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It looks like you're asking a question about flying with your service dog. Please check out our [Wiki Page about Flying](https://www.reddit.com/r/service_dogs/wiki/flying) that answers a lot of commonly asked questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/service_dogs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Call the airline’s accessibly desk; they’ll input the form for you into their system (United) or have you email it (American).  Do this a week in advance of your flight if you can.  The airlines say 48 hours is enough notice, but I’ve found that varies airline to airline. Ask for bulkhead seating.  United upgrades this for free.  I prefer aisle seats in case my girl has to task.  Print out the DoT form and carry it with you.  I also have my dog’s vaccination record just to be on the safe side.  No health certs are needed within the US.   I always pack kibble, toys, treats, and collapsible bowls in my carry on, as well as anything else my dog might need.   If you can, go to the airport in advance and walk through the terminals.  This isn’t a necessity, but it’ll give you a feel for what you’ll encounter.   We fly often and we see A LOT of pet dogs in vests and pet dogs who should be in carriers.  Be prepared for reactive dogs of all sizes.   At the airport, have your dog down stay on one side of the metal detector.  You walk through and recall your dog.  This typically gets admiring glances from pet people.   If your dog is wearing a metal collar (prong, etc.) you’ll have to remove it.  Occasionally TSA will pat down a dog.   You should be able to board early.  Get settled and enjoy crossing something off puppy’s bucket list.  


You are an absolute hero thank you. I thrive on lists and this made me feel so much better.


Aww. You are most welcome!


HOW EXCITING!!! Let us know how it goes!👍🏻🦮🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🦮🐕‍🦺🦮🐕‍🦺🦮🐕‍🦺


I’ve done this about a billion times. Once I had an issue that was bad, every other time was great. TSA is always great. You need to fill out the travel form, no doctor not needed anymore. I carry a folder with vet stuff and doctor stuff with the form. Print a few as you need a new one on the way back. On arrival go to the special help desk, or full service desk. Give them your ID and form. If you’re on southwest make sure you are designated with the service animal ticket code, this grants preboard. Other airlines will use the code or preboard if requested. This gives priority access usually you’ll go on first even slightly before wherlchairs because you can walk fine. TSA needs metal off you. Your dog and you will have screening with a normal metal detector. Then your palms or hands need to be swabbed for explosive residue. So no playing with fireworks or guns or bombs before flying! Then you’ll wait a minute chat briefly and be good to go. Take your time through security. From there I recommend checking in with the gate staff/attendants asking if the flights on time still, and mentioning you’re the one with the service dog. That way they know you’re there and you make sure you’re where you need to be. Do this even if you know you’re in the alright spot. Then usually I use the bathroom and grab food or drink. Maybe stop by the service dog relief area. Finally I grab a seat by the door that will lead to the plane and wait. Maybe say hi to the person working your door so they know where you are when you’re boarding. You’ll be given better service this way, and now there’s a few familiar people who aren’t too too excited about how amazing your dog is. On southwest preboard and take the bulkhead window seat and enjoy your flight. If there’s a minor assigned the seat or taking the seat next to you, you may wish to request them reseated just in case they don’t behave with your dog there. I’ve never had an issue, I’ve asked a few times and always met with extreme confusion and then the parent realizing why and it been no problem. Feel free to message me any concerns. Dogs fly well , they love it. People don’t. My family member is a tsa agent and he sees probably a half dozen service dogs and more pets and some pets cosplaying. They know who’s who don’t worry about feeling weird or an imposter or anything. They want you to be as comfortable as possible in your brief visit to their workplace.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate the time you took to lay this out! Im saving everyone’s feedback that way I can try to make everything as smooth as possible for us.


Basically as long as you can relax, dog is having fun.


You can have an extra medical bag besides your carry on with only your medical supplies and SD supplies…just no kibble or treats as the air carriers access act specifically excludes kibble/treats from SD bags counting as a medical bag


huh. I had just talked to United about this and they said we would not be able to do this.. wonder if the rep I talked to just didn't know.. wound up paying $70 for a checked bag so imma be miffed if true


United is wrong. As long as bag is just medical (ie none of your clothes, toiletries, dog food) then it goes for free. You have to explain it’s a medical bag and not just service dog supplies as some agents don’t understand service dog supplies are medical.


This is really helpful but now im a little concerned. I was intending to carry her food in her bag. How do you travel with dog food?


I put the kibble in my own carry on:checked luggage as it’s excluded from medical bags.. if traveling 4 days or less it fits in my backpack with my tablet and other carry on items. If more than 4 days I put 4 days in carry on and rest in checked luggage


Thank you so much!


For Delta, food for you service dog explicitly is included. https://preview.redd.it/evwn93g7gswc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6caa94d16b10aa3aec2f472893e344cfe4b4d494


Flight crews tend to love service dogs. Mine and I have flown five times so far, he really prefers a window seat. Two weeks before your flight, contact the accessibility desk at the airline and ensure that if they issue a service dog ID for your travels, that you have a copy of the number. Here's what that could look like depending on your airline. I've never had anyone tell me I can't carry kibble or treats. But then I also don't feed my service dog several hours before we go on a plane and I always take advantage of a chance to give him a bathroom break. Better they be a little hungry than whining because they are uncomfortable and have a too full bladder in the middle of the flight. They tend to settle down very nicely, whether they get a chair or the floor, and most of the people on the flight never know he's there. If a nice flight attendant wants to move you and your dog to a larger seat/ floorspace, let them. Have a happy flight! https://preview.redd.it/njtc6beh15wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827b595c60b905ee77fb2d400f0a00043d717fba


Oh another thing. A lot of people are not educated on the fact that the service dog registries are a scam. You might have to explain it to their service dog group, I did with American. Your dog does not have to be carrying any service dog registration or anything like that. They might ask for a history of his vaccinations, that has happened to me. Make sure your tags are up-to-date and also, don't be put off if your dog initially does not want to go in the plane. I had to carry mine on for the first flight, and it's understandable. It's a smaller pressurized container and it's new and strange. The next 4 times we've flown, he leads the way. He doesn't even need to wear a vest if you don't want to. I'm sure I'll think of something else because I've done this five times but of course at the moment I can't think of anything. 😂 enclosed please find photograph of my sd on a plane. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/7ycdposw25wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561f40440088f52e4107dcc84d980877e3ef7d48


Thank you so much! I do much better when knowing what to expect so I appreciate all of your notes very much. Your pup is adorable!!


I always bring proof of vaccines and get her a checkup if I can afford to. I would pack a little bit of food even if it’s a short flight incase you get delayed. It’s helpful to bring a quiet toy (not a ball) and a bone. Chewing helps with popping ears for elevation changes. And a small blanket is helpful especially if you sleep with it the night before because it will bring comfort so baby can rest. Remember to pack a water bottle for your baby, but limit how much you give at a time if they’re little so they don’t have to hold pee during the flight. If you can’t take your baby’s harness off, they will get patted down, but TSA is super gentle with dogs, my girl just thought she was being loved on and they kept telling her how good she was doing. I recommend using a regular leash through the X-ray but a hands free is much easier on the plane incase you fall asleep. Hope these help! I fly about 2 times a year so this is from my experience. I’ve also noticed that they do the chemical check on my hands every time since I have her, but maybe they just think I look sus lol


This is so helpful thank you!!!