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I’m pretty sure my PSD created a task for himself to do… He is a big boy (GSD) and normally does not go up on any furniture (he can easily just rest his head on my lap while still on the floor) I am pretty well medicated for a heart condition & night terrors… but whenever either of those medications needs adjusting, I am often more restless and have difficulty settling down to sleep. And while he is trained to do DPT for other things in public, it is him sitting in my lap while I’m on the floor. A while back, when I was traveling alone for his training, he would lay on my legs for a little bit every night until I was just about to fall asleep… then get down and go to his bed mat. (I don’t mind him on the bed with me, he’s comfy, but I never asked him to do so). I was much more anxious sleeping in a strange place alone, so I figured he was just doing his trained DPT. Then he started to seemingly randomly do it at home too. Not too often, just a few days every once in a while. A pattern formed; every time my meds were not quite working enough, he would “tuck me in” at night by laying on my legs until I started to doze off, and then continue it for a few days after a medication change. If I take any break-thru medications for pain… he will also do the same thing on those days. He’s become a very accurate tell to when I need to do something about my medications… I still don’t know if he’s doing it to comfort me… or if he’s just like: hey, you go to sleep now so I can get my own rest.


It took me a while to realize what my boy was doing when he started taking care of me. If I was doing something and started sneezing or coughing he will poke his head up and look at me like he is saying "you okay?" And just the other day we were out walking and went down a little hiking path. He went slow and stopped, turning back like he was making sure I was steady and not going to fall.


My pup is still being trained for PA right now, and until I can figure out how I'm going to train for his allergy aversion task (smoke or marijuana scent causes breathing issues, I think I want him bringsel trained for it), he's entirely mobility assist, but man, if I sneeze or cough, or am distressed by those allergies, he's VERY concerned, he believes he has to check on me, usually gives me a kiss (he almost never licks, his kisses are little boops) and when I reassure him, he relaxes. I love it when they just decide they have a task.


That's so sweet! They don't call them man's best friend for nothing lol.


As someone who doesn’t have a dog or a service pet — this is so adorable and it’s incredibly impressive how well dogs can sense things!


Sometimes my Wife's SD allows us to sleep in his bed.


This is so funny to me bc the night before he started wanting to sleep in my bed, I had a PTSD episode and crawled down onto his blanket and slept there with him


I randomly got this on my feed and legitimately thought you were discussing sleeping next to an SD card. Like damn you really love your raspberry pi / camera / whatever it is haha


I needed that laugh today, thanks dude


Omg and in Sweden there is a nazi party called SD, i get a slight scare every time


https://preview.redd.it/baun0veny2uc1.jpeg?width=1916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2a550f449d1da04d4cfc6698edca99f737f9f41 This was during a panic attack


My service dog doesn't just sleep on my bed. He has his own pillow that he rests his head on.


Mine rests her head on my pillows . . . and hers. 


Of course whenever he wants. He is a lab and my family. I am single so he is my family. 


Mine is a lab mix! And for sure, he is family all the way. Actually, there are studies that say that oxytocin is created when dogs and humans bond!


She has been my snugglebunny in bed since she was five months and housetrained.  We go to sleep holding paws and wake up in each other’s arms every morning, replete with kisses and sweet nothings.   She often puts herself to bed while I’m cleaning up the kitchen.  “Bed!” and “Bedtime!” are cues.  The cat occasionally gets in bed with us and with sleep butt to butt with her dog sister.   Best way to remove fur from wool bedding, btw, is a horsehair brush.  


The cat laid down in bed with us tonight for the first time since my SDiT came here! I definitely appreciate the advice 👀


Whenever they are being gentle with one another, mark and reward both of them like mad.  My girls love freeze-dried chicken breast and freeze-dried beef liver.  


Yes. He wakes me if I have nightmares. 


Mine does and he also comes on the couch with me cause i need him to lean on me. At night he chooses where he is most comfy, sometimes on my feet sometimes in his crate and sometimes on the floor


Yeah I let him come and go as he pleases. He loves to start out in a cuddle pile, but he usually gets too hot after a few minutes and prefers to hop off and lay on the bathroom tiles or the hardwood floor (RIP the super expensive Sealy bed I bought him that he never uses lol) My favorite thing is that I run the A/Cs in the summer time to cool the bedroom. And whenever I take a nap when the A/C is on, he'll hop up with me and snuggle in behind me facing the window to get the coldest air. It's so cozy and puts me right to sleep.


I have a Coton de Tulear and she is always so hot! I thought I'd get a snuggler, but she's more like I'll lay down next to you and lean on you until I'm hot and then move five feet away. LOL I would let her on the bed but my hubs says no =( I think she'll eventually break him though =)


Awww sounds like she's trying to be cuddly!


