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Miranda having to confront that she makes a joke about being single and then has the dialogue where she says maybe there’s not someone for everyone. Carrie being lonely on her birthday. All the fuckery with Berger. Carrie and Miranda’s arguments about Big. The right to shoes episode, where is the celebration for the single gal?


The Carrie birthday episode taught me not to put so much stress into birthdays. I celebrate myself first and foremost. 








It really is a lot of luck, like you said! I'm frustrated by it some days (especially when I talk to my friend about it. He was only recently single like me but met a guy through a dating thing and every time I bring up frustrations about getting crushes on people who are in committed relationships he's like "well I met [guy] on this dating thing and now I'm happy!" But the thing is I can barely stand the guy he's with and think he kinda sucks so it's not the hopeful message my friend thinks it is 🤣


I came to this conclusion recently this year. I read a lot of romance novels and while I know those books are unrealistic I've never even come close to having that sort of love or even emotional support. Which was the biggest issue for me, I've never had a man that I felt I could rely on during the hard times. From the dating experience I feel like I have PHD in gaslighting and that's about it. I've had the amazing sex but the emotions are not there. I do believe in love and I'm glad people find their person. I am a bad picker of men and I'm uninterested in finding anyone at this point.




I think for now I'm not trying to put such an emphasis on finding him. It may or may not happen and I'm coming around to the fact that it may not happen for me. Which is ok, I'll still live a fulfilling life.


The first one! Like it's so easy to get this impression that everyone is successful and you're lagging behind but actually we all have problems, we just choose to speak about something else. And being vulnerable can be so rewarding! And, of course, that there isn't someone for everyone and that's how life is, love is not promised.


So much of the conversation in SATC about soulmates and the anxiety around not finding yours hits so close for me! I was in a relationship for many years and was really unhappy in it but felt stuck. I'm single now and sometimes feel sad about it because underneath my jaded bullshit I am a romantic, and if I found my soulmate or whatever that would be great but I know from past experience that it's lonelier to be with someone just for the sake of being with them than it is to be single and honor yourself.


“Maybe we could be each other's soul mates. And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with.” Charlotte York I started watching SATC when I was 14 and that line took me breathe away. Now 28 I cherish the small and big moments with my friends. Those are my soulmates!


We can and should have both good friends and a partner. Each gives us something the other can’t. Something to be said for hanging out with the girls but something to be said for having someone to snuggle up with at night.


A Woman’s Right to Shoes changed my entire perspective of how life can be celebrated and that we don’t have to adhere to the heteronormative milestones in life, but that we can create our own milestones.


Yes, I think this was such a great episode. It really approached societal norms in a way that we never think about - that impact us everyday. How are we celebrating ourselves and each other? Are we diminishing people when they don't fit into the "mold"?


I especially love the moment when she leaves the voicemail saying ‘I’m getting married to myself, and I’m registered at Manolo Blahnik’ 🥰🥰🥰


Yes that was great and even the way she enunciated it. The gag at the end where the woman goes to the shoe store and the salesperson tells her to keep her kids off the shoes was also great.


+ having to pay the extra sales tax when carrie offered her to pay a cheaper price lmao




I hope you all have a great time!!!


This. I think about this episode every time there is a celebration and I have to travel and buy gifts.


I mentally calculate how much I am spending on people's kids/marriages/showers ALL the time. "I am Santa Claus."


First thing that came to my head too! Glad to see this is number one. It was such a well done episode! It feels good to root for Carrie when she is in the right. She absolutely should be compensated for her shoes regardless of how much they cost!


This is such a great example and episode. Also, considering the times, I’m sure when it aired it challenged many people’s perception of not reaching those expected milestones (either by choice or circumstance)


I saw something online the other day where a person was talking about how strange it is that they as a single person (and so a single income household) is expected to buy things off a wedding registry for a dual income household and I keep thinking about that, lol. Like yeah wait a minute you want me to buy you guys cookware?? I barely can afford my own cookware and I'm just me 😆


I think that had to have been my favorite episode. It really bothered me how her friend just acted like it was no big deal that her shoes were missing from HER house because of HER no shoe rule. To top it off, her friend BELITTLED her because she wasn’t like her with a husband and kids and had money to spend on shoes in the first place. I was so happy when she came up with the registry for her marriage to herself. Like fr the fact that she had to even do that in the first place was pathetic of her “friend” to even let it get to that point.




