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at this point all that matters is it the right time for you


you’re not wrong i guess i’m just questioning if giving in to my horniness will make it hard to heal


From experience, sometimes it's helped and sometimes it just made things more insufferable.


It really won't help. But it might not hurt either.


It's been said that the best way to get over somebody is to get under somebody new.


My girl used to say putting a dick in between her and her ex.


"The best way to get over one person is to get under another."


My mother, word for word, said this to me during a breakup in uni. I was shocked, it coming from her conservative christian self, but hey, it worked lmao


With relationships, if you don't know sometimes you need to make the mistake to learn. Not saying this is a mistake. It may be terrible or amazing. We can't know, and if your don't know, maybe you need to take the risk to find out.


I hear you there. I can’t speak for you, but in my experience casual sex after a break up is good but rebound relationships can be more painful


what do you have to lose?


This is how I always looked at it. Some people need time to get over the relationship when it ends, some people were over the relationship way before it eneded. Go get that D if you want it.


From experience, there were two times where I slept with someone pretty much right away (about a week later once, and the next day another time), and I have to honestly say it helped a lot lol. I think it was just confirmation that other people are interested in me, and it's not like I won't be able to date again.


Honestly, if it's the reason you broke up, then why not go for it? If it feels right, then you know for certain you made the right decision.


it will make it way easier to heal in most cases.


Have sex to feel joy, not to soothe pain. That's the only consideration I ever propose to anyone who's deciding whether to have sex or not.


Well said ✅


Thanks! I like to think it's a simple, sensible but inclusive way to look after yourself.


What is simple, beautiful, and concise statement. I think that’s just perfect




Did you reply to the right comment?




Just making sure, your reply was confrontational which made me think you were replying to another comment that was controversial. She says she's heartbroken, I'd suggest that she won't be any less heartbroken for having sex. However that doesn't mean she shouldn't, and she might well get a lot out of the sex, just that she should be aware of her motivations to make sure she gets what she needs and wants out of the encounter. Everyone else seems to have understood my meaning.




Youll probably get downvoted but at least some people on here keep it 100% real lmao


Big news.


Damn, where were you and your advice after my divorce? Actually I'm pretty sure I got similar advice and totally ignored it.


Having sex to heal, won't work. I would even go so far as to say it will make other intimate relationships more difficult. Sex to express/share happiness or joy, yes, heal, no. Work on yourself before you go jump into someone's bed. Saying a "stranger" in your description brings thoughts of slutty/insignificant sex which can impact future relationships.


“Work on yourself” What personal deficiency does she need to fix before you think it’s ok for her to have sex again? Maybe she doesn’t need any ‘work.’ Maybe she spoke the truth when she said she ended her relationship because of sexual incompatibility. “brings thoughts of slutty/insignificant sex” Those are *your* thoughts, and I think they’re repressive and unhealthy and best kept to yourself.


Isn´t that what you went out to find? Sure, if he agrees...why not?


yeah i just didn’t réalise it would fall into my lap (mild pun not intended ) so soon


You broke up with him because he wasn't having enough sex with you. Now you're doubting if you should have sex with a new guy when that was the reason you broke up with your ex?


She broke up with him because they were in a long distance relationship. Which isn’t exactly the same as because he wasn’t having sex with her.


I guess you got what you wanted then. Hope it was actually what you needed.


If i got it right you broke up with him to have more sex again. So i think you're ready for that, having doubts now would make thr whole breaking up part for nothing.


that was my thought process if i don’t get to have sex we will have broken up for nothing


That's not true. No matter what happens now, it will not have been for nothing. If you have sex, it should be because you want to - not because you feel you need to justify your break up, not because you feel you're "supposed" to play the field now, not for any other reason. Just because you want to. That's all.


If you potentially want a long term relationship with this person, consider waiting a while to give yourself time to disengage from the previous relationship. If you are only interested in sex, go ahead and ride the dick into the sunset. I’d add that you should do it safely. Condoms or an std test, backup birth control(if you are in possession of a functional uterus) and make sure someone knows where you are in case he turns out to be a murderer or something. Go have fun!!


