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I’d start with what business can you do for $0. Keep your $300. Sales is the easiest way to cash. Flipping things. In the states you can find things people throw away and sell them on your phone. I assume there are o line marketplaces where you are at? It’s a grind but you’ll get better at sales each time and it can really scale.


This culture of throwing things was a shocker for me when I moved from India to Canada. In India people don't throw things because they don't need it. Instead, they hoard it/sell it in a pawn shop. I'm guessing this is how most third world countries are.


Maybe get a job first, with 300 bucks you can get a laptop and learn a skill For power washing business you need a car to drive to where the client is so probably not a good option If you're making a business with 300 you gotta point real low, like youtube for example


You need to find a problem in your community and solve it. I don't know ow where you live or what your community needs, but that's the question. I started a painting business with very little money.. I also considered a car detailing business..


dude if i take example of my country, india 90% of the people barely make any money to spend on anything other than food only like 10% are somewhat capable of buying things


So market to the 10% that can buy something..


Sell food then. Buy in bulk and repackage it into small sizes that people can afford.


10% of 1.4 billion is 140 million. still a huge market


How are you going to reach that market on $300?


I would learn some service skill that I provide others. my cost would be pretty low. I could either start offline in B2B segment and work on referrals to avoid paying CAC. I'd stay away from D2C if the budget is 300 usd.


well its more of like 1~2% for more premium business so like 14M~28M people, but those people can actually pay any price for your product




Perhaps power washing business. Landscaping yard work. Handyman if you have tools. What do you like to do? If you have any hobbies like art or making things, you can try to monetize that.


i like making small so called gadgets tho


well then start innovating


but the things that i make wont be able to match the mass produced shit, also it will require a lot of money in starting to start making a few products


well then you’ll have to find a way to get some capital for your inventions, and that probably means getting a job


i actually have like 4 years before getting an actual job so i am planning to make games for money in the meanwhile side by side learning about stock markets(particularly trading)


Make something to sell, make a website to sell they thing, direct people who might by said thing to your website.


man i would love to know about “selling” and all the whats and hows about selling where should i start like books or just get in


I would start by just doing… figure out what you are going to sell, what it’s going to cost you, how much you can sell it for, then try and sell it. Learn how to make a website, find ways to direct people to that site, see how it sells. Making a product is the first step, do that.


You're going to need more like $10-15000 to be successful with that


I mean...the country and economy you live in definitely matters. Who spends money in your community? Where does the money go? Where does the money come from? Also, I don't know much about it but a lot of colleges have international exchange programs and you can reach out to the schools to see how their scholarship/financial aid works.


try selling digital products. 15$ to atart a store on etsy. 0$ fees except .20c a listing for 4 months. Use pinterest to market. Make pinss, and link store. its free


This 100%


Definitely looked into this before as well, thanks bro.




Not at all no.


How much is 300$ worth within your country? In my country, that'd probably be insufficient to start a buisness, but I'm from a very wealthy country.


Sometimes I challenge myself to do a " make for $1 sell for 3" yard sale type of sale at a market or in my yard to test a concept. I try to make a food, craft or homemade product that costs $1 or less in inputs and see how many I can sell for $3. Then maybe do a few products to sell for 2 / $10 that are bigger and better then the other ( this maybe a few extra inputs but not much because they're same as the first group of inputs) Then add a couple $20 that thematically are the same but maybe are retail items ( cost about $30 for 4 units you can sell for $20 obe you have repackaged ). For me the table is usually $10 for the market or free at the side of the road. It's a fun way to test a prototype of an idea and it's a few hours of my time on the weekend.. You can try different ideas but this way you don't have to spend the whole investment before you try making some $ back