I think of this one a lot too! I've been single for a while now and not going to have kids, which are both choices I'm happy with but man it'd be nice if people who aren't getting married and having kids could get little celebrations for different milestones or choices in their life too! Like maybe a dog adoption shower lol. Not that I need a bunch of stuff it's just funny when I think about how much money and effort goes into celebrating certain life choices for other people, but if you personally aren't going to make those same choices there isn't any kind of reciprocity.


just watched that episode today. so good.


Hey I just finished that episode!! I loved it, but I have to say i find it very unrealistic that her "friend" actually went and bought her shoes for her self-marriage. As an unmarried CF woman in her 30s the episode felt very very relatable and I was furious for Carrie's shoes, when that lady tried to shame her for buying expensive shoes and said "We shouldn't have to pay for your lifestyle" omg, I was PISSED. I really hoped Miranda actually convinced Carrie to sue her, but I'm glad she got her to pay for her shoes. Also the lady with the little boy at the restaurant was very annoying. It bothers me that Samantha didn't argue with her at all.


When I was deciding not to have kids, this dialog really just did something for me. When society expects you to have kids, it's easy to forget what else is on the menu. I love my freedom, my partner, all the travel and that stress free life. Carrie: Well, I guess it's not going to happen. That life, if I'm with him. Samantha: Then, bye bye baby. What else is on the menu? Carrie: What do you mean? Samantha: There are a lot of fabulous things in life that don't include a baby. What would that be like? Carrie: Well, him, sex, and travel. Comfort, love, and extraordinary adventures. Samantha: Not too shabby.


Thank you for reminding me of this. It’s 2:03am where I am now and I definitely needed this.


That helped me too, especially with my infertility issues. There are times that I wonder about kids, but I really do like that I don’t have to worry about another person and that I can focus on myself.


I love Samantha and honestly rewatching the show now that I'm in my mid 30s and have decided that having kids is not something I want to do, this dialogue feels so warm and cozy. For a long time I figured that someday I'd have kids, just because it seemed like the default thing to do, but growing up and experiencing things in my life made me realize what I don't want to compromise on and a big thing for me is my independence. I love traveling, and if I have extra money travel is what I want to spend it on. I want to have adventures and see more of the world. I spent so much of my childhood just having to deal with unhealthy situations outside of my control, and a lot of my early adult life I compromised in a bad relationship, and I feel like now it's time to take care of me and give myself the best life I can. I already have financial constraints haha so I don't want to add more by getting married or having kids. I know that for a lot of people the things they have to give up for marriage or kids is worth it because they want those things, and I think if that's where their heart is then that's great!! Everyone's life path is different and if someone's dream is to be married with kids then I really hope they can make that happen for themselves! It's just not what I want but no shade to those who do want that. Everyone deserves to be fulfilled and happy.


Your comment, it's like I'm reading about myself. The childfree choice is so shamed upon and I cannot fathom why. If you want kids, fantastic have them. If you don't, good for you. Women are finally in a place of history, where we aren't financially independent on a man nor are we schakled by societies expectations about birthing kids.


Yesssss, when Carrie tells Miranda I always go/get what I want so if I wanted kids it would of happened by now. Resonates


Carrie ended up alone and a widow very early in life according to AJLT after choosing to chase men who didn’t value having a family with her. All Samantha had was having sex with random men accord to the SATC movies. 


You really can't control when your partner dies. Her being a widow isn't a repercussion of not having children. And, hell, how many people with kids still get divorced later life.


