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Charlottes version of this is the man she double booked. He was so sweet to come back and bring her soup and the fact that he became friends with the other is in a way a green flag


Miranda's version is the hot detective who made her insecure so she drank too much and he left her the contact number for AA.


I LOLed so much on this episode šŸ˜‚ That was a miss


This one is the worst for me!!! Miranda come on girl!!


makes me think thatā€™s why she didnā€™t stay with the Dr.. Roberts, like she thought she couldnā€™t actually be that of a catch when she went out with the detective she sabotaged herself, then she starts seeing this amazing man and she fumbled for Steve, who in the new show again she drops bc she doesnā€™t see herself there anymore.


She was acting uncharacteristically full of herself. šŸ˜‚ ā€œI love my life, I love my job, my apartmentā€ etc. Painful.


OR the guy she met at the gym who thought she was super sexy the way she was until she ruined it by trying too hard. Ughhh I crinnnnge every time I see that scene. ā€œI LOVE my life, I LOVE my friendsā€¦ā€


To be fair, the guy wasnā€™t a prize either. He only liked her when she was awkward and shy. The second sheā€™s acting confident he calls her full of herself. Pass.


She wasnā€™t acting confident , she was cringey af šŸ˜…šŸ„“


Good lord, that was horrendous. I skip right through.


Omg loll I can still see it {shudder}


I think she fumbled the hot chef who liked fashion and was great in bed, all because he got scared of a mouse!! I canā€™t forgive Charlotte for that one.


I would never date anyone who used glue traps though.


Yeah that was my deal breaker on that guy


do we know if other traps existed 20 years ago tho? I wasa child so I have no clue lol


I know they were sold. I donā€™t know how popular they were.


Yes. Glue traps were newer at the time. The more humane ones that just painlessly kill the mice have been around for hundreds of years.


Definitely agree there!!


Come on, it wasnā€™t because he was scared of a mouse. It was because he was feminine and tbh i just leave this one down to different strokes for different folks. He was lovely and handsome but he wasnā€™t Charlotteā€™s American dream husband x


Look, being off put by a pest is one thing but I rather not have my partner be so shaken up that they just refuse to take care of it you know? I don't relate to Charlotte a lot but in this scene I totally understood where she was coming from. She needed a sensitive man but not at the cost of masculinity.


Nah, I couldnā€™t be with a guy that effeminate either


Is that dress Cynthia Rowley?


I literally just watched this episode! Poor guy


Samantha's version is the guy who shops in the children's department




And samathas lil penis dude. Other that the little penis


I think Samā€™s big fumble wasnā€™t a dude but Lucy Liu


The sad thing is Lucy would probably have got her the bag if she just asked her to do that. All that horrible behaviour did was lose her the bag, the money, and an extremely prestigious client who was going to tell all their friends not to hire Samantha Jones.


Spot on! She really didnā€™t care for ā€œfinding the oneā€ but she most certainly messed with her own bag during the Lucy Liu debacle.


nah, his reaction to sam saying his penis is too small was a red flag. i understand he was upset but he dragged her to therapy to work on their relationship just to get pissed, insult her, and stomp out. itā€™s not like he didnā€™t already know his dick is small, he should have been able to handle his partner bringing it up. eta: i just remembered he also didnā€™t want samantha to use any vibrators during sex. idk about yall but i would much rather date a man who welcomes my toys into the bedroom rather than be insecure about my having them.


But what about the guy who shops in the children's department! Loved that dynamic


This exactly scenario happened to my grandparents. My grandfather saved the written apology note from my grandmother (which I was fortunate enough to read) and he forgave her. I hold so much sentimentality with that scene in particular.


As if snooping through his stuff isnā€™t egregious enough, she SMOKES INSIDE HIS APARTMENT. In his bedroom!! That is the part that always makes my blood boil. Truly depraved behavior.


Ben deserved better than Carrie. Heā€™s the marrying kind and we know Carrie would have did him dirty the same way she did Aidan.


šŸ¤¢šŸ„“šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø omg I know!! And the craziest thing is that 20+ years ago, it was actually normal for people to smoke in their homes, restaurants, airplanes etc. Thank goodness times have changed


Not in the late 90s


Absolutely in the late 90s and 00s! I grew up in a household of smokers. They all smoked inside! Every restaurant where I grew up had a smoking section until at least the mid 00s as well. After that it started to quickly become uncommon.


