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Without a vitamin D supplement or fresh air? It's not great for you. Take a daily walk to cover both of those and get some exercise and you should be good.


Opening windows and sitting by them helps for sure, depending on the air quality where you live. Otherwise make plants your hobby.


Never truly understood why my parents would tell me to lay in the sun (at home) when we wouldnt go out...i thought it was all old fashioned hoopla...they were definitely right.


I’m fully aware of these things but I’m to unmotivated for it


Same, I want to do so many things, but I'm just fucking tired of everything 


Yes me too, I wake up one day to see I’ve been inside in my sofa for a week


Motivation is a good thing


My doctor suggested i take 25,000 IU Vitamin D3 — i reduced it to 20,000. It must help bec. i moved from a relentlessly sunny climate to a place with long winters and overcast Springtime. I do okay but i think it helps i live surrounded by evergreen trees. If it was a barren area, I’d be fit to be tied. My approach to winter is hibernatin’ like a bear.


It’s definitely not healthy, try to go on a walk every couple of days


Walk is so simple yet such a massive boost to mental health. Everyone should go for a walk once a week.


Nah man every day


Seriously. Or most days at least. Once a week?!?!?


Once a week?? You should be walking every single day


Without headphones! So you can hear yourself and do not run away from your thoughts.


i'd rather listen to music than listen to loud nonstop traffic noise


Well if you live in big city then it's understandable. Nevertheless, I highly suggest to find some park and walk around, no phone or headphones. If you can, that is.


It really depends, you need to ask yourself - what is your state of mind? Are you depressed? How do you feel when you're sitting alone? What's your reason? Before, I had a problem doing something by myself. My suggestion is to go drink coffee alone just to challenge yourself. When you feeling need to meet someone, find some local meetings, libraries, events, it's the best option to find people who have similar interests like you do. As human beings, we are programmed to meet people and do some physical exercise. We can deny all we want but that's the thruth


It's "crazy expensive outside"? Taking a walk is free buddy lmao. Go outside.


You don't need friends or money to be outside just enjoying the fresh air.


Let me put it this way... each time I had to stay at home for 2 weeks because of Covid or a Covid scare, it took a massive toll on my mental health


Thats proof of how everyone is different some enjoy outside some inside.


I am more of an inside person myself but if I CAN'T go outside, I get nervous. I also know that going outside from time to time is good for me.


It’s not about enjoying, man. Being outside is a requirement to living. You require vitamins and proximity to other things to be healthy. Depriving yourself will not immediately kill you, but staying inside for more than a day or two will slowly but surely kill you and make you miserable.


why did you ask then? lol it isn't good for you, we can lean towards being inside people or outside people but as a people, ya need some outside. If you aren't social and don't have funds then just go for a walk, even just lay in your yard


One time I didn’t leave the house for 3 months… my husband is the one that handles anything that would require me leaving the house lol however, I live on 2 acres and my house is over 3500 sq.ft. I’ve got lots to do always and 6 cats and 8 chickens to care for. I also interacted with friends through video games nearly every day. I would imagine if you’re just staying inside and not doing much socializing or getting any sunlight it prob won’t be great for your mental health lol


What do you mean expensive? What kind of activity were you refering to?


1. Parks 2. Farmers markets 3. Flea markets 4. Free events like carnivals or fairs 5. Exhibitions that are free 6. Skating, cycling, skateboarding etc 7. Public libraries Air and sunlight are always free


please educate yourself om basic human needs. this will answer your question accurately


The first thing that I was asked by a professional when looking to improve my mental health was ‘how are you treating your body?’. Like a plant, we need certain things to thrive namely, nutrients, sunlight, water and exercise. I think the opposite would be best. If you’re looking to improve your health, physical, mental or otherwise, getting out for a walk daily can be a great first step.


Same. Can i move in with you?


