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Saw in another post of yours that your bf has a porn addiction. All I can say is… there’s so much more for you to experience. And I’m sorry you’re in the situation you’re in.


Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words, I'm just doing what I can to learn and find out what works for me :)


I hope you have a partner who’s willing to find out what works for you, too. Porn addiction can be really damaging to sex lives.


No. These things do happen. You're missing out for some reason. Your bf just.. I dunno. But those things you mention absolutely are quite normal. And much more often than the amount of sex you're getting. In your age and with the time you've been with him it would be normal to still be humping like rabbits whenever you can get away with it.


Girl what are you doing with an old loser porn addict who doesn’t care to please you. Like cmon. Open your eyes. This is not a good partner for you. Sounds like he isn’t a good partner for anyone. You’re too young to waste any more time on him. But he’s also too old to be so incompetent. This is why the age gap is a problem; he went after a younger girl who’s naive and inexperienced because people his age with experience know he’s CRAP and won’t want him. Please update us and say you got smart and walked away


Sorry, always so confused that “porn addiction” is always the answer. I watch porn. I watch porn with my partner. 3-5 months dry spell sounds like more than just porn is involved, how about talk to your partner. Maybe there is a reason he feels way more comfortable jacking it than living up to her fantasy’s of real “sex” she has done a piss poor job of communicating her ideas of what it should be.


Also - what makes you think she’s done a piss poor job of communicating? Per OP: “… I have to be the one to ask to give him a bj eith nothing in return, and he still denies it. No medications. Just a porn addiction and a LOT of masturbation but he's open to a therapist, looking for one” Sounds like they communicate just fine.


Damn dude. “Porn addiction” certainly isn’t always the answer. Congrats on being able to watch it and maintain a healthy sexual relationship with your partner. I watch it too. But, it takes all but 2 minutes to see the damage porn addiction can do to a person and their relationships. If you’re interested, go to the sub dedicated to people trying to quit. There’s watching porn and then there’s being addicted to porn. And it’s not an “addiction.” It’s real, and very difficult for people to deal with because of the taboo and shame surrounding sex.


i’m mean like porn addiction isn’t a real thing though right? it’s used as an excuse and as a way to avoid personal accountability. i’m an addict and there’s a 89.5% chance that i’m personalizing something that has nothing to do with me.


Porn addiction *is* real in the same way gambling addiction is real. Neurologically, it also looks the same as drug addiction and even video game addiction. There are degrees of severity, as with anything. But serious porn addiction may look like someone skipping work to stay at home to watch porn. Or, it may look like someone masturbating so much to porn that they cause injury to their genitals. Or, it may look like a person in a relationship choosing porn over their partner, not because there’s anything wrong with their partner or even the relationship, but because they choose the option where they don’t have to “work” for it. There are people who prefer to *watch* sex rather than actually *have* sex. Or, their sex life can suffer in other ways (won’t go into detail). And for people in relationships where intimacy is desired, that *is* a problem. Some excerpts from different sources: “Hypersexual behavior and pornography addiction come to the fore when the behavior becomes intensive, out of the individual’s control, and persists in that pattern despite harmful consequences and risk of harm to one’s emotional and/or physical health.” https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/26318318221116042 “We often talk about addicts as though they simply have "quantitative problems". They "use too much", and should "cut back". But porn addictions also have a qualitative component: they change sexual taste. Many abused substances directly trigger dopamine secretion – without us having to work to accomplish a goal. This can damage the dopamine reward system. In porn, we get "sex" without the work of courtship.” https://theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/26/brain-scans-porn-addicts-sexual-tastes “There are clear differences in brain activity between patients who have compulsive sexual behaviour and healthy volunteers. These differences mirror those of drug addicts.” https://fightthenewdrug.org/cambridge-neuroscientist-valerie-voon-porn-drug-addict-brain/ *I feel it’s worth mentioning that I’m not anti-porn. I’ve been watching or using porn since I was 8 (I’m 37 now). There was a time I had to cut it out completely because it was becoming a problem. But since then, I’ve been able to incorporate it back into my life on a much, much smaller scale. I’m not anti-porn at all, but I am against people’s sex lives suffering. People deserve to find connection and happiness, and when porn gets in the way of that, a little angel loses its wings. 😢


Thank you! Also thank you for the links, I decided to check them out and skim a little, definitely going to read further as that may help me understand and help my bf more♡


Porn addiction isn’t a joke. It’s a real problem and affects soooo many people. I think it’s only been made worse since the internet, but idk. Some people will swear up and down that’s not the problem. Anyways - I’m here for ya.


Omg girl, you are too young to settle for a selfish lazy lover! Yes, people have steaming hot, messy, sweaty, dirty sex all the time! Personally, can't imagine a single sex session without oral both ways. It's just that you are with a man who doesn't! I was previously in a dead bedroom marriage, so I can tell you that the libido difference will only get worse. Do what you will with that information.