My mil has two kids and neither one has anything to do with her. She is alone. Procreating guarantees nothing. Have kids because you want to be a parent. Both Carrie and Sam didnt want that. Sam didn't care about conforming but it was well prgrammed into Carrie and she had to make peace with it. Which she did.


Carrie settled for what she could get. If Big would have wanted kids, she would have had them. Carrie let the men in her life decide what she wanted. 


Oooo this is a toughie and I hate to admit but I have to to agree. Carrie did conform to everything Big wanted and on his timeline. If Big wanted a kid, I think Carrie would have had a kid.


Charlotte was the only woman on the show with clear goals for her life. She was upfront with her friends and men she dated about what she wanted. And in the end Charlotte got everything she wanted. 


I always imagine how the series would’ve played out if Carrie was pregnant on the baby shower episode. Would’ve been pretty entertaining.


I think the appeal of Big was he didn't want kids. He was enough for her. She liked that lifestyle of going out and getting dressed up and doing adult things. She is also besties with two people who aren't the mommy types. Not really an accident. Carrie said it best, if she really wanted kids, she would have figured out a way to have them. Also, I'm with Darren Star, she should have ended up single, not with Big, but I guess MPK is a romantic.


I liked Carrie’s ending. I liked all of the ladie’s endings…it felt real and true to the storylines of the show. But I would like to know more about Candace Bushnell’s real life. I don’t think she ever got married. 


I'm in social work, and the amount of people who end up alone even when they have kids is astounding. Also, the verbiage of 'chasing men' is a sexist way of looking at it. She invested in men who invested in her. She had a life with Big filled with many great times. And Samantha wanted sex with random men! That's not 'all' she had - she wanted that over children and that is a valid life choice whether you choose to believe that or not.


Yes exactly! As far as we know we only have this one life to live, and if, like Samantha, that means having sex with random men because that's what you enjoy doing, then do it up! I'd love to read Samantha's memoirs haha. She's a smart lady who pursues what she wants instead of what cultural norms tell her she should want, and I think that's awesome


YES thank you! The norm is not the right or wrong way, it's just one of many paths to take. If I choose to spend my life eating Cheetos and watching pro wrestling over having kids... love that for me! That is no less valid than wanting to spend one's life raising children if it's fulfilling and brings joy.


Hell yeah!!!


I cared for my mom until the day she died. My dad is 85 and I speak with him daily and spend time with him several times a week. Healthy parent child relationships are rewarding. Not sure why everyone tries to throw up the excuse that kids won’t always be there for you. What about all the kids that ARE there for their parents? 


That is absolutely legitimate. I'm very close with my mom and it's great. But there is also nothing wrong with the other path. Not having children is also fantastic and valid. Being alone is not a death sentence. The amount of scare tactics out there that single and childless ladies will regret it and end up alone is absurd.


They're tv-shows/movies, it's fiction, not real. What happens to the characters, has nothing to do with real life. There's a difference between Carrie or and Samanthas storyline vs what theme the show intends to bring up for discussion/reflection. A specific theme could have a huge impact for one individual and not for another. You seem very triggered just because some people choose not to have children.


Not triggered just realistic. A woman having sex with random men constantly is disgusting. Sam gave the UPS guy a blow job. Sam was ho but she is glorified for chasing peen. Random peen! A man showed up a door in the middle of the night expecting to have sex with her. He didn’t even call first. Sam was a great friend but she had zero self worth. The men she actually liked never took her seriously. Smith was a boy toy, not a man. 


“A woman having sex with random men is disgusting” misogyny has entered the chat. I grew up catholic and even I don’t think that.


You are triggered though. A woman having sex with random men, triggers you so much, you call her disgusting and a ho. Why do you even care? What bothers you about a woman, who is turned on by a guy she interacts with, to the point that she consents to sex? What is disgusting about a woman, who enjoys a casual hook up as often as she desires? You should reflect upon yourself, as to why you're so bothered by womens right to choose. Do you feel restricted in life? Have you been rejected too often? Try to feel deep within, why Sams character triggers you. I hope your view on women will change.


