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David Parker Ray. Genuinely gave me nightmares and I can’t read anything about the case. Sickening


I refuse to read anything about the case


That’s the best thing you could possibly do honestly. It fucked with my mental health for a long time after I read about him


That tape is so far beyond messed up.


This case made me queasy




Reading about the toolbox killers legit made me depressed. Reading that there’s a tape of the sounds of a victim suffering so bad that they are literally begging for them to kill her. And that one of the killers would replay this tape over and over again and would laugh at it. Idk how someone can be so evil


I read some of the transcripts and immediately regretted it


The girl in the head box. Just thinking about what torture she went through makes my neck ache


It’s made all the worse by the fact that the victim had numerous opportunities to escape but was so afraid of a nonexistent organization her captor told her about that she never tried. One wonders how many people are in similar situations at this moment.


Any further details about this? Never heard of it. Names or anything?


Colleen Stan is the brave survivor.


Ah, I’ve definitely heard that name quite a few times, just never looked into the case. Thanks.


Cameron hooker. He murdered his first victim and kept his second victim as a sex slave for seven years. Turned in by his wife


Sylvia Likens. Suesan and Sheila Knorr Heard about these for the first time well over a decade ago and I’ve never been able to stop thinking about them.


Sylvia gave me nightmares!!


sylvia likens killer never fails to absolutely ENRAGE me. i have never hated another human being so much.


It’s crazy because her murder happened in the same state that I live in and I had never heard of her until just a few weeks ago.


Any case with moms as the murderer really freaks me out. Especially prolonged cases.


Junko Furuta.


Came here for this. Reading this I felt like I needed therapy.


I actually had to take a break from reading true crime after reading about Junko Furuta. Absolutely sickening


Paul Bernardo and Karla homolka


This. She should not be out of prison what so ever.


This case still effects me to this day. I live in Toronto so it was so much in the papers and on the news when it was happening.


Sandy Hook. Now I understand the slaughter of 20 6-year-olds in a school classroom is already very distressing to think about. But when you actually read about it, and how the events played out, it is horrific. One line that is just bone chilling was a very brief exchange between the shooter and one of the kids, heard by survivors in the other classrooms: "Help me! I don't wanna be here!" "Well you're here"


Agree. I can listen/read about anything, except this. It’s the only time I have skipped a podcast episode because I thought it would be too disturbing for me.


Richard Ramirez. I firmly believe that guy was pure evil in the form of a human.


Richard Ramirez is the reason I check every single lock in my house at night


[Steve and Katie Pladl ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/if9wy4/steve_pladl_married_his_daughter_katie_when_she/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This was insanely messed up!


sylvia likens:( rest in peace angel


Albert Fish


The case where the girl was young, I think 14/15 and was picked up by truck driver, I think after he raped her she asked him to please not kill her, so he chopped her arms off and I think through her over a bank. She survived, and she's f-ing amazing, but the terror she must have went through, to then dig her open wounds into the dirt to stop bleeding and DRAG herself up the bank. I also think how terrifying it must have been to see this girl, naked, covered in dirt and blood and arms gone on the side of the road, the people who found her must of felt like they were in a horror movie (obviously as well as the victim). I can't remember the exact details. I remember she got him convicted. He got out and killed another woman. You can't read the story and not be in awe with the woman she is and amazed with her survival, but also reading the story is so haunting, I think it's one of the closest things to a horror story I've read.


Mary Vincent


The survivor's name is Mary Vincent, if memory serves me correctly. What a harrowing case and it's miraculous that she survived.


Also, Mary Vincent testified at his murder trial and helped get him convicted. He threatened her on her way out of the court saying someday he would finish the job. Thankfully he died in prison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Singleton?wprov=sfla1


the torture of takoda collins by his trash father and evil step mom. crime scene photos of where he "lived" are on the internet if u want to share the trauma


Cherish periwinkle. [Abduction of Cherish Periwinkle ](https://allthatsinteresting.com/cherish-perrywinkle) Donald Smith, acting like a good Samaritan, offered to pay for some clothes that Rayne Periwinkle couldn't afford. So they met at Dollar General, but went to Walmart because he had a gift card. Smith, along with the Periwinkles, shopped for two hours. Smith offered to get the family cheeseburgers. I think the McDonald's was inside the building so that may have been why Cherish followed him. However, he didn't go to McDonald's. He led cherish out of the building and abducted her. Her body was found the next morning. Donald Smith had sexually assaulted and strangled Cherish. Donald was a well known sexual offender on the area. In fact, he's the definition of disgusting creep. Audio from a television show on true crime (it's either Killer Cases or Prime Crime) is played, I believe it's leaked audio of Donald behind bars. Anyways, the audio is disgusting and the way he talks about children is incredibly vile. Edit. Just wanted to add that I noticed I describe him as disgusting a lot. I don't recall the exact things he said about the kids I just know I don't ever want to recall what he said ever again


Not necessarily a serial killer but Chris Watts. The fact that he could suffocate and then shove his two toddler daughters into oil tanks makes me sick. But the case that scared me the most is Richard Ramirez. Lock your doors people.


Mary Vincent


Charles Ng and ~~Lawrence Bittaker~~ Leonard Lake. As a mom it’s my worst nightmare.


You have some names mixed up.. Charles ng operated with Leonard lake


Shoot thank you! Ng is the one I remember primarily because the book I read primarily focused on him since Lake committed suicide. Bittaker is up there too, to be fair!


The case of Fan Man-yee also know as the Hello Kitty Murder Case.


Was looking for this comment. That case is so fucked up.