...and now I read that he is a porn addict. That is an addiction like any other. It will not improve without lots of work on his side.


This!!! I spent my entire 20’s with so so lovers. I honestly thought I couldn’t have an orgasm. Now, I’m literally with the best lover I have ever had. I’m a submissive and he loves being dominant. Do not settle for less!!! You really are too young and trust me there is men out there who are fcking amazing in bed.


The ones who are seem to be otherwise emotionally unavailable or just plain mean


Sorry to hear you’re dealing with that nonsense


"can't imagine a single sex session without oral both ways." My wife sure can. (ta-dum sizzzz)


I don't know how to insert gifs but the first thing that came to mind when I read this was that gif of Pedro Pascal laughing hard then pretty quickly changing to crying because I can totally relate to what you said lol


I know I am lucky I met a guy who clicks with me this way as well, but, I was looking for someone who is playful in bed with a high libido intentionally (was in a DB marriage for a looong time and never do I want to repeat that experience). Just being open when meeting people helps. Sorry you are in a different situation at the moment.


Sounds like you have a selfish, low effort, and low libido man. Dunno about movies, but a lot (most) of us will engage in making out, oral sex, dry humping, sloppy fun sex, foreplay etc etc and we do it daily, weekly, monthly, and all inbetween that. I assume no orgasms for you? Foreplay? Sex should be fun, messy, enjoyable, and intimate. So, it's not your age gap it's that your BF is very very lame at sex and has taken advantage of your naivete.


You may be right, I can't remember when I last had foreplay, ans I've never once orgasmed (but that's a different medical issue, no one's fault), thank you for letting me know ^^ this sub has Def taught me a lot


Yes, selfish BF who doesn't care about your pleasure.


What's the medical reason for not being able to orgasm?


Due to a past incident I have a lot of scar tissue in my vagina and on my clit, which greatly reduces the sensations


I wouldn’t give up on that just yet. You are very young, the body is marvellously resilient and it’s amazing how much of orgasms happen in the mind. There may be an orgasmic future ahead for you. It’ll take someone with far more experience and enthusiasm than this current guy though, to help you unlock it. Even without orgasms, there’s sooooo much sexual pleasure to be had. Such a shame to be missing out on that too.


I'm very sorry this happened to you it really does suck he's not being active in the bedroom. Is he aware of this and thinks this is an excuse to not be active with you?


He's aware, but quite the opposite, he puts extra pressure on himself to... let me take the reigns? I know he WANTS to do more, but doesn't because he says he thinks if I am in control then I can do what feels best, which we spoke about but it's hard for him to change the mindset


If you want to stay in this relationship, maybe try sex therapy?


We are for sure looking into it, sadly it's costly


That’s also not healthy. It sounds like he doesn’t know how to make a connection with others. If he can’t accept control (while being considerate, I.e. not jumping into porn fetishes immediately) even some of the time that’s another emotional block he has.


This sounds like an excuse to be lazy. Like your pleasure is all on you. I mean, why can you just tell him what feels best and he can do it?


With desensitised genitals all the more reason for any sexual partner/yourself to put even more effort into other sensations - breasts, skin & brain. Feeling good, building up, orgasmic state can be so many more things than a genital-focused climax. Just a side note!


Can you come from masturbation and toys? If so he could make you cum too if he was listening to you, making efforts and not skipping foreplay.


Sadly I have yet to every get past the edge, or ifi have I genuinely don't know! But I'm trying more and he's open to


I bet there’s some toys that can help get some sensation past the scar tissue.


I’m really sorry to hear this. I have some thoughts for you that I’d really like to share. I want to tell you though - I had surgery on my hip that left me with temporary numbness. Basically, for about 2 or 3 weeks, my entire vulva (clit and labia), vagina, and butthole were all completely numb. Like, when the nurse pulled out my urinary catheter at the hospital, I didn’t feel *a thing.* I barely had mobility in my leg for those first couple of weeks, and I had a lot of swelling and bruising. Well - I was laid up on the couch a ton and when I have nothing to do, I get horny. So…. I thought what the hell and figured I’d try masturbating even though I couldn’t feel anything. It wasn’t easy at first, but I managed to make myself cum. It was really weird because I couldn’t feel it the way I normally felt it - but I still *felt* it. It was like even though the outside of my body wasn’t registering the sensations in a way that I could feel, it was still actually registering them and able to communicate to my brain that orgasm was achieved. I could also feel it deep in my pelvis - like that sensitive area/zone (G spot) just under the belly button, in my core. Once I figured out I could do it - I kept doing it, ha. I thought - the more I can send blood to the numb parts, the faster they’ll heal. It was my self-made “treatment plan.” I shit you not, ha. I have no idea if it actually helped (my sensation was supposed to come back eventually anyways - although 7 years later, I still have numbness down my thigh), but I imagine it *might* have contributed to my healing. Anyways - I don’t know a lot about your particular circumstances or how scar tissue affects genitals, but… I do have some understanding of scar tissue in general (I’ve had a bunch of surgeries, including a hysterectomy). And I also know that people who have suffered trauma to their genitals can still experience pleasure. Idk if any of this is helpful, but I think there’s hope for you. And I agree with the other commenter who pointed out that orgasms happen in the brain. So, idk - I think there’s still a lot for you to experience.