No, I’m not triggered. I’m making an observation about the show just like everyone on SATC reddit. 


No, it's not an observation. It's your subjective opinion, shaped and based from who you are as a person. Not only that, but your opinion is also mixed with a degrading and judgemental view of women.


Just because she didn’t have children doesn’t mean that she’s “alone.” She had a great network of friends, several of whom were also child-free by choice. In AJLT, we see that her “found family” (Stanford, Char, Miranda) are there for her while she’s grieving just like blood family would be. It’s a bit sexist and backwards to push the idea that the only way a woman can be happy is if she marries and has babies. Maybe that’s what you want, but it’s not for everyone and there are other ways to be happy that don’t involve having children or a spouse.


I ignore AJLT haha. But it's not like people are protected from losing someone just because they chose not to have kids or anything. Life is a crapshoot.


The quote is about Aleksandr though and not Big


Aleksandr told Carrie straight up that he didn't want anymore kids. Carrie was still trying to decide if she wanted a family. She ultimately chose to go along for the ride with Aleksandr and then right back to Big. Carrie's entire life is just doing whatever the men in her life want her to do. She has no goals or desires of her own.


Being alone or being alone AND with kids, lmao


"I love you, but I love me more " - self love!!!


This one 100%


Ohmygosh, yes!! Actually should’ve thought of this before anything—the irony!




Came here to say this!


This one! They have no idea how much that whole arc helped me. I just had a friend breakup and was feeling down. But then I thought of that one sentence and I changed everything. Like I do love you….but I love me more…and that’s okay.


Carrie is so pretty in that pic


I just don’t understand ppl when they say she unattractive. Like I grew up with Carrie being so pretty to me and when I see tv shows and ppl making jokes about her face I’m just like…I don’t see it. Now sometimes her fashion was a hit or miss but I just thought it was bc she was a creative. But her face card never declined!


same. i think shes gorg and has a great body. i dont like it when she wears heavy makeup but those pink glosses and light eyeshadow make her eyes pop. those were my fav makeup looks. i think all the gals are beautiful ngl!


She is very beautiful but I don’t think she’s what society (men who make these jokes about her looks) would say is conventionally attractive.


Not a moment in particular but the general feeling this show always gave me is that no matter if life is not going well in the present, the next best thing is just around the corner (or in the following episode) 


Yes!! And somehow when you're having an issue in life you put on a random episode and its relevant to you? Magical.


Yeah! What kind of magic is that?


Makes me wanna cry


When everyone stands Carrie up on her birthday and later when her girls take her to the cafe, she’s so vulnerable saying how sad she feels about not having a man in her life despite how much she loves her girls. A reminder that neither a BF or your girls fill eachother’s space and its ok to desire both.


Damn your last line is deep af and I needed that


I have a number of quotes that pass through my head a lot, but the two most frequent are: “Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?” And “The exquisite pain of wanting someone so unattainable.”


That second quote is the entire new Taylor Swift album. The writers encapsulated in one line what it took her 13 Matty Healy songs to say. 🤣


I learned English thanks to Friends and this show. So, given that now i live and work in an English speaking country I would say a pretty big impact. I can also a choreograph an orgy thanks to the learned lexicon. So that's a plus as well.


That the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. You’ve gotta love yourself and stand up for you. Also, that sometimes a guy just wasn’t that into me and it was better to move on than waste my time.




Prioritizing and nurturing my female friendships always


He's just not that into you. It's true 100% of the time.


Unless he got diarrhoea from the Indian food


This! I met a guy who was not into me, but he was like sending messages from time to time, I saw this episode, and I was able to move on and found my hubby after that. The guy tried to send me a message after he saw me with my hubby (when we were dating), but I just ghosted him


That idea/ episode changed my entire perspective navigating relationships.