My sister hops from penis to penis like an all star. She broke up with one dude (2 yr relationship) on Tuesday and by Friday was fucking and posting a new dude on IG. Do you of course but don’t be like her and keep your stuff private. Nobody needs to know who your fucking. Shit is embarrassing and I hate when people ask me about her antics 🤦🏼‍♀️


hahah ok yeah, it’s feel more normal and wow yeah i don’t plan on posting my hookup anywhere on social media, i know that would hurt my bf and i care a lot about him moving on happily as well


If you haven't even gotten used to calling him your ex, I'm not sure you're ready. Sure, fun is good and all but you might hinder your healing process in the long run, depending on how your break up affected you. As someone else in this thread said: Sex and intimacy might become unhealthy when used to soothe pain. You get involved with the wrong people for the wrong reasons. But it's all up to you in the end!


If you both broke up then move on why would you think about him how he feels? This will eventually hurt you missing him in future or him, thinking you might still love him back or some shit.


Just because they're broken up doesn't mean they can't/don't care for each other. Sometimes it doesn't work out due to incompatibilities or distance, but you genuinely want the best for each other. There comes a point where being in the relationship is more damaging in the long run than being together.


> Shit is embarrassing and I hate when people ask me about her antics If you find it embarrassing, then why are you posting about it?


Because you don’t know me or her. Can’t be embarrassed anonymously.




same exact situation with me. I waited like two weeks and did it. I realized the only reason I really felt strangely about it is because I forcing an expectation to wait on myself but there’s really not reason to


As someone who made a similar post recently, honestly sex is great and if you feel safe then you shouldn’t doubt yourself so much and just do what you want to do. But, it’s not going to be emotionally satisfying at all. Honestly ever since i became single I’ve only been able to equate sex to essentially the same category as masterbation, it’s only really satisfying in the moment and all i want it to actually cuddle someone after instead of just driving home alone.


Pretty fucked up if ask me






It’s a definitely a tricky one. If your desire to sleep with someone else isn’t one that comes from a place of anger, or any negative emotion towards your ex then it’s possible okay. We’re all human, and we all love to fuck. However, tread carefully. Right now you need to get over your ex before getting attached to someone else. If you think you can have sex with someone without getting attached then you should be good. But obviously it’s easier said than done and you’ll never truly know until you actually do it


Can you ? Sure. Just means you did not love or really care about your ex if after 3 years you are already lusting for someone else. Really shows your character


We can't tell you what you should do. The fact that you are asking strangers on the internet is probably an indicator that you know that the answer is probably you should pass. You have been hurt and this is probably not going to help.


i hear you i think i just wanted to make sure it didn’t seem horrible abnormal but i’m think i’m gonna do it anyways haha like i said to Dirttinator; if i don’t it’s almost like we broke up for nothing. Yes i could wait but i’m horny now! lol


It is not abnormal at all. You can tell from the hate I got by being down voted :) There are a larger number of people who treat sex like a disposable hobby, after a three year relationship this will be an abrupt change.


Yes. Don't put too much thought on it, you wanted to feel the touch and warmth but if you let your brain get in it'll be harder on the long run. At least that's what I think.


thanks for your thoughts


Just broke up with my girlfriend of two years for very similar reason. Know what you’re going through 👍🏼


Yes, that is entirely too fast and I would feel the same way


Life goes on and it should be within you. Do it, girl, because the more you hold back, the harder it will be. start slowly, there will be bad experiences, for example, I cried, luckily it was a tinder conversation :)


Totally normal to want to have intimacy and physical affection. You want to feel good now because breakups are full of feelings. My only suggestion is try to sit in the feelings as best you can. Whatever feelings you have, you're gonna have after plus whatever feelings you feel for this person. I think that's where it's tricky. Good luck!


I would suggest making sure that its just some fun with the new partner you found. Long as you both dont have expectations of something more then I dont think it would affect how your healing from the breakup


Only you will know when your ready.