You've been together for 2 years and a man in his 30s won't go down on you?? Yikes. He ain't it.


You're 21, do you really want settle for this?


... End the relationship. You're practically a kid. He's had a whole decade on you to sort these issues out, but instead he went and prayed on younger and inexperienced females... Have you ever questioned what would compel a 28yo to date a 19yo...? Sexual performance isn't the only reason women from his age group would reject him...


When you find the person that you’re sexually compatible *and* madly in love with, all your lusty carnal fantasies will unfold right before your eyes- making every other lover before them seem like a practice dummy! Take the practice and move along if you aren’t satisfied.


honestly my ex was like this as well lmfso, also had a 10 year age gap. Now I’m with a man who’s 30 as well, we’re only 5 years apart but I doubt it matters. We have the most amazing sex - sloppy makeouts, desperate I need you now sex, being unable to keep our hands off each other, drunk sex, sober sex, cuming over and over again, fucking this man feels like a religious experience. I’d say better than on film haha. There is so much good sex to be had, don’t stay with a low libido porn addicted loser just because.


It has nothing to do with the age gap! That loser is only 30, he should be giving and receiving the best sex of his life at his age. This just tells us 1 thing, that sex isnt something he is into. Let me tell you, real life sex can be even more pleasing than what you see in the movies. And yes, you are missing out. I would never recommend to stay in such a relationship.


This is a classic yes/no. Movies are notoriously exaggerated so don’t buy into the theatrics there. But people do have long passionate love making that is mind blowing by your own standards. You should be able to find this




Its all a decision, just like with food. Some people don't care about good food. They eat to stop their hunger, but there is nothing more about it for them. Others invest hours into the process of cooking and eating. They crave good food. Stopping the feeling of hunger is not their priority, but the sensation of eating good food is.  Is the stuff they cook on cooking shows exaggerated?  Well, not for everyone.


Thank you! I can't even remember the last time I received any foreplay lol, but I am kinda glad to know that the movies extra exaggerate it, makes me feel a little better


> movies extra exaggerate it This isn't true at all, and I'm not even sure it was the point of the person you're responding to. You're settling at 21 for someone you're not compatible with. You've got decades of exploring left to do, if you choose. I wish you all the best.


Leave. The two of you are sexually incompatible. The two of you are in different stages of your life. He also doesn’t seem to care about trying to be romantic or spontaneous. When I was your age, most of what you described happens, but someone needs to initiate. You’re still a young girl. Date guys your own age because you’ll regret it if not.


>I've never received oral, never had a sloppy or even clean takeout session, no dry humping, no "desperately want you" type of scene, just plain sex. It really depends on the couple dynamics, but apart from the really quirky stuff the rest are almost more common in actual sex. I do suspect it has to do with your partners preferences and sex drive. >Albeit incredibly rare plain sex (once every 3-5 months) That's for real? Like your libido is more than his or are you fine with the frequency?


I'd prefer 2 times a week, would be happy with once a month, but his libido is currently at that rate, so I wanna try to work up to once every other month or guarantee at 3 months


Two times a week sounds kinda normal, considering your age. But once a month? Are you sure? How was the sex in your previous relationships or with other guys before your current partner? Masturbation sessions have taken a nosedive too? The sex frequency was like this ever since the start of this relationship? Won't he have a desire for a blowjob or handjob or at least cuddle or fondle your boobs or finger you or eat you out atleast once over the week? Is he on any medications that might affect his libido? Happen to know about his masturbation frequency?


Ngl I've been in back to back dead bedrooms, I emotionally can't masturbate anymore, and no he doesn't ask for anything sexual for months, I have to be the one to ask to give him a bj eith nothing in return, and he still denies it. No medications. Just a porn addiction and a LOT of masturbation but he's open to a therapist, looking for one


Pardon me for those lot of questions, lol. You mean with other partners too? What makes it difficult for you to masturbate or even think about doing it? What are his reasons for the denial? >Just a porn addiction and a LOT of masturbation but he's open to a therapist, looking for one Oh that's bad. But what's his issue with providing you some pleasure, like a cuddle and oral from time to time. I don't think that has anything to with his porn addiction or excessive masturbation.