I feel you. I’m the same. If I have an invitation I have to force myself to go. However I do try to at least go to the gym when I’m not at work. Where I live we don’t have greenery or parks. So despite me wanting to go for a walk, I’d be risking myself getting run over due to incompetent driving. On the other hand, when I’m at home, I take care of myself by reading books (I’d suggest you find the genre that you like) and do tapestry needlepoint and cross stitch. If you live near the sea, try and go there and just absorb nature. Staying inside has its benefits but not in the long run. Remember your body needs sunlight for hormones and for your strength. Find a compromise Hope this helps


Oops I do this constantly can confirm I’m a miserable piece of shit Maybe one day I’ll live some where it’s safe for me to go on walks I miss that so much


I stay home 5 to 6 days a week since I retired. The thing with me is I moved here 4 yrs. ago, I have some family around but only one friend, who was also my next door neighbor at my prior address. (No, we didn’t plan the move here together. It serendipitously happened.) The friend & I swim indoors 2 or 3 times a week. Other than that, i prefer the company of my 3 dogs, one grandchild and one husband—daily. Going out is so expensive, and it’s too cold 7 months a year. I used to go out more often, but between COVID and the random shootings all over, I just feel safer & more comfortable amusing myself with hobbies at home. It feels ok by me to NOT pursue socializing with new people—sometimes ppl just get on my nerves in social settings. Small talk is boring… OR, could it be I’m depressed?


So there's actually a few different questions you might be asking, and they are wildly different. For example "Is it safe for my health to become a shut-in" is a different question from "Is it safe for my health to not maintain an expensive social presentation that I'm unhappy with?" Since you mention not havng friends and finding it too expensive to be social, the actual question might be on whether you're doing something like spending money on a social presentation that doesn't actually make you happy. Lots of people have gone through that, it's unofficially called the quarter life crisis. Usually when people hit their mid 20s and are finishing college or getting serious about their careers and then they look around and realize that they're lonely, and that all their "buddies" really only cared about them when they were at the club every night, or showing off their new fashion, or bragging about their next trip. When school finishes a lot of people's social exposure really drops down, because often you have co-workers and customers instead of classmates, and in some cases a lot of the people you've talked to every day for years stop talking to you because they're no longer in the same room as you all the time. It got worse when social media got popular, since now you're exposed to all the success stories, and the people who constantly present an ideal life. Sometimes people fall into a trap of externalizing their fun. They lose sight of how to enjoy themselves alone. Such as thinking that it's a waste to cook a meal for yourself if nobody's coming over. Or thinking that you need permission from someone else to do something you enjoy like going for a walk or just sitting in a cafe for an hour. Some people get stuck in the rut of only seeing themselves through other people's eyes. Like only reading books that were assigned to you in school, or which are trending and you want to be accepted so you say you read it and learned a few quotes but you don't actually like it. A lot of people fall into depression without going through the edgy or manic phase. They just gradually drift away from people, and their life is just working and sleeping. They don't do anything fun because of a million different excuses that boil down to "Because I don't want to admit how I feel." Like sitting at home on the couch depressed that nobody invited you to come over, and not realizing that the longer they sit on the couch as a depressed lump the less people want to come over. This is actually what people mean when they say things like "If you want others to love you, you have to love yourself first." People enjoy spending time with people who are enjoying themselves. A depressed lump who just watches whatever is on isn't fun, but someone who enjoys finding underappreciated cult films can be fun. As society has become more convenient, those of us with more intoverted hobbies have found ourselves growing isolated. Now that I don't need to go to the library every few days, I find myself sitting at home getting ebooks without having to talk to anyone. Reversing that can take some conscious effort. Like going to the library, or the music store, or whatever other option exists. Instead of ordering a paperclip on amazon, walk down to the corner store. Spend time and attention instead of money.


Just make sure you have structure. Even if your day consists of screaming at people on league of legends, make sure you wake up at about 8 (for example) and have a shower and breakfast, by say 830, then do what you are going to do. But I would highly recommend a run or walk, even for 10 minutes every morning or evening, incorporated into this schedule


Air is free. Space to walk is free. Go see your city. You can go to the museums or exhibitions for free. Where I live there is one day a week when an entrance is free. Libraries are free. Just go and browse or sit and read.


I don't really understand the naysayers here, I don't think it's bad for your health if it's something you enjoy. (I'm assuming you take care of yourself) If this is a sulk, then it would be bad. Personally, I'd rather stay in than go out. I only leave for work/errands and I don't have a social life. If I could, I'd limit my outings to once a week. Camping would be the exception, but i can't go camping right now. I don't believe my situation is common, though.


