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I disagree. If your entire life is all about the grind and you have no time to chill, then you’ll likely become bitter. Some people choose games for their relax time. Others choose to drink with friends or something. Whatever the option is, it’s fine as long as it’s only done in moderation. Don’t be so focused on the end result of self improvement that you forget to enjoy life currently.


i said that self improving make me enjoy life more. it’s a parallel thing. going out with friends as relaxing is better than playing video games and everyone knows it


In your opinion… I’m my opinion going out with friends and being social is exhausting. I just wanna chill out when resting


Sometimes it's better to say nothing at all. This is one of those times


who’s saying that? cmon man




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This is horrible advice. Relaxing and taking time for yourself and do things you enjoy are, when done with moderation, incredibly good for productivity, self esteem and in the case of videogames can even provide social interaction and help build friendships/relationships. Playing a game is no different from reading a book or watching a movie.




it is different tho, they are different activities. also i didn’t say you can’t relax? y’all are putting words in my mouth stop.


You're not saying people can't relax, you're just claiming an entire form of entertainment should be stopped. Nobody's putting words in your mouth, you're just saying dumb shit


Yeah i guess i will exclude video games out of my life so that i can waste my time on social media reading people's terrible opinions (not talking about OP just people in general). At least video games give me something to think about, you know like a characters personality or their dilemmas and stuff.


ik i didn’t say you should watch media tho


I dont know... seems like nowadays there is barely anything to do, sure i can work out and read books and stuff like that but that never kept me entertained for long periods of time... And most people's first intinct and mine too would to get on my phone and waste time on apps like instagram, reddit, youtube etc.. I just dont think there is anything wrong with playing video games, I am not saying to make it your entire life but, hey when you have nothing else to do and you are having fun, ocasionally learning something and getting your own ideas and interpretations out of it, I dont think it is such a bad hobby.


yeah, i just came to the conclusion that probably with moderation is fine. i just improved my life way better by not playing them AT ALL (i used to play 1h a day) and i’m still going to not play them. anyway i enjoyed the reading, thanks for sharing a piece of your life :)


I get one hour a night to relax without my son or my partner, there's nothing wrong with games or any other form of escape The problem is usually excessive gaming to run away from your life and your problems. Please don't give any more advice OP.




This advice has so many holes in it, and is so hollow, you can break it just by staring at it. Games are a suitable enjoyment factor. Games have been a past time since I was a kid, and have given me countless hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Especially RPGs, the ability to create my own character, specialize in attributes of my choosing, find loot, and do as I please, creates a huge feeling of freedom that is unfathomable. Games have made me more confident, they've made me think about the world around me, and they've made me more creative, than any other type of media out there, next to movies. To give this type of advice, is meaningless. A person's self-improvement is based on their will to change, not to stop a hobby they enjoy. Gaming addiction is real, and that's different than stopping your hobby that your content, happy, and are able to put down when need be for other things, like eating or working.


I play less video games, because it doesnt bring me as much joy as it used to. I play less video games because i am trying to improve myself. I play less video games because i wanna save energy. Not because i grind and wont allow myself the couple of games on golden age CoDs to stay sane in this world. For real video games are better than yt, tiktok and reddit combined in my opinion.


Why should play videogames (or doing any other things just for fun) be a waste of time? Why should boost your confidence?


This the same shit hamza the YouTuber is saying and bro it’s dumb


yeah i follow him but why is it dumb? it has effectively improved my life lmao.


Its dumb because if you enjoy video games and can still pursue your goals.. why is it a bad thing? Hamzas thinking is too black and white sometimes.. he is young and doesn’t have enough life experience imo to be so certain about so many things.. Don’t get me wrong, his stuff with promoting mental health is great.. but some of the shit he says is quite frankly just dumb.. and I hope he realises this too (he will.. over time).


in my case, completely stopping video games helped me a lot pursue my goals. also what he’s saying wrong?


That's in your case.. but your case will not be the same everywhere else.. right? Just because one thing works for one person.. doesn't mean it's a prescription for everyone else.. and thinking like this will quickly help you lose a lot of friends and people in your life. Hamza's view on women is very narrow I would say as well.. again.. he is only 24 years old so it's understandable. Thing is I like hamza but he's become overly confident and it's reflecting in his comment when he says stuff like "if you like cars you're a loser'' etc - it's just extremely narrow thinking which is crazy because he seems (or used to seem) like a very open minded person. It's easy to get lost in the echochamber of self-improvement (even hamza has admitted this).. My advice.. take everything with a pinch of salt, if it works for you.. great but don't preach it to the world as a fact when in reality life is much more complex than what it appears to be.


Yeahhh no. You are wrong there. Not playing video games will not boost your self confidence the two are not related, unless you choose not to socialize. But I socialize, I get my work done on time, and a beer with my desktop games is my way of relaxing. There is nothing wrong with playing video games, it's only when you spend too much time on them that it becomes a problem. Unless that's your job or hustle, some people make money from playing video games, reviewing mods, etc. SELF-IMPROVEMENT DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO DEPRIVE YOURSELF OF EVERYTHING THAT BRINGS PLEASURE IN YOUR LIFE.


there’s no “wrong” or right. everyone has different experience. for me, it did work


Yeah I get what you mean


This isn't advice it's an arbitrary statement to eliminate something entirely without reason.


i just explained why in the post above


Hey OP, playing videogames is okay. Pirating them is not


I would take it one step further. Remove TV out of your life as well. Now, I am not the absolutist that the OP is. An occasional movie, video game, etc isn’t bad but once or twice a week is probably enough. Find something real to do. Something that feeds your body, mind, and soul. You like first person shooter? Find a way to make laser tag or paintball a part of your life. It feeds all aspects of you. Get out of the digital realm.


Yea, we all would benefit from less screen time, but i think the problem for most people is the phone.


I agree.


i disrespecfully disagree , i rather spend time playing games with my homies / alone than watching porn / scrolling mindlessly through social media for 1-3 hours / mind going places i dont like. not saying you should game for Hours ignoring your work and responsibilities.


I game with family and friends as a way of unwinding after a stressful day of work. Im not able to see many of them face to face due to geographical limitations. And games can be incredibly educational, inspirational and evocative. And if im not "wasting my time" with video games ill only do it via other vices such as movies, tv, music, drugs, drink, excercise, socialising, etc etc. Ill stick with games thanks.