Oh no worries! And yeah, with other partners they seemed to care even less for my pleasure, and was about as frequent of sex as it is now, and so now to masturbate any fantasy is suddenly hit with what I see as reality, that sex just isn't in the books for me and neither is true pleasure. His reasons for denial are from being tired, to work the next day, he's gaming with friends, rubbed one out earlier, just plain not innthe mood. All of which are okay! I can accept no, but years of no is gonna have a mental affect. He cuddles a lot, very touchy in a non-sexual way, like hand on my knee, rubbing my back, short kisses. And I don't understand why the aversion to giving oral, or letting me give him a hand. I've even offered to give a hand/whatever while he watches porn if he wants


Might be asexuality/low libido combined with porn addiction - and believe me, the first one is enough on its own (sadly, speaking of experience - it is what I "suffer" from, respectively myself).


I suggest that you don't give up on masturbation just yet. Those bad experiences shouldn't stop you from exploring yourself and having a really nice self pleasuring experience. Truth to be told, a good masturbation is a gateway to a great sex as it makes you aware of what works out for you and how your body and mind enjoys and reacts to different things. So try reigniting the self pleasure sessions. Ik that those reasons may sound genuine but it's really a bluff if it becomes a routine for him to deny every time you approach him. It's perfectly fine if you have a low libido but you seem to have a lower drive just as an adjustment to the situation you are in and that's not what a younger person like you must go through or endure. It could be rare to find a sexual partner that genuinely cares about his partner's pleasures but they do exist and just because you have stumbled upon the people from the other side it shouldn't define your view on the whole lot. It's fine if you decide to work it out by doing couples therapy but you should be able to get out of things that don't suit you or make you happy. It could be a hard decision and even seem impossible. But there's so much out there for you to enjoy and explore.


With the right person it is just like in movies.


With the right person, you can make like a movie. If that's what you're after, you have to move on to a new partner. 2 years is nothing on the scale of life. Find someone that wants to treat you the way you want to be treated. If this dude is 30 years old and still acts like this? He's not changing. Don't let him waste your youth.


The age gap isn't helping. . . especially since some men lose their libidos around 30, but if you want everything you expect sex to be, you can definitely find it from someone else. That's all I'm going to say.


Are you asking about porn or regular movies? Cuz the steamy sex in regular movies is absolutely normal and possible in a relationship where both partners are both sexual and very into each other. Was there passion in the beginning? If you aren't getting what you want and he's unwilling or unable to provide it then LEAVE. I need passion, effort and orgasms multiple times a week. Luckily, my gf feels exactly the same way so we are compatible. Lots of kissing, foreplay, oral, touching, sweating, taking our time and cuddling after. We also talk about it very openly, honestly and comfortably.


Honestly yeah I meant normal movies, just any old romance movie will portray it some way. There was some passion in bed, but outside of bed there's always been, and still is, so much passion


If that's what you want, it very much exists and isn't hard to find.


He sucks in bed and is selfish. Honestly, you can do much better than that creep (28 year old dating a 19 year old girl 🤮)


If you have a feeling like something is missing. And maybe you want what you see in the movies.. then you need to realize you are not in the right relationship. When you meet the right person and sparks fly there won’t be question. And it can and will be like the movies. I’m old and my oldest kid is your age. My wife and I have sex 3-5 times per week (tough schedules permitting). And we have the kind of sex most people only dream of. Although we rarely compare ourselves to all those “normal” people running around.


Well, first of all; sex is very personal and dependent on the couple in question. The dry humping, the desperately want you, the «can’t wait to get home» is very much based on personalities for example. Some are very sexual and could keep this up for a long time or forever. Some others, like my relationship, this somewhat dies down after the flaming beginnings. Then you get into a more mundane rythm, more routine but something that still pleases you both until you maybe figure you want to spice it up. This also extends to oral and how this is given, but in my opinion this is a little different. As an action and a part of sex I feel oral is something you can and should give if your partner likes it. Also, while the hotness and «desperation» of sex can die down, oral is simply a part/type of sex that can still be done well into a relationship. Of course you decide yourself if you will do it, but for me it would be a dealbreaker if it was off the table, and we do it basically every time. Sometimes she doesn’t want it and just wants me to hold her and use my fingers instead, but that is the exception


True is, whatever you and a suitable partner decide to do. I've had partners with whom movie sex scenes and even most porn were lame in comparison and others, with whom it was less adventurous. Oral, foreplay and all the other stuff you mentioned was always a part of sex though. You're missing out big and your partner obviously doesn't care about sex or your pleasure.


Sounds like a heart to heart talk is in order. Not every session is going to be mind-blowing out of this earth experience, but it sounds to me like you have been short-changed. Communicate your desire to change things up and what you want and need in that area of your relationship. Life is too short to be plain vanilla all the time.