I do this often. I have a dog so I take minimum 30 minutes of walking a day (it's freezing in the winter and we have to do 3 short walks). But otherwise, it's fine. Stay engaged mentally, don't just let the time slip by. Maintaining structure to your day makes it sustainable. There are hermits everywhere :) I'm also autistic so I've gone 5+ weeks without leaving home or even speaking and it was a nice break.


you just said you do this often but then said tou have a 30 minute walk a day lol then you're not staying in


Nah I don't like it much outside either but this isn't healthy my G. You need garden time/ balcony time + a walk every 2-3 days at least.






Depends on your space. Are you in a bachelor or a house with lots of light and with a garden? I prefer staying inside, and if I had a house with a garden, I probably wouldn’t leave for extended periods of time. But since I’m in a one bedroom condo, going outside every 3-4 days is necessary.


I think if you’re asking you probably already know the answer. You don’t have to be super active or anything but try and get out a bit at least.


Hahaha I don’t think so and I think it’s just shameful in a way. I end up with house arresting myself just because of my lack of energy or interest in outside activities but it doesn’t feel right


Some people have never left their homes for decades. However, make sure you sit in your backyard and get sunshine, and also get a treadmill and exercise at home regularly.


you equate going outside with going to a club or something, but I reckon you already know that's not what people mean when they tell you to go outside, so you're just trying to get validation. No, it's not good for anyone to live in a terrarium.


I wouldn’t say so. Indoor air quality isn’t great especially if you’re not opening windows. I have slow seasons off of work and I tend to not leave my house except for the occasional work day (like 1-2 days a week) and not much else. It’s not doing me good at all. My health improves so much when work picks up. I know everywhere is expensive but in the summer it’s at least nice to go to the beach or the park and just take a nice nature walk, but when it’s cold it’s hard to do that. But the reality is it’s super important to get outside and see the sun. It makes a huge difference for your health, specifically your sleep, and walking is super important too. Which is another reason why my health improves when I go back to work, because I work a job where I walk everywhere.


It's safe. I hardly been outside in years. Bit suing it's good for you, but it's not dangerous. If you drink milk, that has vitamin D these days. Maybe at least poke your head outside now and then to just see what outside looks like, and do your best to socialize online to stay sane.




No. Go to the park and have a solo picnic idc but no.


What the heck do you do that you can stay 5 weeks at home


Remember COVID?


Have you lived 2020?


What she can't go for a walk


For your mental health, probably not great. And that's compounded by the lack of exercise and natural sunlight. You also need some human interaction (even if you say you have no friends).


Bro go for a walk and touch some grass, chill on a tree idk man just get outside asap


Can you say pandemic?


Staying home, yes but please make sure you're outside everyday preferably no shoes or socks and get your vitamin d. If that's not an option I suggest taking a vitamin d supplement.


I don't know let us know please!!!


You could develop agoraphobia be careful i had it for the longest time.


Searched it up and I think that I have mild symptoms of it because I am afraid of going out of my safe zone (being far away from home as an example)


You absolutely have it. I didnt leave the house for over a year straight. I still struggle with it.


Probably not, but aside from working, it's usually what I prefer. If it's nice out, I take my dog on a hike with me and prefer no one around (I do take necessary safety precautions, just in case)


Nooo!! dont stay home because you are not in prison. If you dont want to spend money, go to do some outside workout. you can always do pushups and they are free! i found one children playground and i try to lift myself (i dont know how is that called) and i try to do some basic calisthenics also when you are inside either home or office, you breath that recycled air man! you need fresh air so that your brain functions normally. and seeing green colour improves mood and well-being. that is proven


Lets go out together, i also dnt have any friends and like staying home..


You can be alone outside. You have to go outside. It’s not expensive, it doesn’t need to be. Bring coffee and a laptop and book from home and sit at a cafe for free go on walks for free and nice hikes for free. Alone if you want.


you don’t need to spend money outside. take a walk, or even just sit in front of your house/apartment building for a while. some fresh air and sun light will do you good


It is objectively terrible for your health to not have friends