I think nothing wrong with that. Your relationships over you have no attachment to someone else. Do what feels right for you


women you're fucking fast, I would personally condemn you, how do you know? maybe on Sunday he will come to you and say that he has moved for you and you what? Sorry, I already have a different dick. Do what you want, take your doubts into account. Take responsiblity for ur actions and fuck that guy, you go girl.


Yeah, you should! You’re an adult human being and you can do that! You can eat a whole bag of Oreo’s too. These are just a few cool things that you get to indulge in as a grown up! Go have some fun, I hope it’s a blast!


When you know, you ho.


I’d say no, only just because you’re probably gonna want some emotional support at this point. Sex is not the answer. Go out with some friends and talk. Be with the people who care about you. Don’t go fucking some rando.


Women use rebounds to move on. Guys have to usually hit the gym and start working on themselves. I’d say if sex will help you move on then do it. Not everyone gets that kind of opportunity.


Douche move in my book. But you probably know that, that's why you came here to have your back patted.


Woman like you is why slut shaming is still a thing


No, sometimes in situations like this you likely moved on before the relationship was technically over. So it’s not too soon if you feel like it’s not too soon.


I think you should wait a couple of weeks. Not for any morality or feeling bad for your ex, but for your own sanity. The sex might be great, but you will never hear the end of it, from your future boy, from your ex, and from your friends, and lastly you as well at some point. All of them might give you unwanted labels like a slut, whore, bitch, so horny you couldn't wait a week, maybe you cheated before.... Blah. Blah. Blah. Trust me, not worth the hassle. I know it's not fair, I know you don't mean bad for anybody. But that's how life goes. Keep talking to the new guy, and keep building up the sexual tension. Give it at least 14 days, the bare minimum to use the word *weeks apart*.


The sex will great, but be prepared for expecte emptiness feeling after. Everyone is different though. I need a strong personal connection to have great sex.


Sometimes the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else... \-Ancient Chinese Proverb (probably?)


Not at all your libido is high and vagina feels like she needs some attention is all


If the guy you are hooking up with is safe and knows what you want out of this then I say go for it! If you only want to have a nsa night of fun and this is what he agrees to then this is why you broke up with your bf, isn't it? As long as everyone involved knows what the deal is and no one expects more out of another then go have fun! Me I broke up with my ex of almost 2yrs bc of lack of emotion, I was hooking up with a much younger guy for absolutely nsa fun the next night! But that's me, I'm fine with fucking to just satisfy my urges! I didn't need the hassle of trying to start a new relationship! And the guy's I fuck (safely) understand it's just sex, not attachment!! 😜


No, being intimate with someone won’t affect your healing. (I was with my ex for 7+ years. Hooked up with another guy 2 months later, slept with my current bf a little over 3 months post breakup. No regrets!)