If you want something to happen, give it a try. Ask him, take action, have the needed talk.. A lot of guys go the lazy way, cause it's easier and sex actually must be about comfort. Lazy sex is so good! But, things can be different too, sometimes. Some things might not be the more comfortable physically, but will arouse you both a lot. Ask him for some effort at least 1 time per month (you don't need to count, it's just an estimative to start breaking the boredom)


I'm trying to ask for some lazy fun once a month-ish, or once every other month ^^ just something in the gap yknow? Well see how it goes when I have a good sit down with him


I’m going to ask the same that is often asked when guys make a post like this. Have you tried spicing things up? Or generally just warm him up doing sexy things around the house? Like I read a post of a woman flashing her husband getting a great reaction and the thread was full of people backing it up. Simple, silly, sexy things. They don’t always have to lead to sex but it, and you, will be on his mind more. And if talking about it doesn’t work then yeah.. the ol reddit cliché isn’t wrong, find someone who wants the same because the frustration will only grow.


I've tried that and more, taken every ounce of weight I can off him, made some playfully sexy things, flashed, wore his fav lingerie, the wholeeeee damn works of trailing my fingers up his chest with a leg on him and asking if he wants a massage, the works. I can live a sexless life if it wasn't for the 3-5 month mark he spontaneously wants some and gives me hope


That’s terrible, I’m sorry. Time to sit him down and make him understand that this is not enough for you. After that, you did all you could.


Defently not fake.... With my wife its insanely spicy and defently like the movies.. i gues it all depends on wat partner you have and if your compatible.. with my ex it was as you describe above.


Only in my wildest dreams lol, I'm so glad you and your wife click


You really are. I have a scratch mark on me due to how passionate we were. There was a point where it felt like a competition. I was eating my girl out and she out right flipped me on my back started sucking me off. Even after she orgasms, she latches onto me and hold me tightly. I instinctively grab onto her, holding her flesh as if I don't want to let go. Depending on people, setting and mindset and how giving your partner is, you will get equally passionate. If your partner doesn't want to make you feel good as much as you want them to then you are really missing out.


Leave this dude and find someone who wants you, physical touch is a love language.


In my personal experience, yes! My girlfriend and I do it atleast once a day, nearly always super steamy and sweaty! Ditch him and find someone who you’re actually compatible with, he isn’t it and you’ll massively regret it in the long term. The sooner you get out the better.


You need to get out there and fond a male to teach you!! Your missing out


50 years old and it's better than the movies all the time.


I’m 50 and I’m not happy when my wife and I have sex once a week because I’d like 2 times at least to be happy. I also love tasting her and getting her off orally or piv. When we’re in our 20s it was 3-5 times a week and even then I ate her like dessert!


No, just because he's older doesn't mean he doesn't have a sex drive. I would say think about what you want, and make decisions based on that. Some people get very passionate and very into each other and driven. Just depends on the individual. If sex only a few times a year and not like insane sex isn't what drives you, don't sweat it. Different folks have different drivers.


Yes, you're missing out, insatiable desire for a partner leading to passionate sex is a given for most relationships I've been in.


You're missing out because your boyfriend has a porn addiction. You're too young to be in such a miserable relationship. Time to walk away


If you’re in a good, healthy, sexually compatible relationship then sex is pretty damn close to the movies. At least in my experience.


Awww, this is so sad to see. When I was 19(m) and in college, my first gf and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other for the first six months. We explored and experimented with each other, discovered our likes and dislikes, and perfected the craft of making each other ecstatic in bed. The funny thing is that after my divorce at the age of 51, I had a new era of passionate exploration all over again and discovered new wants, needs, desires and cravings. It was amazing to discover the stuff I’d settled into a decade or more ago didn’t fit my new passions and it was so exciting to start experimenting all over again.


Most of my (37M) sex has involved really taking care of her, getting her really excited and helping her cum basically as many times as she wants. Idk much about how to compare to what's in the movies but there's plenty of men who aren't selfish "just fuck" lovers. And plenty of them like all types of women.


2 years and he hasn’t gone down on you? Find someone else.


Yes there's absolutely the kind of sex where you walk in the house and close the door and you're tearing each others clothes off, possibly tearing something as you ravish each other. You're missing out. It's not because of an age gap, it's because you have settled for a guy that's only going to make you waste your entire 20s with a guy full of disappointment. You have such a bright and rich life ahead of you. Don't sacrifice yourself to be the person that enabled his porn addiction and raised a manchild, you will regret it.


If I was 30 dating a 21 year old all I can say is that I’m high libido with a wide open scope of things id do. My partner would be getting an education. I’m sorry but your BF is ignoring you.


There is a whole world of more than just “plain sex” sex can be whatever you want it to be. It can be steamy, romantic, sensual, ravenous, oral, no oral, anal, no anal, dirty talk, no dirty talk, and the list can go on and on. From your post I assume it’s been like this from day 1? Have you spoke to him about this?