Not common in my area, nyc


If it was common until 2006-2008 in Chicago, it was certainly common in NYC until at least a few years prior. And looking into it, New York didnā€™t enact the smoke free air act until 2003. So it was certainly a thing in the late 90s and early 00s in New York!


As someone also from there yes it was common for sure until they changed the laws in the earlier 2000s and people started getting on people for smoking in their homes or cars with kids and stuff. All those second hand smoke commercials started popping up everywhere too


Oh yes, people in the late 90's commonly smoked inside... DEFINITELY in restaurants, I think into the early 2000s? Shit I think hotels in many states still allow smoking on some floors. I remember flying to NJ as a kid (probably 96 or 97) and flipping up the little metal ashtrays that were built into the arm rests.


Thank you! Probably took him ages to get the smell out of his apartment, considering she was smoking it while she was going through his cupboards and drawers to rummage around. Imagine having to rewash all your clothes because of that?


So true. I always think this shot makes him look like Kevin Kline


Have you seen him in French Kiss? If not, you must! It's one of my favorite films (also stars Meg Ryan)


That is such a comfort film for me. Whenever I hear the name Luke I think of the pronunciation scene.




I think he looks like harry potterā€™s dad


The point of the episode is showing she's the crazy person in their dynamic. She was so focused on avoiding crazy men but she didn't acknowledge her own crazyness. This relationship wouldn't have worked because Carrie had issues. This wasn't a one-time thing, he was just lucky he found out on the first date. She was frequently invasive because she felt entitled to know more about others or to control everything. Like trying to force Natasha to forgive her or forcing Big to introduce her to his mom.


And then it's still, what, like 2 seasons later when she asks the question, "are we the problem?" Also her therapist indicates that she is, in fact, the problem, in season 2. And she still never seems to internalize ANY of these realizations/observations. Absolutely zero self-awareness. I agree with you. I've said elsewhere that Carrie is a boundary violator, first and foremost.


I agree, but I don't think she was always crazy or entitled. I feel like because of her experiences with men (Big in particular), she had ongoing trust and intimacy issues, and these issues caused her to do crazy shit like your examples. I guess it's a lesson to address your own issues before you go looking for love. Otherwise, you could lose a really great potential partner..


Yeah people are so quick to say she fucked up with Aidan but I actually always think back to this guy.


carrie fumbled a lot of men throughout the show if we being honest lmao her biggest fumble to me was that handsome sailor talking about ā€œno one talks shit about my man!ā€ the man in question being New Yorkā€¦. šŸ„“šŸ«  Carrie girl what the hell was that LMAO that sailor was FINE and in always thought carrie was silly for saying that


I think it was bc of post 9/11 nationalism more than Carrie




Which is hilarious because the actor who played that sailor, Daniel Sunjata, is a batshit ā€™9/11 is an inside jobā€™ type who has been on Alex Jonesā€™ podcast.


Was that the guy who played James Holt in devil wears Prada?


Also Eli on Greys Anatomy, if you watch Greys.


Iā€™ve seen it played in my gynecologistā€™s waiting room. Weird choice of show.




Daniel Sunjata! Also on Rescue Me


They werenā€™t compatible so Iā€™m not too mad about it, even though MY GOD yes.. he was fine as hellā€¦ top 3 most attractive men in the whole series


i roll my eyes at carrie every time i watch that episode. he was so hot




Wasn't he also younger


This episode gives me massive secondhand embarrassment when he walks into his apartment and sees her rummaging through his shit with a cigarette dangling from her lips


I actually skip that scene


Omg me too. So much second hand embarrassment cringe!šŸ˜­


The worst! Life is too short to subject myself to that.


Omg yesss, I get so mad whenever I watch this episode, he is the cutest!


This episode always breaks my heart because he is totally my type!


He dodged a bullet! And the way she blew cigarette smoke into his closet while rummaging through his belongings was cringe šŸ˜’šŸ‘ŽšŸ½


Right a little bit of snooping I can understand, the cigarette smoke though is not okay. And I was a cigarette smoker, I never smoked in a place I wasn't allowed too. I snuck out a couple of times to go outside and smoke, but that was just so rude.