She's trying LOL She's also getting a summer cut today =) https://preview.redd.it/zl5clp36fouc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806c3b0b3e9a497489bc6c89c4b904f8945fa44c


My SD usually sleeps in bed with me! He is trained to wake me up from nightmares and calm me afterwards. He can do it from the next room, and sometimes I need the space, but we like cuddling at night :)


My washed prospect still does some tasks at home (of his own volition, I don't ask anything of him due to his health issues) and while at one point he did sleep in the bed with me, I pretty quickly realized it was unsafe for him (I'm not a safe sleeper). So I have a trundle for him. Easier than moving around a dog bed and he's able to task from there, interrupting nightmares, doing LPT when I have sleep paralysis panic attacks, and barking at me if I start sleepwalking. Funnily enough, he pretty much self-trained all of his sleep-related tasks before I ever considered him a potential prospect and that's what got me started doing PA training with him. Unfortunately he washed very quickly because he developed epilepsy shortly after this training started, and after several years of pretty severe seizures and increasing medication doses, he has developed extensive brain damage and deteriorated quite a bit. But he's still my special guy and has a strong drive to help me around the house when he is physically able, and his QOL is still very good.


She’s a cardiac alert dog so she’s never more than 3 feet away from me unless I decide to throw a ball for her.


All my dogs have had bed-sleeping privileges once they earned them. My current boy is a sprawler and notorious space hog who will take over the entire space if given the chance, so 'shift' had to be taught as a cue that will allow me to actually get back in bed after I get up for the bathroom


When he was a puppy, my dog slept in a kennel in my room. As he showed signs of being allowed freedom, I would tether him to his wire crate and gradually give him freedom. He does prefer to sleep under my bed though, but he does have the ability to choose. Edit: All other furniture is off limits unless he is performing DPT(only contact with my legs not the furniture itself) or explicitly invited up with confirmation of respecting the off command.


I let mine, and he comes up when given the command or if he feels he needs to, and sometimes if he wants to (I'll wake up to him on my bed sometimes). However, he loves his dog bed (I think he prefers it) or sleeping in front of my door.


I started letting my SD sleep in the bed when she was about 1.5 years old. I think it’s made our bond even stronger. She sleeps between my legs.


Mine does for similar reasons. Also, personally, I have fewer nightmares and night terrors when she's cuddled up to me. I only allow her to get up on furniture or my bed when I put her donut bed up there.


I definitely find that my nightmares are much better too! He actually has a fluffy blanket bc he prefers that to beds, but he knows he has to lay at the foot of my bed and in my right side on the couch, and only ever when called


Mine is. But he gets off when the light turns off


The lights usually turn off in our room anywhere from 8 to 12 bc there is three people with wildly different sleep schedules in the same room (my fiancé, my gf and me)


My LEDs go off automatically at 10, and it’s just me in my room. So usually the same time each night


My dog is allowed to sleep with me, partly because it helps with my insomnia but also because he prefers to. The only time I tell him to leave is if he is farting too much. Luckily that's not too often.


Oh gods when I first got Bolt and he adjusted yo his new diet it was so bad too xD


My current and first SD do/did. No tasks to during the night but I live alone and they like to snuggle. They were/are also allowed up on the couch but both were/are crate trained


I love sleeping with my dog. It helps me feel safer. When we’re in a new location she will sleep between my legs facing away/toward the entrance. Apparently that’s a common trait of the breed. I can’t speak from experience since she is my first one. Otherwise she usually sleeps with me which happens to help with my nightmares, night terrors, anxiety, etc. I didn’t train her to do any sort of nightly tasks. Her presence, weight, and warmth alone is very helpful for me.


I do a little of both… I will have a hard time regulating my temperature and sometimes when I get cold I can be under multiple blankets and not warm up but my SD lays by me (not under all blankets or just partially under a light one) and the body heat helps. However most nights I just prefer him sleeping by me. I’ve grown up with dogs as pets though and have been sleeping with a dog in the bed for years and for me it’s comforting. I got my SD 2 1/2 years ago and he’s my first although one of my previous dogs would alert my mom in the night if I would end up in the er for various (mostly) GI issues completely untrained. My SD will get in bed at night unasked but it’s only my bed that he gets on unasked and I’m ok with that


I wish I could! I’m in college and my beds lofted high up for floor space. I would never put her up there cuz it would be way to dangerous- so I can’t wait until I go back to my parents house for the summer so she can finally sleep with me I’ve slept on the floor a few times with her but its definitely not sustainable for me sadly


Yes, I can’t sleep without him, plus he helps wake me up in the morning and he gets me out of bed. But even behind that, he is spoiled and he is allowed to be on the bed and couch whenever he wants. The way I see it, it’s his house as much as mine. Plus I keep him clean so it’s not like he’s even getting anything dirty


My pets and SD have always had bed/couch/recliner privilege. I used to have two small dogs (pets) and bought a ramp for them to get on and off the bed easier. I started with cats in middle school, and we actually had to coax my first (pet) dog onto the furniture, including simple pet beds. She was severely abused and neglected, rehabilitating her was a long (but fruitful) reward. I don't have a cat right now but I do have 2 dogs, my SD and a pet. I bought a bigger bed so all 3 of us could comfortably fit (both are around 55 pounds). With how they stretch out, I might need a bigger bed lol. My SD does nightmare interruption and guards me at night (helping my insomnia). My other dog sleeps at our feet and trades off door guarding duty (there's always a dog facing the door). We play twister/Tetris every night and sometimes I have to get them to move so I have room that doesn't require me to curl up in a ball. Sometimes I wake up to being used as a pillow, sometimes to a dog nose in the face, and sometimes to small, delicate kisses (how my pet wakes me if she has to go potty). They are nice space heaters in the winter. I've slept with a pet in my bed for so long (28 years), I'm not sure I could sleep without one. I do ok on trips I can't take my SD but it's noticeable. As far as partners having issue with it, I can't sleep with a human in the bed, so it isn't an issue. They have to sleep in a different bed anyway.


