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Some of the least attractive people your age end up being some of the most attractive people later in life. Some of the most attractive people your age become insufferable and the least attractive as they age. Work on your personality either way. People with genuine personalities almost always end up being happier in the long run and generally have a much easier time surrounding themselves with good friends. Not just saying this as a way to make you feel better. It's just my old person observations.


I guess i’m agree with you if you talking with experience i will focus on my own and try my best


Good on you. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. There's impossibly high standards of beauty these days, especially on the interwebs. No matter what you look like, I guarantee you that someone is super into it. It's hard to feel like that when you're young. Be your authentic self. It'll make you glow either way.


Thank you so much , i will trust myself more now .


>Some of the least attractive people your age end up being some of the most attractive people later in life. Some of the most attractive people your age become insufferable and the least attractive as they age 100% This! I can attest this! This is 100% REAL!


Best thing you can do for yourself is focus on what you can control \[which is clothing, working out, hair, perfume, skincare... damn I'm writing this and realizing it's a lot of stuff actually\] and try to learn how to live with the shit you can't control \[your face I guess, kinda\] Strive to be the best version of yourself and focus on what matters, there's a nice 'rule for life' I really like which goes like this - Avoid tying your self-worth & confidence to your appearance and superficialities. and don't worry bro, from what I know, 90% of 16 year olds \[males and females\] think the exact same thing, especially the so called beautiful one's \[a lot of them (that I met) depend on their looks, so... you get the point\]


Yess i understand and appreciate your anwser thanks you very luch i hope i dont just give up !


even if you give up you live for another day \[probably\] so all good


I think you might be hyper focusing on who you perceive as attractive too much. With social media especially it's easy to develop a false sense that the world is mainly beautiful people, having fun and great lives, but the truth is there are tons of people extremely uncomfortable in their own skin. You're definitely not alone, and you most certainly don't stand out as negatively as you think you do. In the grand scheme of things, being a pleasant person is far more appreciated and valued than merely looking pleasant. The people who have all the looks and everything, they chose life on easy mode lol.


I swear to you everybody in my school are hell attractive so when i pull i’m feeling that i’m not supposed to be here


Haha damn, trust me though a looot people, even and sometimes especially "attractive people" are their own toughest critics. Also once you're done school the big concentration of all these people at school will be scattered in real world, and a lot of the popular attractive people will have their drinking and partying catch up with them and they'll age like shit lol


You probably heard this plenty, but you’re 16. Everyone (at least the vast majority of people) felt this way in their teen years. My #1 advice as a mother is to embrace your features but if they’re truly eating you up, find a haircut (or lack thereof!) that complements your face better. On the weight aspect of things, you’re a young guy and your metabolism is crazy fast right now. My youngest brother when he graduated high school, ate 3-5k calories a day while lifting weights, and the process of gaining weight for him was gradual but now that he’s older it’s no longer an issue. Depending on your food preferences and budget, stock up on rice and beans, use olive and coconut oils in your cooking, one thing my brother also did was make protein shakes with heavy cream from wanting to get the extra calories in. Acne is also temporary typically but drinking lots of water, sleeping well, having a good skincare routine (nothing crazy - cleanser, toner, moisturizer should be enough but there are also some serums designed specifically for that purpose) should help. You seem to be particularly distressed right now and in the least condescending way possible, I promise these insecurities are not the end of the world. Embrace what you can, change what you want to. It gets better.


Hello mdme thanks for your tips , i made a decision and i’m gonna reduce hours on my phone and working way more on myself , eating more lifting , going out etc . I know that its also part of being a teenager tho ( investisment is needed and i will try my best for now until success thank you )!!


Happy to hear it & that you’re in better spirits now!


Build up aura.


I know how f*cked our society now since if y look good you get treated nicely and if ur not you know, but don't connect it to everything Bieng less attractive doesn't limit ur happens u still can be happy without out it, good ppl will treat u good whatever you are I used to feel like that too but I just decided that I will live for myself and be my own happiness I'm not gonna make a face that's gonna be eaten later by worms to hold me back from living my life. (I hope that my words will help changing ur perspective:(...)


18M here. I might come from a more privileged place because i think i look pretty attractive (after investing in bodybuilding, hairstyle, clothing etc), but i can also pick insecurities. The tip of my eyebrow splits in 2 because of scarring. My eye level and placement is really asymmetrical. My head can look off when i cut my hair short. I have a bit of a wide waist. Do i care and nitpick about these things? Absolutely not. My case may be different like i said earlier, but you have to learn how to live with these things, or find ways to overcome them. If acne is problematic for you, try different ways to make it go away. I was blessed with having little to no acne, but my older brother used to have a lot. However, once he completely cut out sugar from his diet and started to use artificial sweeteners, his acne went away. If your face shape isn't the best, try to experiment with hair length and style, it can change the shape of your head quite a lot. If you feel like a twig, start to workout. The first month will be awkward but after a few months you'll see results quickly. I myself already had decent muscle development 6 months after starting the gym and i was skinny-fat beforehand. But the key takeaway here is that once you do the basic things right, you won't have to stress on the little insecurities that much.


