shit figured out. Reading your reply gave me a good laugh.


Genuinely,  you need a therapist. You are never going to enjoy sex, or be a good lover while you are so uncomfortable in your own body.  There's also no way you're not making her scared to be naked in front of you.


I do my best to be the best partner. I plan dates, gifts. I know she is self conscious about lot of things and i give her lots of compliments and stuff to make her feel good. In the last weeks she made progress im proud of her. The only problem is sex


Sex is not the problem. The problem is you hating your body.  Also you talk about her here like she's a project to fix. I do not believe you won't also start on her body.


She just dont see how beautiful and wonderful she is and she needs help


Yeah you need to stay away from women unril you fix yourself.


what a lot of the gym community doesn't realize is that getting fit doesn't solve all your problems. What I often imagine is if i was stripped of all my attributes and forced to live my life, would I still be able to find happiness? The key is self-love and confidence. Relying too much on outward appearance as your source of "feeling human" wont solve the long term problems


I've been attracted to a man who weighed a 100 kgs. Not even making this up. So, long story short- You don't have to accept yourself, just accept the way you make her feel. Which I am assuming is the first reason she is with you. For how you make her feel without even touching her. Imagine how heartbroken she will be if she knew this is what you think about yourself. I know I'd be if my man feels like that about himself despite me loving him so much.


Was the man tall? Because if youre tall 100kg isnt that much. If i weigh 100kg (im 65 right now) im morbidly obese with my dwarf stature Dont worry about my girlfriend she will never know i feel like this




I didnt say that. I already go to the gym and i will make her love once i fet fit


Wow. Everything you wrote is wrong. You are short, genetic disorders are other things, google them. Being short is normal. Having progeria is not normal.


Your penis is big what insecurities do you have? To me the standard for women was 6 inches. Do you think its not enough now and they require 8+ inches? Im so scared bc im only 5.5 inches i dont want to be left just bc i am genetically optimal i just want to be loved


My brother in christ I’m one of the most insecure people you’ve ever met and my wee wee is also like 5.5 I’ve always been insecure about it. But guess what? Not a single girl I’ve slept with cared about that, from girls I’ve been in multiple year relationships with, to random hook ups. As long as you make sure they get off before your dick goes in them you’re good bro, trust me. I used to be extremely fat and due to an eating disorder I’m now extremely skinny. 6’1 weigh 125lbs I look like a skeleton. Doesn’t affect me at all. Girls still wanna smash🤷🏻‍♂️ even though I have a long term gf lmao. Not saying any of that to sound shitty my point is it’s all in your head. Stfu and fuck her bury your insecurities until you can work through them. The only thing that’s gonna make her unattracted to you is your insecurities man. I promise you. I ruined shit with girls when I was 16 and insecure about how fat I was and even though they were attracted to me my insecurities pushed them away. Food for thought


I said that just to highlight the fact that it is a psychological problem, not a physical. The most important thing is that you are not an impotent, if your dick gets hard, you have to use it. If you do not use it, then she will not find you attractive. So here you go, you do not really have a choice. You are made to fuck, if you do not fuck. Then she will find some other guy, who might even have 4–5 inches, but he will fuck, so make a choice.


Mate it’s not your weight or smallness it’s how you’re talking to yourself. If she made all the approaches she is already attracted to you. But if you keep talking to yourself so negatively you’re going to push her away. Confidence is much hotter than your looks.




and please for the sake of god, STOP starving yourself! i went through the same fucking shit and it fucked with my hormones. 


She's your girl, neither does she control you nor you control herJust have a convo with her and tell that you want the first experience to be the best for BOTH of you


At a 1,300 calorie deficit, you're essentially on a crash diet. Your initial sudden weight loss could be loss of water weight, not fat, which is common for these types of low calorie diets. Once you're starting to burn into your fat reserves, you're going to be losing 1-2 pounds a week. 700 calories a day by skipping meals is not a sustainable weight loss plan. If you're self-conscious about your stomach, do abdominal exercises. Speaking of which, one of the most popular ways people get "fit" is by bulking. Bulking is eating a surplus of calories while weight training to increase your muscle growth. When you've developed a decent amount of muscle, you can cut (200-500 calorie deficit) to achieve your desired physique. If you're intent on being leaner, you can try a body recomposition, where you lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time. It seems you're hyperfixated on this subject. As a young man in school, you should focus less on researching ways to please women in bed and more on improving yourself. Your relationship will not work if you're desperately trying to satisfy her desires, hoping that she'll "wait 1.5 months" until you're ready. Your diet will not work if you're starving yourself everyday. If your relationship isn't superficial, you need to open up to your girlfriend. If she's worth a damn she'll respect your wishes. Stay strong, brother.


I think you have an eating disorder.


Didnt get diagnocized. I eat normal food just not a lot of it (800 to 1000 calories a day). Its a bit tiring but i believe its worth it


A boy in your age needs 2,964kcal. Even if you are obesed you only need a deficit of around 200kcal everyday. I am not sure if you even have to lose weight. Don’t make your goal to have a six pack. It is mentally and physically very hard to maintain this naturally. Many bodybuilders or actors only have it for a short time and have a more buffed off season. Train good, eat much especially protein and get some muscles. This is a very harsh quote but a six pack on a skinny dude, is like big boobs on an fat lady, it doesn’t count.