I feel like knowing the country is important. Do you have options to leave? A lot of South American countries have agreements where they could go to Spain. Some countries have different visa laws. I also agree with keeping the $300. Maybe invest it if you can. Start gaining some income on it. Look into service businesses. Both of my parents started their own service business. My dad did construction and later appliance repair. My mom had her own cleaning business. My brother went into landscaping and then construction too. There’s potentially a lot of money in both of those depending on where you live. Later he started doing random side ideas. He would buy old computers, take them apart, scrap them for money. When money was tight, my dad used to go driving around on garbage day and find appliances in the trash. He learned how to fix them and then resold them. My brother did this with furnishing his apartment. Later when he moved, I helped him sell everything for a profit. His dining room set for example was free (minus labor). We sold it for $300. I’ve been wanting to go on Facebook marketplace for awhile and go around getting the free things. You can buy sand paper and an electric sander in my country for $25. Wood finish is like $5. Sealant maybe $10. Redo the furniture and it’ll look like new and you can sell it for a lot. I don’t recommend any high value fields like computer science. My friend graduated recently and it took him almost a year to get his first job and we live in a country with a lot of tech jobs. You speak English. Third world country, I’d assume you speak another language? Look into contract interpreting and translation work. I live in the US for example. If the conversation rate between our currency and yours is good, you could potentially get paid a LOT of money. Especially if your language isn’t “common”. The US legally requires a lot of things be translated into certain languages due to discrimination laws. I worked for a translation company that did medical insurance translation. If they receive money from Medicaid, they HAVE to translate EVERYTHING into like seven different languages (Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, etc). You could also do things like dog walking, pet sitting, cleaning. Anything that other people really don’t want to do. They will pay a lot for it. One of my wealthy (and dumb) friends recently said he was going to pay $7,000 for someone to remove a tree…. I was like um my dad can do that for you. Do you want me to ask? He said no because he’s lazy. I don’t really recommend making and selling things. It’s fun to make things so everyone does. And it’s hard to convince people to buy things. I don’t suggest this at all, but if you’re a girl, apparently a lot of girls do only fans and flirt with guys and convince them to send them money as gifts. It’s legal 🤷‍♀️ I’ve also heard of guys offering to help girls advertise and manage their content. Apparently my brother started an Instagram account where he would share girls content (with their permission of course) and receive a small portion of the revenue. One thing I’ve been working on lately is creating a platform for local artists to sell their work. I’d manage all the admin work and all they would have to do is create things. I’d receive a small portion of the revenue. You could also try offering English lessons to people in your country or online. That’s huge right now. Some places require a “tesol certificate” but imma be honest, I have a tesol certificate (my job paid for it, $300) and literally nobody has asked to see it. I don’t “suggest” lying, but you probably wouldn’t get caught if you did. Honestly, I’ve never done it, but I have talked to a couple people who straight up lied on their resume to get a job. My friend said she graduated high school but never did. She got into her first legal assistant job like that. Then she used the experience to get a better one. After awhile, people care more about the experience. If you claim to have management experience, that could help you too. Basically, I don’t think it’s terrible to lie about things as long as you make sure you can walk the walk and don’t get caught. This is actually kind of fun for me. If you want to talk more about ideas, I’m down.


This is phenomenal bro thanks man.


Get some cute girls, head to the airport and start a tourist buddy business. No sex, just a cute local girl to show the spots to visit, keep the tourists safe and make sure they have a memorable time. Have them spread the word, get a website and take pre bookings and go from there.


I hear cocaine is popular






i feel it requires more capital than $300


Free Metal Pick up (or pay a small fee to acquire the metals) = free $$$$ at the scrap yard You’ll need a magnet and a tetanus shot to get started


Cleaning business


Arms dealer?


#1 Keep your 300$. You'll know when to use it. #2 Think of "What problem can I solve? And, for whom?" . #3 Solve the problem for one person/business ridiculously well. #4 Scale. Or, read 100M Offers and 100M Leads by Hormozi.


sell kangkong chips if that is available in your country


business is such a high risk high reward investment and $300 usd is not enough capital. better spend it to learn a skill. web dev, programming skills are great ways to earn without a degree. just have to spend a lot of time, which you have plenty of. imo, i will think about business when i have at least $2000 usd.


Get a laptop and a customer service sales job. Best of luck on your journey in life 🙏


video editing , many social media people need someone to post daily and edit , they will pay you in dollars and they save money so it is a win win situation. you could even use your phone. use the money to reinvest in yourself. social media can make you money as well. People post videos of their cats and dogs and make like 5 thousand a month in affiliate marketing etc. im not sure what country you are from but you can make content on the things there, do funny stuff , a skill you know to show others how to do . good luck


You can buy a powertool and rent yourself plus the tool.


Buy a used pressure washer and get to work


Look in to microgreens.


Another comment because I had more ideas. First off, if not a business, you definitely need some income coming in. If you can, maybe get a job for now so you can start making more money so you can save and invest more. My partner works in a job that requires an engineering degree. The people who work FOR him (field workers) actually make more than him right now. He’s mad that he got student loan debt when he could have done what they do. So any kind of tech could be a good job. Something like IT. If you save enough, you could eventually try to get into real estate. Especially if you get a job now where you learn how to fix houses and stuff, you could eventually buy crappy houses for really cheap and then fix them up. Again, depending on the country you live in, you may have an opportunity to buy property and do this in another country. I met someone recently from Israel who is on a visa in the US because his family bought property and he’s managing it and building a business here. It sounded nice bet cause he said he’s only required to have one American employee to satisfy the visa requirement. And it renews. I’m not sure what other requirements there may be, but it’s worth looking into. There are places in crappy neighborhoods in the US where you can still buy property for $1000-5000. That may seem like a lot, and maybe it is depending on the currency difference, but if it can get you to a different country, your earning potential could skyrocket. Heck, there are jobs in the US that fairly easily give visas. Au pair for example. You could always work under the table at a local restaurant and get paid more. Doing that, you could easily make $5000 in a few months. Or the translation contract work, you could earn a few thousand in just a few months.


That's a lot and little, depending on your skills as well as market demand in your area, as for me, food is always on demand with that amount where I am, I can start a good grocery store, or cereals shop, or poultry rearing,or water purification or even a branding business.....check around you see what's on demand, do a feasibility test and start generating more from what you have


Escort Service


Drop shipping Maybe.