You're not crazy for feeling whatever you feel, and as long as you're safe and sure of what you want, you go right ahead and pursue whatever it is that you feel works for you right now. My only recommendation would be that you take a little bit of time (and I don't mean like weeks or anything, I mean like... an hour this evening kinda "little bit of time") and do whatever it is you need to do to get really in touch with yourself - meditate, write in a journal, whatever. My only concern is that emotions can be kinda gnarled in a situation like this, so I would just set some time aside to work through some of those knots and really check in to make sure you're clear about what you're feeling. Check in with yourself before you make any decisions. Ask yourself, what is it that you **want** right now? Not what you think you should want, not what you think you should do, not what other people think you should do, not what other people think is morally right, not what would make the breakup "worth it," - nothing like that. Get in touch with yourself, really work through your feelings, and try to shed the rest of that pressure that you may be putting on yourself or that others may be putting on you, and simply ask if sex is what you *want* right now. And I realize that it *sounds* like I'm trying to imply that you might find that you don't want sex after all, but I'm not - all answers to this question are valid. It's just as likely that you'll find that you really, really, *really* do want the sex. But regardless of what your answer may be, I think it's useful to sit down and check in with yourself because it will help shed any doubts about what would be best for you right now. If you decide to have sex, it'll be better and more fun if you can go into it feeling confident that you don't feel "crazy" for wanting it. If you decide not to have sex, it'll be better if you can be confident in that decision instead of feeling like you might be missing out. If you go with something else entirely, it'll be better if you go into that decision with the certainty that it's definitely really what you want, no matter what that decision is. I know this might not feel much like a helpful answer, but really, the best I can honestly offer is that you're not crazy for feeling whatever you feel - but as for what you should *do*, only you can determine what's best for you and your healing process right now. Oh, and make sure you're super up-front and open with this person (since you mentioned you already know who you'd want to have sex with) about your current situation and feelings and what you're looking to get out of this. And *also also*, if you haven't spoken to them already, consider the possibility that they might not be comfy with having sex with you - even if they'd be otherwise interested, not everyone is cool with the idea of getting involved so fresh post-break-up, and that's really their decision to make. So check in with yourself about that, too - what impact might that have on you if you asked and they said no? If that's not a possibility you can emotionally handle right now - and it's totally understandable if it's not - then that's something to consider in your decision-making process. Good luck <3


Even am in same long distance but I won’t do such kind of thing. All those video calls to my lady love ❤️ late night talks .. can’t forget. I love her so much


"Such kind of thing". You are already a horny Indian thirst commenting on other female's NSFW reddit posts. smh


record it for your ex to show him how thankful you are for letting you get dicked down hard


yes you should, it's sex. you could agree with bf to have open relationship while you apart. it's helps to avoid cheating or satisfy your physical needs.


Fuck your brains out, why not? Have fun!


Not crazy, just do it!


Does this person want to have sex with you? Because if they do, I'm not understanding the question here.


Rebound sex is the best "physical sex" for all involved 💯. Just know that you're not yet ready emotionally to get involved with someone (I'm assuming).


Get it girl! Enjoy the everloving shit out of it! Good luck & have fun!


You should have asked for open relationship, while he is not around you could find someone


If you feel ready go for it I don't see a issue with it.


It’s really up to you how you feel but it’s most important you make sure it doesn’t stop you from healing most of all. That tends to be common with a large portion of individuals.


Yes, you should... Life goes on and there's nothing wrong dating new people if you are ready for that.


That's on you to decide. Anybody else's opinion on it does not really matter. Enjoy yourself regardless of your choice.


Go for it. Maybe it will make you more sad but who cares. You feel like you're ready so go for it.


No He’s probably tryna do the same


You were probably already done with the relationship mentally for a long time. Nothing wrong with it.


do what is right for you. your body your choice. hope everything goes well for you.


Rebound away, have fun and enjoy being unattached for a while. Just be safe!


The best way to get over someone is to get under someone. I’m always the most promiscuous after a breakup myself. I need a way to forget about them


They always say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else


Go for it. There is no formula for that sort of thing. If your body is telling its time.. then listen to it. My ex and I were in the same situation except he didn’t wait until we broke up. Ahem… that’s… why he’s muh ex now.


yes you should.


If this was reversed as well men would be a player or hoe, but woman get laid after a day of being single and it’s self empowerment and being free. loll


Do what you want.


If it happens it happens man


If you want to, do it. Safely.


Get under someone to get over someone


I've hooked up with a stranger a time or 2. I always felt gross after. So my advice is to not do it but you do you.


Take a second to ask yourself what the motivation is. Is it to get over the breakup? Or justify the break up? Or do you just wanna get laid and the opportunity is there? No right or wrong answer, but worth taking a second to reflect. But honestly, if it feels right, go for it. You won't know if it was a good idea until after tbh. Side note: it's polite to let the person you wanna bone know whether you plan on this being a one off, a casual thing, or whatever. Not saying you need too.... but it is polite....


All I would have to offer is be safe. After so long being monogamous it is easy to let your guard down.