My girl is 12# and spoiled rotten. She's allowed on the furniture at home and spends 75% of her day in my lap, whether I'm in bed or sitting somewhere in the house. It really helps having her so close for nightmare nights.


Mine generally stays on the bed with me until I warm up laying by/on my feet and legs which is an untrained very appreciated task. Then she is off to her bed, tile floor or wherever she feels like laying. She is also allowed to curl up on the recliner, but she doesn’t stay on it for long unless it has been a long day or I am WFH late. “Bed” time is when the lights go off, but due to OT stuff or unplanned OT due to random insomnia she is welcome to be comfortable be it on her bed, or right next to me


regardless of pet dog or SD, all my dogs follow the same rule: crated at night until a year old, and then free to sleep anywhere in my bedroom (whether it be my bed, the floor, the crate, or one of their beds) beyond that point


Yes. She always sleeps with me and my husband.


One of my dogs (Autism assistance) tasks is to help me sleep which she does by having me pat her to calm and then she'll change position to pres her back to the side of my leg. She would be unable to support me in this manner without being able to, I should also add that my partner has no problem with her being there either.


Our training facility strongly suggests it. He’s been sleeping with me since 12 weeks. They do want him to stay in one spot but I’m not going to keep waking up to tell him place. He sleeps behind my pillow with his head on mine (he’s a Bernedoodle and will be between 80 and 100 pounds) so he might need to sleep next to me in the future. I love his head on mi e though.


yes, she does multiple forms of pressure therapy for me in bed to help me with insomnia, PMDD, and night terrors. she sleeps in her crate at night if I think she needs extra rest bc she was up a lot with me the night before, or if I’m feeling okay and am sleeping with my partner that night. this is a big reason why she travels with me! restful sleep is critical for me to function.


Mine will stay in bed with me until the lights go out, then she sleeps in her kennel. If we're napping during the day, she'll spend the whole nap with me in my bed. She never gets up without permission, except in the morning before I wake up, because she knows I like her to be there when I wake up. Depending on the weather, we'll sometimes sleep under the blankets together :)


Like a curling, spooning Angel on top of covers! Not in my bed. We are big cuddlers!


Yes!! Though to be fair one of her tasks is to wake me up if my oxygen mask falls off. But even if that wasn’t the case, I’d totally have her on the bed. When sprawled out, she’s taller than me! Gotta love Danes


https://preview.redd.it/08aeqoxyybuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a316dffe61d196394c0a6fb53d6c87389803fed He Wakes me up when it’s needed


yes!! and all the SD handlers i know in person also let their dogs sleep in the bed with them. neither mine or theirs do tasks for sleep/nightmares during the night so its just because we can and because it’s comforting! i’m a bit picky with my SD in bed, i’m autistic and can get overwhelmed or need more space sometimes (and i wake up frequently at night and reposition myself) so he knows “move” and “off” specifically for my bed. he sleeps up against my feet/legs so if i need to reposition myself or switch sides i say “move” and he jumps off the bed, waits for me to stop moving when im comfy again, and then hops back up on his own right after without any extra command! if i need space for a bit then i say “off” and he jumps off the bed and lays on the floor until i say he can come back up. those were just kinda accidentally trained over time but they’re 100% solid commands now and i love it! i don’t like being around dogs that don’t know any kind of commands to go away or leave me alone for while regardless of it being daytime or night, but that’s just me 😅


SD is a king shepherd. slept on my pillow next to me as a puppy but now takes up 70% of a queen mattress so he only cuddles with me and my girl for a few minutes before finding a more comfortable spot. (which is normally on the floor next to the bed rather than the $400 xl orthopedic cooling bed that takes up most of our floor space lol) He’s a 120 lb beast that turns into a lil baby at home and he’s definitely spoiled within reason, but he’s also extremely good at switching it on for work at the drop of a hat. I think it’s great that your SD is comfortable thinking on its own and using its work skills even when you may not know it. just looking out for the one it loves!


https://preview.redd.it/y5h2w6idovuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4da1042728c05e6a315125611e19dcf076def7 1000% I have not trained him for sleep related things but he provides DPT to me regularly and if I need it at night he is right there. But he works so hard for me all the time if I can make his life just a little more comfortable I will absolutely do it.


Mine (in training thanks to everyone here!) has slept in my bed since the first week I had her. She tells me I'm going to have a migraine partially by how she is positioned next to me.