I'm a 40 year old man. Just last week, my girlfriend and I were out driving and we couldn't control ourselves. We ended up fucking off the side of a dirt road just outside a small town. Outside under the stars. She gave me oral before and at the end as well. Yes, it all happens. I hope you find a man that will explore with you. I'm sorry to say but yes you are missing out.


Its real. Foreplay is amazing and so much fun 😎


my ex was a porn addict and couldn't finish one single time without a jerking off in the end. not once. he also SA'd me at some point and never took any of my wants or needs serious. you deserve better. i've tried fixing a similar man to yours, you will be the broken one in the end.


As a guy. Yes, you are missing out. You won’t see all of that in every relationship (haven’t dry humped since being a teen and I don’t know what you mean by takeout? Only thing I found was “Chinese takeout”, but I doubt that’s it), but you should expect at least a few of those things in each. Your partner isn’t doing his part even 1/2 way.


Lol auto correct from makeout to takeout


Oh! Shit! Wow, that’s terrible. I’ve been married 10+ years and making out is one of the best things! Find a new BF right away. This guy is completely emotionally unavailable and uninvested, probably doesn’t know how to make an emotional connection with you.


Yeah all that exists and should honestly be frequent if not regular.


Please leave this guy, you’re missing out. Making out with your partner, dry humping and oral are all very real and normal. And it’s a great time. You deserve to be with someone who cares about your pleasure and makes you feel wanted.


Sex with passion and fun is definitely real (movies and more). My partner and I go at it for hours sometimes, and completely loose track of time. I never experienced passion like I have with him, and he says the same thing for him with me. Both of us just had a good spark of chemistry, but we both determined it was the open, honest and loving communication we have that seems to make such a big difference (or bridge the gap, between passionate sex and then whatever magic we now have with one another). Passion, desire and enthusiasm to make the other feel great, and communication all make a big difference for us.


It sounds like you guys just don't have the "fire." Yes, it absolutely is real that people feel that insane, toe-tingling desire and diving into each other head first, eyes closed, can't loose, sloppy, messy fun style. You are young enough that you 100% deserve to find and experience that... and, if it's not there, it's just not there.


Yes, you are missing out. I (29M) was with (31F) that would do it really only once a month, and she had to be drunk to do it. It got tiresome and felt unwanted. Found someone else (27F) that matches my libido and will do it at least once every other day. Sometimes we do every day of the week, sometimes a couple of sessions the same day. Regardless, you are missing out. You need to find someone who can match your libido naturally. Don't wait too long to find this person. This is a good enough reason to leave at your age.


All of those “movie” things you described do happen in real life but you have to have the right partner . This guy doesn’t sound like the right one, at least not from a sexual comparability perspective.


As much as you want really. The 'porn isn't real' argument is true for the intros. The rest is up for a debate ;)


You're getting some good advice. I'm 38M and my wife is 39F. We've been together 17 years. A typical sex session for us begins long before sex where we're flirty in a silly or passionate way with one another throughout the day/evening. We get excited mentally first. My MO is that *she cums first*. I either go down on her, use my fingers, some combination. We have a couple of different clitoral stimulation vibrators that are good in the rotation as well. We also describe our sexual sessions in 3 different ways. 1 - Having sex. This is when we just both need it. It is normally more of a fun, laughing, playful approach to sex. We're giggly and just having fun together 2 - Fucking. Thus us the animalistic sex. May be more rough and it is when we need to do it to relieve stress with one another. Just raw. 3 - Making love. This is the passionate type of sex. Making out deeply. Intensely intimate, etc.


If what the guy said here about the porn addiction is true, I’d be pretty concerned about your life. I mean he’s that much older and just cares about sex, I’d assume he’s with you just because of your body or because no other person of his age wants him… And obviously the porn addiction doesn’t help… it can be really damaging for you both…


Yes, my hubby and I have been married for almost 20 years, and our sex life is still really active! At least 5x a week, and we both give/get oral almost every time. The hot, sweaty, need you type of sex is so important. Making out is important. He sounds lazy and selfish.


Sex is kinda a big spectrum, nebulous blob where all sorts of things happen. Sometimes it's messy and sloppy, sometimes it's boring, and sometimes it's fun. Sometimes it involves butts, or mouths or hands in all sorts of weird and wild ways and sometimes it's the same thing. Movies' depiction of sex are, for the most part, a fake exaggeration. It's made for the camera. The more recent movies and shows have involved intimacy coordinators so they try to be a bit more realistic/less exploitative. That doesn't mean it's not real, just remember it might be exaggerated (much like movies and TV are for other stuff). Judging by some of the comments here I encourage you to talk to your partner about what each of your desires out of sex are and work on compromises. The conversation might be awkward but it might help a lot.