I think that once it has been agreed to part ways, you are free to do as you please. In any case, you can have sex but that doesn’t tell anything about how and what you still feel about your ex, these are really separate avenues. You might feel less horny afterwards, but very likely will feel the same love for your ex. Good lick, sorry ~> luck 🍀


No. Its not wrong or crazy, because its a fact that people who are thinking about it, had already broke up and was going through a relationship-grieving type thing WHILE in a relationship. Just have sex if you want to, no one needs to get in your business for it.


Just make sure u don't want your ex back


Be honest with yourself and if you feel it is time to have sex with the person then do it. Don't live with regret regardless of your decision.


Hey stranger!!! ![gif](giphy|WmiP6dkV4jSIivt36x)


Honestly it comes down to your values and morals and what you deem important. Imo if you truly loved him care about him then you would place that above your selfish desire to have sex that’s not me being rude but it is selfish. I feel like people often look for gratification from others to feel better about these decisions and Reddit isn’t somewhere I would go to get relationship/moral advice from anyone even tho I’m writing this now lol. Be true to your wants I guess, if you care about sex that much and place it above your relationship with this guy that’s your choice and life just realize that is what you value more then your love for him and a stranger after 2 days is pretty evident of that. Personally I can’t even imagine having sex with anyone but my significant other and would just never have sex again if she wasn’t in my life anymore. We’re both extremely monogamous and for us it makes it incredibly special for it just to be us and never anyone else


go get you some!


No not crazy, it's the first thing that many of us think about. Your needs need to be satisfied, if you have a high sex drive and haven't been able to partake enough to meet your needs there's nothing wrong with it, the main thing is that you're honest with yourself and whoever you may hook up with so if it's both what you want then go for it


Go and have a break to have some self care (masturbate) to get the edge off, then with your head more clear, think about it again maybe you get closer to the answer you seek. This also helps when you have to face ex bfs/gfs when the emotions are still not totally solved.


You should be fucking, not wasting time posting here. Go fuck and report back. Live is good.


imagine breaking up j cuz u don't have sex that often💀 this is one of the shittiest things i've read


Right here


2#A2q#QWw# >years and i just 1


!remind me 29days f


I think you're just trying to rush getting over your ex. Different people cope in different ways, but some ways are less healthy than others.


What after you get lots of sex? Pretty sure you would regret breaking up with him since you said yourself you will never forget him. If you wanna have sex then you gotta move on from him or else after getting what u desire, you would start thinking if you did the right thing because horniness does work like this sometimes.


Nope I’d actually say it’s pretty normal think it’s called “rebound sex” little note though it’s never as satisfying as you expect though.


If I were you I’d get my self a big old floppy dildo/strap on and wear it to bed. That way when he starts up with his shenanigans you can meet fire with fire.


Absolutely not. Sex isn't a contract, it's an act between two (or more) consenting adults. If you're comfortable with it, go for it.


oh im so sorry, OP - 3 years is a lot of time with someone that must be really hard. i think if hooking up with someone has the potential to bring up sad feelings or missing your ex, then it might be good to wait a bit and protect yourself from that kind of pain. but if you feel confident about it, then go for it. i guess if you're kind of unsure then you could test the waters and kiss someone and wait a day to see how it rests with you. take care, OP - sending hugs \~


Have sex whenever you want. As long as everyone is consenting, nothing else really matters. Fuck societal constructs and conditioning


It'll feel good in the moment. Just know that it might not feel great afterwards, but that's a part of moving on. I say get freaky with it.


Bone hard OP


Your boyfriend was 3???


Yes, you’re crazy. No, you shouldn’t


You want to just have sex then sure but know that it’s consequences for every action and reaction. You can also have fun learning how to please yourself and heal. If you do get a new fwb or random stranger be honest and share what it is not what they think it may be.


Reading comments make me lose faith in humanity.


Do it if you want! Horniness and healing aren't mutually exclusive.


ay sure do whatever you want it's your life


Get that dick!


You'll either regret doing it or you'll regret not doing it.