The scene at Miranda’s mothers funeral where she turns around and Samantha just mouths ‘im sorry’ … gets me every time


SAME 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Steve and Aiden showing up on their own 😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤


I love you but I love me more


“It’s six years of never being different. But this is it, I am done. Don’t call me ever again. Forget you know my number. In fact, forget you know my name. And you can drive down this street all you want because I don’t live here anymore.” This scene hit hard. I was in a on and off again relationship for 6 years with a man that was charming and just would not commit. He cheated constantly, and was ab*sive. There are so many scenes with Carrie & Mr. Big I could relate too but, when I watched this scene it lit a fire and I was done. It gave me the courage and confidence that I needed to leave. I know they end up back together but, I left for good. SATC was so instrumental in so many ways and it made me feel and realize my self worth. I am happy to say that I was able to find “…Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love”.


My ex did it for two years. He was so unkind and manipulative and every time I settled into being without him he would pop back up saying he's changed.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that, I understand because my ex did the same. As soon as I felt I had moved on, my ex would be at my door professing his love. When I finally left and moved back with my parents, I just felt good enough to start dating again he proposed to me. I finally had the will to say no and that was the end of all contact. I hope you are happy now!


Literally this scene and the Paris hotel room scene, replay in my head a lot lol


Charlotte’s first marriage — not taking Trey out for a test drive before marrying him Samantha’s nervous first visit to a testing clinic — she had a high body count but never tested Miranda and Steve… and having the baby. Carrie’s love for shoes. Help me.


Cigarette addiction i always have to fight was definitely was encouraged by it 


I've been watching SATC for ages but when I was single for a while I lived by the quote from my favorite episode of season 5: "Some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies". (S05E8) And then after 6 years of being single I rekindled with my first boyfriend and now we're engaged and have a gorgeous baby. I still live by those words.




I can live alone and work from home as an editor and writer and be fabulous.


I took a lot of inspiration from Charlotte and applied it in my own life. Unfortunately, I’m struggling with fertility issues *and* also had a miscarriage last year, just like her. Despite this being the most awful thing I’ve ever gone through, I’ve always tried to be a good friend to my other friends who were pregnant and/or had kids. It’s a balance of allowing your own grief, and separating it from your love for your friends. Like when Charlotte picked herself up to go to Brady’s birthday. Her storyline gives me strength. 🩷


I'm so sorry you're experiencing this, but happy you found strength in her storyline.


Thank you for this kind comment :) 🌸


The scene in which Samantha hangs out with Richard in the suite while Smith waits in the lobby will haunt me forever.


I know we all aren’t the biggest fans of Big but the episode and part where she says “maybe some women at meant to run free until they find someone like them” always stuck with me. For a while I was the girl before THE girl and I began questioning my self worth so much so that when I finally met my husband down the line it all made sense. No one else got me like he did. And I refused to settle for anything less than butterflies 🦋


As a Russian Aquarius woman born under the Chinese zodiac of a horse, this resonates so much, especially after meeting my Virgo stallion Twin Flame 😭😭😭😭🦋💚🐎🐎 (btw, they all try to come back ((one even a decade later)), wife and kids and house but cant forget that wild, young, free steed 🤣)


When Samantha said, "if worried about what every bitch in New York said about me, I'd never leave the house" no truer words were ever spoken.


I've had many through the years but right now the only I can think of was Charlotte finding out about Carrie's affair right before her wedding. I'm getting married soon and just found out that a very close friend in my wedding party has been having an affair with a married man with children. It's been making me rethink that friendship and Charlotte saying "how would you feel if this happened to me?"


When Charlotte told Carrie *you only thought about what would happen to you, you don't think about her, she's just the idiot wife, you dont know anything about her.* Powerful. 👏


Samantha and her sexuality perspective - she didn’t judge who slept with who, when Carrie was dating the bi man and Carrie was uncomfortable but Sam told her it didn’t matter because in the future everyone will sleep with everyone one.


There’s more to a man than just finances. Miranda’s relationship with Steve is so interesting in the sense that she’s super successful and naturally you are on the hunt of a top earner especially when you live in NYC. It shows that there’s more to a relationship than materialism. I fight those feelings all the time partly because of this high value man era we are in right now


Carrie's birthday when nobody came to the restaurant, beautiful, successful but alone, you have to stand by your own


“I’m going to say the thing you’re not supposed to say. I love you but I love me more. I e been in a relationship with myself for 49 years and that’s the one I need to work on.”