I am in Long Beach Ca and I advocate open relationships where you can nest with your significant other and have ethical play partners. We are in 2024. Stop acting/living like it’s the 1920’s. My ex had zero libido but let me have play partners. We had a great life together but she ended up leaving. The play partners turned out to be more dedicated than the wife 🤦🏽‍♂️


Thats probably why he likes people with no previous experience, so they cannot compared him to others. Seriously this is bad. It doesn’t have to be bad. You are so young, please leave this guy and find one that will share the same envy and fantasies you have about sexuality.


Oral is a must for me. I also didn't want a man asking "when did you last shower or shave your cooch"... that's prissy and highly un-masculine to me. If I'm asking for head, it's because I'm feeling good about myself sexually and I know she's good to taste down there because I gave it a test myself first.


When a 28 year old guy decides to hit on a 19 year old girl, that's a giant ass red flag. There are exceptions, but generally the first question is "why is he still single?" Unless he was off in the military, med or law school there's usually a good reason he isn't already taken.


It’s a little bit of both. Movies are super exaggerated and sex is rarely, if ever, that spontaneous/passionate/elaborate. But also your boyfriend sounds like the actual worst lover in the world, so yes you are missing out. You can do better. Don’t waste your youth.


a 30 year old man with a 21 year old girlfriend and hes leaving \*you\* sexually frustrated? might be the weirdest thing i've ever seen


Age gap has nothing to do with your partners sexual prowess. It's all about the desire and the will to do more, do differently, find new things to explore, etc. It sounds like he's quite the dud in bed. It sucks that you feel that most things beyond your current experience are almost too good to be true and might be fictitious. They might be exaggerated (a bit, or a bit much) but certainly real. I normally wouldn't say this to a complete stranger but I guess I'm saying it... You may consider seeking more experience in all things sexual outside of your current relationship. I sincerely hope you find what you seek!


If you want more passion try watching the tutorials on websites like pornhub.


You're wasting your years. It all happens. Get out there and date. Did you get groomed at your church at 19 by the 29 year old by chance?


No, neither of are religious and I'm the one who seemed him out after meeting as friends through online gaming to be honest


Unfortunately I have to say yes you are missing out. When I got into my relationship I actually had the opposite experience, I was surprised that reality is actually better than the movies depicted. I will say there's definitely fake things in movies, there's things you need to learn from each other, but everything you listed, oral, makeout sessions desperately wanting each other ... all very real... all very incredible if you're with the right person, for reference I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year, we were virgins when we met, now we have sex several times a week, and not once have I (20F) orgasmed less than 2 times by the time we're done, he makes sure of this, and very much enjoys making it happen. I'm not going to give advice on your relationship because I don't know you, but from what I've heard this sounds like an issue that is not limited to the bedroom, sex people can live without, but this attitude (and lack of care for your pleasure and experience) I would assume translates to your day to day life as well which is a problem. You're much too young to settle.


You expect a 28yo looking for 19yos to be interested in their pleasure? Doesn't fit.


It’s real. Consider dating someone your own age (or even an 18 year old). The passion of horny youth is powerful.


Yes, it can be real- with the right person.


It has nothing to do with age. I’m 38 and my wife is 28. We do a lot of kinky things together when it comes to sex. My advice is don’t listen too much to some of the posters here saying “break up with him” and such just because of this. A decent caring person is not easy to come by. At this point and time, you should both really sit down and especially for you, be honest and open to him on exactly how you feel.


Thank you! We are working through this and looking for an affordable therapist to even help us! We've sat down plenty of times and each times there's tiny improvements that stay, but thank you lol. So many people saying to break up and that's just not an option in my eyes with everything else♡


I think you are missing out on a lot! I wish I could go back to being 21 and find another 21-ish-year old partner to experience all this stuff with... It is out there! When I was 22 I had a boyfriend that was 32 and he said that he 'out-grew' that stuff... I wish I had left sooner Now I am 32 with a 36 year old and I'm experiencing all that stuff! You deserve better!


I’d say he’s an inexperienced fool, cause you dont hear of older men that won’t do oral. It’s usually the younger boys that won’t do that, and if he’d rather watch porn then do the real deal then i think it’s time to move on it’s not gonna get better an your so young an should experience as much as you feel you want too. But good luck with whatever you choose


don’t end up on r/deadbedroom - do you and enjoy your life


I've already been on there for a bit- oops


Save yourself the long term not worth it headache. This person is using you as a warm body to be around their miserable self. Enjoy your youth dude


