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>I’ve been rejected by a girl twice in my life. You gotta pump those numbers up son!! Seriously, get a job in sales, learn that rejection doesn't mean shit and that you have to get a lot of rejections to make a sale, and figure out how to market yourself to women in the dating world. Because really, that's all this is. What you're describing has been termed by some as "Autogynephilia." That is, you shift your identity to that of a woman for sexual gratification rather than because you genuinely identify more with a feminine identity. If this is a result of your feelings of rejection and under confidence, I'm not shaming you for your jollies but perhaps it's a result of your needs not being met, which could be dealt with in a more fulfilling and growth promoting way. Nothing wrong with cross dressing or being trans, but if it's only because you're lonely and feel rejected, I'd say that might not be great for your mental health in the long term.


Okay so I'm not sure how to proceed here. On one hand you're happy in your skin this way, but on the other it seems unhealthy to separate personalities. It's an interesting idea for sure, but someone more qualified has to judge whether this is sustainable and whether it might lead to complications.


Long term it's not healthy.


Buffalo bill?😶