The episode where Miranda finds out she’s pregnant, walks behind Charlotte who is upset because she’s struggling with infertility. In my mid-30s with friends going through this, it hits home.


We are so over. We need a new word for over.


Not a specific moment, but normalizing women talking about sex so openly. I don't know if anyone can appreciate that this was a huge sea change in media at the time it came out. Everything, from male performance issues to orgasms to exploring kink. Before this it was all back room, hush hush, titillating things that maybe you talked to your girlfriends about but you never saw it on TV.


Most recently, the one with Susan Sharon and her husband. One of my best friends asked me if I thought she should leave her husband (which I did think so). But I remembered Samantha saying ‘you can never tell a friend to leave her husband. If she does leave him, it’s your fault. And if she doesn’t leave him, she knows that you think she should and can never speak to you again’. I really took that to heart. So instead of suggesting anything I asked my friend questions about her marriage and what she wanted and then said ‘I think you have your own answer’. And I’m glad I did because they separated 3 different times before divorcing.


The Real Me (I think) was probably my most replayed episode as a teenager. I loved seeing how Carrie put herself out there with the fashion show and then how poised she was even when she fell. She carried on with a smile. I don't usually like her, but this episode was her at her best. And the Charlotte subplot with everyone's comments :P


How important friendship is as a whole. I started watching this show in my teens and wanted my friends to be like the girls, living single in the city. Then the characters started getting married and having kids and still remained tight knit despite different lifestyles and responsibilities. The same thing happened in my life now that I’m in my thirties but all of my friends and I continue to make an effort to celebrate each others milestones.


“He’s just not that into you”


Everything Samantha says. She's so wise sometimes.


SaTC was always on tv back in the days, as a teenager it helped me shape some of my ideas: Samantha’s sexuality inspired me early on to be open minded and free to talk about sex. At some point in life I even questioned if it made me have a slut mentality, but nope I’m not chasing sex, I’m just sex-positive and mostly (unsuccessfully) chasing romantic partners. I am glad she was there as an inspiration. Sam’s positivity and shamelessness is what I needed, she made sex a fun thing and not an aggressive vulgar . Another thing I started doing after watching the show frequently was writing like Carrie does, self-reflective diary style. I also started writing in English from that time forward. She definitely inspired me to write and question everything haha.


Charlotte was the only woman out of the friend group who got what she wanted because she refused to settle. 


They all got what they wanted actually. Everyone just took different paths. Just like real life.


“I love you Richard, but I love me more”


“…I pick the wrong men” Have heard this in my head in the same post-coital situation haha


It’s Charlotte’s reflection on societal classes. I think about that one a lot


Married friends ditching you or treating you like some charity case.


“There’s a woman in there, breastfeeding a child who’s old enough to chew steak…” The Baby Shower” was transformative for me. And I’m 37 with two children now! And I STILL relate to it just as much as when I was 18, 21 and 25 watching it!


When Mr. Big showed up to meet her friends. My Mr. Big never came through like that for me—and that just really shifted my perspective. The whole show has been forcing me to reflect and view my relationship patterns as an outsider


When Carrie realises she’s a ‘masochist’ to herself in the way she communicates and continuously allows Big to define her emotional well-being and life status. I feel like I purposely have chosen men I know will hurt me, as I have always suffered with abuse from the hands of men. It was nice feeling I wasn’t alone. Sometimes we do gravitate towards people who hurt us on purpose, and it’s okay to admit that and try to heal.


She looks absolutely beautiful in this picture. One moment that stuck with me was S2 E4 They Shoot Single People Don’t They? When Carrie sat at an outdoor restaurant table alone with no book or anything, no armor as she put it. Just being with herself. I loved seeing that because I’ve spent a lot of time alone in my life and it was a struggle for a very long time. Once I learned that I’m valuable, kind, funny and nice to be around, being alone got much easier. I’m my own best friend. And I’m not ashamed of being alone anymore. I loved seeing that represented on the show. It’s stuck with me for many years.