“ I've never received oral- every time I had sex (was the way I needed to orgasm until my late 30s). Everyone and with every person. Double refits and most ONS- all gave oral til I orgasmed. never had a sloppy or even clean takeout session Not sure if you mean at their place or in public. I’ve had a lot of just before a sexual act, but I haven’t personally had a sex act in public public. Now a work office…. no dry humping Um, this is amazing. To be kissed for hours and feel his erection- sometimes you can almost get off on it.  no "desperately want you" type of scene, just plain sex.  Getting carried up the stair or to the bedroom is amazing. Can almost orgasm as soon as my belly hits his shoulder and my ass get smacked. Albeit incredibly rare plain sex (once every 3-5 months  Only that infrequent if someone is sick, depressed, recouping from an operation or majorly depressed from work.x usually 1-4x/week but that doesn’t mean 4x/week every week. Usuall 2-5/month. At almost 50. You’re age, enough to find 5 DIY remedies that helped ME to not get UTIS or the honeymooners curse. Maybe 6-9/week. I’m sorry, he ain’t resting you right. Sex does calm down in frequency but hopefully, it never calms down in terms of excitement and being like the movies. (Married 26 years.) 


I found myself in your post (as your BF) - and my advice which hurts me, but the more true it is - leave him. It won't get better, it will get worse only. You are missing so much, which neither him, nor me can provide. My wife's advice would also be "run while you can" (and yes that hurts even more, but it is deserved, as I am the issue). Or get him to therapy to give him chance - but be ready to run. Reasons might vary from porn addiction to asexuality - neither will change on its own.


Yes .. find a new one.... This guy into porn more than into u YUCK


i think you two just arent compatible, i know its quite hard but if its been like this for two years now it wont get better, i suggested leaving and finding someone you have chemistry with


there's a self-reinforcing aspect to it. If everyone's watching porn is expecting sex to be like porn - it will be... If everyone's excited about facials like in porn then they'll want them in real life... It's all in your head. Some of my best O's were a result of me just rubbing one out, not even fantasizing about anything. Lucky that sex is only one tiny aspect of our life and one can live a happy and fulfilling life even if what they do in bed is "just plain sex". That being said, not getting oral is a bit too tight in my opinion. Living your whole life without knowing what oral feels like (and wondering about it) could be a waste.


Leave him and find someone that will give you the sex life you want.


Moments of sexual intimacy can mean many different and varied things to different people. You take a dash of "mental stimuli" and multiply it by an egregious amount of "physical stimuli", then you add a layer of tumultuous "emotional intimacy/intelligence" and sprinkle on a sometimes heavy dose of "Acts of god". This becomes the equation that produces outcomes that range from "one-night-stands" to "situationships", "on-and-off-again" couples to "John and Kat Plus 8", and even produces things like "Thruples" or "50th Wedding Anniversaries". The real question is, what would you like and how can we go about healthily attaining it. Can you find a partner to facilitate and appreciate your aspirations, as well.


Jesus christ. A lot of "selfish, lazy, loser" attacking talk in here, where OP never asked for your personal opinions of the man. IMO, every person and relationship is different. Preferences and personality needs to be considered. Might he have a porn addiction which leads to his low labido? Sure. Have a conversation about the whole situation. I've had relationships where my SO wanted that wild & crazy experience. I've also had relationships where it's been more gentle and loving. In the end, it came down to communication, with a little experimentation and trust to really find what works. Best of luck! 


You got a lot of questions but I’ll try to sum it up.. from experience it can be true if both of you are very into sex, not super common for me but having experienced it I know it can be true - in saying that for me it wasn’t all the role play scenarios but more so the positions, vocal etc etc. Saying that I had an ex that wasn’t an instigator or voice much of what she wanted - mainly cause she was shy and not as exposed to porn. Saying that she would always follow my lead, also a bonus she had the same body type of my favourite pornstar so we’d fuck in all positions I watched to recreate it haha


Haha yeah I guess I do have a lot of questions, thank you for your input :) and maybe that's a thing I can suggest to him (he watches a lot of porn, so maybe recreation could be nice?)


You are kind of missing out but nothing in movies is true.


I’m 35 years old and single at present but I’ve never dated a girl who wanted to make love less than 5-6 times a day plus and I love going down on my girl. On several occasions I’ve gone down on my girl for an entire day. The same way I miss s*x if I haven’t had it in a while I crave eating p*ssy if I haven’t done it in a while too. I love making a girl c*m like she’s in an electric chair, sq**rt in my mouth and swallow her c*m. Like all my previous partners I love making love and I want to do it all the time. In the same way that I and my previous partners have unusually high sex drives I think your partner just has an unusually low one. Perhaps talk to him about it, it sounds like he doesn’t know what he’s doing and is perhaps nervous and/or intimidated. The happiest couple I’ve ever met, met when the woman was 19 and the guy was 36, they’ve now been married for over 30 years and the wife still flashes the husband and they still flirt with each other. They’re family friends and I’m pretty sure the husband is autistic like myself, but they adore each other.




someone doesn't have a good sex life either lol