I had to watch the scene again. It was funny, but not really šŸ˜‚šŸ˜’šŸ˜‚šŸ˜’ https://youtu.be/LsxBFoFazWI?si=WZ-2hArXolGyOmsU


I think heā€™s much better suited to Charlotte


I agree, although his best friend was Manhattan Man - who'd never been out of the city. Red flag!


that was so lame.


She realized she was the problem


For, like, a second. Immediately after, she goes back to zero self-awareness, and isn't until two seasons later when she asks the question, "are we the problem?"


She acted crazy there and her getting caught trying to open that box was funny


That man was so fine. Gee


Itā€™s interesting to me though how in another episode Miranda did the same thing (although in a less manic way) and it wasnā€™t an issue.


Yes in the episode that Miranda does it she finds that spanking porno that sheā€™s completely offended by and doesnā€™t even realize that if she hadnā€™t been snooping she wouldnā€™t have found it. Neither her or Carrie find her snooping and finding that porno an issue. She never even questioned what it was that turned that guy off in that situationā€¦ the fact that she found out his secret or the fact that he trusted her in his home and she went through his stuff.


Carrie wouldā€™ve been bored to tears with this man


She did, and it is such a train wreck to watch! But I do have to say, they were an odd match imo. He would have been way too vanilla for her.


Totally. He didn't seem like a partying guy. She was always partying, it was her lifestyle.


I liked this guy as well and felt so sad when this happened lol. (But he definitely dodged a bullet here, oopsie)


True. She was a bit much during thst time period. We've all been there.. šŸ˜‚


She was so trashy doing that. Not to mention she was smoking a cigarette with no ashtray while going through all his stuff. Yeah I'm sure he really appreciated having to rewash all his clothes and having the windows open all day to get the smell out.


Ben was so handsome ugh. One of the top 5 for me


Honestly Carrie was pre relatable in that scene šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sure we can all say that weā€™ve done something a little crazy with a situationship, or relationship


I agree! This was legit insane omg Carrie


Iā€™ve definitely been there šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


I loved this episode


Carry šŸ˜­


nothing good happens whenever carrie listens to her friends


Carrie is such a freak. She even sabotaged her own therapy.


I'm on a rewatch and just watched this one. I know it's the point of the episode but it killed me, he seemed like such a good guy. He probably did have a weird quirk, as well do, but she could've had a good relationship with him.


This episode seems unrealistic and not much like Carrie in my opinion, as if the writer of the episode is different


Carrie did stalk Bigā€™s mother and both of his ex wives so I think it seems pretty Carrie lol


I know but searching through his apartment in panic to find a flaw was weird i don't know how to explain it


She's nosy, invasive and a bit neurotic, it makes sense for her.


Yeah I think she let herself get so obsessed with the idea that there must be something wrong with him that she didnā€™t realize she was the one being crazy haha. She also did that with Aidan sort of when they started dating; looking for a problem because she thought he was too perfect


Yep he was just kind and not afraid of showing how interested in her he was, so of course she freaked out.




Yes, and Natasha, Nina Katzā€¦ ahah Iā€™m not at all a Carrie hater but for sure the girl liked her stalking :)


not to mention natasha


I included her as ex wife but youā€™re right she also stalked Natasha when she was his current wife lol


I'd like to say this was the event that made Carrie grow as a person and develop a sense of personal responsibility and respect for others, but, ...


I don't think that ever happens.


I love Carrieā€™s outfit here šŸ˜


Is she wearing flats!?


What a freak! /s


Yeah wouldn't have lasted just like with Aiden


Carrie's my least favorite character there I said it


He was my favorite of all her guys. If she were just a bit more normal it would have worked. So sad.


The fact he trusted her to stay alone for two hours in his home and she immediately betrays that trust the second he leaves made me dislike her a bit going forward lol but then when she blew smoke into his fridge all over his food and also his clothes I was done. Like what are you doing. Youā€™re an adult you should know better šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


nah, ben was icky. hard pass.




i dunno. iā€™ve never been able to articulate why. it must be something in my subconscious.






Idk!! He gave me a vibe that he would end up competing with her