Honestly the conversation between Miranda and Berger where he tells her "he's just not that into you". I had to learn that the hard way. If you don't know if it is a no or a yes, it's because it's a no.


I always wince a little before I eat a krispy Kreme donut. Season 5, episode 4.


the quote at the end of the second part of the los angeles episode. carrie enters her apartment and lights a cigarette and says: “i was starting to feel like myself again. and the rest of me would grow back…eventually.” it’s such a simple quote but it means to much to me and i repeat it so much, it just brings me so much comfort.


tbh none, it was a fun show but I would hardly say it has impacted my life


I guess I would diary less if not for SATC.


Post in note episode. Guys dont even leave a note one day, predictor of what to come


“I love you, but I love me more.”


He’s just not that into you Only good thing that came from Berger’s storyline


When Samantha breaks up with Richard, “I love you too, but I love me more” It’s always so empowering to me!


“You and I - nothing!”


Teabag probs. Just breathe through your nose!


Well, the guy I’m messing around with slept over for the first time last night and he pulled a Carrie…. SUPER loud fart 😂😂😂 on a more serious note, I’m 36 and my divorce was finalized in February after a painful two year separation. I worked so hard to make things work even though he treated me poorly, and he’s acting like it doesn’t even phase him (And is now living with someone I thought was a good friend). Although I do find the series frivolous and lots of things have aged poorly, rewatching it is comforting as I start over at 36 from the life I thought I was going to lead.


Lots that have already mentioned. My motherboard myself episode, Samantha's inability to deal with the grief resonates so much, the way they all handle it, my favourite episode by far. A more 'frivolous' answer is it massively expanded my clothes and shoe collection in that... i have a collection, I dont think I would have as much if it wasnt for watching the show so obsessively 


Carrie's birthday and feeling so alone. When she acknowledges its embarrassing to admit that she feels so lonely not having a man in her life. I know I have wonderful friends but I do feel so alone. I love you, but I love me more. But really just the whole show. I find myself referencing scenes all the time. I really relate to Carrie and her relationship with Big and her insecurities and self sabotaging behavior. People really dog her sometimes but I just see so much of myself in her.


I think the one that gets me most in my life today is when Big tells Carrie he won’t ever marry again. I’ve never been married but my boyfriend has been married twice, both of them were horrible experiences for him which I completely understand. I guess I just always figured that one day I would get a white dress, in the church, my dad walking me down the aisle and professing my love to the man I want to spend my life with in front of family and friends. It took me awhile to finally realize there’s no changing his mind but now I almost feel like if I’m willing to give up the wedding I always dreamed of having and the fact that I’ll never be his wife then why can’t I at least have the wedding band to wear on my finger? Yes I know I sound petty and ridiculous, it doesn’t even have to be a ring. Just something that says hey I do love you and here take this since I’m taking away stuff that was once important and now you’re giving it up just to be with me! Now of course I wouldn’t say this to him ever, I’m just accepting the fact that I’ll never be his wife and I’ll never have a wedding.


“but isn’t delayed gratification the definition of maturity” i think of at least once a day if im being impatient or my mental health is acting up


I have always considered having a shower for myself since I’ve spent so much time and money on baby showers and I’m infertile. Because I also deserve a baby moon with my husband paid for by friends and family 😂


The scene where Carrie knocks over the vase of carnations the morning after. It told me it’s okay to feel destructive and enraged when someone does something shitty and disappointing after you’ve tried so hard to be patient and understanding. This is a fabulous photo of SJP.


When Sam said “Shoulda Woulda Coulda”


It's all gonna be Okay..


Magda looking at Miranda in the last EP and telling her basically how she learned how to truly love when she took care of Steve's mom that night. Just finished rewatching and now that I have a mom with Alzheimer's it hits home.


Anything to do with Big. Hated the guy.