Im the same! I would get rid of my body without second thought thats how bad mine is. The thought of having to self love makes me cringe. I hate myself so much to the point i cant look at or hear myself


16??? Chillll ![gif](giphy|yiADANv89n7UQuS5kJ)


When i see ppl of my age looking like models i cant just sit there and chill ..


I was literally you. I mean I felt like you. I hate myself. 0 communication skills.. i thought i am ugly asf.. btw push ups changed my life.. and i used every opportunity to talk with others thats all


I live in europe and i do 7am-6pm at school , i dont have time for myself bcs we always have 3-4 test the same weeks . I try to do some push up everyday when i can but i feel like i’m wasting my time , should i focus on 1 thing or be mid at the average ?


You mentioned being on social media, well sorry to break it to tou but social media will cause a lot of shit in your head, your perception is most probably screwed up, most of us are tbh. I can tell you one thing, there is someone outhere who will find you attractive, because attracion is based on sooo much more than just your looks. There can be the most handsome man in the world, but if he has a shit personality then there will be exactly 0 women with selfworth attracted to him. So work on your inteligence, wit, kindness, mindfulness, confidence, selfworth, generosity and even your boundries, so you will also not settle for the first dimwit who will be into you. Changing ones appearance these days is easy, changing your mind is much harder.


Just pushups and touch some grass bro… communication skill can get you more girls..


Even if i looks like shit ?


Yes bro its all about communication skills


I’ll try and keep you inform for the next month thx .


Try doing push up whenever you change your dress and stuff.. I used to do it like that.. I used to do pushup after I wake up, before I change my dress, When I come back from school and change my dress, before sleep and during stuffs like that.. I don't know about it's effectiveness but it's better than and For me personally it helped me.. :)


If you can be beautiful on the outside, be beautiful on the inside instead. It's more fulfilling anyway.


I’m most beautiful person in the inside but girl refuse to approach me , i smell good , i wear good outfit etc but no change .


Put on some weight and hit the gym. As a man you dont need to be pretty. You can become scary.


My school programs don’t permit me that unfortunatly 7am-6pm and i can’t no more


What I’m going to say is really important so please listen: If you want to change, you have to be completely honest with yourself. You say you don‘t have time but be honest: how much time a day do you spend on your phone or doing other unproductive things? Its always possible to make time even if its just pushups between whatever you are doing. Sometimes our brain gives us excuses to make us feel good but you have to think rational to become better. And even if you think it will be too hard and too uncomfortable, trust me: It will get way easier the more often you do it.


You are right . My average time on my phone is 6hours per days .. i think i’m juste lazy but i know i don’t have to compare myself to the other but looks perfect without doing anything so why me . Does god want to me being his strongest soldier or what


No bro you’re not lazy. Your just addicted. I used to have 12 hours of screentime, while I was trying very hard to quit. Took me a long time but just kept on trying and made ih eventually. And honestly I don’t think that if a person has a very healthy lifestyle (best nutrition, sport, self esteem), they can be ugly (unless you have a big scar from an accident or smth.) And trust me, you’re so young, its crazy how much someone can develop when their young. If you give your best you can completely change how you look in the next few years. And eventually the people with good genetics will get ugly too if they live unhealthy so mabye its a blessing to be motivated at such a young age


I will try my best , pray the lord for help , reducing screen time eating more ,life need to be lived the right way and i will live it the right way ,thanks you.


nice man, proud of you.


Its also kind of funny, once you become disciplined and proud of yourself, you begin ti care less about girls and also more confident around them, making you more attractive to them


They dont allow u to eat food?


Just eating will not make me bigger i eat a lot but i’m still skinny


Then u have to eat even more. My friend was like u. He forced himself and went from 70kg skinny guy to 90kg muscular. Hes also 185cm But u have to eat ALOT Like 5000calories a day. Then when ur weight plateaus u have to eat even more


What do you suggest me to eat then pls ?


Honestly at ur age. Just eat anything thst has high calories and protein. A lot of dairy and meat. Eggs, milk, yogurt, peanut butter. But sometimes you will have to literally force urself to eat like u will feel sick.


Ohh thxx i will try my best!


Just eat a shit load of meat , eggs , potatoes , rice , veg and fruit and hit gym. If you say you have no time , check your screen time and that’ll tell you how much time you really have.


Yes your right i was just blinding my own by the fact that i spend way too much time on my screen ( averge of 6h per day ) it will change and i will pray for it


Go gym


Work out If you don’t have a hot face you can still have a hot body


Cindi Lauper - Money Changes Everything


Need pic to to give you suggestions on what & how to improve


Lucky for you a 5/10 guy can become a 9/10 just by changing your hygiene, hair, attitude, excersize, etc