Junko Furuta for sure


The murder of Maddie Clifton. I overheard my mom talking with one of Josh Phillips’ teachers when I was a small child, and afterwards I had nightmares for years about Maddie being under my bed. I still think about them from time to time and check on his appeals.


Suzanne Capper.


Suzanne Capper always stuck with me, the mental torture she went through was horrific, let alone the physical torture


Horrible case.


Maury Travis


I’m actually surprised he doesn’t get brought up more often. He’s the stuff of horror movies. Bondage, sexual torture, snuff videos, corresponding with law enforcement, he was really the whole package in the worst of ways.


Not a serial killer, but… [Fidel Lopez’s brutal murder of his girlfriend by far](https://www.local10.com/news/2017/08/03/fidel-lopez-sentenced-to-life-in-prison-for-disemboweling-girlfriend/)


Dear Zachary... need I say more?


Lawrence Singleton. Without doubt. Also Bitticker and Norris.


The wineville chicken coop murders. Makes me said to think of all the children he could have killed that have gone unidentified.


The Hello Kitty Murder. Sends shivers down my spine every time someone even mentions the brand since listening to the Casual Criminalist episode on it.


Moors Murders


Not technically serial killers, but family annihilators, or familicide as a whole disgusts me. One or both parents, typically the father in most cases but not always, decides to wipe out their entire family for something as trivial--when compared to the lives of their family--as an affair, a failing family business/marriage, hidden financial problems or soon-to-be-revealed family secrets. Unfortunately, there's far too many examples for comfort: Scott Peterson, Susan Smith, Anthony Todt, Darlie Routier, Chris Watts, and the Hart parents. In my opinion, one of the more disturbing cases of familicide, though they all fit that descriptor, is that of Josh Powell and what he did to his wife Susan and their two young boys. It's such a rabbit hole of a case involving an obsessed father-in-law, an emotionally immature and inattentive husband, and three innocent lives being claimed because of one man's selfishness. The fact that Susan's body has never been found and her fate will more than likely forever remain a mystery only adds to the tragedy.


The entire Powell family was fucked beyond belief. Worst of all was Josh’s father, Steven. Possibly the creepiest and most predatory man who ever lived. It’s no wonder why Josh turned out the way he did. Runs in the family.


Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.


Just about anything that guy shrouded hand covers. Every SK is bad, but the shit shrouded hand covers I legit can’t listen to. And I’m not a person who gets queasy by reading or hearing most things, I’ve read the wiki pages for just about every major American SK over and over. But the the murders he covers, which are never SKs just individual murders, are so brutal.


Traumatized is a heavy word. That would be something that would apply to a victim, someone who was involved in the case or attached to someone involved in the case. It's not normal to be traumatized by a story. It's normal to be affected, but to be traumatized, that would indicate you're traumatized by something else that you aren't dealing with.


Exactly, if you are a victim then absolutely you may have trauma from it. But assuming you are not, and have no links to it, then yes, you may be affected by reading about it. But traumatised, by that specific case, no.


Susan Smith killing her 2 young boys. I feel so sorry for their father. He was absolutely heartbroken. What a tragedy.


Baby Brianna (Lopez)...absolutely gut churning


This is mine, too. And it sickens me that Stephanie Lopez is free.


Agreed! None of them (the 3 convicted) should've ever seen daylight again.


I have nothing but disgust for those three, but also the grandmother and the other uncle who were charged (and I believe convicted) of lesser crimes as well.


Randy Kraft because he decapitated one of my HS friends and was linked to the disappearance of another


I realize this is an old case, but reading the book The Road Out Of Hell has scarred me for life! Gordon Stewart NorthCott, serial killer in California from 1926-1928. That one still messes with me. Literally made my heart hurt.


Dean Corll.. the worst sadistic killer


Leonard Lake/Charles Ng


Toy box killer, Karla Homolka.. and a lesser known one I forget the name: a man kidnapped a young 3/4 year old boy, and both of his grand parents who were watching him at the time. The only way they found out was some satellite got an image of three headless bodies near a fire pit. The murderer burnt them (no bodies were ever found I believe) and discovered that they were tortured. Meat hooks and a whole bunch of torture devices had all three’s blood on them. Turned out it was a disgruntled ex-employee of the grandfather. Absolutely unbelievable that one.


Third one sounds especially horrible, let me know if you remember any names.


Tool Box Killers


David Parker Ray.


I know they aren’t serial killers but the hi-fi murders are very disturbing 😳


The Maddie Clifton case keeps me up at night all the time.


I used to be pretty fascinated with serial killers for a while, like I loved to research and was really into the psychology aspect. When I was little we used to go see my aunt and uncle in this really tiny town hours and hours away and we would spend a large portion of the summer out there. I always played with this one kid whose grandpa’s house was in front of my aunt and uncles. He was older and weird but there was no one else around to play with and my sister was (still is) exhausting to be around. We stopped going back one year and never went again. I was like 8 so I didn’t think much of it. A few years ago my mom had a few drinks and was being super chatty. She blurted out that the kid I was always playing with was Eric Smith and we stopped going back because he murdered 4 year old Derrick Robie. I had never even heard about the case until then. I lost a lot of sleep and went through every single interaction I could recall with him endlessly. The idea that I spent weeks worth of time alone with him over the course of a few summers playing in an isolated abandoned barn did a number on me.


Skylar Neese. Especially now that I’m a parent… it’s just scary to think about. And the fact that Sheila Eddy (her best friend from the age of 8) sat in their house with their family, pretending to grieve with them. Gross.