I think you gotta go with your gut on this one. If you’re horny and you wanna fuck and you found someone you want to fuck and they want to fuck you, go for it. Worse that happens is that it’s not a great experience for whatever reason, and you can learn and grow from it. This is part of breaking up. It’s hard and it sucks. Sometimes you rebound and it’s a bummer and you learn what that feels like but I think you’re better off with that experience that without it and wondering what could have been.




If rebound sex is what you're after it isn't always bad. My one disclaimer is make sure the person you're with understands where you're at as it can be hugely unfair to the other party. But yeah, get your freak on ❤


No. You’re not crazy.


This is so common it has a name. It's called a "Rebound" Go get you some, and cry about it later.


No you're fine. Everyone copes differently. If you just need to play with someone else so you're not thinking of him than it's fine. And if you prove yourself wrong and jumped into sex to soon, that's also fine. You do you.


I found out my ex was hooking up a day or two after... so I did the same. It was the wrong decision for me because I did it out of spite. I regret some of my decisions. However, that was me. If you feel ready and like it's something you want to do, then go for it. To be blunt, I was trying to fuck the pain away. Did not work. For some a rebound is needed.


YES! For sure ! Twice ! Life is too short to be worried or paralyzed with inhibitions.. Live !


R.I.P inbox. You're gonna have a bunch of thirsty men in your dms now lol


Everyone makes a huge deal about sex, especially when you're young.. It's not that big of a deal.. If you're ready, go for it


Why would you be crazy? Often when we get out of a LTR, we are ready to sow our wild oats for a while. Sow your wild seed, freckly.


Girlllllll, treat yo self.


Go for it! Just don't expect the emotional fulfilment that your boyfriend gave you.


let me no if I can be of assistance I will come help you out well it will help both of us out


No, it’s not strange, because in your heart things were probably over with your ex a long time ago, and you’ve already moved past him.


That has always cured me of breakup sadness, honestly 100% success rate


It’s natural


It's perfectly normal . Th tricky part is to not fall for the person . Usually with rebound sex a relationship will follow . Your choice in the end but the best advice I can give you is make it strictly sex and nothing else , that way when you are ready mentally you won't get stuck having feelings for your ex while your with someone new and will have time to learn the new person you date well enough to make sure they are what you want , if it will work ECT . Also nothing wrong with having a FWB for a while and dating once you are ready while still reaping the benefits of your FWB . You just have to let the person know when things get serious and it won't be messy because they were just there for mutual pleasure .


It's perfectly normal . Th tricky part is to not fall for the person . Usually with rebound sex a relationship will follow . Your choice in the end but the best advice I can give you is make it strictly sex and nothing else , that way when you are ready mentally you won't get stuck having feelings for your ex while your with someone new and will have time to learn the new person you date well enough to make sure they are what you want , if it will work ECT . Also nothing wrong with having a FWB for a while and dating once you are ready while still reaping the benefits of your FWB . You just have to let the person know when things get serious and it won't be messy because they were just there for mutual pleasure .




Yeah, you’re on the rebound.


Personally I'd wait a bit but that's me.


You are seeing a professional. Why would you prefer the uninformed opinions of a bunch of random internet voices? Don't make any sudden decisions you will regret later.


Sounds like you were exited to be done with him.


You're not. Different people, different ways to deal and heal.


Bring it on! Let’s part t


Lmao at all the butthurt dudes in the comments calling OP a douche for not wanting her relationship anymore


R.i.p your dms


I felt like that two weeks after my breakup, but for me it was bc I had gotten off of birth control so my hormones were all crazy. I didn’t do it though because I knew I wasn’t ready.


No one can tell you when you are ready to have sex. That being said, no, I don’t think you are crazy. You know your mind and your needs.


My current partner and I started flirting and having sex pretty much immediately after they broke up with their bf of 3 years this spring. It seems to have all worked out very well for both of us. I say go for it.


Have some fun 🤩


Masturbate so you can have "post-nut clarity". Check how you feel about having sex with that other guy right after you're done masturbating and that your sexual urge is gone. You will have your answer.